Saving The Villain Boy

Chapter 40: Knot


After entering the third year of high school, Yan Qiwei lived with her fingers almost every day.

She predicted death in advance, but she didn't know when and how she would die. This feeling is especially uncomfortable, as if there is a shaky knife hanging on the top of my head, every day and every night is torment.

The accident happened one evening shortly after school started.

That day, she and Liang Xiao were stuck in the classroom because of a physics finale problem. When they solved it successfully, the classroom was empty except for them.

The silent campus is empty, only the night is scattered like black mist. They were walking on the long ramp, Yan Qiwei lowered her head with interest while complaining to him about the new gossip, watching the street lights drag the shadow into a long line.

Behind them were two people walking side by side, looking like a man and a woman. Yan Qiwei just regarded it as an ordinary passerby, and didn't pay too much attention to those two people.

Suddenly, the shadow of the other party's slowly moving speed suddenly accelerated, approaching them at an extremely fast speed. The heavy blackness covered her head involuntarily, and before Yan Qiwei could turn her head, someone covered her mouth and nose with a towel.

She subconsciously took a breath, until she completely lost consciousness because of the drug, and couldn't see the appearance of the two.

Yan Qiwei was awakened by a muffled sound.

When she opened her eyes vaguely, her ears were filled with unfamiliar curses, cold sneers, and many other rustling voices. Before she woke up from her slumber, her whole body seemed to fall into a quagmire of chaos.

She found herself lying on a concrete floor, her arms and legs were tightly bound by rough long ropes, and her joints were sore from the cold floor. At the same time, a rough male voice could not be more clearly sounded: "Yo, little one. The girl is awake."

The voice carried a malicious laugh, making her scalp tingle. Struggling to raise her eyes, when Yan Qiwei finally saw the appearance of the man and the woman, she felt even more cold, as if she was in an ice cellar.

The woman looks in her 40s, with a slightly sturdy body. The thick eyebrows drooped, the slender small eyes stared at her without blinking, and the round and full thick lips evoked a sneer.

She has seen this person.

—Liang Xiao's former adoptive mother.

The man next to her...

Yan Qiwei gritted her teeth, and her eyes that moved upward were hitting the opponent's eyes. The middle-aged man is not tall, his cheekbones are tall and bulging because he is too thin, his gaze is more sinister than his wife's, with some obvious resentment, like hammering blood and bone together, blending into eyes Red blood at the bottom.

The sense of fear rushed up like a flood of dykes, which suddenly washed away her consciousness.

According to the domestic criminal law, buyers who acquire abducted and trafficked children can be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years.

She should have thought that with the character of this couple, she would never let it go.

"Miss Liang is very good-looking." The man smiled miserably, and moved his legs to approach her, "I heard that you were crazy and wanted to teach me a woman?"

The unpleasant smell of smoke was wrapped into the nose by the heat, Yan Qiwei frowned subconsciously, and then heard a slightly trembling voice of a young man not far away: "Qi Zhengrong, are you so useless that you want to use the junior to vent your anger?"

It was Liang Xiao's voice.

Her heart froze because of this sentence, she followed the sound and saw the familiar figure in the corner.

Compared with her, Liang Xiao's situation is really not good.

He was also tied hands and feet, apparently having been brutally beaten not long ago, his eyes were red and swollen, his cheekbones were high and bulging, and his cheeks were covered with shocking scratches. Some of them oozing blood, leaving dazzling red marks because they couldn't be wiped, making her breathing stagnate.

These short words seemed to have exhausted all his strength, the boy's voice trembled, and the words were mixed with slight gasps, but with undisguised sarcasm.

The man called "Qi Zhengrong" was really irritated by him, and turned to Liang Xiao with a gloomy face, and he couldn't help but mention his collar.

The fist firmly landed on the latter's chest, Liang Xiao's face turned pale in pain, and he groaned.

Yan Qiwei just wanted to speak, but suddenly saw the determined gaze of the young man - after being thrown to the ground again by the man, Liang Xiao shook her head gently at her.

In order to prevent men from attacking her, he deliberately angered her. If Yan Qiwei tried to stop her now, it would only make the situation worse.

Her eyes were red, and she swallowed the words that came up on the tip of her tongue back into her throat.

"I have supported you for more than ten years. What's the result? You let Lao Tzu spend two years in prison. It's better for you. It's quite comfortable to eat, drink and play at Liang's house, right?"

He has no legal concept, nor does he feel that his actions have ruined the first half of a boy's life. Qi Zhengrong only had the unprovoked two years of prison in his heart, and all this was thanks to the Liang family.

He was not reconciled, did not understand, and even felt injustice and grievance for himself. Days and nights in the prison, the man imagined how to get revenge in the future.

After all, he was not wrong.

He didn't want money, he just wanted to see how the family was tortured.

Liang Xiao lowered his eyes, tried to calm down his turbulent breathing, and sat up against the wall.

"In short, we have already asked Liang Qi for a ransom of 10 million yuan. For the Liang family, this request is not too much, right?" He said and laughed, "To be honest, the two of you will definitely not survive tonight. Just think about it. , when the Liang family paid the ransom with hope, only to see two corpses in the end... doesn't it sound interesting?"

Yan Qiwei gritted her teeth.

