Saving The Villain Boy

Chapter 28: Gift


After Yan Qiwei left, Liang Xiao was left alone to stare at the gift box.

Everyone's unique heart is hidden in the confined space blocked by ribbons, and his heart began to beat wildly involuntarily because of those unknown joys.

The first gift to be opened came from Liang Qi and Chen Jiayi.

The box that holds it is terrifyingly large, almost half the height of a person, and just one serving takes up most of the space. When I opened the ribbon, I found that there were several small boxes stacked upright inside.

Opening the top one, he saw a letter.

The letter paper has faintly turned yellowish, and some of the delicate and beautiful handwriting has been smudged by the liquid, dyed with light black ink.

"Dear Liang Xiao:


Today you finally turned one year old, happy birthday.

There is a pear blossom in the yard, and the petals fall all over the ground. There are swallows building their nests in the branches of the tree. I wonder if you can smell the fragrance of flowers there.

The smog in the imperial capital has gotten a lot worse. In the early morning, you can see a vast expanse of whiteness. Your father joked that it reminded him of thick milk, but I felt like a scene from a horror movie. by your side.

We've tried every conceivable method, and we've tried to search for your traces to no avail. It was not until I joined the family tracing and mutual aid group that I realized that there were so many families like us around.

Too many parents gave up their jobs and pursued hard for more than ten years, but they have never reunited with their children until now. But even this ray of hope is enough to keep us going.

Liang Xiao, don't give up waiting. Mom and Dad will find you one day.

Your surname is Liang, your name is taken from 'Peace and Quiet Night', and today is your first birthday.

we always love you. "

Signed "Mom".

This is not Chen Jiayi's handwriting, the author should be his biological mother who passed away early.

Liang Xiao had only seen her in a few old treasured photos. The picturesque woman has a pair of amber pupils like autumn water, always wearing a plain long dress, shyly and gracefully pursing her lips and smiling.

Liang Qi once told him that his biological mother searched for him until he died of a serious illness. He closed his eyes and grabbed Liang Qi's wrist with all his strength, and told him in a voice that was like a gossamer but very clear.

"Don't forget Liang Xiao."

He thought he had lived alone for so many years, but he never knew that in some far corner of the world, someone loved him with all his life.

But the unspoken love that was so firm, almost paranoid, that she never told him all her life.

Liang Xiao held his breath, his fingertips stroked the dizzy tears, and after sixteen years, he finally touched the traces of her existence.

One of the major symptoms of stress-induced mental disorder is weak or even lack of emotion. He is always away from the crowd, and his emotions, sorrows, and joys are sealed in the solid glacier in his heart.

But at this moment, in the suddenly shattered ice debris, the turbulent torrent was wrapped in thousands of emotions, and the originally unbreakable ice seal was washed away and torn apart.

Almost drowned him.

A tear fell after a long absence, because of the person who has never met and will never meet again.

The night was as quiet as ever, and the evening breeze ruffled the curtains.

After reading the letter, it is the second gift.

This box is much larger than the previous one, and inside it is a remote-controlled model sports car.

There is also a letter on the model.


Happy birthday!

Your mother has gone far, far away, and she can't come back to write to you for the time being. This task is done by your father.

Dad bought you a super cool sports car today, um, a model machine. When you grow up and get your driver's license, I'll buy another one. Really, we can't drive without a license, right

A few days ago, an aunt in the mutual aid group finally found her daughter. The little girl was abducted at the age of five and is now seventeen years old. Due to the long-term abuse, she cannot communicate with others normally, and she has no impression of her biological parents at all. But anyway, fortunately, the family is finally reunited.

I believe that one day we can find you too.

Please hold on, we still have hope. "

The inscription reads "Incompetent Father."

It is hard to imagine the mood in which Liang Qi wrote this text.

After his son was kidnapped and sold, he disappeared, and his wife died of a serious illness. There are still countless affairs waiting to be solved in the company. In such a messy life, he also pretended to be optimistic and wrote "hope".

In the next box, the gifts that Liang Qi prepared for him every year were placed in turn.

