Sand Sculpture Childhood Friends Are the Most Lethal

Chapter 43: From April 1st to April 3rd


April 1, X


I have never really liked Qingtuan. I always feel that this food not only has a strange taste, but also is too sweet to be cloying. But Wu Yunfei likes to eat it very much. Every time I can't eat, he will take it over and help me finish the remaining half.

Therefore, when I received the Youth League gift box from the company, I didn't directly ask my assistant to dispose of it for me like in previous years, but put it in my bag and took it home.

This guy was really excited when he saw me bring the Youth League home, and he babbled endlessly: "The point of this kind of seasonal food is not how delicious it is, but the sense of ritual of life. For example, when the beginning of spring If you eat spring rolls, you know that spring is coming, and when you eat Qingming, you know you can go for a spring outing... "

As a qualified "talker", I say "um" from time to time to show that I am listening.

"If you like it, the whole box is yours," I said.

Although the food packaged in this gift box looks quite big, there are actually not many things in it. There are only six green balls in the box. If he eats one a day, he can finish it in less than a week.

"No, you are too picky. A true warrior must dare to challenge what he doesn't like to eat." He said.

I am not a warrior, so I decisively rejected his challenge.

"I really don't understand what you're thinking, the Youth League is so delicious."

As he spoke, he opened the box and took out a green ball from inside.

"Foreigners call macaroons 'girly breasts', but in fact, that thing has half a dime relationship with crispy breasts? Girls' bras are about the same." He said, "Qingtuan's soft-touch macarons Do you have it? Do you have this tempting deodorant macaron?"

"It's up to you, can the expression not be so pornographic." I said.

This guy's current expression is really sensual, and it's hard to bear to look at. However, he didn't feel the slightest bit of self-awareness, and slowly brought the green ball closer to his mouth, and stuck out his tongue to lick it.

I don't know why, but I suddenly felt like an electric shock, and subconsciously swallowed my saliva.

This guy is delicious if he wants to eat! It's okay to lick what lick!

"Hahahahaha, I saw you swallowing secretly, if you want to eat, just tell brother, I can give you one." He said.

It may be that the food in other people's hands looks more delicious, but I was actually shaken when I heard him say that.

How about a sip

But as soon as I had such an idea, the taste of the green ball that I had tried before suddenly flooded my taste buds.

That's really not my taste OTZ

"You eat it... I still can't accept the taste of the youth group." I said, "Why don't you describe it to me after eating it?"

He laughed out loud when he heard me say that, and said, "Are you a girl on a diet? You actually asked me to describe the taste to you after eating it."

"Because I really don't like the taste of Qingtuan, but it looks delicious when you eat it." I said truthfully.

This guy thought about it, and suggested that I should have something else to eat with the Youth League.

"If you pair it with other things you like to eat, you will probably feel that the Youth League is not so bad." He said.

I think there is some truth in this statement, and I agree with his proposal.

However, what I didn't expect was that this guy actually asked me to eat green balls with mustard? !

I really like the taste of wasabi, but it's too strange to have mustard with green balls!

"Try it, what if it's delicious?" He said.

I reluctantly took a sip, and the taste was really indescribable.

It is true that the strange taste unique to Qingtuan can no longer be tasted, but the sweet and sticky taste of mustard paired with Qingtuan is definitely not delicious.

This is definitely a dark dish!

"Isn't mustard okay? Then try it with potato chips." He said.

The taste of potato chips is quite good with the youth group. However, the taste of potato chips is too bland, and it can't suppress the strange taste of the green group.

"With Coke?"

The Youth League with Coke is so sweet and greasy.

"How about some soy sauce?"

I feel like he is playing with me now!

Qingtuan with soy sauce is super unpalatable just thinking about it!

"I choose to eat directly." I said.

From a certain point of view, this guy's method is still useful. At least after trying so many strange combinations, I suddenly feel that the original taste of Qingtuan seems not so difficult to swallow.

However, this method also has a disadvantage, that is, I found that the food I originally liked didn't seem to like it that much...

April 2, X

rainy weather

It rains a lot during the Qingming Festival, and this statement is indeed true.

Turning on the weather forecast, it is almost rainy in the past few days near Qingming.

According to Wu Yunfei, this kind of weather is the most suitable for watching movies at home.

"When you go to the cinema to watch a movie, it is inevitable that you will meet a child who disturbs your interest. It is better to watch a movie at home."

