Sand Sculpture Childhood Friends Are the Most Lethal

Chapter 82: Extra episode 9


After the wedding, Wu Yunfei and Feng Yao naturally went to enjoy the sweet world of two, while Wu's mother and Feng's mother met to go shopping together. Father Wu never liked shopping, so in order to avoid being caught by his wife, he took the initiative to invite Father Feng to go out for a drink.

Father Feng also had the same idea, so he readily accepted the invitation: "Now we are considered in-laws, and we really should open a bottle of wine to celebrate."

Just like that, the two dads took two bottles of wine and went back to the room.

At the beginning, they were quite reserved and poured wine into glasses to drink, but after a few glasses of wine, they let go completely and blew directly on the bottle.

"I really didn't expect you to agree to this marriage." Father Feng said with emotion, "I always thought you were a very traditional person."

"What can I do if I don't agree? I'd rather demolish ten temples than ruin a marriage... And you old boy always like to sell favors to be a good person, and you didn't stop their thoughts from the beginning. If I am too opposed, Don't you become a villain who beats mandarin ducks with sticks?" Father Wu said with a cold snort.

He was indeed against the marriage at first, and it seemed to him to be sheer nonsense.

What does it look like for two big men to be in love together? What's more, rabbits don't eat grass by the side of the nest, they are so familiar, they can do it

No matter how he thought about it, he felt that these two children were teaming up to tease him!

Before, he was furious because Wu Yunfei said that he was gay. This brat must be out for revenge, so he deliberately pulled Ah Yao into a scene pretending to be gay, deliberately disgusting people.

He came out of the army, and after retiring, he couldn't stop playing games. He had the pride of a martial arts practitioner in his bones, and he always believed that although his son looked like a little girl, he was actually an iron man. A bloody man with strong bones.

Ayao's child is also a serious person. During the Spring Festival, he even said that he wanted to find a girlfriend. It is impossible to suddenly become gay!

Then why did he waver

Maybe it was because Ah Yao was in severe pain after being punched, but he still smiled and told Yunfei that it didn't hurt at all; or maybe it was because his son, who was fearless since he was a child, was crying in front of him for the first time. like a tearful man...

Even if he was playing Jiajia, at that moment he really couldn't bear to say the words of rejecting them.

Thinking of this, Father Wu took a big sip of wine and said, "Speaking of which, when I heard the news, I struggled for a while, but you agreed happily."

"Are you happy?" Father Feng thought for a while, as if from a certain point of view, he did agree very happily.

"Happy." Father Wu said, "Your reaction almost made me think that this was something you expected."

"Unexpected? How is it possible!" Father Feng smiled helplessly, "I thought that the two of them would become very good friends, and I also thought that the two of them would become brothers with different surnames, but I never thought that these two children would actually became a couple."

After a pause, he continued: "Yunfei had mentioned his sexual orientation to you before. Before that day, I always thought that Ah Yao liked girls."

"Then your ability to accept is really strong, at least better than me." Father Wu said, "When I heard the brat say that I like men, I almost beat him to death!"

As he spoke, he patted the table emotionally, almost shaking the things on the table to the ground.

"How many times have I told you that you can't beat the child all the time, it's easy to make him rebellious." Father Feng straightened the things on the table one by one, and said, "If you didn't beat him every now and then, maybe Yunfei would won't be gay anymore."

Father Wu scoffed at what Father Feng said.

It's true that he doesn't beat children, so Feng Yao has become gay anyway.

What's more, most of the time, he doesn't really hit the child, but he is practicing moves with the other party. Those who practice martial arts are taboo about fishing for three days and drying nets for two days. He chased the child to practice his footwork, and giving him room to dodge was to practice his body skills.

If he hadn't been merciful, that brat would have grown to such a big size neatly

"Today is a day of great joy for the two children, so let's stop this topic." Father Wu said while raising the wine bottle in his hand to Father Feng.

It's been a long time since they each got married and started their own businesses. They haven't gathered together for a drink like they do now.

Father Feng smiled, and said: "Time flies so fast, I feel like not long ago you were asking me about relationship issues with a drink, and in a blink of an eye, the children were married."

"That's right." Father Wu said with emotion, "I really don't know what I thought at the beginning, but I would ask an old fox like you about relationship issues."

"What's wrong with asking me about relationship issues? If it wasn't for my help, would you be able to find a wife?" Father Feng said dissatisfied.

From a certain point of view, the acquaintance of Wu Yunfei's parents was completely coincidental.

Once Father Wu was walking on the street and happened to see a girl being entangled by a hooligan. As a martial arts practitioner, he was obliged to help her drive away the hooligan and escorted her back home.

He thought it was a chance meeting, but he didn't expect that he would always see that girl in various places in the next few days. He can meet each other when eating, when he is walking, and even outside the training ground.

Once or twice is okay, but after more times, even his elm-headed head can sense that something is wrong there.

"The girl must like you!" Feng's father came to a firm conclusion at that time, "If it wasn't for liking you, why would a big girl run around behind your ass?"


Father Wu couldn't figure out why the two people who met by chance fell in love with each other, but he couldn't find any better explanation than Father Feng's conclusion.

