Saving The Villain Boy

Chapter 17: deadlock


Liang Xiao drove to pick her up at six o'clock in the evening according to the agreed time.

After waking up, Yan Qiwei tossed around at home for a long time. She took off and reapplied her makeup. She was not satisfied no matter how she looked. In the end, seeing that she had no time, she just put on light makeup and went out.

She is gorgeous and has a somewhat aggressive appearance, and her three-dimensional facial features do not require heavy makeup to easily attract people's attention.

In the car, Liang Bozhong caught a glimpse of a figure outside the window, and was about to make a habit of sarcasm, when he saw Yan Qiwei's face sideways, he couldn't help but froze for a moment - even he had to admit that among so many people of the opposite sex who pursued his brother one after another , this woman is the most beautiful one.

But after all, he was a notoriously bad-tempered and vicious-tongued little prince, so he quickly retracted his gaze and sneered, "Auntie, it's too much of a grind."

Broken kid.

Liang Xiao in the driver's seat reprimanded: "Bo Zhong."

After a pause, she turned her head to look at Yan Qiwei again, her calm tone was like a pool of stagnant water, and she couldn't tell her anger or anger: "Sorry, Miss Yan."

Yan Qiwei smiled gently: "It's okay, children are cute like this."

When Liang Xiao turned her eyes away, she smiled and looked at Liang Bozhong, who was also sitting in the back seat of the car, and made a triumphant face at him maliciously.

With Liang Xiao supporting her, Liang Bozhong was helpless even if he was provoked. With a complex expression, he stopped his gaze on the young woman beside him, watching her sit up straight and graceful, with her handbag on her lap.

Although he didn't know anything about women's luxuries, he saw the familiar Chanel logo at a glance. Liang Bozhong was not interested in it, and his eyes were fixed on the bag somewhere.

- The handbag is pure black, exquisite and small, with a bit of a noble and noble temperament, but on its chain, a cartoon version of a doll charm is tied very inconsistently with the style of painting.

The image of high-cold ladies has disappeared.

Aware of his straightforward gaze, Yan Qiwei also followed the boy's gaze and looked down, with a smile on the corner of her mouth: "This is the Duke Barton out-of-print commemorative doll I bought with great effort, isn't it cute?"

There was uncontrollable smugness in his tone, as if this was some kind of peerless baby.

Liang Bozhong's expression darkened for some reason, and he snorted coldly: "Child, no one likes this stuff anymore."

She opened her mouth and wanted to say, "Didn't you like him very much before?" However, this sentence was stuck in her mouth, so she could only change her mouth and say, "I just like it, you can't control it."

Liang Bozhong was speechless by her, frowned and looked at Yan Qiwei again.

Before meeting Yan Qiwei, he had heard descriptions about her many times from his mother Chen Jiayi and other elders—a gentle, intellectual and polite eldest lady, beautiful and talented, with deep attainments in literature and music. A well-known talented woman in the circle.

After seeing her, these impressions completely collapsed. He once thought that this woman was like the second female lead in the idol drama, a black-hearted lotus with a vicious heart and a ruthless heart, but now it seems...

This person is a childish ghost who just graduated from kindergarten!

The two of them were bickering in the back row, and Liang Xiao pursed his lips and said nothing.

He raised his eyelashes quietly, and caught a glimpse of the mini-doll in the rearview mirror that was constantly dancing with the body.

The dark and unclear eyes were covered with a soft and bright color, like a hazy moon shadow suddenly falling on the deep lake, reflecting the sparkling waves.

Immediately, he looked down and landed on the palm of the girl in the back seat, which was as white as jade, and was placed on her knee.

The slender fingers are interlaced, and the knuckles are slightly curled.

It's a habit that's so tiny that it's hard to spot, and once someone did it unconsciously.

She doesn't even know it herself.

The dinner location this time was set at a Japanese food store.

After ordering, it was Liang Bozhong's turn to criticize. Liang Xiao, as his elder brother, obviously felt a headache for him, and politely said to her: "I'm sorry, Miss Yan. Bo Zhong's behavior that day was really reckless, I hope you can forgive him. "

Liang Bozhong answered without emotion like a dead fish: "I'm sorry."