Three-year-old new clothes, four-year-old new schoolbag, five-year-old Lego toys... Each gift is accompanied by a letter. The brush strokes have gradually become stable and mature from the young and immature of a new father. Time wears off, but love never fades away.

In the sixteenth box, there is a car key.

This time, the handwriting on the envelope was completely different from before, and the wanton and free and easy small characters were obviously written by women.

"Dear Liang Xiao:

Happy birthday.

Fortunately, you finally came back. The moment I heard your news, your father and I cried with joy, and it felt like a dream.

I am not your biological mother. Your mother is a great woman, no one can replace her, you need to be sure that she gave you the love of the rest of her life without reservation, even if the time you spent together was so brief.

I know you have suffered a lot, and when you first came to this new environment that was incompatible with the past, it was inevitable that you would not be able to adapt to it. But fear not, as family, we will always be by your side.

Your parents, me, Weiwei and Bo Zhong, we were originally unrelated individuals, because our fates are linked together, there is no doubt that everyone loves you deeply.

Please don't belittle yourself and don't feel lonely. You are no different from other people of your age. Everyone's journey will not be meaningless. Now you are a very good and excellent child, and we are proud of you.

Life is still long and you have limitless possibilities.

ps. Your father is so happy that he bought this car without thinking. I have taught him a lesson, remember not to drive without a license.

pps. Son, I'm Dad! I can finally have a name on this letter! Jiayi was shy and didn't say it, but in fact, since we got married, all the gifts were prepared by the two of us together. I asked her to write to you a long time ago, but she always felt that she was not your biological mother and was too embarrassed to write. Remember, everyone likes you very much, and none of my Liang Qi's sons can match you. Happy birthday!

ppps. My God, when your dad drinks too much when he gets excited, he writes something... don't imitate him! "

Liang Xiao slightly raised the corner of his mouth.

After the death of his biological mother, Liang Qi fell into a mild depression for a time, and Chen Jiayi was his personal psychiatrist.

The two gradually became acquainted with each other. Taking into account the love of the deceased wife, she silently stayed by his side as a friend for several years. During this period, she devoted no less effort to finding Liang Xiao than Liang Qi.

She never said it herself, but he knew it.

After reading the largest box, next is Zheng Zeyu's pink gift box.

Before opening the ribbon, Liang Xiao was already mentally prepared, but after seeing the gift inside, he couldn't help but be slightly taken aback.

A mobile phone with sticky notes glued to the screen.

"No password, open by yourself."

He carefully took it out, clicked on the screen and a video appeared.

Standing in the video is a male student wearing glasses, who is the monitor of their class. He smiled shyly at the camera, pushed his glasses and said, "Hello Liang Xiao, happy birthday! I've always been embarrassed to tell you that you are actually my learning idol. How could someone improve their grades so quickly? Just like riding a rocket, we rushed forward. When the monthly test results came out, we and the teacher were stunned. Please continue to work hard, and I will work hard!"

The camera flickered, and the person in front of the video became a small literary committee member.

She smiled and waved to the camera: "Liang Xiao, happy birthday! I'm so happy to finally have the opportunity to talk to you! Thank you for raising the poor looks below the average of the boys in our class by yourself. Girls often Discuss you quietly at night! We all want to be friends with you, can you not be so cold and talk to everyone occasionally?"

She paused, then continued in a low voice: "Also, Zheng Zeyu's attitude of asking for help is so fierce. As a friend, can you teach him a lesson?"

The camera shook for a while, and Zheng Zeyu's voice came: "I'm right here! Hey, little girl!"

It turned out that he collected the birthday wishes for Liang Xiao from every classmate in the class.

The smiling faces lingered in front of his eyes for a short time and then flashed quickly. This was the first time Liang Xiao had been in such close contact with other students in the class.

His inferiority complex has not yet subsided, and he is often worried that other people will ridicule him because of his past. In addition, his illness has recurred, and he has no desire to communicate with others at all.

It turned out that when facing him, everyone was smiling.

