Sand Sculpture Childhood Friends Are the Most Lethal

Chapter 71: From May 26th to May 27th


May 26, X


Speaking of which, the efficiency of the police is quite high, and Zhang Yan and his gang were wiped out in just one week. It is said that the main reason why it went so smoothly was that they were not united internally, and those who were caught first told the police many other clues with the mentality of making up for their mistakes.

"The police just want to catch other accomplices, but their own people want to kill each other!" Wu Yunfei sighed.

This is true. Originally they could only be regarded as a small underworld gang, and they could be released after being locked up for ten days and a half months at most. Only occasionally a few people involved in major cases might spend an extra period of time in prison.

However, due to everyone's active cooperation, the average sentence length of their group has exceeded half a year.

"If you confess, you will be lenient, and you will be jailed; if you resist, you will be strict, and you will go home for the New Year." Wu Yunfei muttered in a low voice.

This sentence is too reactionary! I quickly kissed him and gagged him.

"You are really becoming more and more proficient at playing hooligans." He said helplessly, "It should be fortunate that our country has abolished the crime of hooliganism, otherwise you would have to go to prison to be with Zhang Yan and his gang."

"Playing hooligans to one's own wife is not called hooliganism, it's called showing affection." I plausibly said, "Those who can't tolerate us, either they are too narrow-minded, or our personality is too great."

Having said that, as an activist who helped the police solve the case, I thought they would reward me with a few thousand dollars. I didn't expect those guys to be so mean, insisting that I don't need money, and exchanged the bonus for a pennant.

But I don't lack pennants either!

Thousands of dollars can be enough to eat a few meals, but what is the use of pennants besides destroying the overall decoration style of the interior

They actually sent me away with stuff made of dozens of dollars...

"The pennant highlights your high-spirited quality!" Wu Yunfei said with a smile, "It fits your bossy aura very well."

"But I like money better..." I muttered.

"Everyone likes money, but do you really want to say it so bluntly?" He laughed, "Please, this little comrade, recite the core values of socialism in your heart, and don't be poisoned by capitalist ideas."

"Prosperity, democracy, civilization and harmony..."

"Let you recite silently!"

"I recite silently!" I pretended to be surprised and said, "Can you hear my heart?"

He smiled and didn't speak.

So I went on to say: "But it's no wonder you can hear it, after all, you have taken root in my heart."

"What kind of flowers and trees have I become a spirit? Still taking root..." he said.

"Well... the flower that grows in my heart hasn't been named yet, so let's call it 'heart flower'." I said, "Because when I see you, my heart is full of joy."

"Tsk, why don't you change your nickname, don't call it 'Big Brother Feng', change it to 'Little Bee'." He said, "Is it really okay for you to be so sweet as a boss?"

"I'm only sweet when I'm with you." I suddenly remembered what the director of the editor had said to me, and said with a smile, "You know what? They said that when we get together, it's like talking about cross talk."

"Speaking of cross talk? Then who is the joker and who is the joker?"

"From the current position, I am a joker, and you are a joker." I said.

Usually, Pingge stands on the left, and Dou stands on the right.

We were sitting in the car, and Wu Yunfei was sitting on the left as the driver, isn't he the only one who is flattering

"You're the only one still funny?" He scoffed at my words, "Have you ever seen a funny guy with an aura of 2.8 meters, and everyone respectfully calls him 'big brother' wherever he goes?"

"Me." I said.

Just talking and laughing all the way, we soon came to a bungee jumping place in the suburbs of Beijing.

I really don't understand why Wu Yunfei suddenly wants to play such an exciting game, but he said that he has been under too much pressure recently and needs to play something exciting to relieve his mood.

Playing this can soothe your mood? I seriously doubt it.

Originally, it was agreed that he would go up by himself, and I would wait for him below, but seeing everyone's joyful appearance, I was also a little bit eager to move.

In this way, under the instigation of Wu Yunfei and the staff, I also signed a "life and death certificate".

I didn't feel anything at the beginning, but the more I went up, the more nervous I became.

Does bungee jumping need to be this high

"If it's too short, it's prone to accidents," he said.

