Saving The Villain Boy

Chapter 5: Invitation


Yan Qiwei pinched her face hard, and then touched her chest again. It was indeed a familiar touch, and she was never flattered.

So... she wears it back? Or, everything that happened to Liang Wei before was just a dream

She was both happy and regretful in her heart. After struggling for a long time, she took out her mobile phone from under the pillow and opened the WeChat sister group.

But the phrase "I seem to have passed through" couldn't be typed no matter what, the fingers seemed to be out of the control of the brain, and typed some illogical characters in a mess - exactly the same as when she was Liang Wei and couldn't reveal her true identity.

In order to test this idea, she tried to say, "I traveled back to seven years ago", but after the sentence came out, it turned out to be "I like Liang Xiao so much".

Yan Qiwei: …

This spicy chicken setting is deliberately here to prank her!

But this just shows that the experience was not a dream, there was a force preventing her from telling the truth.

What is its purpose? Why did she suddenly go back to seven years later

The most important point is that the real Liang Wei died at the age of fifteen, and as far as Yan Qiwei knew, the eldest Miss Liang family died unexpectedly at the age of seventeen. In other words, during the two-year blank period, it is likely that she was attached to Liang Wei.

If this is the case, she should travel back again.

But she couldn't say anything, she could only hide the secret in her heart, which was extremely uncomfortable.

Yan Qiwei has two big heads, deletes a bunch of garbled characters she typed before, and uses her trembling fingers to send a cute emoji in the sister group.

[Sisters! If you time traveled back to the time when the male god was a child, what would you plan to do? ]

There are three people in the group. In addition to her, the cute girl named Xia Xi with the avatar of Peppa Pig is a beautiful and fair-skinned dancer who has been in love with her boyfriend for more than four years. "The one is gay honey Han Xingye, a designer who ideally wants to find a domineering president as her boyfriend, a pure-bred male.

Xia Xi quickly replied: [It's all over, what do I want a male god to do. Of course, buying lottery tickets, buying stocks and investing in one-stop, rich woman life is beautiful. ]

[Yan Qiwei's woman has too much money to use up, so she doesn't need to think about this issue at all. If it were me, I would use the charm of adults to fascinate all the little kids around me. Only children make choices, and adults want all of them. ] Han Xingye crackled and sent a bunch of words, [but why are you asking this? ]

Yan Qiwei can't tell the truth, so she can only rely on editing: [I recently thought of a novel stalk, but I can't figure out the specific plot, you help me think about it. The story is probably that the heroine travels back to a few years ago and meets her boyfriend who was abused by her parents at that time. ]

She became famous at a young age, and she rose to prominence in the traditional literary world with her extraordinary talent. With the help of her family, she is now a writer of course.

All the husbands and wives in the rich circle praise her for being knowledgeable, but she never thought that Yan Qiwei in private would run farther and farther on the road of sand sculpture jokes, dog blood romances and male frequency cool texts, using different vests on Weibo. Continue to let go of yourself, with millions of fans.

I have no experience in love, I can only rely on my friends to help me. She retained the two most critical cores of "traversing" and "being abused", but fortunately she successfully sent it out, which is really fortunate.

Xia Xi: [Isn't that simple? Hug him when he's sad, kiss him when he's sad, say something when he's lonely, don't be afraid to have me with you - all romance novels are written like this. ]

Han Xingye seemed to think for a long time before replying to the news.

[Stupid woman, this kind of routine is too old-fashioned, the plot should be like this - the heroine protects the male protagonist during a domestic violence, her strong and gentle expression makes his father unable to extricate himself. After he pondered for a moment, he made a condition that if he wanted the male protagonist to no longer suffer from domestic violence, the female protagonist must become his underground lover. ]

Yan Qiwei: ? ?

Xia Xi typed a long list of hahaha, and then followed his story.

[The mother of the male protagonist exploded with anger when she found out, so she did everything possible to make things difficult for the female protagonist. The kind-hearted heroine is like a weak little white flower, the appearance of tears makes her subconsciously distressed, when she falls in love with her, everything is irreversible.

"Why are you so weak?" The male protagonist's mother pushed the female protagonist against the corner of the wall, the mature woman's fragrance spread an ambiguous breath, and then she sighed in a low voice, "I am obsessed..."]

Han Xingye crackled and typed a bunch of words again.

["Leave him, that kid has been morbidly obsessed with his father since he was a child," the male protagonist's mother continued, "Do you know why he likes you? Because you are the same as his father, with single eyelids!!!"]

are you crazy! Don't have black single eyelids!

[In order to get rid of the crazy pursuit of the male protagonist's father, two women killed him in one night, as well as the male protagonist who witnessed the whole case.

