Saving The Villain Boy

Chapter 20: Mania


The air became subtly hot and dry.

Yan Qiwei was blocked by Liang Xiao's arm in the corner, holding the tie tightly in her hand.

She felt her legs weak, and even her breathing became light and slow, almost stagnant.

Liang Xiao's cheeks were instantly swallowed by the overwhelming flush. Although there is no concept of the so-called "wall dong" in his mind, such close contact with the opposite sex is an experience that a teenager has never had before.

What's more, as the leader of the action, he held her against the corner of the wall in this extremely ambiguous posture.

The little girl in front of her lowered her head without speaking, and slowly loosened the tie in her hand. He could see her slender, soft white fingers with unparalleled clarity, and her equally white chin with a little baby fat.

Liang Xiao thought at an inopportune moment that she was only so small that she seemed to be able to hold her whole with one hand.

His dead brain was ignited by the thought that was close to wishful thinking. At the same time, his breath stagnated, he hurriedly retracted his arms and stood up straight, and whispered in a very guilty tone: "… I'm sorry."

Only then did Yan Qiwei dare to breathe normally, and her voice was equally small: "It's my problem... I'm sorry."

"How did the two of you choose?"

Thank goodness a beautiful lady clerk came, and as soon as she spoke, the awkward atmosphere between the two was eliminated. She looked at the black tie on Liang Xiao's neck, she was familiar with it and naturally stepped forward to help him put it on, but she couldn't stop: "Little sister, your boyfriend is good-looking, any tie is suitable for him."

In fact, the title "boyfriend" suits her very well, but Yan Qiwei wants to be embarrassed in front of Liang Xiao, so she still has to look reserved. So she quickly shook her head: "He's not my boyfriend."

"Oh..." The clerk chuckled and winked at her, "I understand, I understand."

Young people are shy easily.

Liang Xiao finally bought the tie, and Guo Mengmeng also chose the suit that Yan Qiwei matched for her.

Zheng Zeyu complained aggrievedly in the group of three: [Why doesn't she like the red dress I picked? ]

Yan Qiwei glanced at the photo he posted and replied sincerely: [This kind of old-fashioned red, even Nezha wouldn't wear it when he went to the sea. ]

Zheng Zeyu: [… Okay. Will you die if you comfort me a little? ]

With aimless shopping in the mall, the four successfully spent most of the day until the dessert shop opened.

Yan Qiwei was tired and hungry. As soon as she was seated, she couldn't wait to open the menu and ordered a black forest cake.

Zheng Zeyu ate the strawberry egg tarts and the chocolate meringue puffs happily, and took time out of his busy schedule to raise his head: "I have a question, what should I do with the recording of the woman admitting that she made a rumor?"

"Either make the recording public, or force her to admit it herself, absolutely can't just let it go." Yan Qiwei poked Guo Mengmeng's elbow slowly, "What do you think?"

Everyone at the scene knew that even if Ye Man would stop bothering Guo Mengmeng in the future, the cold and violent environment created by her long-term slander would be difficult to change easily.

Many classmates in the class believed in rumors that she was of bad character, and all of her former friends gradually became estranged, and even developed to a situation where almost no one was willing to talk to her—once she had an intersection with Guo Mengmeng, she would be judged by herself. The bystanders who claim to be "fair and kind" are labeled as aliens, so as to be excluded from the big group like her.

No one wants to be abandoned by the group because of her, and even if the onlookers have some vague sympathy, they can only silently become the silent majority.

People say it is terrible, they must shake the truth out as soon as possible.

Guo Mengmeng looked at Yan Qiwei's firm and trusting gaze, and there was an ancient bell in her heart that had been silent for a long time. At this moment, it rang.

After two years of unwarranted infamy and cynicism, and a long and lonely road for two years, she thought she would spend her high school career in a hopeless environment, until she finally had someone by her side.

She had never dared to dream of sitting in a dessert shop with her friends one day and talking like every other high school student with a flat life.

