Sand Sculpture Childhood Friends Are the Most Lethal

Chapter 52: April 21


April 21, X

cloudy weather

The recent weather is really confusing. It was sunny not long ago, and the temperature almost soared to 30 degrees, giving people the illusion that summer is about to enter. But last night it was just a rain, and the temperature immediately dropped back below ten degrees.

"Ayao, I need clothing support here, or I will freeze to death!"

As soon as I opened my eyes this morning, I saw Wu Yunfei sent me a message like this, followed by a lot of emoticons of "frozen into a dog".

I thought about the clothes he brought when he packed his luggage before, and they really didn't look very warm.

At the beginning, I clearly reminded him that Beijing was going to be cold in spring and asked him to bring two thicker coats, but he swore that the weather would get warmer and warmer, so there was no need to bring thicker coats.

This is probably the legendary slap in the face

"I'm driving there now, is there anything else I need to bring besides clothes?" I asked.

"I want to drink." He said, "The stress in the past two days was so stressful that I was going crazy, I needed a sip of wine to calm myself down."

This guy doesn't drink very much and is quite greedy.

But I can understand his feelings, so I didn't refuse the request.

"anything else?"

Although the villa is well-equipped, it is a suburb after all, so shopping is a bit inconvenient.

"I want a snack." He said, "Any kind of snack is fine, I don't choose."

I really have no idea about appetizers, but those boxed lo mei sold in convenience stores should all belong to appetizers, right

"Help me stock up on hair restorer or something...I think I'll be able to use it in a while," he said.

I made a list of what he needed me to bring and felt compelled to go to the convenience store.

"Che Yuan Beast, you have to be good at home, Dad will come back later." I touched the head of Chu Yuan Beast, hesitated for a moment, and added, "It's also possible that you won't come back at night, and you can eat it when it's time." Cat biscuits, I'll open the tin for you when I get back."

The Yuan Devourer yawned, wondering if he listened to my words.

But as an orange cat, it shouldn't starve itself, right

When I came to Wu Yunfei's room, I felt a little headache when I looked at his wardrobe of clothes.

For someone like me who is not good at matching, so many clothes of different colors and styles are obviously extremely difficult.

I just can't imagine the circumstances under which he would wear that blingbling jacket.

I originally wanted to find a few coats of color and style for him to bring, but after putting the clothes on the bed, I had other ideas in my mind.

This guy has no clothes to wear now, doesn't that mean he will wear whatever clothes I bring

Although this behavior of taking advantage of others is not very moral, I still reached out to the "unspeakable" area.

Why do you say that area is "unspeakable"

Because even when I was studying in Japan during my second year of middle school, I would never go out wearing that kind of clothes.

I simply doubt that these clothes of his have been changed by himself, otherwise I really can't think of any store that sells this kind of clothes.

Of course, I didn't want him to be able to go out in a coat, so I brought some regular clothes.

As a result, the bag I originally prepared couldn't fit, so I had to pull two clean garbage bags to hold the clothes.

Hope he doesn't care about these details...

As I headed out, I subconsciously glanced at the mirror.

Although I was well dressed, I had an old backpack on my shoulder and a garbage bag in my hand. No matter how I looked, I looked like a small businessman who was going out to set up a stall.

I felt a little funny and made two faces in the mirror.

The Yuan Devourer let out a "meow" when it saw it, and looked at me with a mentally retarded expression.

"Dad is going out, take a good look at the house." I said.

Maybe because it was the weekend, there were not many cars on the road, so I soon came to the nearest convenience store.

This is one of my favorite places.

As a poor social animal, only in this kind of place can I experience the pleasure of shopping. When I went to Fashion Week last time, I felt that some of the daigou were richer than me...

I took some wine and appetizers according to Wu Yunfei's instructions. Although the alcohol content of these wines is not high, I still took a pack of hangover soup just in case.

Even if it is not used to sober up, eating some sweets can relieve psychological stress, right

In addition, I also bought some things that he might use, such as self-heating hot pot and so on.

He doesn't easily stay up late, but once he stays up late, he will definitely eat supper.

He wants face so much, what if he doesn't want to go to the restaurant to find something to eat? Or prepare some ready-made ones for him.

After buying these things, it was almost noon when I arrived at the resort.

Considering that this guy should already be up, I didn't go to the front desk to get the key, but went upstairs with my stuff.

On the way, I met the choreographer who gave me the information booklet yesterday, and he seemed very surprised to see that I was carrying a bunch of things in my hands.