However, when the male protagonist drank the celebration wine, he felt a bitter taste in his throat.

"This wine... is poisonous."

The heroine raised the corners of her mouth coldly: "Do you think I really love you? Do you remember the woman who was hit and killed by your husband and wife's car ten years ago?"

In the normal world, the heroine never imagined that her boyfriend would wear seven green hats that can summon dragons at the same time, and that his parents were the murderers of his mother.

That's right, her crossing this time is not for redemption.

Let them sink because of love first, and then crush all the beautiful illusions. This is her revenge. ]

Then the two made a lot of applause expressions together.

Yan Qiwei carefully picked up the broken three views.

[Hey, that's right, Weiwei. ] Xia Xi finished laughing, and suddenly sent another message, [Aren't you going to the Xie family's wedding banquet today? According to the gossip, Liang Xiao will also go. ]

Yan Qiwei suddenly sat up from the bed.

After putting on makeup for the first time, Yan Qiwei glanced at the mirror with satisfaction.

Different from Liang Wei's pure and gentle sick beauty, her appearance is more inclined to a kind of aggressive beauty-white skin, peach blossom eyes, high nose bridge, and although the corners of her mouth often have a smile, she always has a somewhat inexplicable provocative meaning. .

From junior high school to university, she received the most evaluations either as "cold beauty" or "like the one who took the lead in gang fights".

Ah, she looks so good-looking, why doesn't Liang Xiao still like her

The worst thing is that not only did he not like it, but he rarely even looked at her directly.

It was mentioned in the novel that the reason why he keeps his distance from all women is because he misses Bai Yueguang's stepsister whom he met in his youth. Without that white moonlight, would he...

and many more.

It was only then that she began to think about this very serious question. Since the original Liang Wei did indeed die before she was crossed by her, then the girl Liang Xiao always remembered... Wasn't it Yan Qiwei herself who possessed Liang Wei's body

So what is her current situation? I rob my male god, I green myself, and I break my peach blossom

After realizing that she might be very important to Liang Xiao, the swept joy was completely swallowed up by an even more turbulent sense of discouragement.

He didn't know anything about it, and she couldn't let him know the truth at all. Liang Xiao cared about her stepsister Liang Wei, whom she met many years ago, not her Yan Qiwei.

Like a stick in the throat.

The more Yan Qiwei thought about it, the more upset she became, so she stomped her feet and turned to go out. I will think about it later. The most important question now is how she should face the current Liang Xiao.

The Xie family had many guests at the wedding banquet, and Yan Qiwei was the most eye-catching among the many female guests.

She dressed up to see Liang Xiao, and her eyes wandered between the banquet, but she did not find his figure, but saw Chen Jiayi sitting not far away.

After graduating from university, she chose to stay in the imperial capital. The Liang family lived here for a long time. In addition, the two families often had business contacts, so Chen Jiayi often took care of her.

Seeing her at this moment, it is inevitable that she feels like she has passed away. Yan Qiwei was about to subconsciously say "Mom", but she suddenly realized her identity and changed her words in a hurry: "Aunt Jiayi, what a coincidence."

Chen Jiayi raised her head when she heard the sound, her smile widened the moment she saw her, and she nodded in greeting: "Weiwei is here too? Come and sit next to me. Why is your face so bad today, did you work for a long time yesterday?"

"I have been thinking about the idea of an article for a long time."

In fact, it is because I am chasing the serialization of juvenile manga.

Chen Jiayi nodded clearly.

She was very fond of this little girl. Beautiful and reserved, educated and polite, she always smiles tenderly and softly, not to mention that she is a literature lover herself, and she is full of praise for Yan Qiwei's works.

"Young people need to cherish their bodies. My son is like you. He forgets the time as soon as he starts working," Chen Jiayi stopped halfway, her eyes fell behind her, and a surprised smile appeared, "Say Cao Cao and Cao Cao will arrive. Weiwei, let me introduce you, this is my son Liang Xiao."

Yan Qiwei's back suddenly tensed up, her brain exploded like an explosion, and the heat trickled down to her ears.

No, no, don't blush!

She told herself over and over again in her heart, and turned around pretending to be calm after holding back her fast heartbeat.

The man standing behind him has deep eyebrows and eyes, a high and straight nose bridge, thin lips pursed into a straight line, and a smooth lower jaw. The button of the white shirt is meticulously buttoned to the top, and the black suit outlines the figure of Ying, full of abstinence.

Today's Liang Da's president is aloof and dignified, with an obvious sense of alienation in his gestures, and his expression does not change much from day to night. But his handsome face is really alluring, and it shouldn't be too delicious to eat with a suit. The little girl who likes him is like the waves in the river surging up one after another, and all of them are shot to death on the beach.