Seeing her dazed, Yan Qiwei smiled and touched Guo Mengmeng's head: "Don't worry, no matter what happens, we will be on your side."

The girl's smile is clear and soft, like the breeze of the moon.

It's too gentle.

Guo Mengmeng lowered her eyes and raised the corners of her lips lightly: "I listen to you."

Zheng Zeyu posted an angry emoji in the group of three: [Liang Wei, please stop your goddamn flirting behavior and give the majority of single male compatriots a chance! ]

Yan Qiwei stuck her tongue out at him, took Guo Mengmeng's words and continued: "The best way now is to negotiate with Ye Man first. If she agrees to tell the truth, it would be great. If she is rejected, I don't mind going through various Channels let the whole school know about her filthy methods."

"Then talk to her directly after school." Zheng Zeyu sighed, "The world of girls is really complicated."

Yan Qiwei was noncommittal, her eyes quietly fell on Liang Xiao who said nothing.

Compared to them, his world is much simpler. Love and hate are very separated. If you hate someone, you will deliberately distance yourself. When you meet someone you like, you will be kind to that person.

Even the torment of his adoptive parents is straightforward, and he doesn't have so many thoughts about turning around.

He ordered a cheese and milk cake at this moment, and inadvertently raised his head after feeling Yan Qiwei's gaze.

Then the two of them looked away in embarrassment at the same time.

"You..." He thought she was interested in his cake, picked a piece and handed the spoon to Yan Qiwei, "Do you want to eat it?"

Don't be in vain, she nodded quickly, leaned forward and took a bite of the dessert.

The strong aroma of cheese and milk complement each other, and after freezing, it adds a lot of cool and refreshing taste, which greatly relieves the sweetness of the dessert itself, and the soft wax melts in the mouth.

Zheng Zeyu joked on the side: "Sharing a spoon is an indirect kiss."

Liang Xiao, who was putting the next bite of cake in his mouth, paused.

The spoon was held in his hand like a soldering iron, and the image of the men's clothing store not long ago quietly came to his mind, burning his ears.

Then the teenager raised his head hastily, in a slightly flustered tone: "I'm sorry, I..."

Can't find a reason to explain.

The pupils are very round, shining brightly, like a dancing deer.

"It's alright, you, you, don't care about such details!" Yan Qiwei was softened by the cuteness of his expression, and after being stunned for a while, she couldn't help laughing with crooked eyebrows, "He deliberately frightened him. yours."

Then he said to Zheng Zeyu righteously: "Don't tease Liang Xiao, he is easy to be shy. Do you think everyone is as cheeky as you?"

In fact, the villain in my heart is jumping and jumping, yes, yes, you are right! As expected of my confidant brother! Simply spiral joy!

Rounding up an indirect kiss is a kiss, and after a kiss is rounded up, isn't it just being together! Yan Qiwei, go ahead, give it a go, and turn a bicycle into a motorcycle!

Today's humble self-comfort get√.

In a good mood, she picked up a piece of black forest and brought it to Guo Mengmeng's mouth. After a moment's surprise, the latter carefully put it in her mouth and said with a smile, "Thank you."

It didn't take long for Zheng Zeyu to post a screenshot in the group of three.

On the picture is Yan Qiwei's user information, and the column of remarks was changed to "No. 1 rival in love" by him.

Zheng Zeyu: [If it's a man, just fight me head-on:)]

On Monday, Yan Qiwei came to the classroom early and brought Guo Mengmeng to Ye Man.

"Want me to apologize to her in front of the class?" Ye Man sneered after hearing her proposal, "I told her I'm sorry, what else are you dissatisfied with?"

There are always people who feel that their innocuous apology can offset all the evil deeds in the past, which is really stupid robber logic.