Zheng Zeyu's figure appeared at the end, he smiled and scratched his head: "Hello Liang Xiao, happy birthday! I have been thinking about what gift to give for a long time. Your family is so rich, the common things that can be bought with money will definitely not enter. Your eyes, so brother Yu, I decided to collect the blessings from the class and give you. Don't feel old-fashioned! It's really tiring and hard work!"

He said a little embarrassed: "It's the first time I met a rich second generation who is so simple and unpretentious. In fact, it's quite cute. To celebrate, I wrote a poem for you - ah, birthday! You are on the sixteenth Looking at the other end of the year, the time is constantly remembering, and tonight's Liang Xiao turned into a bunch of fireworks in the sky..."

Yan Qiwei's exasperated voice sounded from behind the camera: "Zheng Zeyu, you just exploded!!!"

Then there was a flutter of chickens and dogs, Zheng Zeyu shouted while running: "I didn't mean that! This is a rhetorical technique of exaggeration and metaphor, which vividly describes your brother's excited and happy mood... Oh, don't slap in the face! By the way, Liang Xiao! This phone is mine, remember to bring it back to me the next day after you read it!"

Video black screen.

Liang Xiao raised his lips and smiled.

Aunt Shen gave him gloves and scarves knitted by himself; Uncle Chen’s gift was a simple self-defense technique that he summed up by himself, and Tu Tu drew half a notebook; Guo Mengmeng, as a scholar, summed up the difficult points of each subject He learned skills with himself; Liang Bozhong's box contained one of his favorite monster figures, and there was a post-it note on the side: "This is the baby that has been with me for three years. Its super power is to bring people good luck, Since I bought it, my luck has been very good. Brother Liang Xiao, happy birthday."

There is one last box left.

Liang Xiao's heart began to beat wildly uncontrollably.

- It was her gift.

Yan Qiwei's gift box is not big, and the whole body is off-white, which is inconspicuous in the colorful packaging.

Liang Xiao picked it up very carefully, lightly in the palm of his hand, without much weight.

He couldn't wait to find out, but he was somehow timid and didn't dare to open it. Dingding paused for a while before reaching out to untie the ribbon.

The box contained a palm-sized notebook and a piece of rolled-up kraft paper. He opened the notebook first, and on the first page was written the words "Classmate Liang Xiao's Monopoly Adventure".

He was a little confused, lowered his eyes and turned the page again.

"Liang Xiao, happy sixteenth birthday!

My gift is a little weird, even if you don't like it, you have to pretend to like it when you see me!

What I'm giving you is a game of Monopoly. There are no dice in this game. You need to gain points in your daily life by learning and progressing or making friends. Different points will give you different rewards.

The specific score table is as follows:

Accumulate 3 times to ask someone to talk to someone for 5 minutes +1

A total of three lectures to other students +2

Meet a new friend +3

Advance 50 places in grade ranking +3

Participate in collective activities such as sports meetings, cultural evenings, competitions, etc. +3

Being praised by other students +1

50 places back in grade ranking - 3

Criticized by the teacher -1

The above is the point details.

Open the rolled kraft paper below! Remember to turn to the next page after reading. "

How did she think that he would definitely read the notebook first.

Liang Xiao smiled silently and unfolded the paper.

On the kraft paper, a black pen is used to draw a monopoly-style circular chessboard. The starting point is on the far left, and in the right grids are written "Nothing", "Reward a popsicle", "Advance two squares", "Reward". A Liang Wei homemade dessert", "nothing", "take you to eat whatever you want"...

It really is a board game.

Liang Xiao looked at the slightly childish rewards, and a smile filled his eyes.

She knew that he was not sociable because of the shadows of the past, and he almost isolated himself from the others around him, so she thought of this method, trying to help him get out of the small world of self-impression and loneliness.

Delicate and careful, trying not to touch the sensitive self-esteem of the young man.

Gentleness is almost unbearable.

Liang Xiao carefully read all the rewards in the grid, and turned to the next page of the notebook according to the words.


1. The points are recorded by Liang Xiao. I believe you are an honest and good boy.

2. All expenses are borne by Liang Wei, no thanks.

3. If you happen to come to the 'invite Liang Xiao to eat whatever you want' or 'help Liang Xiao buy whatever you want', you must be merciful! you are the best!

