Saving The Villain Boy

Chapter 13: disease


After that, Yan Qiwei wanted to continue to hint at him in different ways, but found that there was no way to reveal more information.

—It was as if after she said that, an invisible system instantly repaired the loophole, leaving her with no way of exploiting the loophole.

Okay, Yan Qiwei gritted her teeth, you are ruthless.

She and Liang Xiao came home very late. Their parents were busy with their careers, and they were often not seen. Brother Liang Bozhong left school early, and after finishing his homework, he threw himself in front of the computer.

When Aunt Shen saw them coming back, she frowned and said, "Is Weiwei okay? You scared me!"

She has worked in Liang's family for many years and treats the children as her own. Yan Qiwei shook her head and smiled: "It's not a big problem, Aunt Shen, don't worry."

"It's not just me, Bo Zhong was also shocked when he heard that you fainted. He bought some apples and hawthorn slices when he got home, and now they put them on the living room table." Aunt Shen was relieved to see that she was safe and said This matter raised his eyes and raised his mouth, "The child must have heard that these two things are good for the heart, and bought them for you. Although he didn't say anything, he must still have your sister in his heart."

Yan Qiwei couldn't help but smile, her heart warmed.

After a winter vacation, their relationship has eased a lot. Today's Liang Bozhong doesn't have the icy hostility of seven years later. As a plump, chubby, arrogant and petite boy, except for occasional skinny and housekeeping, it can arouse the protective desire of old aunts.

Why did he become like that

She couldn't think of an answer.

After thinking about it for a long time, Yan Qiwei simply tried to knock on the door of Liang Bozhong's room. The latter was obviously immersed in the game. After a while, he responded impatiently: "Come in."

Seeing that it was her, the child's originally gloomy face was obviously relieved a lot. He swallowed the words of complaining about the interruption of the game, his eyes flew over, and asked in a deep tone, "Why?"

"Come to thank you." Yan Qiwei was amused by his awkward appearance, and walked up to him lightly, "I heard that a certain child bought fruit for me."

"It's easy, don't be sentimental." Liang Bozhong snorted coldly and turned his head away, "Are you... okay?"

Yan Qiwei leaned down and glanced at the computer screen: "Well."

He was actually playing a very classic domestic Xianxia game. At this time, the plot was coming to an end, and the protagonists were dueling with the final boss.

The sword light flickered from the top of the snow, and the white light reflected in the boy's dark pupils. Seeing that his sister was rarely interested in games, Liang Bozhong told her cheerfully, "This game is great! If I lived in ancient times like them, I must be a super hero."

"You can also become a hero now." Yan Qiwei patted his head lightly, "Chivalry has never been equal to high-level martial arts."

Liang Bozhong finally moved his eyes from the computer screen to her face, blinking blankly.

"Chivalry is a kind of feeling. Helping the poor, punishing evil and promoting good, and seeing injustice in the road, you can do all of these. 'Chivalry' is hidden in people's hearts, not those unrealistic fairy methods in games." She His tone was serious but gentle, "If you want to be a hero, you have to help others a lot in the future and don't do bad things, okay?"

Liang Bozhong, who was still in elementary school, didn't know if he understood, his dark eyes stared into two round cakes. He took some time to think about her words, and finally nodded ignorantly, with little stars flashing in his pupils: "Sister, you are so cool!"

I really didn't understand.

Education should start from the baby. Thinking of his troublesome appearance in the future, Yan Qiwei decided to remind the child to be obedient and to take care of the tender flowers of the motherland in the days to come.

The sharper the sword, the sooner it is necessary to forge a scabbard.

She rubbed Liang Bozhong's furry head again: "Don't be rude, I'm leaving - I'll give you a small piece of advice, your current level is too low to beat the boss, so come back after leveling up."

The teaching progress of Liang Xiao's previous school was slower than that of Shenghua High School, and many knowledge points were missed. He still has physical rejection when he is in contact with strangers. The idea of his parents asking for private tutoring is not a problem. It just so happens that the original owner Liang Wei's academic performance is among the best. The person agreed to conduct face-to-face tutoring in the study room after completing the homework.

The content of liberal arts focuses on transcribing notes, while science is more difficult to teach. Fortunately, Yan Qiwei is a science student with good grades, and Liang Xiao is extremely smart.

Yan Qiwei especially likes to see him solving problems with his head down.

When interacting with people, Liang Xiao is always a little shy and inferior, like a chick with its head curled up in its wings. Only when he devotes all his attention to his studies, the shyness and shyness between the boy's eyebrows will quietly fade away, replaced by a lake-like tranquility and seriousness.

It was raining outside the window, and a damp coolness permeated the study. The incandescent light shone brightly and landed on his slender eyelashes like a small fan. A wind blew in from the window, and the pages of the book rattled.