Yan Qiwei also slightly raised the corners of her mouth, and said coldly with an imposing manner that was not inferior to her: "If you don't want to do this, I don't mind putting the cause and effect together with the recording on the school forum, so that everyone can see who you really are. What virtue. If you can publicly apologize, maybe you can make your image a little less disgusting, once I come to the wording... "

She paused: "The taste of rats crossing the street is not good."

Ye Man gritted his teeth and did not speak.

She has self-knowledge and understands that what she has done to Guo Mengmeng has long exceeded the bottom line of morality. Once this window is pierced, not only will her image plummet, but Guo Mengmeng will also return to the place where the stars hold the moon.

Really not reconciled.

But the eldest lady who stepped in in front of her rightly said it, and now it is her best choice to take the initiative to admit her mistake. If she lets herself speak, maybe she can win some public understanding.

The rabble is the easiest to incite, and as long as she plays more emotional cards in public relations, maybe she won't be condemned too violently.

No... For her, there is another way to break the game.

Ye Man forced a dry smile: "Okay, I will write an apology today, and I will discuss it in detail tomorrow."

She almost fled, leaving behind the thoughtful Yan Qiwei and the nervous Guo Mengmeng.

"Success!" Yan Qiwei breathed a sigh of relief, and gently pinched her tender and soft cheeks, "Wait until tomorrow, everything will be fine."

A well-behaved and soft girl is really a treasure of the creator, and people can't help but want to get close, and it is no wonder that Zheng Zeyu would fall in love with her at first sight.

Guo Mengmeng nodded uncertainly.

For some unknown reason, she always felt a fleeting smug flash in Ye Man's eyes.

- But what does she have to be proud of

Before they could continue their discussion, the class bell rang suddenly. Yan Qiwei quickly returned to her seat, but she didn't expect to receive a message from Guo Mengmeng soon after.

[Sorry, I didn't have time to thank you just now. It's really nice to meet you, thank you. ]

His eyes wandered to the last row of the first group, and unexpectedly met Zheng Zeyu's grudge-like gaze.

She smiled and replied: [No thanks, we are friends. ]

After thinking about it for a while, he added: [Actually, the bad people around us only account for a very small part. Most people have no ill intentions towards you. You don't need to be afraid of them, just communicate normally. There are so many boys in the world, you will always meet someone who likes you and someone you like. ]

[Um. ] Her dialog box kept saying "I'm typing", but in the end she just sent a short sentence, [Do you also have someone you like? ]

[Yes, yes! ] Yan Qiwei put her mobile phone on the textbook and blocked the teacher's sight with one arm, [Don't tell other people. He is super good. Although he doesn't like to talk and is a bit cold, he is actually very gentle and sometimes dull. ]

Guo Mengmeng smiled: [This description is a bit like Rukawa Feng. ]

Almost all the girls of their generation have watched "Slam Dunk", and Rukawa Kaede is the dream idol of countless girls. Liang Xiao and Liu Chuanfeng's equally pale, angular faces floated across his mind, Yan Qiwei giggled, and seemed to be quite alike.

Especially the indifferent temperament that rejects people thousands of miles away, like a proud cat.

She lay lazily on the table and turned her head away bored.

Whoever thought of this sideways glance, saw a pair of thief squinting eyes on the glass of the back door.

The man who was lying on the door and peeping at the whole classroom laughed wickedly and madly, and the eyes of Danfeng under the glasses flickered with a frightening cold light.

The face posted on the glass smiled at Yan Qiwei.

A youth drama becomes a horror movie in seconds.

Yan Qiwei... can't laugh.

After being caught by the head teacher and playing with her mobile phone in class, she was called to the office after school, accompanied by her elder brother Liang Xiao.

"Look at what this is! Not only did you bring your mobile phone into the classroom, but you also talked about such romantic topics all day long. Is secret love fun? Is it because the math problems are too easy or you can memorize all English words, making you so leisurely?" Ban rubbed the corners of his eyes hard, took a sip of tea and continued, "Liang Xiao, as a big brother, you must take good care of this child. She is talented and spiritual, but she doesn't like to learn, and she is very skinny all day."

