Chapter 10


"Fuck, what the hell are you filming!" Jiang Cheng scolded, there is no child Gu Miao at this moment, and he doesn't care about being civilized or uncivilized.

Gu Fei didn't say a word, and there were a few more clicks at him.

Jiang Cheng felt that the not-so-good expression on his face was probably frozen.

"I'm asking you!" He walked up to Gu Fei, reaching for the camera.

Gu Fei quickly took the camera back and said, "Two hundred and sixty-seven years old."

"What?" Jiang Cheng was stunned, "What two hundred and sixty... how many?"

"Two hundred and sixty-seven." Gu Fei repeated it once.

"What two hundred and sixty-seven years old?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Xiao Ming's grandfather." Gu Fei said.

Jiang Cheng stared at him for a full thirty seconds, wondering if he was speechless or if he wanted to suppress the urge to laugh.

Finally, he pointed at Gu Fei's camera: "Give it to me, or delete it."

"Would you like to take a look first?" Gu Fei handed over the camera.

When Jiang Cheng took the camera, he was nervous and dead, and he always felt that he would fall to the ground if he was not careful. Then he looked at the pile of buttons on the camera and felt a little confused.

Don't say it's deleted, just look at the photo and don't know where to click.

"Here." Gu Fei reached out and clicked on the camera, and a photo appeared on the screen.

There were four sheets in total, and Jiang Cheng silently flipped through them one by one.

He has never been interested in taking pictures, whether he is taking pictures of landscapes or others take pictures of himself, he prefers to see with his eyes.

Although he usually thinks he is quite handsome, but every time he is accidentally frightened by the front camera several times... I didn't expect Gu Fei's self in the camera to be quite that kind of thing.

Pretty restored, eh.

He didn't have the ferocious expression that he was worried about, just looked a little impatient.

And the first one, he actually liked it.

Because the chaotic and desolate background was blurred, it revealed a faint feeling of melancholy, which made him inexplicably float in his mind - his hometown elsewhere.

As for the self who walked in the face of the setting sun, needless to say, he was very handsome.

After he flipped through several of his photos twice, he didn't know what to do.

"The button in the lower right corner is delete." Gu Fei said.

"I know." Jiang Cheng replied somewhat embarrassedly.

It was me who said I wanted to delete it, but it was me who didn’t want to delete it after seeing the photo. After all, I had never taken such a feeling photo.

During the Chinese New Year last year, the whole family went to the photo studio to take a family photo together. I thought it would be good, but when he saw the photo, he almost didn't tear it up. After arguing, I didn't go home for two days...

Thinking that it seemed a little far, he retracted his thoughts and looked at Gu Fei.

"You are quite photogenic," Gu Fei said. "If you don't mind, I want to keep it. I took a lot of photos of my classmates and keep them all."

Gu Fei's step was given at the right time, Jiang Cheng hesitated for two seconds: "Why are you taking so many portraits?"

"It's fun." Gu Fei said.

"...Oh," Jiang Cheng nodded, Gu Fei also admired Gu Fei's ability to perfectly stop the chat every time, "Photography enthusiast."

"I'll add you as a friend later," Gu Fei took out his phone, "I processed the photo and sent you a copy?"

Jiang Cheng wanted to refuse very much, I don't care about this stuff.

But when he opened his mouth, he nodded again: "Oh."

Oh, and after holding the camera, I didn't know what to do, Gu Fei didn't say anything, it seemed that he was very used to this silent embarrassment.

"Can I look at other photos?" Jiang Cheng asked, he really couldn't associate Gu Fei with this awesome professional camera.

"Look." Gu Fei said.

Many of the photos were of bridges and sunsets, and it could be seen from the light that Gu Fei stayed here almost all afternoon, taking a lot of pictures, including landscapes and people walking on the bridge.

Jiang Cheng didn’t understand photography, but he could still tell if a photo was good or bad.

Gu Fei's photos were taken professionally, and the composition and color tone exuded a warm atmosphere. If it weren't for the fact that someone else was standing in this place, blowing the old north wind, just looking at the photos would really be like sitting on top of the radiator. Comfortable like the sun.

If you look forward, the photo should not be from today.

A lot of the shots are street scenes.

Trees and old houses, snowdrifts and stray dogs, fallen leaves and the feet of pedestrians walking by... ordinary things that can be seen every day but turn a blind eye.

Just when he thought that such a photo should be Gu Fei's style of taking pictures, a backlit photo of Gu Miao bent over and jumped through the air with a skateboard in the bright sunlight made him cry out "Ah".

"Huh?" Gu Fei was lying on the bridge railing smoking a cigarette when he heard his movement and turned his head.

"I really feel this picture, Gu Miao is so handsome," Jiang Cheng turned the photo to face Gu Fei, "Peter Pan."

Gu Fei smiled and said, "It was captured, and it took her more than a dozen times to make this one."

Jiang Cheng stared at him a second time. Gu Fei is not easy to generalize. He usually looks like a terminator for the topic of flying immortals, but when he and Gu Miao are together, he may mention Gu Fei. Miao Shi will be very gentle again.

Especially kind.

Jiang Cheng remembered Gu Miao's woolen hat.

Brother Ci's middle line...

There's even a soundtrack to this scene.

Wake up and make love with me, wake up and make love…

But the soundtrack seems a little out of place.

