Saving The Villain Boy

Chapter 42: Confess


"and then?"

Xia Xi took the last bite of the matcha avalanche cake, and the corners of her creamy mouth rose wildly.

Yan Qiwei answered honestly: "Then he went to the guest room to rest, and I went back to the room to sleep. He had a lot of work in the company and left early in the morning."

A good morning kiss was given before leaving.

The two friends let out a whimper at the same time.

"Did you make a mistake! Liang Xiao went to your house to stay overnight because he was not feeling well, and the most important thing was that you hugged each other - but there was no sauce to make the sky thunder and fire, but each went to sleep?" Han Xingye With disbelief on her face, she gave her a thumbs up, "Yan Qiwei, you deserve to be single."

"Single men go to a single woman's house to stay overnight, so don't have any intentions!" Xia Xi sighed, "So Weiwei, are you two together?"

"It doesn't count..."

Yan Qiwei took a sip of the orange soda, the sweet and sour icy liquid instantly swept through every cell in the mouth, and the coolness trickled down the tip of the tongue straight into the bottom of my heart.

She and Liang Xiao are both shy and introverted people emotionally, not to mention the tacit understanding formed after two years of living together, even if they don't pick each other out, they can know each other's intentions.

This also caused the two of them to directly transition to the stage of old husband and wife without experiencing a confession or establishing a relationship.

... that seems odd.

"Little classmate Yan Qiwei, you still have to work harder." Han Xingye looked like he hated iron but not steel, "Who is Liang Xiao, the most famous and handsome male god in the financial circle, I don't know how many models and stars want to If he doesn't work hard, be careful that he will be taken away by others."

Xia Xi was half-joking: "I see, Weiwei is called 'play hard to catch'. Isn't that how romance novels are written—she flees, he chases, she can't fly, it's a taboo game of cat and mouse."

Yan Qiwei almost spewed out a mouthful of soda.

Han Xingye touched his chin and thought about it: "Don't say it, Liang Xiao really has the paranoid and domineering temperament of the ancient abuse. This person looks gloomy, whether it is an interview or a press conference, I never I've never seen him smile."

No, no, she refuses any mentally retarded plot of abortion, cutting the kidney and running with the ball, not to mention that Liang Xiao is not a paranoid boss.

Yan Qiwei thought quietly that even the simplest hug could make him blush instantly.

She looked at the strawberry milkshake coconut milk cube on her plate. It was a small piece. The pink cake body was dotted with fresh and lustrous strawberry fruits, which reminded her of the red tide that swelled on the cheeks of the youth last night.

It is also light and shallow, a soft and thin mass.

It looks really delicious.

"Hey, we Weiwei are really in love." Xia Xi tutted and shook her head, "Laughing so sweetly looking at a piece of dessert, God, let the pink bubbles drown me."

The three discussed for an afternoon, and finally Xia Xi and Han Xingye came to the same conclusion: kiss, press him against the wall to kiss. You have been secretly in love with someone for so long, if you don't hurry up, you will be fed a dog for so many years of youth.

Yan Qiwei: You rhyme, you are right.

After feasting at the dessert shop, Han Xingye, the only male creature, shoulders the heavy responsibility of driving the two ladies home.

Yan Qiwei's house was the closest, and it didn't take long before she could see her European-style pure white villa from a distance. Han Xingye's eyes were sharp, and he suddenly laughed: "Look, is there someone standing downstairs?"

Yan Qiwei's heart skipped a beat.

Because of her long-term coding and playing on mobile phones and games, her eyesight was ruined. She didn't wear contact lenses when she went out today, and she could only see a blurred figure in the distance.

He was tall and thin, with a straight back, standing quietly under the verdant tree, shrouded in shadows.

The closer the car drove, the clearer her vision became, gradually outlining the man's cold brows and the bridge of his nose. When the bright yellow Lamborghini was parked in front of him, Liang Xiao raised his head.

"Yan Qiwei!" Xia Xi shook her arm vigorously, and the long ending sounded upwards, "Go for me! Go! Go!"

Han Xingye in the driver's seat turned his head: "If he came to you to get the certificate, don't worry, I can directly move the Civil Affairs Bureau."

Yan Qiwei was a little shy when they made fun of them, and quickly opened the car door.

The two melon-eating people behind her who were more excited than her stared at each other all the way. They seemed to be about to drive away, but in fact they moved slowly and quietly glanced out the window.

Yan Qiwei tried her best to ignore their aunt who was so excited about marrying a daughter, and winked at Liang Xiao: "Why are you here?"

He was a little nervous, and held up the packaging bag in his hand and handed it to her: "There is a new dessert shop next to the company. I heard that the signature raspberry mousse is delicious."

In fact, where do you want to send mousse.

Just looking at her from the ground up.

There was a rustling snicker from within the Lamborghini—

It was a delicate pink packaging bag full of girly hearts, with a white bow-knot ribbon at the seal, a rounded cartoon font in the center that said "Go on a date on the weekend", and a soft and cute cat printed on it.