Liang Xiao softly said "um".

"It's alright, alright, let's go, put your phone with me first." He waved his hand helplessly, and finally added earnestly, "As for your crush, who hasn't said a few words, it's probably not going to work, so give up. Right. What's that kid's name?"

Yan Qiwei: "It's Rukawa Feng, the one who plays basketball in the school team."

"You can go quickly!"

At this time, it had been a while since school was over, and there were no pedestrians on the aisle, only the heavy twilight weighed down. She and Liang Xiao walked out of the office side by side, not knowing how to explain to him, the atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

"I… "

The word was hurried out, and the rest of the words were stuck in his throat.

Liang Xiao's expression was light and he sighed, "Is that the senior?"

She couldn't hear it, but Liang Xiao knew that there was some untraceable anger and loss in this tone.

These subtle feelings startled him - he shouldn't have had such thoughts, after all, who she likes has nothing to do with himself as a brother.

My heart was still unbearably empty.

Yan Qiwei had an inexplicable feeling of being guilty of being a thief. It was clear that the senior and the person she liked were him, but she couldn't say a word about it.

It's a bad feeling, and she hates misunderstandings.

So she decided to use her witty little brain to start making things up, even if she said black as white, she had to clear up the misunderstanding: "Liang Xiao, have you seen "Slam Dunk"?"

He froze for a moment and shook his head.

"It's a Japanese anime, and there's a tall, handsome, unspeakable Rukawa Kaede in it. That's the person I like." She stood still, and said without blush, "I was in the infirmary that day, too. Because I dreamed that he came to our school to study. You see, Guo Mengmeng also thought of him from my description?"

In the chat records, she never said that she likes people in real life.

Yan Qiwei secretly gave herself a thumbs up, she is so witty! Who is the smartest cub in the Imperial Capital One? It's her, it's her, it's her!

Liang Xiao opened his mouth slightly, but stopped talking.

"The boys around me are not interested, so I can only like virtual characters." Yan Qiwei said with a smile, "This is also impossible, the boys are either too greasy or too noisy, most of them are not Understand the style. If you have to choose a favorite among the people you know, of course it's you! Our family Liang Xiao is sensible, polite, gentle, good-looking, and incredibly smart, no one can match."

Those childish gloom and cowardice were completely swallowed up by the last sentence, and the stone pressing on the heart suddenly rolled down, followed by a menacing torrent.

The heart began to beat violently, the young man lowered his eyes, and the roots of the ears exposed between the black hair were dyed a dark red by the twilight.

A few drops of blood.

"I..." His voice melted into the wind, the volume getting lower and lower, "I'm not that good."

How could he not know what kind of person he is.

Low self-esteem, gloomy and taciturn, incompatible with everything in the big city, and even covered with hideous scars, Liang Xiao dared not let her know, it would definitely scare her.

What's more, he is sick.

"That's not it." Yan Qiwei bravely raised her head to meet his eyes, and saw her own shadow in the eyes of the young man with the dim street lights. She told Liang Xiao seriously, "You are really great, and there is nothing to belittle yourself about. I, my family, and all the friends I will know now and in the future, we all like you very, very much."

Especially her.

He is her hero.

At that moment, everything disappeared, and a clear spring rushed to the bottom of his long-dried heart. A gust of wind blew over, raising the hair in the girl's ear in front of her.

Liang Xiao smiled in relief.

"Sorry, we may have to disturb the two of you."

A condescending sneer cut through the night, Yan Qiwei turned her head in response, and saw three strange young people standing not far away.

They are all young men in their twenties, with thin stature, wearing masks, and wearing fashionable coats. One of them rolled up his long sleeves to reveal the eye-catching skull tattoo on his arm.

The man in the middle said lazily, "We've waited for the two of you for a long time, and we've been dawdling so much after school. What do children think now?"

The visitor is not good.

Yan Qiwei made an alert gesture and frowned slightly: "Ye Man asked you to come?"

