Sand Sculpture Childhood Friends Are the Most Lethal

Chapter 65: May 15


May 15, X


The news of Wu Yunfei's resignation really shocked me, I really couldn't figure out why he had to retire.

Is it really because there is no creative inspiration

This reason is a bit far-fetched, and I don't really believe it in my heart, but he insisted that this is the reason.

"What's the theme this time?" I asked.

According to my investigation, this guy's creative style is quite changeable, so he shouldn't feel at a loss when it comes to the subject matter.

If even he has no inspiration, others must find it even more difficult.

This only shows that there is a problem with the theme setting of this episode.

In any case, it is too willful to say "retirement" so easily.

Didn't he want to use this opportunity to prove himself to everyone

"This time it's a gothic theme... I really don't have a liking for this kind of dark stuff." He sighed and said, "I thought it was my preconceived prejudice that caused the trouble, so I checked the Internet to find out about brother Some unique information, but I still can’t get the beauty of this style.”

Speaking of the word "goth", the image of a little loli in a black tutu dress popped up in my mind, but Wu Yunfei told me that it was not goth at all.

"Goth has a morbid feeling, like digging out the dark mood of the Middle Ages from the tomb of the historical context... You see those things that use Goth as a gimmick, and the essence is still innocent and full of sunshine." he said.

I thought about it carefully, and it seems that this is really the case.

But looking at his analysis like this, it seems that he knows Goth quite well, so why can't he start

"It's one thing to understand, but another to be inspired." Wu Yunfei said, "If you don't have a liking for this style at all, even if you grit your teeth and barely complete a work, it probably won't resonate with everyone. .”

According to him, the previous works were very successful, and he didn't want to end up with a "garbage" at the end.

"You haven't even started to make it, how do you know the finished product will be garbage?" I said.

"Self-knowledge is the most important thing in a person." He said, "You probably can't understand my feelings. Usually, the moment I hear the topic, the appearance of the clothes has already appeared in my mind. The next thing I have to do is to change my mind The dress in the film fell on the paper and then I made it... This time it was completely different, my mind went blank and I couldn't think of anything."

"Don't panic, calm down." I tried to comfort him, "I can help you find inspiration together."

As a former middle school boy, I am no stranger to gothic elements, and I have some opinions of my own.

I said I could try Gothic Lolita. He said that this is the style that the owner's sister is good at, and it is easy to crash in design.

I suggested religious themes, such as medieval nun clothing elements, and he said that he had seen this kind of design before, and he couldn't use it anymore...

All in all, no matter what kind of idea I propose, he will reject it for various reasons.

It dawned on me that it wasn't that he was uninspired, but that there were only so many elements that could be used in a particular style of clothing, and it was almost impossible for him not to resemble anyone else's designs even the slightest bit.

It's like dancing in shackles!

"For other themes, I can completely modify my previous ideas and use them directly. But I have never tried gothic themes before..."

Although it's just words, I can feel the powerlessness of the other party.

"Sorry... did you see the news on the Internet?" I asked.

Wu Yunfei would definitely not suddenly care about other people's designs for no reason, and do everything possible to avoid crashes.

I feel that he was influenced by those public opinions on the Internet.

Sure enough, not long after, he replied me with the word "um".

"I wanted to slap them in the face with a design they had never seen before, but then I found out that I was the one who was slapped in the face." He said, "If people don't go their way, even God will fight against him... Why is this issue a Gothic theme? "

I told him not to care about those words on the Internet, just complete the work according to his own ideas.

"Take it as scraping the bone to cure the poison, I guarantee that the public opinion will be reversed in two days." I said.

"But what if I die on the operating table before the poison treatment is over?" He said, "I'm not Guan Yu, I can't talk and laugh happily while scraping the bone and healing the poison."

He seemed depressed and out of sorts, so I decided to talk to him face to face.

This kind of competitive program gets more and more difficult as it gets to the end. One can imagine the psychological pressure to see the contestants being eliminated one by one.

From a certain point of view, Wu Yunfei's ability to survive until now is already very impressive.

"Don't tell the program team about retiring, let's discuss it after I go and make a decision." I said.

If he is really determined to retire, I will naturally not stop him. Even if the sky falls, I will help him withstand it. I was afraid that he was impulsive because of too much pressure, and he would regret it after he really retired.

But before I set out to find him, I have other things to do.

The brand has already replied to me. They thanked me for my enthusiasm and said that they will deal with this matter seriously.

In order to reflect justice, they gave me a number, saying that I can call anytime if I have any questions.

I sent the number to the assistant and asked him to keep an eye on the situation here.

"Is there something wrong with our partnership with this brand?" the assistant asked.

I told him that although this matter has nothing to do with the group directly, but human life is at stake, and there is no room for carelessness.