I feel that he also seems to be shaking a little, so this guy is also a little scared

"I'm not afraid, I'm excited." He said, "The thrill of falling from a high altitude is exciting just thinking about it!"

"Yes." I twitched the corner of my mouth in embarrassment, and agreed.

To be honest, I regretted so much that I had to come up to play bungee jumping with him when my head got hot.

This kind of thing is not fun to look at!

But it's already halfway there, and it seems a bit embarrassing to go back the same way now...

"It's okay, it will pass as soon as you close your eyes." He said, "If you are afraid, just shout out."

As soon as he finished speaking, a person on the platform jumped down in response to the occasion, screaming heart-piercingly.

This is called decompression? !

"After shouting out, I feel much better." He said, "You will know after you try it later."

With a skeptical attitude, I walked onto the platform with him.

Before jumping off, the staff asked him if he had anything to say.

Is this making a will? I was taken aback by my own thoughts.

He looked at me, hesitated for a while, and finally mustered up the courage to shout: "Freedom! Equality! Justice! Rule of law!"

Isn't this the core value of socialism


The staff was a little confused, but before he could react, Wu Yunfei jumped down.

"This guy is quite patriotic." The staff member smiled awkwardly at me and said.

I nodded and smiled without saying a word.

He just confessed to me!

I said that every time I saw him, I would feel elated. He said the rest of the socialist core values to show that he was in the same mood as me.

Of course, only I can understand this stalk, and it would only be inexplicable for other people.

Soon it was my turn to jump down. The staff asked me if I had anything to say, and I shouted: "Patriotic! Dedicated! Integrity! Friendly!"

I was not as decisive as Wu Yunfei, and I didn't jump down immediately after speaking.

"What about the first sentence?" I heard the staff ask, "Shouldn't it start with 'rich, strong and democratic'?"

"That's been said before." I said.

I didn't dare to open my eyes, so I closed my eyes and opened my hands, leaned forward and jumped down.

I don't know if this is similar to the feeling of jumping off a building. When I look at it from below, I feel that I jumped down in an instant, but when I jumped, it felt like a long, long time.

The body is light and floating, floating on the clouds as if weightless.

I slowly opened my eyes, feeling the distance between my body and the water surface getting closer.

Just when I felt like I was about to hit the ground, the rope tied to my ankle bounced me back again, and repeated this several times. I saw a boat coming towards me not far away, and Wu Yunfei was sitting on the boat. Looking at me with a grin.

"You're so calm. It's the first time I saw someone with a calm expression after bungee jumping." He said, "It feels like you had an epiphany the moment you jumped off."

Epiphany? It seems to have such a little feeling.

But in comparison, I think I'm more likely to be stunned. After jumping off for a long time, I still feel my legs are a little weak.

"Do you think more bungee jumping can make you taller?" Wu Yunfei asked suddenly.

This question is really hard to answer, but who would bungee jump all day long

If there is such a person, he should care more about his heart than his height!

"But I really didn't expect you to jump so decisively. Seeing how trembling you were when you went up, I thought it would take you a long time before you dared to jump down." He said.

"After all, there are so many people queuing up at the back, and my hesitation here is too long, which will affect other people's play experience." I said, "And you are waiting for me below, how dare I make you wait too long long?"

He lowered his head and smiled, but didn't speak.

In this way, the two of us walked slowly up the mountain road.

Those who walked with us were either grandpas and aunts who came out to exercise, or student associations who came out to do team building, but any place where we could rest was full of people.

"Let's go back, I'm a little hungry." Wu Yunfei said.

I glanced at my phone, and it was indeed time to eat.

"What do you want to eat? My treat." I said.

During this period of time, he has been eating with the program group. I'm afraid he's already tired of the set meal, right

I have already made enough mental preparations, even if he said that he wants to eat Sichuan cuisine, I will agree without hesitation.

The big deal is that he eats it, and I just watch it.

"Eat the Golden Arches," he said, "craving junk food."

"No problem, your wish will be fulfilled." I said.

