Sand Sculpture Childhood Friends Are the Most Lethal

Chapter 49: From April 14th to April 15th


April 14, X


I suddenly discovered that the new account that followed me on Weibo was not a robot, because today I accidentally clicked in and looked at it, and found that she actually posted a new post last night.

"I thought it would be a very happy thing to be confessed by the person I like, but when it really happened, I felt more panic and anxiety in my heart. Scholars are so lazy, you can take it off; women I can’t take it off. If he marries someone else now, I can still bless him sincerely, but if I lose it after I get it, I think I will go crazy.”

This girl probably opened a trumpet to express her heart, right

Although I don't know how she paid attention to me, but meeting is fate, I couldn't help leaving a comment under her post.

"What if the other party really likes you?"

I don't think there is such a possibility, this girl really lacks confidence.

She seemed to be playing on her mobile phone, and replied to me soon:

"He's probably just joking... We've known each other for a long time, if we want to like it, we've already fallen in love with it, why wait until now?"

I don't know how old the girl is, but girls usually mature earlier than boys.

Maybe the other party hadn't enlightened when she made a secret promise

It may be because of being rejected by Wu Yunfei yesterday, I am very concerned about this girl.

It seems that as long as she agrees with the other party's confession, I will be consummated.

"Maybe the other person has always liked you but you don't know it? Try to give him a chance." I said, "The person who can make you like you for so long must not be a bad guy."

The girl didn't reply to me again, maybe she went to deal with her own affairs

In order to know the follow-up progress in time, I added her attention.

Whoever keeps saying "I don't love" is in love.

I don't know why, but I suddenly thought of Ovid's classic quotes, and I felt an inexplicable emotion in my heart.

Since Wu Yunfei didn't say he hates me, could it be that he likes me

Thinking of this, I suddenly felt a little secretly happy, so I opened the relevant super chat of "Super Designer", intending to look for relevant information about Wu Yunfei.

Since this guy is considered an Internet celebrity from a certain point of view, even though he does not have a dedicated team for operations, he is undoubtedly one of the most discussed among the contestants.

But what surprised me was that he had unexpectedly many negative comments. Some people even said that they didn't want to watch the show because of his participation, and some people satirized that the show group abandoned professionalism for the sake of traffic.

Is Wu Yunfei unprofessional

No matter how you say it, he is also a famous designer!

I was a little angry, so I refuted the man a few words, but I didn't expect him to confront me.

"You said he was a designer? Stop insulting the word designer!"

Before I could get back to him, someone posted a comment below:

"You can tell by the nickname that she is a superficial fan."

"Children, you should read more when you are young."

"It's a pity that you went blind at a young age."

"You said he was a designer? Does he have any works?"

I didn't know how to answer for a moment.

It may be because of the growing environment, since I was a child, no one has really said this to me.

During the press conference, the reporters would ask some tough questions, but most of them had traces to follow, and they wouldn't just come up and scold them indiscriminately like they are now.

No way, I can only find one of the relatively peaceful ones to reply.

Didn't he want to see the work? Just show him!

From Wu Yunfei's Weibo, I found a few design drawings that he had posted, forwarded them to my own Weibo, and @the guy who threatened to see the work.

I thought this would make those people shut up, but I didn't expect it to arouse even more violent ridicule from them.

"Seeing that the blogger is not very old, this matter has long been passed on."

"This is a plagiarized work."

"Didn't you notice that this collided with the spring style of a certain big brand that year?"

In order to prove that what he said was true, the man also turned over a highly blurred comparison picture.

To be honest, it is indeed very similar, but the same spring style of a big brand that year was also written by Wu Yunfei!

At the beginning, he drew several pictures, but people only selected a few of them, and he even complained to me that his favorite work was not selected...

However, due to the confidentiality agreement involved, I can't say these words. I can only euphemistically say that as a freelance designer, he may have cooperated with a certain big brand.

"Is his own high-paid designer a freelancer? There's no need to cooperate with an Internet celebrity!"

"I think his previous designs are pretty ugly, and only those who copied them can barely read."

"Yan fans only look at their faces, and it's useless for others to tell them more."

There are more and more people participating in the discussion, and I am a little overwhelmed.

At this moment, the "Right Protector" descended from the sky to participate in the discussion, and with a few words, those people were speechless, and they seemed to be fighting against the Confucians.