"Because the designer is under too much psychological pressure, he almost can't think about it." I said.

The assistant promised to follow up this matter for me, but he was very curious about the relationship between me and the designer.

"It's Fa Xiao now, but after I catch him, it will be a couple relationship." I said.

The assistant was calmer than I expected. It seemed that he had already guessed this matter, but he just asked me to confirm.

"Is this also why you haven't come to work lately because you're dealing with it?" he asked.

"That's not... there was an accident last week, so it's inconvenient to go to work." I said.

The assistant heard what I said, and didn't continue to ask any more questions, but just wished me a speedy recovery.

I asked a few more things about the company, and he said that my father took over my work, and generally speaking, it was a step-by-step procedure, with no success.

"Fortunately, you made the work arrangement for the next whole month some time ago, otherwise it must be messed up." He said with emotion.

Can things go wrong with him? I feel a little strange.

After careful questioning, I found out that I didn't go to work these few days, and he was basically on vacation. He had nothing to do when he went to the company. At most, he could supervise the work of various departments.

"The chairman doesn't seem to trust me very much, and he entrusts all the work to his team," he said.

I don't think it has much to do with trust or not.

Father probably just wanted to check my work and see if I was really as bad as the outside said.

I comforted the assistant a few words, telling him not to take this matter too seriously.

"I understand. I just want to explain the situation to you." The assistant said, "I will do the work you entrusted to me."

After arranging everything, I drove to the shooting location in the suburbs.

Wu Yunfei looked haggard, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was out of his mind.

I looked at the drafts he drew, and every design is very beautiful.

"Isn't that good?" I said.

"It's not good at all... It's just a stack of gothic elements, without a sense of story at all." He said.

"Sense of story?" I didn't quite understand what he meant.

He told me that there is a story behind every good-looking dress, connecting all the details of the clothes together.

"Clothing without a sense of story has no soul." He said.

The elements related to Gothic are often inseparable from religion and the Middle Ages, so the two of us brainstormed and listed all the keywords we could think of on the paper.

Horror, supernatural, death, decadence, witchcraft, castle, abyss, thorns, night, curse, vampire...

"It's so common," he said, "not to mention costume design, even comics use similar elements to express goth."

I also think these elements look very familiar, but if these elements are not included, can everyone still see that this is Goth

"Sure enough, I'd better give up," he said.

"Don't worry, think again." I said, "There is still time."

He seems to be looking for an element that was rarely used by predecessors, but everyone can associate it with Gothic at a glance.

Does such a thing really exist

I stared at the table in a daze, and suddenly felt a pain on my face.

It turned out that Wu Yunfei touched my face through the mask.

"It's still very swollen." He said, "You must not apply the medicine according to the method I taught you."

The complexity of his technique is comparable to that of a woman's makeup. I usually squeeze a lump of ointment on the injured area after washing my face, and then push it away with my fingers.

"How can this work? You should remember to apply cold compresses for the first three days, and then switch to hot compresses after the blood vessel walls repair themselves. When applying the medicine, remember to massage gently to loosen the congestion," he said.

According to him, this series of operations will take at least a quarter of an hour, which is super troublesome when you think about it.

And it was just a punch, and there was no other trauma, even if it didn't care about it, it would recover on its own after a while!

In order not to let him continue nagging, I decided to change the subject.

"By the way, among the guys you hang out with, it seems that many of them dressed up as goths. Can you find some inspiration from them?" I asked.

Actually, I don't know much about those people, but I vaguely remember some of those guys who often wear heavy eye makeup and dark lip gloss, looking sick and weird.

"They don't call it Goth, they call it Shamat." Wu Yunfei frowned and said.

However, he also admitted that it was because those guys dressed a bit like Goths, so he didn't have a good impression of Goths at the beginning, and he would try to avoid related elements when designing clothing.

"I didn't expect that I couldn't hide in the end." He said with emotion.

I flipped through the design manuscripts that Wu Yunfei eliminated, and suddenly I had a flash of inspiration, thinking of an element that is rarely mentioned by everyone.

"Would you like to try Doctor Bird's Beak?" I asked.

In the Middle Ages, the Black Death was rampant in Europe. In order to prevent infection, the doctors at that time would wear vinegar-soaked blouses, black top hats, and a beak-shaped silver mask on their faces. Prevent it from being infected with the Black Death, and secondly, it can scare off evil spirits.

It has both the mysterious color of religion and a sense of darkness, which is absolutely in line with the Gothic theme!

Wu Yunfei's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he said with a smile, "That's right! Why didn't I think of such a good idea!"

Seeing him smile again, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are you retiring?" I asked.

"I'm not going back." He said, "You're so good, whoever pretends to be a wolf with a big tail this time and slanders me for plagiarism, I will kick him back to the Middle Ages!"