I couldn't help but think of the last time he watched a ghost movie and was too scared to sleep alone.

We didn't have cats at that time, and now there are Yuan Devouring Beasts, if this little guy accidentally yelled at night, would he be scared to tears

"Movies are not limited to horror movies! You can also watch some romance movies." He said, "And it will be Qingming soon, this time is not suitable for watching horror movies."

This guy actually has to look up the almanac to watch a movie? I find it a little funny.

But having said that, as a man, he actually likes to watch romance movies, which is really surprising.

"What's your tone? I haven't disliked you watching cartoons yet, but you have disliked me first."

As he spoke, he grabbed the pillow on the sofa and threw it at me.

I reached out to catch the pillow, and said solemnly: "Anime and cartoon are still different. The audience of the former is adults, while the audience of the latter is children."

"What's the difference?" He rolled his eyes at me.

"Of course there is a difference. For example, the former can be surrounded by shy notebooks and body pillows, but the latter can only be surrounded by exercise books and pencil cases."

We are all adults, there is no need to hide some things, but after this guy heard what I said, his smile suddenly became a little ambiguous.

"Shy book? I didn't expect you to be such a Yao!" He said, "It seems that when you are not at home, I will go through your bookshelf carefully."

"My aunt comes to clean it every day. If there is such a thing, it is impossible to put it on the shelf openly!" I said.

To be honest, I really don't have that kind of restricted-rated stuff in my house now.

I bought some when I was in Japan, but I was afraid of being interrogated by the customs when I returned home, so I reluctantly left them all in Japan.

"That's not certain, the most dangerous place is the safest place." He said.

After a long while, he suddenly stood up and asked, "You don't know that the porn on the computer is all paper people, right?!"

Although the soundproofing effect of the house is good, I still feel very embarrassed when he suddenly said such words so loudly.

"Hush your voice!" I said.

I do have porn in my computer, but which young man doesn't have a bit of shame in his computer? !

"The problem is not porn, I just want to know if the protagonists of those love action movies in your computer are paper people." He said.

Well, I admit that the porn on the computer is in the form of anime, but this is just my personal hobby.

Movies with real people always feel a little embarrassing, but there is no problem with anime girls.

"Oh my god, you can actually be hard on a cardboard figure."

He looked at me with a perverted expression on his face, which made me very awkward.

"What do you care about me? You don't have a bunch of GVs in your computer!" I retorted.

The guy's face turned red all of a sudden, and he stammered, "You, how do you know?"

"You, aren't you that something? So there should be something in the computer."

I don't know why, but I'm stuttering too.

The air suddenly became very quiet.

After a while, Wu Yunfei said: "By the way, can you let me take a look at your resources?"


I was a little confused, thinking I had heard wrong.

This guy wants to see the resources in my computer? This direction seems a bit strange...

"Okay, I'll pass it on to you when the time comes." I said bravely.

"Don't be so troublesome, just lend me your computer after you finish work."

"But I have a lot of work files in my computer."

I suddenly felt a little ashamed.

It's obviously a computer for work, but I have saved money in the hard drive, it's really inappropriate!

In case I really die suddenly one day, and someone finds that hidden folder when organizing my computer... At that time, my famous name will probably be destroyed in one day.

Thinking of this, I decided to go out to exercise when I have time in the future. In this way, if there is an accident in Jishi Town, I can also use my last breath to clean up the files in the computer that cannot be seen by others.

"If you are afraid that I will touch your files, then watch it with me." He pretended to be relaxed and said, "I haven't seen any porn starring the paper man yet."

In this way, Wu Yunfei's plan to watch movies inexplicably turned into a plan to watch small movies.

This guy originally proposed to watch it in bed, but watching porn with Fa Xiao is strange enough, watching it in bed is like two perverts.

In this way, I decided to watch the movie at the restaurant.

We sat on hard wooden chairs, straightening our backs like schoolchildren.

"Let's do it," he said.

Trembling, I clicked on a video file with the mouse.

Since I don't know how much this guy accepts Lifan, I chose a relatively small and fresh theme at the beginning. Although it is called Lifan, it is at most just a show of fatness or something.

As a result, within two minutes of playing, this guy fast-forwarded all the way to watch the whole film.

"Are you kidding me?" He said, "What's the difference between this and the cartoons you usually watch!"

"Yes, don't you think the panting in some places is particularly sexual?" I said, "Especially when listening with headphones, it's so embarrassing!"