I silently gave her a thumbs up for every nasty comment.

Those people saw that they couldn't beat her in a direct confrontation, so they changed their strategy and asked her why she, as my super chat host, helped Wu Yunfei speak.

"Please ask someone to pay attention to your words and deeds, and don't discredit the boss."

"Can such a guy be the boss' super talk host? Since the requirements are so low, I'm going to try."

I originally thought that what they said was ugly enough when they yelled at me, but I didn't expect that it was nothing compared to what they said about "right protector".

I was a little worried that a little girl like her would not be able to bear these words, so I wanted to chat privately to comfort her, but unexpectedly she @ a lot of people and said, "I stand on the cp of the boss and little brother Yunfei, do you have any opinions?"

These words were like throwing a grenade in a calm lake, and all the small fish and shrimp in the water were blown out at once.

The entire page was instantly occupied by related topics, and everyone was arguing.

After a while, "Fengyun cp" climbed into the trending search.

Generally speaking, most people are not optimistic about this combination. They think that Wu Yunfei and I can't fight each other. Forcibly joining the CP is suspected of deliberate hype.

Some people went to my official Weibo to verify, asking if this matter is true.

I suddenly felt that the program group should increase the advertising fee for me. After such a trouble, everyone probably knows about the program "Super Designer".

Soon, the operation team gave a very official answer.

They didn't say clearly whether the matter is true or not, they only said that I admire Wu Yunfei very much and look forward to his outstanding performance in the show.

Netizens seem to be dissatisfied with this statement, and the heat of the discussion has not decreased but increased.

Everyone thinks this is hype by the program group, but they don't understand the significance of this hype.

"It is said that the operation team is in charge of the boss's Weibo. Maybe he will be so angry that he wants to hit someone when he knows about it?"

"I don't think the boss will take this matter to heart at all, after all, it's not on the same level at all."

"It feels like the boss is someone who watches news broadcasts as a hobby."

When I read the news, I was in a bad mood, but when I saw the "News Network", I was suddenly happy.

Why do they think I'm the kind of person who is bored enough to watch the news all day long

I found that this comment can be expanded into a discussion forum, so I clicked on it and looked it up. Unexpectedly, a group of people agreed there, and some people thought that I would get up early in the morning like an old man to read the newspaper.

QAQ When I wake up in the morning, I wish I didn't even have time to eat. How can I have time to read newspapers

At this moment, I saw a comment suggesting that everyone apply to create a "Fengyun cp" super chat.

I was a little curious about what everyone would discuss in this super chat, so I followed suit and applied.

I don't know what kind of expression Wu Yunfei will have after knowing the existence of this super talk...

April 15, X


Today I finally met the legendary new assistant.

When I first saw his resume, I was almost taken aback. This guy was originally an executive of another big company, and he couldn't understand why he jumped to our company and was willing to be a small assistant.

I was afraid of being overqualified, so I proposed to change him to a more suitable position, but HR said that the other party did not accept the change of position, and only wanted to take the position I applied for.

There is no way, I can only bite the bullet and accept a great god condescending to be my assistant.

I was so nervous all day today that I didn't even dare to desert.

That feeling is like doing papers under the nose of the invigilator when I was in school.

But the other party was very respectful to me, which made me feel very subtle.

"We will cooperate for a long time in the future, there is no need to be so cautious." I said.

He said it was not formality, but his usual state at work, so I don't need to mind too much.

I originally thought that my work efficiency was already very high, but I didn't expect that after changing the assistant, my work efficiency would double again.

For the first time, I finished all my work before it was time to get off work, staring at the watch on the wall in a daze.

There's still half an hour to get off work...

I silently took out my phone, wanting to see if the "Fengyun CP" supercall I applied for yesterday passed.

As a result, as soon as I entered Weibo, I saw an indescribable picture, and the source of the picture was the super words of "Fengyun CP".

I clicked in and took a look, and found that less than a day had passed, and there were already hundreds of updates under this super chat, and nearly half of them were all kinds of "food".

Are these people producing food so fast

I took a closer look, and it turned out that most of these "grains" came from the same group of people, and the "right protector" played a leading role among them.

I chatted with her privately and asked her what was going on.