In other words, the two of us still can’t get around the stalk of the Golden Arches. When I was young, he always took me to eat the Golden Arches on a bicycle. Now that so many years have passed, nothing has changed except that the bicycle has been replaced by a car.

He might also have thought of this matter, and suddenly revealed a smile.

Then he glanced at me and started laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" I wondered a little.

"I suddenly remembered that once when I said I wanted to eat Golden Arches, you said you wanted to make Coca-Cola Chicken Wings at home." He laughed. replace."

"Shut up!"

I remembered that incident, it definitely belongs to black history!

At that time, I didn't know that the cola in the cola chicken wings was mainly used for coloring. I felt that Mirinda and cola were not much different, so I replaced it.

I don't mention the taste, but the final product is green chicken wings... Wu Yunfei asked me where I got the "mutated muscle" at the beginning.

"At that time, you told me seriously that you could transform into a Hulk after eating that thing. I laughed so hard." He said, "Do you still remember the time when you were in the second year of middle school?"

Of course I remember... the past is unbearable...

Luckily, Wu Yunfei is my wife now, otherwise he would know about my dark history, and I wouldn't be able to resist killing him!

Last time he disliked my confession was too hasty, this time I must make it official!

But what are the procedures for a formal confession? I have to go back and do some research on this kind of thing...

May 27, X

rainy weather

Last night I sorted out my diary, excerpted some of the contents, made pictures and posted them on the Internet.

Originally, it was just to honor the "see you on Monday" that I promised that day, and I would like to confess my feelings for Wu Yunfei, but I didn't expect that a joint petition appeared on the Internet, hoping that we could go to the UK to get married.

"I didn't believe in love at first, but my childhood sweetheart is so loving!"

"The relationship of more than twenty years! How many twenty years can there be in one's life?"

"Woooooo, am I the only one who thinks that Wu Yunfei is waiting for the boss, that's why he hasn't gotten married for so many years?"

"Tell me that there is no true love between the same sex? This is not what true love is!"

Originally, there were people standing on other CPs on the Internet, but after just one day, everyone became the "Fengyun" party, and many people felt that this was the most beautiful love they had seen in this century.

"After such a trouble, I don't think there will be any girls who dare to marry you in the future." My father said kindly, "If she marries you, in the future, she will be pointed at the back and scolded by a third party?"

"Except for Wu Yunfei, I don't want to marry anyone else." I firmly stated my position.

once having seen the best, the rest is not worthwhile looking.

Even if Wu Yunfei doesn't want me someday, I won't fall in love with others anymore.

According to what netizens said, how many twenty years can one live? I can't wait that long to rekindle a relationship.

"You actually jointly petitioned for you to go to England to get married... You really have spent a lot of money." Father said.

To be honest, this joint petition is really not led by me, it seems to be an activity spontaneously organized by netizens, and tens of thousands of people have participated in it so far.

"As the parent of the person involved, do you think I should say something?" he asked.

Logically speaking, it is really not suitable for him to keep silent when the matter has developed to this point, but is he trying to say something by suddenly taking the initiative to bring up this topic

"What do you want me to say?" He said, looking at the time. "The interviewer will arrive in half an hour. Do you want to listen?"

"Yes." I said.

I'm really afraid of my father, if he says something inexplicable at this time, I'll really jump into the Yellow River and I won't be able to cleanse myself.

The interviewer seemed a little surprised to see me there, but greeted me politely.

Only then did I realize that this time the content was broadcast live, and I once again gave my thumbs up for my decision.

At the beginning, everything went smoothly. The reporter asked my father if he knew about Wu Yunfei and I. He said yes, and he also said that Wu Yunfei was the one he mentioned in the last interview.

"Although he is a boy, he is someone who can be entrusted to him for the rest of his life. He knows everything, which is very good."

He would go downhill, not only covering up the misunderstandings he had caused, but also appearing as an open-minded and tolerant parent.

However, I don't know why, but I always feel that what he said sounds a bit awkward, but I can't say exactly where it is awkward.

Afterwards, the reporter asked my father how he felt when he heard the news for the first time. Instead of answering directly, he glanced at me and asked, "Does the beating hurt?"

"It's okay." I said.