"Why are you here?" he asked.

This is my family's property, why can't I be here

The editor seemed to be busy with other things, so he left after exchanging pleasantries with me.

I took my things and continued to walk forward, and came to Wu Yunfei's door.

"I'm here, please open the door." I sent him a message.

The door opened, and we both couldn't help laughing at the sight of each other's outfits.

The room is obviously air-conditioned, but this guy came to open the door for me wearing a quilt. If he wore a "funny" mask on his head, it would be a perfect restoration of the emoji.

"Little brother, are you going to set up a stall in the night market?" He smiled, "Do you need a cart for you, brother?"

"You don't need a trolley, you can carry it for me manually." I said.

He was good at picking, and reached out to take the two lightest bags.

Even so, he still complained that things were too heavy.

"Did you loot the convenience store? Why did you buy so many things?" he complained.

I smiled awkwardly and didn't speak.

I don't know what's going on, I want to buy him everything I see in the convenience store, and I accidentally buy too much.

"You actually bought chrysanthemums and goji berries... In your eyes, do I have to rely on goji berries and chrysanthemum tea to continue my life?" He glanced at me and complained.

"If you think this stuff doesn't taste good when soaked in water, I'll buy rock sugar for you." I said, "Godberry chrysanthemum tea can clear away heat and fire, soothe the liver and relieve depression. It's better than drinking drinks all day long."

He was silent for a while, and said, "How do you know that I drink all day long?"

"Based on what I know about you," I said.

This guy always tells me that drinking Coke is not good, but every time I buy it, almost half of it goes into his stomach.

In addition to Coke, this guy often drinks other sweet drinks. I even wonder if he won't even drink plain water if I don't buy him that cup.

"Why did you buy jujubes? I'm not a girl." He muttered, "Could it be that I handed it over to someone?"

Did this guy misunderstand jujube

Who said only girls can eat jujube

"Adding a few jujubes when soaking in water has the effect of invigorating the spleen." I said.

Despite the disbelief on this guy's face, I'm telling the truth.

I was afraid that I remembered it wrong, so I went online to check it again when I was waiting for the elevator.

"I suddenly feel that I have stepped into the ranks of the elderly." He sighed and said, "From today on, you can call me Old Wutou."

I was about to refute something, but he waved his hands pretending to be sad, and said, "Needless to say, let me see what warm clothes you brought for my old bone."

Speaking of this, he suddenly paused, and continued: "Tsk tsk tsk, you actually use garbage bags... I suddenly feel that my evening scene is so bleak."

"I really can't find a suitable bag, don't care about these details." I said, "It doesn't matter what you use, what matters is what is inside."

"What kind of good thing can it be in a garbage bag? I suspect you brought the ugliest clothes in my closet." He said melancholy.

I felt guilty for some reason, and said, "I don't think you have any ugly clothes in your closet."

"Suddenly my mouth became so sweet? Why do I feel even more hopeless?"

As he spoke, he opened the bag.

I feel my heart beating so fast, it feels like waiting for the teacher to announce the grades in school.

"Ah Yao..." He called me suddenly.

"Huh?" I tensed my back subconsciously and swallowed nervously.

"Your taste doesn't seem to be as bad as I thought." He smiled, "I thought you would never touch this kind of color matching in your life."

It's true that I would never touch this kind of combination in my life, but if this guy wears it, it will definitely look good.

"And this jacket, I really like it." He said and picked up the blingbling jacket.

My aesthetics and his are indeed in two completely different worlds...

But then again, since he loves this coat so much, why have I never seen him wear it

"Because this one is too gay, I'm afraid your straight male aesthetic won't accept it." He said.

Is this guy discriminating against straight male aesthetics

And I shouldn't be considered a straight man now!

"I think it looks pretty too." I said without conscience.

"You think it looks good? Do you want to try it on?" He smiled and threw the clothes to me.

"I think you'll look good in it," I added. "I don't like that style."

"You haven't tried it, how do you know you're not suitable?"

This rhetoric sounds very familiar to me, and he would say it every time he cheated on me when I was a child.

"You haven't eaten this thing, how do you know it's not delicious?"

"You haven't seen this movie, how do you know it's not good?"

This has almost become a fixed sentence pattern for him to trick me. The hateful thing is that I know he is tricking me, but I still foolishly fall for it every time.

Naturally, this time was no exception. I couldn't help but he urged me to put on that shiny jacket.

To be honest, I always felt that I looked like a decent person, but after changing clothes, I felt that I didn't look so serious.