She said that since she came to see me that day and met Wu Yunfei by chance, he has never stopped creating fanfic.

In the beginning, it was limited to personal YY and the dissemination in small circles. Now that Chaohua has appeared, it is time to dedicate these "food" to the public.

"Boss, you won't be angry, right?" She said, "If you don't like our ostentation, I'll delete everything right away."

To be honest, I don’t feel disgusted when I see those things, after all, I am also one of the instigators who promoted the establishment of this super talk.

But I just took a look, and there are many negative comments under these things she posted, and some people even made personal attacks...

"As soon as I entered the rivers and lakes, it was as deep as the sea, and I have been a passerby since then. I have been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and I have long been used to being scolded." She said, "You can't listen to someone who scolds you, and you can't believe someone who praises you. This is the key to survival. road."

It seems that all walks of life are not easy...

I suddenly feel a little sympathetic to this little girl.

I asked her if she had any wish, maybe I could help her get it.

She said that as long as Wu Yunfei and I can be happy and show off our affection together from time to time, she will be very satisfied as a CP fan.

"No matter how sweet your brain is, it can't compare to seeing it with your own eyes," she said.

What she said suddenly aroused my sadness, and I told her that I failed to confess my love two days ago.

"Why did it fail?! It must be the big brother, your posture of confession is wrong!!!"

She said that she was willing to use the sixth sense of women as a guarantee, Wu Yunfei must have a deep-rooted affection for me.

"He looked at you with love in his eyes, didn't you feel it?"

I recalled it carefully, it seems that Wu Yunfei has always acted like a sand sculpture in front of me.

I really didn't feel the love in his eyes looking at me.

If he really liked me, why was he so decisive when he refused my confession

I really don't have any hope...

"Boss, although I admire you very much, I still want to complain." She said, "You are really too slow in terms of emotions! I am anxious to see it!"

I kind of can't understand what she means.

She said that the reason why Wu Yunfei rejected me must be due to some scruples in her heart.

Now is the time for me to show off the charm of my domineering president, and overcome all difficulties for him, so that I can finally embrace the beauty.

"He is the princess trapped in the castle right now, waiting for you to rescue him!" she said, "The princess just politely said, 'This place is too dangerous, you should leave quickly', if the prince really Just obediently leave like this, how can the story continue?"

So she means to stalk me

But this will make him hate it...

At this moment, I suddenly thought of another Weibo friend who had similar troubles with me.

I don't know how that guy is progressing with his childhood sweetheart.

I opened private chat and asked her.

"It's not bad." She replied.

I asked her what is "good or bad", but she didn't answer, but asked me if I paid much attention to the program "Super Designer" recently.

"I see that your Weibo is full of relevant information," she said.

I told her that I liked one of the designers very much. Although I don't know what kind of results the other party will achieve in the end, I must not lose to others in the battle at the beginning.

"Maybe this is the obsession of the fans." I said, "He is really an excellent and talented designer!"

"I seem to have heard of the designer you mentioned, but this is the first time I've seen someone praise his professional ability." She said, "Your praise is different from others."

"Being selected by the program group to compete with so many big guys on the same stage, if you think about it with your toes, you will know that no matter how poor his professional ability is, he will not be far behind. And because he is a freelance designer, his style is also more changeable, Compared with others, it still has an advantage.”

"It seems that you understand it very well."

"Because I'm his fan. If I have time, I would like to learn about the history of clothing by myself, so that I don't know where to start next time when I hate someone."

I am telling the truth.

After changing the assistant, the work efficiency has improved so much, I have enough energy to learn something else by myself.

"You... are really a dedicated fan." She said, "By the way, there seem to be a lot of CP fans recently. What do you think about this?"

I always thought her way of asking was a bit strange, but I didn't think too much about it, and said in a matter-of-fact way: "I think it's quite interesting."

"Don't you think it's a bit disgusting? They are flirting with two men!"

Hmm... This girl's reaction was a bit intense, is she a homophobic

The author has something to say: The trumpet that Feng Feng thought was a robot is Feifei~ ̄▽ ̄~

Why did Feng Feng think he was a girl? Because Feifei also set the gender of Weibo to female

PS: Feifei thought Fengfeng knew who she was, but she was pretending not to know; in fact, Fengfeng really didn’t realize that this young lady was Feifei at this time