Sand Sculpture Childhood Friends Are the Most Lethal

Chapter 79: Extra episode 6


Meow Mi? !

Today, the king just slept for a while, my shit shovel has evolved into another creature, which seems to be twice the size of the original!

In order not to be looked down upon by him, I also stood up the hair on my body, and the volume was doubled as before.

"Fuck?! What the hell have you made of me? Why did the Yuan Devourer blow its hair when it saw me?" said the excrement shoveler as he walked towards the mirror.

Doesn't he know he's transformed

I suddenly feel a little pitiful.

It must be very uncomfortable to have so much paint on his face and a bunch of messy things wrapped around his body.

I used to have a brother who was homeless with someone who was splashed with paint and died of depression.

Who did such an outrageous thing to my shit shoveler? !

I looked around and there were only two people in the room: one was the shit shoveler and the other was his wife.

Seeing the suppressed smile on the face of his wife who was shoveling shit, I seriously suspect that he did it!

This guy used to bully me when the shit shoveler wasn't home.

Hmph╬▔相▔He must be coveting my beautiful fur, otherwise why is he always touching me

Although the shovel's body does not have such soft and beautiful fur as mine, this guy often touches him, the same way he touches me!

Shameless! Dirty!

Facing his wife who was shoveling shit, I arched my back and assumed an attacking posture.

I will protect the shit shoveler, even if you are his wife, you can't bully him!

"Why are you fierce me? You don't know me anymore?"

He tried to hug me up, but I deftly avoided him with my flexible movements.

Even if this guy turned into ashes, I would still recognize him!

He was the one who put me in a plastic bag and hung me up! He was also the one who hid my can of cat food and tried to hit me!

Didn't he mean he didn't want to pile things up on the ground

What's wrong with me pissing on it

"Maybe you haven't come back for a long time, and it didn't react all at once." The shit shovel squatted down and patted my head.

The shit-shoveling hand is so warm, I love being touched on the head by him so much.

Just when I wanted to express my thanks and rub against him, his wife immediately hugged me away.

"This little guy's claws are too sharp, it will scratch the clothes." He said and squeezed my claws.

I wanted to struggle, but I was caught by the back of fate's neck, and the whole cat froze in place and couldn't move.

Come and save me shit shovel!

I meowed at him a few times, but he didn't seem to hear it.

"It seems that it has never cut its claws before." He responded, "The Yuan Devourer is quite obedient, except for messing with the sofa, it doesn't scratch anywhere else."

yes! I'm super obedient! Why confiscate the king's weapons? !

I've gotten a lot bigger recently, and his wife must be afraid that he won't be able to beat me in a one-on-one fight, so she just cut my nails.

Shit shovel! You must not be fooled!

This king will use these sharp claws to protect our country and country!

"Look, it keeps barking, and it seems that it doesn't want you to cut its nails."

The smooth shoveling got what I meant and stopped his wife's brutal behavior.

"You always want to hug it, what if the claws accidentally scratch the clothes?" His wife didn't seem to give up the idea of cutting my nails.

Meow meow, do I have any grudge against him? He actually wants to use up my sharp claws for a few pieces of rags!

If it wasn't for my help before, would he and the shit-shoveler be able to get together so smoothly

It's really crossing the river and tearing down the bridge, and the kindness will be revenged QAQ

I felt him relax a bit, so I struggled to break free and jumped to the ground in a graceful posture.

I cocked my tail triumphantly, waiting to be praised by shoveling shit, but he only cared about whether I accidentally scratched his wife just now.

It's really meow who forgets to share weal and woe after having a daughter-in-law!

Do you think who accompanied him through the lonely nights after another

it's me!

Who put down his dignity and acted coquettishly and cutely to make him happy when he was unhappy

still me!

I was not willing to be ignored by them like this, meowing and turning around in circles.

"What's wrong?" asked the shit shoveler, "Are you hungry?"

"You can't feed it all the time, or it will get too fat and it will be inconvenient to cut the balls." His wife said.

I don't know what it means to cut eggs, but seeing the gloating expressions of the two of them, I feel inexplicably that the chrysanthemum tightens and the cock cools down.


I decided to use my trump card - show cuteness.

Shit shovelers especially like me, every time I act like a baby, he will stop what he is doing to play with me.

"What a cutie." Shit Shovel sighed, "Why don't we let him be a flower girl at the beginning of the wedding."

Meow meow meow? What the hell is a flower girl? Can I eat it

"I think it's a good idea." He nodded and said, "I'm just afraid that the little guy will be afraid of life..."