I can't say what kind of feeling it is, but it just feels like something is different.

"This dress really has the magic power to turn everyone into GAY in seconds." He took out his phone and took a photo, "Even a boss like you can't be spared."

"Did you take a photo? Delete it now!"

Although I haven't seen what that photo looks like, I am almost sure that this will definitely become my black history!

"Don't worry, I just put it on my phone to enjoy it for myself, and I will never show it to others." He said, "If you think the picture just now was not good, hurry up and make a picture, and brother will take another picture for you. "

My mind went blank, and I was a little overwhelmed.

"What are you panicking about? Forgot what I taught you before I went to Fashion Week?" He said, "Male models have relatively few poses. If you really don't know what to do, stand at attention, touch your sleeves, touch your collar, Touch your hair or something."

I did these actions according to what he said, but he was still not satisfied.

"It's too stiff." He said, "Why don't you try the movements of a female model?"

The action of the female model? !

I feel more bewildered.

I can't do well with male models, let alone female models

"Male models and female models take different routes. Male models are mainly handsome, while female models are mainly flirtatious." He said, "Think about the magazines you hid under your pillow when you were in high school, and how the girls posed in them. "

"When I was in high school, I hid comic magazines under my pillow," I said.

"Tsk, no wonder you haven't been able to find a girlfriend until now." He said, "It's too late to be enlightened. If you continue like this, you can only become someone else's stepfather."

Be someone else's stepfather if you are too late? What theory is this

"Beautiful flowers are always very attractive. If you don't take the initiative to pick them, they will be packed into bunches by the time they are placed in the store," he said.

I frowned, always feeling that his statement made me very uncomfortable.

"Why do I feel that there is something in your words?" I said.

"It's nothing, I just want to remind you that the entertainment industry is very deep, and the delicate-looking little flower may have been touched by many people." He said, "Of course, if you don't care, you can pretend that I didn't say anything, as long as you Just don't make my model's stomach bigger."

I understood it this time, it turned out that he suspected that Wen Miao and I had an improper relationship between men and women.

I felt his idea was both exasperating and ridiculous, and said: "I have nothing to do with that little girl."

"Is it necessary to explain to me what relationship you have with her?" He said, "I just remind you as a brother."

Is he jealous? Why do I feel his tone is sour

Thinking of this, I couldn't help laughing.

"I'm talking to you seriously, but you're smiling!" He grabbed the pillow on the bed and threw it at me.

I caught it right away.

There's this guy's breath on the pillow...

I hugged the pillow and buried my face in it.

"Are you sorry?" He snorted coldly, "Give me back the pillow."

"If you don't return it, you threw it to me yourself. There's no reason to go back."

"This pillow is mine."

"This place is still our home."

This guy has nothing to say, it's the first time I've gotten the upper hand in a bickering since I've grown up.

"You... don't care about rich people like you!"

He sat on the ground angrily, and opened a bag of snacks.

"I'm going to eat everything you bought! I won't leave you a single bite!"

Is this guy three years old? To say such childish things.

"You have eaten everything now, what will you have for supper in a few days?" I asked with a smile.

He kicked me and said, "Do you think I'm a pig? How could I finish eating so many things at once! I just said I won't let you eat!"

While eating, he also made comments like those on the Internet.

"Wow! This shredded squid is super delicious! It's salty and delicious, and it's especially chewy."

"The beer is also super delicious, with a strong taste!"

I lay on the pillow and watched him eat, and suddenly felt very happy in my heart.

He might be a little uncomfortable being stared at by me, so he glanced at me and said, "No matter how pitifully you look at me, I won't give you anything to eat. I'm a principled person."

"But I'm hungry." I said with a pitiful tone on purpose, "When I came up just now, I met the director of the program group. He saw me going upstairs with a pile of food. Now I go to the restaurant to eat. He must They would ask me where all my food went.”

The guy stopped and seemed to be thinking about something.

I continued my efforts, and then said: "I had no choice but to tell him the truth, telling him that Fa Xiao took all the food and didn't give me a bite, so I had to go to the restaurant to find a meal to fill my stomach."

"Is it so pitiful?" He smiled, "Okay, I will reward you with a bite."

As he spoke, he took a shredded squid and handed it to my mouth, and I bit it lightly with my teeth.

"It feels like feeding a cat," he muttered under his breath.

"Meow." I graciously satisfied his fantasy, "I want to eat potato chips."

"Cats can't eat potato chips, you have to eat small dried fish." He said with a smile.

