Sand Sculpture Childhood Friends Are the Most Lethal

Chapter 78: Extra episode 5


Yesterday, A Yao told everyone about a lot of things about her childhood, which reminded me of a lot of past events.

Ah Yao was really a little angel since she was a child.

I remember that there was a lot of snow in Beijing one year, and I took him to play in the open space.

People who often play with snow should know that the snowballs made with gloves are soft and fall apart when touched. If you want to make a solid snowball, you must use your bare hands to melt the snow slightly with your own body temperature, and then Quickly knead again into a ball.

Such a ball has snow inside and a thin layer of ice outside, which is definitely a high-end ammunition for snowball fights.

Even if you don’t have a snowball fight, you can use this ball as a “core” and roll it in the snow. After a while, the snowball will be several times larger and look round, which is very suitable for making snowmen.

Ayao was small at that time, and I was afraid that a snowball would hit him and bury him in the snow, so I suggested building a snowman.

We also built snowmen in previous winters, but the snow was not so big at that time, so we could only build miniature snowmen the size of a palm and decorate them with glass beads or something.

It snowed heavily that year, and there was a thick layer of snow on the ground, so we discussed building a big snowman.

"I'll save you a snowball first, and then you can roll in the snow with this ball, the bigger the better."

In order to make the snowballs stronger, I didn't wear gloves.

"Your hands are red from the cold." A Yao said, "Or you should take my gloves."

His gloves are so small I can't fit them in at all.

And it's not that I don't have gloves, it's just that I don't want to wear them too much trouble.

I told him the reason why I didn't wear gloves, and he was silent for a while, then took off the gloves too.

"Why did you take off your gloves? Put them on quickly! Otherwise, you will get sick later, and I will be scolded again." I said.

"If you get sick if you don't wear gloves, then let's get sick together." He said, "Anyway, you can't play with me when you're sick."

I tried to intimidate, but the kid was so stubborn that he wouldn't put gloves on unless I put them on.

I had no choice but to use force, held him in my arms, and put on the gloves forcibly.

"I want to put gloves on for you too." He said, "If you put them on for me, I want to put them on for you too."

What is the reason for this

But in order to make him obedient, I finally chose to compromise and took the gloves out of my pocket.

"You stretch out your hand, don't move around." He said, and slowly put the glove on my hand.

For the first time, I knew that putting on gloves for others can be so delicate. Compared with him, the way I put on gloves just now is simply brutalist, as long as I put them on, I'm done.

"You will definitely attract girls to like you in the future." I couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

At that time, I felt that this child was simply a natural lover. He knew how to please girls since he was a child. I didn't expect that when he grew up, he would become an elm-headed man. No matter how the girls hinted at him, he would not be moved.

"But I don't like girls."

He said that girls are always delicate, and you can't play with them at all. Compared with me, it's more interesting to play with me.

"You won't say that when you grow up," I said.

At that time, I still had the traditional concept, thinking that when a boy grows up, he will definitely meet a girl he likes, and then the two will get married and have children together.

"So do you have a girl you like?" he asked.

Although I was not very old at that time, in his view, I already belonged to the grown-up people.

"Yes." I chose to lie out of face.

"Then do you like her more or me?" He asked again, "What if the two of us call you out to play at the same time?"

Thinking about it now, the conversation between us at that time must have been ridiculous to outsiders.

The two little dolls with missing teeth were actually discussing girls in the snow in a serious manner.

"If you are obedient and obedient, I will like you." I said.

I was just saying it casually, but I didn't expect Ayao to take it seriously. She obeyed me and was so well-behaved that it was unbelievable.

In this way, the two of us rolled out two big snowballs smoothly.

However, after all calculations, the two of us still overestimated ourselves.

The QAQ snowballs rolled too big to be stacked vertically.

We had to change our strategy and pile up individual things on the basis of snowballs.

I chose the rabbit, and Ah Yao chose the cat.

In order to make the snow bunny pile more similar, I took off my gloves halfway, and my hands were basically frozen when the snow bunny was piled up.

Seeing this, Ah Yao took my hand to try to warm me up a bit, but he also played in the snow for a long time, and his hand was cold.

After thinking about it, he unzipped the jacket a little and put my hand in it.

"Is it warm?" he asked.

His body was warm, like a small stove, and I felt my hands warm up all at once.

It is said that ten fingers connect to heart, because my hands are warm, I feel warm in my heart.

"So have you fallen in love with me since then?" A Yao asked after listening to my memories, "I have been so caring since I was a child, and it is hard to find such a warm man."

How can there be such a person who puts gold on his face? I couldn't help but give him a blank look.