"We can let Wen Miao hold it and be a flower girl together." The poop-shoveler said solemnly, "One man and one woman, just right."

"That's how you arranged Wen Miao's position properly? Does she know that she is a flower girl?"

"She asked for it herself."

"Isn't she asking for a bridesmaid?"

I didn't quite understand their conversation, but the poop shovel got very close, kissed his wife, and said in a low voice: "That day you can only have me by your side."

Just like that, I was flamboyantly ignored by both of them.

The two of them whispered a few words, and then the shit shovel picked up his wife and went into the house.

It looks like they are going to have another "big fight" in bed.

Alas... I don't know when I will meet my dream cat QAQ

I sat on the window sill, looking at the bright sky absently, and asked God to give me a female ticket.

Maybe it was my sincerity that touched the heavens. The next day, the shit shoveler and his wife took me to a strange place.

It was a beautiful young lady who opened the door, but that's not the point!

The point is that I smell other cats in her house!

Does she have cats too

I lay down in the cage and looked at the surrounding environment, a little afraid to step out of the cage.

"The little guy seems a little shy of strangers." The young lady stretched out her hand to touch my chin while talking.

I narrowed my eyes comfortably and snored softly.

"It didn't scratch you." His wife who was shoveling shit seemed to be very surprised by this. "When I touch it, the little thing will show me its claws, and its temper is super violent."

"A cat is different from a dog. Most places don't like to be touched by people." The young lady explained, "However, places like the top of the head, chin, and cheeks that it can't touch still like to be touched by people. If it is touched comfortably, it will make this purring sound."

It seems that the young lady understands it very well! Much better than those two idiots in my family.

At this moment, I heard a soft meow, half of my body was numb.

This is the legendary goddess voice!

"Meow~" I tried to respond.

After a while, I saw a graceful figure came into my eyes.

It has blue eyes like the clear sky, and the fur on its body is long and soft, looking very fluffy, like a little fairy.

I have always thought that I am considered good-looking in the cat world, but I didn't expect to feel ashamed when I saw it now.

How could there be such a beautiful cat in the world

"You actually raised a puppet cat?" The excrement shoveler seemed a little surprised. "It is said that this kind of cat is very difficult to take care of. You run around all day to make announcements. Do you have time to take care of it?"

"I hired someone to take care of it." The young lady said as she hugged my goddess and put it on the table.

Looking closer, I feel that it is more beautiful, every hair is so soft and smooth.

I can even smell the faint body odor wafting from it.

"What's your cat's name?" asked his wife who was shoveling shit.

"Simba," said the young lady.

Simba~ ̄▽ ̄~What a nice name~

I leaned over and asked about the goddess' ass, but it immediately avoided it with a disgusted expression on its face.

"Simba, be friendly to the newcomer." The young lady said, "The Yuan Devourer will live with us during this time."

What does it mean to live together? Don't want me to shovel shit

I looked at him pitifully, hoping he could give me a reasonable explanation.

"Hey, there are too many things to prepare during this time, and the house is as messy as a warehouse." The poop shovel explained, "I'll take you home when I'm done with work."

"At that time, it doesn't matter whether he wants to go home with you or not." His wife, who was shoveling shit, joked, "Look at it, it's almost glued its eyes to the little female cat."

After a pause, he said again: "Do you think you can be promising? Seeing a little female cat is like an idiot..."

It's not because of my lack of concentration, but because of the goddess's charm.

I stepped out of the cage and nuzzled the goddess lightly.

Although the goddess still disliked her so much, she didn't avoid it this time.

"Speaking of which, is the Devouring Beast a boy or a girl?" asked the young lady.

"Boy." The shit shovel replied.

"What a coincidence, my Simba is also a boy." The young lady smiled happily, but my heart suddenly cooled down.

My goddess is a boy? !

Goddess turned into a god? !

"Let's go, brother." "Goddess" said, shaking its big fluffy tail, "Brother will show you around."

I felt like my heart was about to break, so I walked around behind the "Goddess" and took a closer look.

It has no balls! How could it be a boy? !

The "goddess" had a slightly sad expression when she heard my question.

"One day you will experience this too." It said, "Treasure your balls."

what does it mean

"I have what you have before, and you will experience what I have experienced one day." It said, "It may be a bit uncomfortable at the beginning, but soon you will find that it is fine without balls. "

I asked him where his balls were, and he told me it was stolen by a shit shoveler.

Shit shovel still steals this kind of thing? !

But the one who shovels shit is a girl, she doesn't have balls, so she wants to steal meow's balls.

My shit shoveler and his wife both have balls, they won't steal my balls!

Should... no