This guy's understanding of cats is really one-sided.

Leaving aside other cats, our Yuan Devourer eats potato chips!

But in order to make him happy, I changed my words: "Okay, I want to eat small dried fish."

"Are you so unprincipled?" He raised his eyebrows and said, "What a pig's trotter."

I can see that this guy is deliberately finding fault now, no matter what I say, it is wrong.


"Hey, don't pretend you don't understand human language at a time like this!" He laughed, "I don't know if those people outside know that their boss is now dressed in GAY and hides in the room in a GAY manner like meowing." What do you think?"

"They will definitely attack you for spreading rumors," I said.

In the past few days, I have been on Weibo whenever I have time, and finally figured out some routines.

In addition to Wen Miao, the "right protector", there is also a "left protector" in my Weibo Chaohua.

But this guy doesn't like to use cp like Wen Miao, but likes to post things like "success learning". Every time there are rumors about me, this guy will definitely organize a group of people to refute the rumors every minute, and he will say something serious, sometimes even more convincing than the official rumours issued by the PR team.

I even feel that I can be called a "big brother" by everyone now, and that guy has a lot to do.

"Sometimes the rumors that the public thinks are not necessarily false, and the truth they think is not necessarily true," he said.

The can of beer in his hand was quickly consumed, and then he took another can of alcoholic beverages from the bag.

"What's this?" he asked.

"Alcoholic beverages." I said, "I haven't drunk this stuff before, so I bought two cans and plan to try it."

"It's all foreign characters... I don't know what this is." He squinted his eyes, as if trying to read the words clearly.

I suddenly remembered that this guy was farsighted, so I handed him the glasses on the bedside.

"It has nothing to do with glasses. As a scumbag, I don't know the words on it even if I can see clearly."

That being said, he still wears glasses.

I turned the jar around, pointed to an Arabic numeral printed on it, and said, "Do you know the Arabic numerals?"


"What's this?"


"So this wine is twelve degrees." I said, "Drink it, it's okay, there is no difference between this degree of wine and drinks."

When I said this, I really thought that the alcohol content was not high, but for some reason, this guy suddenly became drunk after drinking.

Flushed face, blurred eyes, rapid breathing...

When did this guy drink so badly

"Or you can eat a hangover candy." I said as I peeled a candy and stuffed it into his mouth.

This guy was honest, sitting there with candy in his mouth and giggling like a landlord's silly son.

Is there something wrong with this wine

I took a sip of the half of the can he drank, and the taste of the juice was stronger than that of the wine.

Could this guy be pretending to be drunk

Thinking this way, I drank the whole can of alcoholic beverage without paying attention.

It turns out that such foreign wines are usually of the more stagnant variety.

I didn't drink much, but I felt my heart beat faster and my body temperature rise.

Am I drunk too

I wanted to get a hangover soup, but for some reason my hands kept shaking and I accidentally dropped the sugar on the ground.

"Do you want candy?" Wu Yunfei asked suddenly, tilting his head.

"Hmm." I squatted down, trying to find the dropped candy.

It will be bad if you accidentally step on it later.

"I have sugar here." He put his fingers on his lips and smiled mysteriously.

I thought he was drunk, and ignored him.

This guy seemed very dissatisfied with my ignoring his behavior, and stood up staggeringly. However, I don't know whether it was the effect of alcohol or he was too violent, and he suddenly lost his center of gravity and fell to the side. over him.

"Can't you be more peaceful?" I said helplessly.

The guy blinked, as if he didn't understand what I said.

I noticed that his glasses were slipping a bit, so I reached out to help him push them.

"I have sugar here..." He muttered and repeated the sentence.

Before I could react, he suddenly kissed me.

My brain went blank for a moment, and I didn't know how to react at all.

I wanted to push him away, but my arms subconsciously held him in my arms.

I finally know what he means by "sugar".

After the guy put his lips together, he delivered the half-melted candy to my mouth with his tongue.

I felt my heart beat faster, my head was dizzy, and I subconsciously touched the tip of his tongue with my tongue.

This guy's tongue is sweet, even sweeter than sugar.

I was still wondering whether my feelings for this guy were love, but now I can be 300% sure that I absolutely love him!

If it wasn't for loving him, how could I kiss a man without feeling sick

Since he took the initiative to kiss me, he should also like me, right

But looking at him drunk to the point of confusion, I'm really not sure.

If only he could do it like this again when he was conscious...

The author has something to say: Who was the one who said that he wanted to see a French kiss that day

I am here to satisfy you today!