"So you said Mr. Ling was beaten because of this?"

The reporter's eyes sparkled, did she have to be so excited when she heard me being beaten

"I almost didn't beat him to death." My father said, "I beat him, scolded me, and made sense. This child just won't change, but he just decided on that one person. What can I do? "

"Then will you express your blessings to them?" The reporter asked again.

"Live a good life." My father said, "Anyway, my dowry is ready."

Wait, I finally realized what was wrong!

My father turned the CP upside down!

"Dad, I'm... the one you married!" I reminded.

Originally, I wanted to say gong, but I was afraid that he would not understand the word, so I changed it.

"Anyway, it's all money for living, almost." Father said.

What about? Much worse!

When he said this, the general public should acquiesce that I was the one to marry!

The interviewing reporter was trying to hold back his laughter, and my face became even more gloomy.

Fortunately, I have rich experience in dealing with the media, so I brought the topic back in a few words.

After the reporter left, my father looked me up and down and was amazed.

"I didn't expect that you were in Dongdan Park looking for fire with cigarettes." He said.

"You're just looking for fire with cigarettes!" I said angrily, "Don't stain our pure love with your dirty thoughts."

But then again, my dad actually knows about Dongdan Park? That's a lot of information...

"Hey, don't think too much. How do you know about Dongdan Park? That's how I know about Dongdan Park. There aren't so many messy things." He said, "But having said that, you two are progressing pretty fast..."

I felt that there was something in his words, and hurriedly said, "Not as fast as you think."

"Then how do you decide who will marry who?" He asked curiously, "If you two are a man and a woman, then needless to say, the woman will marry the man, but you are both men..."

"He said he was zero." I whispered.

"What?" My father did not understand.

I sighed, broke the pot and said, "He said he was a firefighter!"

After finally discussing this matter with my father, on the way back to the office, I found that many people were secretly looking at me and whispering. Even the assistant subconsciously smiled like an old father when he saw me.

I turned on my phone and searched, and everyone was indeed discussing the content of the live broadcast just now. Among them, my sentence "Dad, I'm the one I married" was turned into a ghost video.

"Hahahahaha, the big brother's words are a little helpless."

"The whole world is standing for Yunfeng, only Dad is standing for Yunfeng."

"Actually, Yunfeng is quite cute (dangerous speech)."

"You demons... I can't imagine how the boss should suffer."

Don't talk about him, I can't imagine that scene myself.

It may be that the straight man's thinking is at work, I always feel that Shou is an existence that needs to be held in the palm of my hand and cared for.

Since I have already said that I will protect Wu Yunfei from wind and rain in the coming years, then I must be attacking! Is it possible that Wu Yunfei will continue to protect me like he did when he was a child

My dad has agreed to transfer some shares to me today, which means that soon I will also become a shareholder of the group.

With the initial funds, sooner or later I will earn money that I can't spend, and Wu Yunfei can do whatever he wants, and I can be as confident as the domineering president in the novel.

If he wants to create his own brand, I can also take over the publicity work, which is definitely better than the outside team!

When we go to Fashion Week next time, we will not go as spectators, but as participants of Fashion Week.

Although I have never organized a big show, have I never eaten pork or seen a pig run

At that time, I will definitely help him hold the show in a beautiful way!

All in all, I still have so many things to do for him, how can I take it for granted

Shou means enjoyment, I can't bear him to run around for me!

Let me take care of the siege of cities o* ̄▽ ̄*o

The author has something to say: Keke, I am afraid that some friends don’t know the stalk of Dongdan Park, so I came here to popularize science

Dongdan Park is a particularly famous gathering place for gays in the imperial capital (holy place for dating)

Gong generally holds a cigarette in his hand, and someone who is interested will ask him to borrow a fire (match or lighter)

If Shou also thinks the other party is nice, just say "There is fire, find a place to smoke"

And then... you know...

(PS: Now that the anti-pornography campaign is so powerful, Dongdan Park has probably become an ordinary park)

(Feng Feng and I know about Dongdan Park because we accidentally wandered to the place while taking a walk, heard similar legends, and then searched the Internet out of curiosity... Well, that’s it)