She lay lazily on the desk, quietly raised her eyes and looked at him, without making any sound.

"All right."

After Liang Xiao solved the last final question, she handed the workbook to her, while Yan Qiwei checked it and nodded with satisfaction.

He seemed relieved, showing a shy smile, and only then did he have the energy to glance out of the rainy and misty window, and murmured softly in a questioning tone, "Is it raining?"

At this moment, a flash of lightning flashed by, and the deafening thunder followed one after another. In the suddenly brighter sight, Yan Qiwei sensitively noticed that his face turned pale in an instant.

"Weiwei." Liang Xiao looked into her eyes for the first time ever, and when they met, she saw the blood red deposited in the bottom of the other's eyes. His voice was low and hoarse, trembling slightly, "Can you go to my room and help bring the physical notebook?"

Not right.

Yan Qiwei didn't answer immediately, and after a while she said cautiously, "What's the matter with you?"

Liang Xiao actually laughed: "I'm fine, please help me, okay?"

He was obviously trying to keep her away, but what is something Liang Xiao can't be seen by her

Yan Qiwei was about to ask, but another thunder pierced through the sky.

The young man in front of him shook his body, finally unable to restrain the surging pain, he clenched his brows and bowed his body. The pain that was almost forgotten spreads everywhere at the same time, tearing, bludgeoning, suffocation, starvation... Every joint seems to be smashed, and then rudely pieced together one by one.

Although he bit his lip, there were still a few broken murmurs, and the pale knuckles clasped the edge of the desk, barely supporting his shaky body.

Liang Xiao didn't dare to look up at her expression, so she could only use all her strength to say softly, "Weiwei, go out, don't look."

Yan Qiwei's eyes turned red.

One word came to mind with unparalleled clarity - stress disorder.

Since she met Liang Xiao, she had never seen him fall ill. She thought that his illness was almost cured, but she didn't expect that it was just because, every time the illness occurred, Liang Xiao carefully avoided her sight, gritted her teeth and endured the pain alone.

Psychological disorders will reappear from time to time to the pain of the patient's trauma. She remembered the words that Liang Xiao's adoptive mother said in a cold voice, and the horrific scar on his hand. Her heart seemed to be slammed hard, and it was difficult to even breathe.

If this was a romance novel of healing, she would hug Liang Xiao without hesitation and use so-called "tenderness and love" to heal all his sufferings, but Yan Qiwei couldn't do it.

- He has always refused to be touched by others, and now he is sick. If he touches rashly, it is likely to exacerbate the disease.

She felt an unprecedented powerlessness and despair, tears fell like a broken thread, and she was at a loss for a long time, and finally she could only cry and lean down, and said to him in a clumsy tone with a crying voice as softly as possible: "Liang Xiao, I'm by your side. I'll protect you, don't be afraid."

The thunderstorm outside continued to roar with an aura that devoured the world, but Yan Qiwei felt that the surroundings were extremely quiet, and even her own heartbeat could be heard clearly in her ears.

Her palm fell one centimeter away from Liang Xiao's arm, as if afraid of disturbing him, Yan Qiwei quietly held her breath.

I don't know how long it took before Liang Xiao's chaotic and heavy breathing calmed down.

Then he slowly raised his head, the broken hair on his forehead was soaked with sweat, and the bloodshot eyes seemed to fall into a star, a soft light that Yan Qiwei had never seen before and was so warm that it could almost drown a person.

She froze in place for a while, while Liang Xiaoqiang twitched the corners of her mouth, revealing a pale and feeble smile.

In the next second, the boy's rough fingertips caught her cheeks that were wet with tears. His movements were as gentle as a feather, and a wave of heat spread from the top of his head to all over his body. Yan Qiwei didn't know whether the heat was coming from Liang Xiao or whether it was from Liang Xiao or not. Because he blushed unsatisfactorily.

He is actively touching her.

He was a little embarrassed, and his voice was hoarse: "I'm sorry, did I scare you?"

It was obvious that the person who suffered the most was Liang Xiao himself, but he had to comfort her in turn.

How could he be so stupid.

Yan Qiwei was both distressed and flattered, and suddenly wanted to gently hold him in her arms, but she still cared about Liang Xiao's condition after all, raised and lowered her hands, and her tears fell uncontrollably.

Liang Xiao didn't speak, a gust of wind blew over.

There was a warm and soft touch when his palm was on her back, and Yan Qiwei fell into his arms along the gust of wind.

When her mind went blank, she heard the thumping heartbeat of the young man, and Liang Xiao's sigh-like comforting voice.

"Don't cry."

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Gongzi 21 bottles; Liu AC 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!