Although this guy was very cute when he was young, he also cheated me a lot!

Looking back now, nearly half of my tragic experiences when I was a child were directly or indirectly caused by him.

To give the most obvious example, when I was a child, I often asked him to help me with my homework.

Liberal arts homework is too subjective. In order to avoid being seen as flawed, I basically write it myself. But science homework is different. As long as it is the same as the expression, it doesn't matter how you write the problem-solving process in the middle.

I originally got the answer in advance and asked Ah Yao to copy it directly to the homework for me. Unexpectedly, the child felt that copying the answers directly was too untechnical. He did every question by himself, and even accompanied it with a schematic diagram.

This is good, the teacher saw that I was very moved by my homework, and kept praising me for my correct study attitude, and always asked me to do questions on the blackboard during class.

"This question is a bit similar to the one in yesterday's homework. I think Wu Yunfei's way of solving the problem is very good. Let him explain this question to everyone." The teacher said.

I was stunned and didn't know what to do.

I didn't even look at yesterday's homework, God knows how Ah Yao solved that problem!

I bit the bullet and walked towards the blackboard, thinking about countermeasures while walking.

The moment I stepped on the podium, I had a flash of inspiration and pretended to step on the air and fell to the ground.

People around screamed, and I lay motionless on the ground.

As a person who has to fight with my father every now and then, I have already mastered the skills of flopping and pretending to be dead. I don't believe that the teacher can still make me fall unconscious Continue to do questions on stage.

In this way, after a period of chaos, I was sent to the infirmary.

The teacher in the infirmary couldn't see what was wrong with me, so he suggested calling an ambulance to take me to the hospital.

Going to the hospital means my dad will know about it, and he'll be able to tell right away that I'm faking it!

Thinking of this, I slowly opened my eyes.

I told the teacher in the infirmary that I had hypoglycemia, and recently I often stayed up late to study, and just now passed out when my eyes went dark.

The teacher in the infirmary obviously accepted this statement and told me not to study too hard at ordinary times, otherwise I will regret it later if I damage my body.

I nodded weakly, still looking too weak.

The teacher in the infirmary made me a glass of sugar water, and asked me to lie down for a while after drinking it, and then go back to class when I feel better.

"Do you need me to call your parents and ask them to pick you up?" asked the teacher in the infirmary.

I rejected her righteously, and said that studying is the most honorable, even if I am sick, I must attend today's class.

When I told Ah Yao about this, he was out of breath laughing when he heard this.

"The homework is so well written, the study attitude is so correct, but the final test results are so bad... Don't your teachers find it strange?" he asked.

Of course the teachers found it strange, but they never expected that someone would help me with my homework, so they could only attribute the problem to the fact that I was not a good test taker.

"I told the teacher that I usually do those questions, but when it comes to the exam, my mind goes blank and I can't remember anything." I laughed, "Then the teachers agreed that I had exam syndrome."

"Yes, yes, yes, I have an impression." He said, "At that time, you went to the parent-teacher meeting for me, and the teacher seemed to feel very sorry for it."

It's okay if he doesn't mention it, I still feel embarrassed when I mention it.

It happened when Ah Yao was in junior high school, and they held a parent-teacher meeting at the end of one year, but the adults didn't have time.

At that time, I was already in college, and according to what my dad said, I had a lot of free time, so the arduous task of holding a parent-teacher meeting for Ayao fell on my shoulders.

I know he went to the same junior high school as I did back then, but I never imagined that after so many years, his class teacher is actually my class teacher back then!

That's all, after all, there are only so many teachers in the school, so such a coincidence is not impossible.

But the key is that even the configuration of the teachers is exactly the same!

I was sitting on pins and needles in the classroom, and it felt like I was back in my school days.

I thought that talking to people around me might relieve my tension, but when I looked around, almost all of them were middle-aged people, some students and even grandparents came to hold parent-teacher meetings.

Don't they have brothers and sisters or something? !

"Young man, I don't think you are very old. The children are all in junior high school?" At this moment, the old man next to me talked to me.

"I'm here to hold a parent-teacher meeting for my younger brother," I said.

"Brother?" he asked.

I told him he was my brother.

My dad and his dad are sworn brothers, his dad is my godfather, and my dad is his godfather. From any point of view, I have no problem saying he is a godfather.

There is no common language between me and the old man. After a few awkward chats, the topic was transferred to the child.

He said that he was here to hold a parent-teacher meeting for his son, and his son was in the top ten this time!

When he said this, he had a proud expression on his face, and I also sincerely congratulated him.

To be honest, the top ten in the grade is really a good result, and my ranking was always outside the top 100.