Then he silently said with his mouth: "A-aunt-"

Yan Qiwei didn't know what to talk about with Liang Xiao at first, but now she just used the bear child: "It doesn't matter. Bo Zhong should be in high school, right? How are your grades?"

When talking about this topic, Liang Bozhong immediately wilted.

"He doesn't make the family worry much." Liang Xiao smiled, "The grades are so-so, I'm laughing."

Although the current Liang Bozhong is obviously very hostile to himself, Yan Qiwei has been his sister for a long time after all. Seeing the once-handy and silly little fat dun become like this, I still feel a little disappointed and sad in my heart.

She was about to open her mouth to continue the conversation, but found that Liang Xiao and Liang Bozhong on the opposite side were suddenly startled, their eyes focused on a certain direction behind her at the same time.

A strange premonition flooded my heart uncontrollably.

Yan Qiwei turned around.

They were sitting in the box, the door was pushed open when the waiter came in, and a strange girl was standing in the corridor. Her almond eyes are clear, the tip of her nose is slightly upright, her cherry-colored lips are hooked into a sultry arc, and her long shawl hair is picked up by the night wind breaking through the window.

It is similar to Liang Wei in the past.

In other words, if Liang Wei grew up and looked more mature, it might be her appearance.

summer dream.

A name came to mind, Yan Qiwei bit her lower lip pale.

In that novel, Liang Xiao robbed and robbed Xia Meng because she looked like Liang Wei.

Meeting her was doomed to the rout of his life.

Yan Qiwei has thought countless times that she must stop this ending.

But can she stop it

They were sitting on the second floor, and the girl didn't linger, she turned and went down the stairs. At the same time, Liang Xiao stood up, and his usual calm and indifferent tone showed a trace of panic: "Miss Yan, I'm sorry, there seems to be someone I know over there. I'll go say hello, please wait a moment."

She wanted to stop him and told Liang Xiao that it was not Liang Wei, and the person who really accompanied him growing up was actually by his side.

But Yan Qiwei could only laugh dryly: "Okay."

When Liang Xiao's back disappeared from sight, it took a while for Liang Bozhong to recover from the shock.

His first sentence was: "Auntie, for the sake of you helping me wipe the blood, you have no chance."

The second sentence: "He will definitely fall in love with that woman."

Finally added: "My brother will definitely not be back in a short time, you better go."

Yan Qiwei gritted her teeth and asked, "Are you so sure?"

Liang Bozhong smiled: "She looks very similar to a certain person. My brother has not liked anyone in these years, and even if there is one in the future, it will only be a substitute for that person."

No one spoke for a while, and the box was extremely quiet.

Time passed by, and the dishes came one after another. Yan Qiwei had no appetite, and sat on the side watching Liang Bozhong feasting, she was so wronged that she could hardly breathe.

There was a burst of scalding heat in the eye sockets, and the breath was all blocked in the throat. She endured the discomfort and waited for a while, the door behind her was silent, and no one opened it.

I don't know how long it took, until she couldn't hold back her tears anymore, Yan Qiwei finally took a deep breath, drank the Japanese sake on the table, and stood up under Liang Bozhong's surprised eyes: "I'll go first. . If your brother comes back, say I'm not feeling well."

She almost fled, and when she left Liang Bozhong's sight, a single tear fell slowly.

Why do you like Liang Xiao

In retrospect, it is both cliché and incredible. When I was a freshman, I went to the river with a friend to sketch and accidentally fell into the water. It was Liang Xiao, who was passing by, who rescued her.

He didn't speak, and soon left alone, the young girl's tender feelings quietly sprouted in his heart.

Like a huge splash of water splashed by a puff.

Liang Xiao will not know that someone has been secretly loving him for several years, and he will not know that the girl who once accompanied him through his youth is by his side.

Her likes and devotions are quiet and never noticed, as if they never existed.

Thinking of it this way, it is only logical that Liang Xiao would treat her as a necessary stranger.

When Yan Qiwei walked out of the Japanese food store, it was raining lightly in the sky.

She wiped away the tears, stood under the eaves and took out her mobile phone. Before the ride-hailing software was opened, a strange male voice sounded beside her: "Miss, why are you crying?"

There was a malicious smile in this voice, which made her feel cold all over, and when she raised her eyes blankly, it happened to collide with a man's eyes.