4. Every time you finish a round, you can come to me to draw random prizes.

Rewards include: a novel bar experience, going to an amusement park together, walking around the city, skipping classes and going out to play, a happy night on ktv, traveling anywhere at will, camping in the mountains, and more.

Only you can't think of it, I can't do it without me, is there any super expectation!

5. In order to celebrate Liang Xiao's birthday, you can make an exception and come to me to draw a grand prize.

6. That's right! If you are punished for retreating, you will not be able to get that reward! Don't be delusional about exploiting loopholes! "

The content comes to an abrupt end.

This gift was so incredible that Liang Xiao scrutinized it three times.

The girl's handwriting was round and full, like the cute claws of a kitten. When his eyes passed, he scratched his heart.

Like a ghost, even if he knew that there was no more content behind him, he still held the notebook in his hand almost greedily, and quickly flipped through the pages, imagining what the other party was thinking when he flipped through it.

The aroma of paper diffused in the air. When turning to a certain page, Liang Xiao paused with his fingertips and held his breath.

It was an ordinary page number, with a line of fine print on the inside of the white paper.

"I'm sorry to write it directly to you, although the chances are very small, but if you can read this sentence-

Happy birthday, Liang Xiao, everyone likes you very, very much.

especially me. "

It was very quiet all around.

The warm wind brought the fragrance of a tree and flowers in the courtyard, and the moonlight shattered on the balcony, spreading a clear ripple.

The ignorant teenager lay flat on the bed, put the notebook on his chest, and could vaguely feel the violent beating of his heart in the palm of his hand.

Like a volcanic eruption.

She said she especially liked him.

So happy.

Even if this love is so simple that it is not mixed with a trace of personal affection, even if what she said is nothing but the purest family and friendship.

But the combination of those four words was enough to make him unable to restrain the corners of his mouth.

I don't know since when, he developed a secret affection for that girl.

Maybe it was because of the scarf she wrapped around him when we first met, the soft and warm hug when he fell ill, or maybe it was because he turned his gaze in class one day and hit the girl's smiling eyes in the sunlight.

This secretly bred intention is dark and dirty, and can never be spoken out in an upright manner like her, and can only be quietly hidden in the bottom of my heart, so that no one can know it.

Only when he is alone can he show such a restrained smile.

How lucky to be loved by her.

How much Liang Xiao wanted to tell her that he also liked her, especially Qi Zhi.

Yan Qiwei heard the knock on the door, opened it and saw Liang Xiao.

His hair was as messy as it had just rolled on the bed, fluffy and messy like untrimmed branches; his eyes and cheeks were flushed red, reflecting his pale complexion... It was really alluring.

She couldn't help laughing at him: "Liang Xiao, you are like a hamster who just woke up."

The boy's face turned even redder when he heard this, and only then did he realize that his hair was messed up, scratched his head, lowered his eyes and hurriedly said, "I-I'll draw a lottery."

Then he added: "Thank you, I like the gift very much."

Yan Qiwei laughed even more happily, turned around and picked up the lottery box from the desk, and ran to him: "Put your hand in and draw a random note."

She thought about it for nearly a week before finally deciding to give him this strange gift.

For the past ten years, Liang Xiao has been imprisoned in a mountain village isolated from the world. Compared with his peers in the imperial capital, there are too many things that he has never touched.

When they were discussing whether to go to the playground or KTV or which new restaurant was better for the weekend, all he could do was stay in a dilapidated hut, read and study over and over again, or endure the endless torture of his adoptive parents.

She wanted to make up for him all the lost, missed experiences.

The Monopoly game makes him a better person in the future through the point mechanism, and the extra rewards after each round are to fill his past life.

She wanted to take him through those rebellious, wanton, and youthful times.

The boy's voice sounded slowly: "I have chosen."

The author has something to say: It is two in one! Today I am finally not short [wipe my tears] Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

30 bottles of Ye Zhimu; 2 bottles of Juteng, Jing Yi, and cute ones; 1 bottle of Ye Mi Mo, enough to eat and drink to lose weight;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!