Yan Qiwei thought regretfully, it would be great if he could smile more, with Zhang Bingshan's face all day long. I heard that some people thought that Liang Xiao was getting too much Botox, and the whole face froze.

He looked up at her lazily, and Chen Jiayi next to him continued: "This is Uncle Yan's daughter. You are alumni of the same university, maybe you have met before."

"Ah, it's Senior Liang Xiao!" She whispered, pretending to be surprised, "Have we hosted the school's New Year's party together before? I don't remember exactly."

Yan Qiwei's words were calm, but her heart was actually thumping. After listening to this, Liang Xiao's expression remained unchanged, but his tone was still light: "Sorry, I don't remember either."

Although she was already mentally prepared, she still felt a little uncomfortable. She had been following him silently for so long in the university, but Liang Xiao never knew that there was someone who loved him so deeply but shyly.

This made her think of her time as Liang Wei for no reason, and he didn't even know about it - the person "Yan Qiwei" had never appeared in his life from beginning to end.

Secret love is a dream that you dream alone. Once you like it, the dream will shatter lightly.

"Since you two are so destined, why don't you add your contact information and go out for dinner another day." Chen Jiayi didn't expect the two of them to have such a relationship, so she looked at Liang Xiao and said with a light smile, "Weiwei is very good, not only does the article write well. Well, she can also play the cello, and her grades in school were top-notch. She was a famous writer not long after she graduated from college."

Yan Qiwei blushed when she praised her, just about to say a few words of modesty, she suddenly realized something was wrong.

The mother who intends to match, the gentle and excellent lady from the rich family, the eldest son of the wealthy who is indifferent... Isn't this a proper script for Cannon Fodder Girl No. 2! This is not a car for he!

After thinking about it, I realized, oh, she was just a passer-by, not the second female.

Sure enough, Liang Xiao didn't accept the proposal, and he took it lightly: "Mom, I've been very busy with work recently, and I don't have time."

"Is there a conflict between being busy at work and saving contact information?"

Chen Jiayi glared at him. She could see that Yan Qiwei didn't dislike Liang Xiao, and she might even have a bit of a crush on him. This little girl won her heart, and it would be great if the two of them could develop further.

The two added WeChat under her matchmaking.

At the moment when Yan Qiwei succeeded in adding friends, she imagined countless opening lines to pick up a conversation in her mind, but no matter which one was very deliberate, it was obvious at a glance that she had bad intentions.

The last word was not sent.

She can eat well in the circle of wealthy businessmen, and she knows a lot of people during the banquet. As a junior, Yan Qiwei naturally wants to come forward and say hello, so she quickly said goodbye to Chen Jiayi and Liang Xiao.

The mother and son fell into a brief silence after she left. After a long while, Chen Jiayi looked at the back of her leaving, the smile on her face gradually faded, and complex emotions floated in her eyes: "It's time to come out, Liang Xiao. I don't know how uncomfortable your dad and I are every day with your current appearance."

Since that incident, the family has become his Achilles heel. This sentence undoubtedly touched Liang Xiao's weakness. He heard the words and lowered his eyes slightly, and replied in a low voice, "I understand."

Seeing that his expression softened, Chen Jiayi continued: "Try to meet new people. It's not too difficult to ask her out for a meal. It's just to fulfill my mother's wish."

[Ah, I added it to his WeChat! How to start ah ah hurry online wait! ]

Yan Qiwei seems to be sitting quietly in the guest seat for years, but in fact, she is screaming and swiping the screen in the group, so as to vent her excitement that is about to burst.

Xia Xi sent a congratulatory expression.

[Pretend to be hacked and send a spam message to him, and then apologize to him on the pretext that his account was retrieved, and sweet love begins!

I have prepared all the junk news for you: the lonely little wild cat will play with you late at night, and bring you to experience the ultimate enjoyment of the two worlds of ice and fire, brother, come quickly~]

... With Liang Xiao's character, you definitely blocked her directly! He will not pity any little wild cat!

Han Xingye laughed.

[Then pretend to send a message to a friend and send him the wrong message. Anyway, with your character, it is absolutely impossible to say hello to him directly. ]

Really understand her.

Miss Yan, who has always been known for her straightforward temperament, was struggling with how to make her opening remarks. Suddenly, her phone vibrated, showing a new message.

The correspondent is Liang Xiao.

She froze all over, her fingers were unconsciously on the screen, and she held her breath for a moment when she saw the chat.

[Hello Miss Yan, I'm Liang Xiao. Do you have free time recently? I want to treat you to a meal. ]

The author has something to say: Red duck! ! Thank you to the little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Mine]: Xuan 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!