The more the old man talked, the happier he was, and he praised his son so much that there is nothing in the world. Later, he may feel that it is not good for him to keep talking, so he also asked about our child's situation.

"Young man, who are you here for a parent-teacher meeting?" he asked.

I said that I held a parent-teacher meeting for Feng Yao, but I didn't know what his grades were.

"There's a list posted at the door, why don't you take a look?" he said.

I looked at the time, and the parent-teacher meeting would start in a while, so I agreed to his invitation.

There are many parents of students surrounded in front of the leaderboard, it's like a public execution scene.

I was suddenly glad that my mother held parent-teacher meetings since I was a child, otherwise, with my father's violent temper, he would definitely lose his temper after reading the list!

My scalp tingles just thinking about it.

I finally squeezed into the front row. To be on the safe side, I started to look at the twenty or so people, but I didn't find A Yao's name until I saw more than fifty people.

Did he fail the exam this time

Seeing my melancholy expression, the old man asked me if my child failed the exam.

I said there were too many people, and I couldn't find where the names were.

"Why don't I help you find it together. I'll search from the front to the back, and you will search from the back to the front. It's faster this way." He said.

I think this is a good way, so I nodded in agreement.

I saw the position that just ended from the last place, but I didn't find A Yao's name. I asked the old man, and he also said that he didn't see it.

This is strange, Ayao is obviously a student of this school and also took the exam, why is his name not on the list

A parent next to me heard my conversation with the old man, and interjected, "Is the child you are looking for Feng Yao? He is number one this time."

It turned out that in order to praise the top three, the school deliberately put their names at the top of the list, and attached the scores of each subject.

Obviously it is a very conspicuous position, but I just automatically ignored the information on the top row.

"It's amazing." I couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

The old man probably thought I was pretending to be aggressive, so he didn't say a word to me on the way back.

Not long after, the parent meeting began.

Generally speaking, this parent meeting is equivalent to Ayao's personal commendation meeting. The teachers of each subject will praise him when they come in. Some teachers even recognized me and said that I was also very good at what he taught. student, I blushed with embarrassment.

I finally got through to the end of the parent meeting. I thought I was finally relieved, but I didn’t expect the teachers to ask me to catch up on the past QAQ

I followed them to the office, and unexpectedly found that Yao was there.

I asked him why he was here, and he said that the teacher asked him to sort out his learning experience and learning methods here, and he will give a speech under the national flag next Monday.

Seeing him suffering with me made me feel much better.

Having said that, I am also quite curious about how she studies, almost every subject is perfect.

"Don't forget, I was the one who sprinted for the college entrance examination with you not long ago." He sighed helplessly, and said, "It's so easy to read the final exam of junior high school students after finishing the college entrance examination questions."

Thinking about it carefully, Ah Yao had a higher correct rate than me when he was doing the college entrance examination questions, and he often explained the method of the questions to me. The questions in the final exam were indeed too childish for him.

"Then how do you plan to impart experience to everyone?" I asked, "Do you want everyone to do more college entrance examination questions?"

"No, I want to write a heartfelt thank you letter." He said, "I want to thank you for taking me to study the questions all night."

Later, I don’t know what he said when he spoke under the national flag, but when facing the teacher, he categorically stated that I was his tutor, and I taught everything from basic knowledge to key and difficult points.

At that time, the teachers looked at me with fiery eyes, and I was so scared that I thought they were going to ask me to do a set of papers on the spot.

Fortunately, they just lamented that I went to an art school to lose my talent.

Many people wonder why I chose to go to an art school. In fact, I can’t say the reason. I like this kind of thing since I was a child. Every time I see my creativity gradually become a real thing, I always feel very satisfied.

"So you want to design something recently?" Yao asked, hugging me from behind.

Recently, he especially likes to hug me from behind, saying that this is a posture that can bring two hearts closer.

I don't know what basis he said, but this pose does make my heart beat faster every time.

"I don't want to design anything." I said, "I used up too much brain a while ago, and now my head is empty, without any inspiration."

"Then what about our wedding?" He said coquettishly, "I don't want others to interfere with our wedding."

Don't want others to interfere? He wants to do everything by himself

I feel that this child is whimsical again, he is too exhausted to finish so many things.

Nowadays, ordinary people have to find a special team to plan their marriage, let alone him

He is Feng Yao! So many people are waiting to see his wedding of the century! Does he have the nerve to disappoint everyone

"The wedding team is looking for their own people. The group has undertaken many large-scale events before, and the professional level of the team is absolutely fine." He said, "But I still want to do some details by myself..."

I nodded.