He gave me a complicated look, but didn't speak.

Well, he fast-forwarded all the way, probably didn't hear what I said "Jiao Pan".

"Is this shameful? You can't really be purer than pure water!"

He smiled and ran his fingers through my hair.

I don't know why, but I suddenly felt a tingling sensation in my scalp, as if a firework exploded in my head.

"Little Ayao, tell brother honestly, are you still a young child?"

This made me unable to answer.

As the saying goes, people don't give up when they are hard, I am so busy every day, how can I have time to applaud for love with my sister

But in this case, you must not tell the truth, or you will definitely be ridiculed by this guy!

"How is it possible? You think too much."

I tried to look relaxed, but all I could do was smile.

"Tch, since you're not a chick, you're pretending to be innocent now, and quickly present me the real good stuff!" He said.

This is what he said!

I gritted my teeth and clicked on another video file.

In my opinion, this film is so exciting that I have never watched it from beginning to end.

But this guy is still yawning and fast-forwarding to the end.

"This movie doesn't conform to the common sense of the human body. That woman's breasts are actually bigger than her head." He shook his head and said, "Ah Yao, your aesthetics in all aspects disappoints my brother."

Is it really that ugly

I didn't believe in evil, and found out all my inventory, but this guy never showed a satisfied expression, and he didn't even politely tough it out.

If the production team knew that he reacted so coldly, they would probably be so sad that they would cry, right

No, this guy is GAY! How could BG Xiang's profile arouse his interest

Sure enough, this guy had no good intentions from the beginning!

"No, that's all. Do you like to see it or not." I said angrily.

"Really gone?" He didn't seem to believe it.

"It's gone." I said, "Although it's an episode, it's also produced by the production team with great care. I hope you can watch it quietly from beginning to end."

He laughed when he heard me say that, and said, "Watch an porn movie and tell me to be quiet? It can be seen that the quality is not very good."

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that it is really difficult to watch such shameful things quietly.

So, I changed my rhetoric.

"Then you can watch a movie without fast forward, right?"

"Shooting is so boring, why don't people fast forward?"

"That's because you didn't feel it with your heart!"

"Have you felt it with your heart?"


"Then you are not hard." He glanced under me while talking, "Or do you have some hidden disease?"


I kicked the chair under him.

How could there be such a person who can't chat? !

If it wasn't for me, I would have thrown him down the window in minutes.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you've turned into anger from embarrassment, you can't really let me say it." He said, "It's okay, I won't laugh at you."

"I'm not sick!" I said, "The reason why I didn't respond is because you spoiled my interest by being around!"

"Is it my fault that your own movies are not good?" He said, "Do you want my brother to show you something really good?"

"Is it GV?"

My heart was inexplicably a little around the corner.

To be honest, I have never watched GV since I grew up.

"Do you want to watch GV? Okay, that's what you want." He said as he got up and went to the living room to get his iPad.

I'm going to watch GV with a GAY... This GAY is still my friend...

This cognition made my brain go blank, and I was stunned like a puppet throughout the whole process.

I didn't see what was in the film at all, and my attention was completely attracted by a blue water glass in the background.

Why is there a water glass in that place? Still such an eye-catching color

I thought it was an important prop, but the cup didn't change its position until the end of the film.

So why is there a water glass in that position

April 3, X

rainy weather

Is there anything more miserable in this world than forgetting to bring an umbrella on a rainy day

I thought about it, it probably means that when you were driving home, there happened to be a poor, weak and helpless girl blocking your way, looking at you pitifully and asking if you could drive her home.

This was originally an affair-like development, but the problem is that this girl is actually the Wen Miao who spread my rumors before!

I wanted to say "goodbye, no appointment" to her directly, but at that time, the people in the company had almost left, and it seemed that it was not easy for her to rub other people's cars.

After thinking about it again and again, I reluctantly agreed to her request.

"Thank you so much! It's raining so hard outside, I've been waiting for a long time but no car is willing to take the order." She said.

So she stayed in the hall, ready to stop a cheap driver, but she stopped me by coincidence

All this is too much of a coincidence, right

I'm not that kind of narcissistic person, but I can't get rid of the feeling that this girl is trying to trick me.

I sighed silently.

Anyway, after sending her to the destination and evacuating at the speed of light, I don't believe that the speed of this little girl can catch up with the car!