"What Yeman? I don't know." The young man smiled, "We just want your mobile phone, hand it over to keep you all right."

Sure enough, it was the person Yeman found.

The three of them looked like idle social youths. Now there are few people nearby. Under the cover of masks, she and Liang Xiao didn't know their specific identities. No matter what happened, they just ran away. The imperial capital is so big that it is difficult to find them on their heads.

At that time, Ye Man denied it again, claiming that he knew nothing about everything, and it came naturally and successfully escaped.

She really did not expect that the teenage girl could come up with such a thoughtful method.

Yan Qiwei pondered for a moment, and said the classic line of cannon fodder in film and television dramas without any promise: "How much money she gives you, I will pay three times."

One of them raised his voice disdainfully: "Qianqianqian, why do you really think that everything can be done with money? Have a snack, Miss! Hand over your phone, or don't blame us for being rude."

Another echoed: "Yes! The relationship between us cannot be bought by money!"

Obviously you are the one who is doing the bad things, okay? Why are you so arrogant! The roles of the pros and cons have been swapped, okay

"Although you must not believe it," Yan Qiwei sneered to herself and smiled bitterly, "but my cell phone was handed over by the head teacher, and I am now in the office."

She didn't even believe this extremely coincidental reason, and the one in the middle laughed angrily: "You lie to the ghost, are you still arrogant?"

After he finished speaking, he rushed over, Yan Qiwei's body froze, and she saw Liang Xiao quickly blocking her.

His voice was colder than ever before, full of anger: "Don't touch her."

"A hero saves beauty? See if you can save it!"

The young man laughed jokingly, raised his hand suddenly, and smashed his fist into his side face, the huge force made Liang Xiao's whole body fall to the left.

"Liang Xiao!"

Yan Qiwei's whole heart trembled uncontrollably because of this punch. She reached out and tried to support him, but the silent boy was decisively pushed away.

When Liang Xiao stood up straight again, Yan Qiwei caught a glimpse of his scarlet pupils, bloodshot like spider threads all over her, making her heart tremble.

His face was as pale as paper, his eyes were cold, and he hid a fearsome madness and murderous intent, just like an irrational Shura who climbed up from hell.

Not right.

Liang Xiao's expression... is too strange.

Pain, trauma, stress response.

These words were pieced together in various ways, causing Yan Qiwei to feel a chill behind her back.

He must be sick, but the symptoms are completely different from before.

A wailing tore the silence.

The sullen young man was like a lone wolf, his fist mercilessly smashed on the young man's face with ruthless, arrogant and swift movements.

Liang Xiao was almost out of control, and the chaotic eyes were dim. This was the reactive state of excitement of stress disorder, which directly led to the concurrent mania.

The young man with dyed yellow hair said uncertainly, "Brother, this student seems... not normal."

How can a normal person show such a vicious expression that he has almost no other consciousness, like a desperate lunatic.


Yan Qiwei wanted to step forward and hold him, but her heart suddenly hurt at an inopportune time.

The familiar sense of tearing gradually eroded her consciousness, and she knew that it was time to go back.

But in the face of such a situation, how could she go back.

The boy with his back turned to her naturally wouldn't see the girl's suddenly pale face behind him. Liang Xiao raised the youth's collar with a sullen face, and punched again.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the other two rushed forward to try to subdue him. After all, they were only small gangsters who had never seen a big battle, but Liang Xiao had a murderous aura in his bones, and he had no scruples when he attacked.

Yan Qiwei clutched her chest and took a deep breath to stabilize her impending collapse.

A familiar figure appeared in the distance, and a tall middle-aged man looked around, as if he was looking for someone.

Her tears fell all at once, and she choked up and shouted, "Uncle Chen, we are here! Please save Liang Xiao!"

The author has something to say: Appeared! I'm jealous of myself!

There will be a list tomorrow, and the update will be at about eleven o'clock in the evening (?°з°)-