On this point, I agree with him, and always feel that there must be some different elements for a wedding to be complete.

"I want to wear your design when I get married." He said, "Wen Miao has already worn your design..."

I understood what he meant, but seeing his jealous expression, I suddenly thought of teasing him.

"Do you want to wear a wedding dress too?" I asked, "What a coincidence, I just brought back the few dresses I made during the competition."

His expression became a little subtle, and he said, "It's made according to Wen Miao's size, even if you let me wear it, I won't be able to wear it."

It's hard to say about other clothes, but that dress has drawstrings on both sides, so he might really be able to wear it!

Thinking of this, I was inexplicably excited, and I must let him try on that wedding dress.

"You've seen me wear women's clothes, but I haven't seen you in women's clothes yet." I said, "If you don't want to wear them, don't even think about wearing my designs in the future."

He hesitated for a moment, and although he was reluctant in every possible way, he nodded in agreement.

"Just wear it a little, you can't take pictures." He said.

What's the point of wearing women's clothes if you don't take pictures? It must be taken when taking pictures!

In this way, we both took a step back.

I can take pictures, but I can't let him walk out of the house dressed like that, and I can't post pictures on social networks.

It's a pity that I can't post on Moments and Weibo, but seeing how awkward he is, I decided to let him go.

There are only 0 times and countless times for women's clothing. In the future, there will always be a chance for him to wear women's clothing again.

Ah Yao is taller, and the wedding dress that originally reached his feet only reached his calves.

Naturally, the zipper cannot be pulled on, so I created it on the spot and changed the wedding dress to a backless style.

Not to mention, it's a little sexy at first glance.

"I thought you wanted to cup my jar just by looking at it." He said.

I couldn't help laughing out loud.

This is my dad's hobby. He likes cupping very much. He not only likes to do it himself, but also likes to do it for others.

The first time I heard Ah Yao's screams at home, it was my dad who tricked him into cupping.

According to A Yao, he felt in a trance that he was being tortured in hell, and said that he would never cup the jar again in this life.

"Actually, cupping is quite comfortable." I said, "Maybe my dad was too excited at the time and accidentally used too much force, which caused a bad experience."

"Maybe." He said, "All in all, I will never let your father cup me in my life!"

I silently lit a small candle for my dad. In fact, he has always been quite confident in his cupping skills.

The two of us chatted one after another, and in a blink of an eye, A Yao changed from an elite boss of the ascetic department to a boss of women's clothes in a wedding dress.

Hmm... In a sense, they are all bosses, nothing wrong~ ̄▽ ̄~

I have a ready-made wig here, but I have a problem with makeup.

It always feels weird if I don't wear makeup, but I haven't put makeup on others before, so I don't know what to do.

"Or you can do your own makeup." I said, "I believe in your level."

A Yao looked confused, and said weakly after a long while: "Actually, I think it's pretty good without makeup."

"No, without makeup your face looks too masculine, not cute at all," I said.

There is no way, we decided to search the Internet for beauty tutorials, and then follow the tutorials step by step.

"I never thought that one day I would sit on a chair in women's clothing and wait for others to make me up." He had a look of lovelessness on his face, as if he didn't like the current situation very much.

"Be happy, how beautiful this dress is." I said, "At the beginning, you praised it so much that it was your favorite work."

He glanced at me resentfully, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, and sighed heavily.

I can understand his thinking, probably it is one thing to see others wear it, but another thing to wear it yourself.

But I just like to see his awkward, yet helpless look.

It should be said that cheating him has been one of the greatest pleasures in my life since I was a child.

The makeup was finally done. Although the process was a bit tortuous, the final overall effect was not bad.

Because Ayao's facial features are relatively tough, after trying soft girl makeup, I resolutely chose European and American makeup.

Although it doesn't match the design inspiration of this wedding dress, I somehow feel that the overall feeling is not bad.

It's the feeling that a big sister has a girl's heart.

I wanted to shave his eyebrows, but he turned me down on the grounds that he was going to work.

I had no choice but to choose a wig with bangs to cover his eyebrows.

Without the interference of beauty, the eye makeup is more prominent, and coupled with her tall stature, she looks like a supermodel.

"Take two steps, take two steps and show me." I said.

He took two steps, but his steps were very stiff, like a robot.

"Be more voluptuous, think about the angels of the Victoria's Secret show." I said.

Just as I was teaching Ah Yao how to scratch his head and pose, Yuan Devourer came over.

When it saw Ah Yao in a wedding dress, his hair exploded all of a sudden, his back was arched and his teeth were grinning, and his throat kept making low growls.

I can imagine this little guy's inner monologue: "Where did you come from?!"