Liang Qi once checked the information about Qi Zhengrong, a well-known country bully in the town, who has been imprisoned several times because of crowd fights and robbery, and now it seems that he is indeed a lunatic.

Qi Zhengrong stopped looking at them after saying that, but turned his eyes to his wife beside him: "It's dawn, let's go out to eat, and by the way, let the two children have the last time to say goodbye."

The husband and wife both left quickly, and Yan Qiwei didn't finally take a deep breath until now, and shouted in a trembling voice, "Liang Xiao."

He heard the sound and raised his eyes, a drop of blood fell on the snow-white school uniform shirt.

Even under such circumstances, Liang Xiao's voice was soft and soft, softer than ever before: "Weiwei, don't be afraid, there is me."

He was hurt all over, but he endured the pain and comforted her so gently.

Yan Qiwei's tears fell suddenly because of this short sentence. She suspected that she might die on this day, and secretly rejoiced that Liang Xiao could survive in the mortal situation.

Seeing her weeping, Liang Xiao subconsciously wanted to reach out to wipe away the tears, and laughed at herself after realizing that her hands were tied.

There was a burning pain in the abdomen, back and cheeks, and the unbearable tearing sensation penetrated into the internal organs, affecting the fragile brain nerves. It was as if a tight string was about to break due to a violent external force.

The temple was suddenly painful, and the familiar sense of chaos flooded into my heart. It was a precursor to the onset of the disease, but he must not get sick at this time, that would scare the little girl beside him.

Their chances of escaping were slim. If she, the elder brother, became a cripple curled up in a corner because of her illness, she would really have no way to escape.

He lowered his head to hide his frown, and continued after a moment: "The knot on the hemp rope is not difficult to solve. As long as we untie the rope for each other, maybe we can find a chance to escape. According to the conversation I heard It seems that the woman will leave here at noon to get the ransom, and it is likely that only Qi Zhengrong will be guarding us. Two to one, it shouldn't be a big problem. "

Liang Xiao was terribly calm, and this was the best way a young man could think of dealing with a death threat.

Yan Qiwei held back her tears and nodded, because their legs were also tied together, they could only sit up and move towards each other little by little.

When she finally leaned against the boy's back, there was a warm and soft touch against her body.

She could feel the protruding spine of the other person and the slight tremors in her body when she was breathing, which gradually calmed her originally uneasy mood, like a small boat sailing in the wind and rain finding a harbor where it could be moored.

In the TV series, the protagonists untangle each other's ropes in one go, but in reality it is particularly difficult.

The knots are many and tight, and several knots are tangled together. The most torment is that I can't get the vision, and I can only feel a little bit by feeling.

Yan Qiwei leaned on Liang Xiao's back and looked up at the surroundings while he was untied.

They should be in a small abandoned warehouse. The neatly arranged shelves are empty and covered with heavy dust. The floor is also gray, and no one should have stepped on it for a long time.

It was morning now, and there were no windows around, only a square piece of glass above the locked iron door, the light shining in through it, and even the dust flying in the air was clearly visible.

There was no sound of cars or people outside the house, and occasionally there was one or two crisp bird calls. Yan Qiwei thought that there should be no such abandoned places in the imperial capital city where every inch of land is so precious, and they are probably located in the suburbs now.

Suddenly, Liang Xiao's deep voice came from his ear: "Weiwei, I'm sorry."

She was stunned for a moment, and listened to him continue: "If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't..."

Liang Xiao didn't finish speaking, his voice getting smaller and smaller was vaguely choked.

When he was tortured and threatened, he remained silent from beginning to end, but at this time, he was so guilty that he almost cried because he had implicated her.

This made Yan Qiwei wonder what kind of life he lived in the years after Liang Wei's death.

Having lost someone important and being repeatedly tortured by illness, most importantly, Liang Xiao believed from the bottom of her heart that her death was related to herself.

Self-blame can drive people crazy.

She took a deep breath and carefully grasped his fingertips.

The young man's fingers were slender but slightly rough, with thin calluses and old wounds all over his fingertips. His body was obviously stagnant, and his breathing stopped.

Yan Qiwei said to him in a very determined tone: "Liang Xiao, this matter is completely wrong, and I can't blame you. No matter what the outcome is, it's the two of them who should be blamed, you are the same as me. Victim. If you say that again, I'm going to be angry."

Liang Xiao smiled in relief: "Yes."

I don't know how long it took, and when the sunlight blocked by the thin clouds gradually became dazzling, they finally untied each other's knots.

Yan Qiwei made a joke: "Fortunately, they have no experience in committing crimes for the first time, and they don't like to watch criminal investigation TV series."

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a sound of unlocking the door.

They tacitly put their hands behind their backs at the same time and their feet under their legs, spaced a distance from each other.

As Liang Xiao said, only Qi Zhengrong entered the house.

He held an iron rod in his hand.

Yan Qiwei's heart was pounding involuntarily. Although the man was thin, he was an extremely violent villain, with a murderous aura hidden in his bones.

In addition, he has a weapon in his hand, can she and Liang Xiao really escape him in uniform

The answer is naturally no.

- Her death is a foregone conclusion.

The author has something to say: long pain is worse than short pain, continue the liver tonight, there should be two watch tomorrow and daytime [touched my hair to thank the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Ye Zhimu 11 bottles; Wang Xiaofei 10 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!