It doesn't quite match his withdrawn personality.

Yan Qiwei took it lightly after thanking her, and heard the friends behind her laughing and joking: "Weiwei, let's go first."

Then he added loudly: "We won't invite you out to play on weekends!"

Liang Xiao blushed and explained to her seriously: "'Date on the weekend' is the name of that store."

Yan Qiwei didn't answer immediately, and when the sports car left her field of vision, she summoned up the courage to ask, "So, you don't want to date me?"

The cicadas chirped tirelessly, and the setting sun finally broke through the thick and thick clouds, casting down a few crimson rays of dying struggle.

The young man was briefly stunned by this question, and a smile overflowed from the bottom of his eyes for a moment: "Think."

The villain in her heart jumped up and down with excitement, Yan Qiwei pursed her lips and hid the upward curvature of the corners of her mouth: "Come and sit at my house."

The mousse melts in your mouth, the soft and glutinous taste lingers on the tongue with the sweet and sour smell of raspberries, and the mellow aroma of whipped cream neutralizes the too strong sour taste, making the various tastes just right to form a delicate balance.

Yan Qiwei narrowed her eyes in satisfaction and looked at Liang Xiao beside her.

The editor sent a message this morning to make her previous short stories into a one-page collection. Yan Qiwei was so bored that she simply moved all her old paper scraps out of the study, trying to find a few works that she could barely read.

So when Liang Xiao came back to her house a day later, he saw the hill made of manuscript paper in the living room at a glance.

The manuscript she wrote was inevitably boring. She was worried that no one would assist in the selection, so she followed the flow and asked him to help evaluate it.

Yan Qiwei fed him a mousse: "How is it?"

"Very good." Liang Xiao opened his mouth and took it, pursed his lips and smiled, "I thought you only wrote scripts and serious literature."

In his impression, she has always been active in the creation of dramas and traditional literature, which are all text art that belongs to the spring and white snow, and most of these manuscripts are science fiction and mystery novels, with changeable styles and subtle ideas. Although there are still flaws, they are enough to be called Be wonderful.

- It's just the type that seems to be completely out of touch with Yan Qiwei.

"This comment is too inconsiderate!" Yan Qiwei put the spoon aside, turned her head and asked him with interest, "Liang Xiao, what impression did you have of me when we didn't meet?"

In fact, he didn't have any clear impression of those young ladies at all. They seemed to have the same white face, spoke in a low voice, and kept a polite and distant appearance.

Liang Xiao tried very hard to find the thin and small figure from her memory: "Very quiet, I have seen several of your works - my mother said she likes playing mahjong with you very much, because you always lose."

Having said this, he smiled lightly, his eyes falling on her like a stream of spring water: "She said that when you lose, you will always frown in annoyance, it looks very cute, it reminds people of snow balls ."

The unconscious tenderness is the most fascinating, Yan Qiwei's heart beats faster at this sight, she quickly picks up the spoon, and relies on sweets to divert her attention.

God bless her, if she is with Liang Xiao in the future, she will never have a heart attack by him.

The cream melted in her mouth instantly, she dug out another spoon of mousse and sent it to Liang Xiao's mouth, only to find that the other party blushed at some point.

There should not be any driving bridges that make people blush and heartbeat in these manuscripts.

Yan Qiwei bowed her head in confusion, her eyes swept across the thin white paper very quickly, and her heart suddenly lifted with just one glance.

It was a romance novel she wrote when she was in college. The full text was full of unrestrained romantic thoughts. The most terrible thing was that the prototypes of the hero and heroine in the novel were her and Liang Xiao.

The girl quietly admired a taciturn senior, but she was too shy, so she could only hide this ignorant throbbing in her heart.

She would stay in a library she didn't like for him, even though the other party had never been engrossed in reading books; she would join strange academic clubs for him, even though the other party had hardly participated in club activities; and she would walk with him in the long autumn The ramp, carefully avoiding the withered and yellow leaves, without making a sound.

Because of his existence, going to the cafeteria to eat at noon every day will become a wonderful pleasure. The girl always went there at the time, and then looked for the other person's figure in the surging crowd. Even such a small thing could make her happy all day.

Like the passage in "The Little Prince": If you say you come at four o'clock in the afternoon, from three o'clock onwards, I start to feel very happy, and the closer the time comes, the more and more I feel happy.

These episodes sound silly and stupid, and although they don't want to admit it, they are all things Yan Qiwei has actually done.

The girl didn't stay with the senior until the end. She wrote in her diary on the day of her college graduation: "The stars in the sky are beautiful, but they won't fall for me."

This novel is purely self-emotional venting. Yan Qiwei put it aside after writing it, and never thought that it would be mixed in this pile of manuscript papers.

I didn't even expect to be seen by Liang Xiao, who is the prototype of the male protagonist.