"Originally, I didn't come to the headquarters very often, but there seems to be something wrong with the contract, so I came here to sign a stamp. I didn't expect to catch up with the heavy rain." She laughed.

How could it not have occurred? Doesn't this guy know how to read the weather forecast

The weather forecast made it clear that there will be rain these days, so remember to bring an umbrella when you go out.

"Fortunately, I met Mr. Feng, otherwise I really don't know what to do." She said.

QAQ She can do whatever she wants!

Having said that, it's too late for her cell phone to run out of battery, right? I just said to call her assistant and ask her to pick her up, but her phone turned off before the voice finished.

I asked her to report her phone number, but she actually said that she had just changed assistants not long ago and hadn't remembered the contact information of the new assistant.

I asked her to contact her former assistant, but she actually said that the other party had resigned, and she was too embarrassed to bother him.

She was too embarrassed to bother her former assistant, why bother me? !

After all, I'm her boss, right? !

However, due to the lack of familiarity with the other party, I did not express my complaints.

"President Feng doesn't seem to like to talk much," she said.

I am a driving machine with no emotions. I answered silently in my heart.

I thought my indifference would buy her a moment of peace, but I didn't expect this little girl to talk to me all the way to myself.

"Mr. Feng, I'm going to participate in the recording of the 'Super Designer' program soon. It is said that you will also be there as a special guest. I look forward to working with you!"

emmmmmmm Did this little girl misunderstand something

The protagonist of the program "Super Designer" is obviously Wu Yunfei and his designers! She went there as a prop for the designer, and I went there as a background board for the program group.

Why did she feel like she was trying to overwhelm the host by hearing what she meant

"President Feng seems to be very familiar with the road conditions around here, have you been here before?"

In the past, Wu Yunfei often gave classes in a studio near here, and I would come here to play with him whenever I had time. Although times have changed now, this road has not changed much, so I still know the way.

"Is Mr. Feng still angry about that hot search on Weibo before? Actually, I didn't mean to gossip! That fan creation, which has been clarified later that it is an online writer, is not the real situation!" She felt aggrieved Biting his lower lip with his teeth, he looked pitiful.

As an otaku, I am quite familiar with fan creation.

But there must be a reason for knocking on this kind of real CP candy, right? I don't remember appearing in the same frame as this little girl.

Could it be that someone lost a bet and intentionally tricked me

I don't know why, the once smashing "Fudai cp" suddenly appeared in my head.

The ghost knows how these two irrelevant characters made up the CP...

"Chairman Feng is cheering for me, right?"


I feel like I missed something when I was on a errand just now.

But a girl at this age should want to get encouragement and care from her boss, right

"Come on." I said.

It may be because I have been silent for too long, the little girl seemed very happy to hear my reply, her eyes twinkled, as if there were stars.

"President Feng is indeed a very gentle person." She said with emotion.

I was a little confused when I heard the words.

Saying "Come on" coldly is a gentle person

So in Wu Yunfei's eyes, I must not be like a little angel

Anyway, I managed to get her to her destination in the end.

Since she just praised me as a gentle person, I hesitated for a while and reminded her that there was an umbrella in the car and told her to be careful on the road.

"I had a great time chatting with Mr. Feng today!" She laughed.

Are you happy? She has been talking to herself all the time!

Or what this little girl lacks is a listener

After I got home, I told Wu Yunfei the whole thing. This guy looked me up and down playfully, and said, "I never thought you'd learn how to flirt with girls now."

"I didn't tease her, she came to me on her own initiative." I frowned and said.

"It's appeared! The classic lines of a scumbag!" Wu Yunfei clapped his hands and said, "Neither take the initiative nor refuse, and when the little girl is deeply involved, then ruthlessly get rid of her."

"You think too much." I said, "Just send her home."

"Today it will be delivered downstairs, next time it will be at the door of the house, and next time it may be delivered directly to the bed... These are all routines." Wu Yunfei blinked and said, "But you are so slow, maybe you know the routines. Will it... Do you need my brother to help you with assists?"

"No need!" I rejected him without hesitation.

To be honest, if I really had to choose, I would rather choose this guy than that little girl, at least I can complain as I like in front of this guy.

"I'm gay, and I won't steal your girlfriend. Why are you rejecting me so quickly?" he said.

I really don't know what to say about this guy!

Wouldn't it be nice to just the two of us living together like now

Why would he rush to let a stranger get involved...

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