"So what do you think I should do?" he asked.

"The girl is thin-skinned, so you should take the initiative and invite her to watch a movie or something when we meet next time." Father Feng suggested, "When the time comes, you can take advantage of the movie theater to turn off the lights and secretly touch her hand."

"Isn't this a stinky hooligan?!" Father Wu said.

"How can this be called a rogue? This is called romance." Father Feng said solemnly, "If a girl doesn't like you, you'll be playing a hooligan if you touch someone's hand, but it's different if you like you."

Father Wu swallowed when he heard the words.

He knew that his brother had a lot of tricks, but he didn't expect that he was young and knew a lot about things between men and women.

"Then... what happened after you touched your hand?" He asked.

"If she doesn't reject you, then kiss her." Father Feng said, "After the kiss, she will be yours."

Although Wu's father was skeptical of his statement, he still did as he said, and the girl did not reject him.

But after the movie ended, the girl blushed and told him the truth.

It turned out that the other party followed him every day just because he accidentally dropped his ID card that day, and the other party was looking for an opportunity to return the ID card to him.

At that time, he felt that he was a heinous sinner. The girl returned his ID card with good intentions, but he took advantage of the other party.

He didn't know what to say at the time, so he could only choose to run away.

However, when he went out the next day, he still met the girl.

" forgot to take back your ID card yesterday." The girl handed him a small package wrapped in a handkerchief, and when he opened the package, his ID card was inside.

Father Wu felt very embarrassed, so he proposed to invite the girl to dinner.

The girl hesitated for a moment, and agreed to him.

After going back and forth like this, the two of them became boyfriend and girlfriend, and later got married after meeting their parents.

Until now, Dad Feng joked that he picked up a daughter-in-law on the way.

"You were so stupid back then, I really don't know how you managed to catch up with my sister-in-law." Father Feng said, "Fortunately, that kid Yunfei doesn't follow you at all."

"If you don't follow me, why don't you still follow me?" Father Wu thought about it after he finished speaking, it seemed that his son's smooth-tongued appearance was a bit like this old fox, and it seemed that he was spoiled by him when he was a child!

At that time, Father Feng was just an idle playboy, and he would go to their house to grab a meal almost every day. At that time, Wu Yunfei was just born, and when he needed someone to take care of him, he often volunteered to help take care of the child.

At that time, they didn't know that the child's three views would be affected by the person who took him. When they realized it, Wu Yunfei's glib appearance was almost a copy of Feng's father, no matter how he corrected it, he couldn't change it.

Thinking of this, Father Wu snorted coldly, and said, "Don't be complacent, your son is not like you either."

Leaving aside what he is like in private, Feng Yao's appearance on weekdays is definitely an upright gentleman, and he is strict in doing things, which is not at all different from a person like Feng's father who is full of tricks.

He always felt that Feng Yao was like him, but calmer, smarter and more trustworthy.

But for some reason, he claims to treat this child better than his own son, but Ah Yao is not close to him, sometimes there is a slight sense of alienation.

He couldn't figure out what was going on until he overheard a conversation between two children and learned that the brat had been trying to smear him.

The brat's description was very exaggerated, and he knew it was a lie, but that child, A Yao, seemed to have lost his mind, nodding his head and accepting everything he said.

At that time, he was going to explode in anger, and he wanted to beat Wu Yunfei after chasing him. Although he didn't hit him hard in the end, he just hit him twice symbolically, but it still left a psychological shadow on Ayao's young mind, and it lasted for a long time. The other side doesn't want to get close to him.

But it's better now, just now at the wedding, Ayao willingly called him "Dad".

Thinking of this, he unconsciously raised the corner of his mouth.

"Laughing so happily?" Father Feng took a sip of his wine and asked, "What happy things did you think of?"

"I think it's good for these two children to be together, at least they don't cause trouble." Father Wu said, "If you marry a daughter-in-law who can make troubles and make the house restless all day long, it's better than it is like now. "

"It's not easy for you to say such things." Father Feng smiled, "I thought so too, so I didn't object to it at the beginning."

"I hope the two of them can live a good life in the future and don't get divorced or anything." Father Wu murmured.

Although there are thousands of reasons for divorce, in his opinion, such things are always hurtful.

Divorce between a husband and wife is almost the same as breaking up friendship between brothers. He was afraid that A Yao and Yun Fei would go to that point.

"What if the two of them have to divorce?" Father Feng asked, "For example, after being together for a while, they found out that they still prefer women, and then each found a wife..."

"This is disloyalty to marriage!" Father Wu slapped the table fiercely, "If they weren't married, I don't care how they both quarrel. But now that they are married, unless I die Otherwise, they won't even think about getting a divorce!"

At the same time, Feng Yao and Wu Yunfei, who were applauding for love, suddenly shuddered.

"Why do I feel that someone is talking about us?" Wu Yunfei whispered.

"It doesn't matter who is talking about it, now you can only think about me and look at me." After finishing speaking, Feng Yao kissed deeply.

The author has something to say: Hmm... today I have something to do with both of you, I failed to drive the car on the road QUQ

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