Sake has a lot of stamina, and the slight drunkenness smokes the brain into a groggy. Yan Qiwei shook her head dully: "I'm fine."

"Who has the heart to make such a beautiful lady sad? Why don't you come and play with me."

The man smelled of alcohol when he spoke, and was obviously more drunk than her.

He had already lost his mind under the influence of alcohol, and he was even more annoyed when he saw her dodging.

-However, before she touched Yan Qiwei's body, her wrist was tightly held.

Yan Qiwei raised her head in a daze, facing Liang Xiao's dark pupils. He had no expression, his eyes briefly passed through her red eyes, and he frowned slightly.

The heart was beating wildly.

The unfamiliar man struggled desperately, his other hand clenched into a fist and waved towards him, Liang Xiao's eyes paused, and he easily dodged the attack, and the free right hand hit the opponent's cheekbone in the next second.

The man screamed and fell to the ground, covering his face.

Raindrops flew in obliquely, and the bright lights of the neon lights on the street melted into the hazy rain and fog, reflecting Liang Xiao's angular profile.

He still looked indifferent, his sword eyebrows were slightly twisted, his thin lips were pursed into a straight line, and his eyes were cruel and cold like she had never seen before.

It wasn't until then that Yan Qiwei finally realized that Liang Xiao was no longer the shy and shy boy he used to be.

In the novel, it is said that he is decisive, gloomy and paranoid, who can not only put himself at risk for the people he loves, but also destroy the enemy's family.

Liang Xiao lowered his eyes to look at her, a ray of light fell from the bottom of his eyes, dispelling the originally cold chill.

Then he took off his jacket, and gently covered Yan Qiwei's head and back to block the raindrops flying diagonally under the eaves.

His movements were quick, and when he retracted his arm, Yan Qiwei caught a glimpse of a large red mark and blisters on the back of Liang Xiao's hand.

She was stunned for a while, and then asked when she was a little more conscious: "You... were burned?"

"Something happened just now, I've kept you waiting, sorry." He smiled lightly, "Miss Yan, this is the fourth time I'm sorry to you today."

The author has something to say: It is suitable for renaming and entering v_(:з"∠)_

In Chapter 6.9, Chapter 18 will enter V! I will ask for a day of fake code words on Saturday, hehe, the next chapter should be a little sweeter (?)

By the way, push the pre-collection of the next book!

Love you guys!

"Food at the Monster Asylum"

A new employee named Lin Yu comes to the Qichuan Paranormal Shelter.

Lin Yu was born pure and white, spoke softly and softly, always had a smile on her face when she met anyone, and usually had nothing to do, she liked cooking and chatting.

In the sugar-coated cannonballs of delicious food, the big devils who made all mankind terrified silently put away their killing intent, and regarded the weak-looking little newcomer as their daughter's pet.

The Count of Vampire disguised the blood plasma as popsicles and carrot juice, the female ghost in red covered her terrifying white eyes with beauty contact lenses, and even the famously surly and arrogant nine-tailed fox showed her furry ears, lowered her eyes and said coldly, "It can only be Touch it."

Everyone thought she was a mediocre pastry chef, until one day Lin Yu ended the runaway Yanlong with a knife.

"Pastry chef?" She wiped the blood from the corners of her mouth, smiling harmlessly, "No, I'm the newly appointed task force captain."

"Reborn Big Brothers Are My Brothers"

Rong Shuning was reborn from the apocalyptic wasteland and came to a parallel world where the cataclysm never happened.

At that time, the leader of the survival team who met ghosts and killed ghosts was only an 18th-tier actor who was hacked by the whole network. He was planning to turn the tide against the wind by himself.

Why are the teammates of the entire team also reborn, and their identities are so powerful, hey!

The little sister who talks about everything is the daughter of the CEO of the film and television company;

The younger brother who blows her rainbow farts every day is a talented new director;

The middle-aged fat uncle who treats her as his daughter is a top designer;

Even the little poor boy who was rescued easily has become a wealthy little boy, trying to kill her black fans with money every day.

Rong Shuning: I didn't expect everyone to show their faces, so I lay down.

Others: Captain, you never told us that you are the daughter of the boss of Shenghua Group!