Ah, she's dead.

The unspeakable old events and the hidden thoughts of the girlhood were completely spread out in front of his eyes. Yan Qiwei's face was red and her ears were flushed.

Ahh, no.

Totally wrong.

Wouldn't she look even more suspicious when she did so.

The words were choked in her throat, Yan Qiwei covered her face with her hands and curled her body into a ball.

She had no face to see Liang Xiao again.

Liang Xiao did not speak, and there was not even a faint breeze in the room, it was as quiet as time frozen.

After about five seconds or less, there was a faint rustling sound next to him, which seemed to be the sound of paper folding.

The sound nibbled at the eardrum a little bit, and Yan Qiwei didn't move, expecting that her heartbeat would calm down at some point.

Suddenly his arm was lightly poked.

Yan Qiwei raised her head slightly and looked at him through her fingers.

The first thing that catches the eye is the dazzling white light, which is divided into fine lines of light under the gap. Then she saw the young man's sharply articulated fingers and the palms of his hands that were whitened by the light. And in his hand, lay a small paper star quietly.

Liang Xiao folded a star out of blank paper and gave it to her.

Her heart began to beat wildly uncontrollably again, Yan Qiwei raised her head, and touched the stars with her trembling fingertips.

Hard and cold, with a round bulge at the center.

"I know this is a novel on a whim," he repeated her words, "so you don't have to be embarrassed..."


The crisp and soft female voice suddenly sounded, Yan Qiwei gritted her teeth and interrupted him, using all her courage to raise her head and look at Liang Xiao.

He was stunned, and heard the girl in front of him continue to say in a determined tone: "The library, the club, the cafeteria, these are all facts. You may think I'm weird or an idiot, but..."

What is she talking about.

Thoughts are scattered in the sky, the mind is blank, but the lips are opened and closed quickly uncontrollably.

"Liang Xiao, I'm really, really happy—"

Before she could finish a sentence, the words on the tip of her tongue were blocked by the lips that suddenly covered her. Yan Qiwei opened her eyes reflexively.

Like a gust of wind whipping up a wave, the agile deer jumped on its toes, and the heartbeat that was already extremely violent almost burst through the chest at this time.

She was kissed until her breath stagnated, and her hands subconsciously pressed against the young man's chest. Through the thin shirt, she could vaguely feel his powerful muscle lines.

And the same heavy heartbeat.

A little bit of meager heat diffused in the air like water mist, making her dizzy.

The kiss with the aroma of raspberries and cream ended quickly, but Liang Xiao did not straighten up, but lowered her eyes and stopped very close to her.

About a knuckle distance or less, Yan Qiwei has no extra energy to think about this problem.

She only knew that a cold and slender hand gently caressed her cheek, the fingertips slipped from the eyebrows, and finally sealed on the lips, and the itch that touched her heart and lungs spread silently to her limbs.

Those eyes that were once deep and gloomy were now full of fine rays of light, and there were shallow microwaves at the bottom of the eyes.

It was so gentle that it seemed to melt her.

Liang Xiao's voice was slightly hoarse, and a smile melted into it: "Weiwei, I should tell you the confession."

His heart beat faster and faster, hitting Yan Qiwei hard.

The ignorant feelings of young people are frivolous and fragile, and are often buried in the bottom of their hearts due to various factors such as inferiority, restraint, or identity, and become a secret that only belongs to one person.

The word "like" is very beautiful. It doesn't require too many complicated and heavy emotions. It is enough for two people to simply get along with each other to feel happy.

But at the same time it is very pale and thin, like a blank sheet of paper, which cannot carry much weight.

He is very greedy and cannot be satisfied because of simple "likes".

Liang Xiao leaned forward, her thin lips almost kissing her earlobe.

When he opened his mouth, his warm breath turned into a warm, numb airflow, dyeing Yan Qiwei's cheeks red.

"Vivi," he said, "I have loved you for many, many years."

He loves her unconsciously curled fingertips when she is thinking, loves her smile wetted by the moonlight, and even loves her occasional indulgence. In Liang Xiao's view, they are all extremely beautiful and precious treasures, like a shining beam The fireworks light up every moment they meet.

This is a straightforward and pure love sentence, like a fire in her blood, her body is hot.

Distant stars fell from the sky and landed right in front of her.

Yan Qiwei couldn't help raising the corners of her mouth and kissed his cheeks, which were also flushed, very quickly.

With a smile in her words, she no longer had the shyness and withdrawal she used to say: "I love you too, Liang Xiao."

After thinking about it, he added: "I love you more than the summer air-conditioned watermelon, the blue-eyed ragdoll, and the peach-flavored soda combined, the most beautiful things in the world."

The author has something to say: I will be happy when I write sugar 15551 Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [landmine]: 1 Wang Xiaofei;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

44 bottles of Ye Zhimu; 6 bottles of Kui Si World Study;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!