"Your phone is ringing." Gu Fei said.

"Oh." Jiang Cheng handed the camera back to him, and took out his phone in embarrassment, Wake up and make love with me...

"Chengcheng?" Li Baoguo's voice sounded like an explosion.

"You... what do you call me?" Jiang Cheng had goosebumps all over his body.

Gu Fei probably heard it. Although he turned his head quickly, Jiang Cheng still saw a smile on his face.


"Are you almost home?" Li Baoguo said, "Come back soon, your elder brothers and sisters are back, waiting for you to eat!"

"Oh," Jiang Cheng suddenly felt depressed, not only did his plan to eat dumplings fail, but because he was pulled back into reality again, he had to face the situation where it was almost impossible for him to have an intersection in his own life, but now he has become a family member. Personally, he couldn't even move his legs immediately, "I see."

"Are you going back?" Gu Fei asked after putting the camera away.

"En." Jiang Cheng responded.

"Let's go together, I'll go home too." Gu Fei said.

"Are you driving?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"...I came over." Gu Fei glanced at him.

"Oh." Jiang Cheng turned around and walked back.

As soon as the sun went down, the temperature dropped sharply, and they walked all the way back against the old north wind.

After walking for a while, his body became less cold, Jiang Cheng turned to look at Gu Fei: "Do you know Li Baoguo?"

"People in those streets almost all know each other," Gu Fei said. "Grandpa, grandma, uncle, aunt, brother and sister... They are all old neighborhoods."

"Oh, then... how about others?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Gu Fei pulled his hat and turned his face: "Who is he from you?"

Jiang Cheng didn't know what to say, so he put on the mask around his chin, covering most of his face, only then did he feel a little more relaxed.

"I...Daddy," he said.

"Huh?" Gu Fei raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, "Daddy? Li Baoguo has two sons? But if you say and Li Hui really look a bit like."

"I don't know," Jiang Cheng said irritably, "That's what I told me anyway... I'll just ask you how others are, can you answer directly?"

"Senior gambler," Gu Fei replied very succinctly this time, "a tenth-level alcoholic."

Jiang Cheng paused in his steps.

"Are you still listening?" Gu Fei asked.

"What else?" Jiang Cheng sighed softly.

"Domestic violence, beat my wife away," Gu Fei thought for a while, "That's the main thing."

"That's enough," Jiang Cheng frowned, but hesitantly stared at Gu Fei again, "Are these credible?"

"Do you think it's unbelievable?" Gu Fei laughed.

"These rumors are a bit..." Before Jiang Cheng finished speaking, the rumors also said that you killed your father, but it was impossible for him to say that. No matter what the inside story was, it was a fact that Gu Fei's father died.

"These are not rumors," Gu Fei said. "You go home every day, don't you know he plays cards."

"En." Jiang Cheng suddenly stopped talking.

Walking silently all the way to the intersection, Gu Fei left the street of his house, Jiang Cheng didn’t even have the mood to say goodbye, but Gu Fei didn’t say anything.

Pulling on his mask, he walked over to Li Baoguo.

From a long distance, I heard someone arguing in front of me. The quarrel was especially fierce. It was a group fight, both men and women.

When I got closer, I saw that it was the building next to Li Baoguo, a man and a woman standing downstairs, and a man and a woman at the window on the second floor.

The reason for the quarrel could not be heard, but the players on both sides scolded people very seriously and articulated clearly.

Various genitals and indescribable scenes spewed out, and some words were repeated from time to time, and Jiang Cheng felt embarrassed for them.

When he walked downstairs, the man on the second floor suddenly appeared at the window with a basin. Jiang Cheng took a look and quickly took two steps to the side.

Immediately after, a pot of water with vegetable leaves poured down.

Although he was not drenched, he was still splashed with water, and he was so disgusted that his mask almost flew out.

"Are you sick! A bunch of idiots!" he roared, "There's a way to go out and fight! The skill points are all fucking shrew! Cowardly!"

After shouting, he turned around and entered the corridor without looking at the person next to him.

I don't know whether the quarrels were stunned by him or didn't understand what he was yelling. In short, the two sides lowered their volume and cursed for a few words, and the fight ended abruptly.

Jiang Cheng patted the water on his body, as well as a few vegetable leaves the size of fingernails, fuck!

As soon as he took out the key, Li Baoguo's door opened. Li Baoguo stuck his head out and smiled, "Is that you?"

"What?" Jiang Cheng asked in a gruff voice.

"Well scolded," Li Baoguo said with a smile, "like my son."

Jiang Cheng did not answer his words and entered the room.

The house is still so dilapidated, but a little more angry today.

A table of dishes, as well as two men and two women sitting beside the table with three children, crowded the small living room to the brim.

"Come on, Chengcheng," Li Baoguo closed the door, came over and put his arms around his shoulders affectionately, "I'll introduce you to me."

Jiang Cheng hated being patted on the shoulder by someone he didn't know well, so he gritted his teeth and didn't throw him away.

"This is your brother Li Hui, boss," Li Baoguo said, pointing to a 26- or 17-year-old man, and then to the young woman next to him, "This is your sister-in-law, the two of your nephews... Come and call me uncle !"

The two little boys who were watching TV next to them glanced here together, and turned their heads back as if they didn't hear it.

"Hey! Bears! Let you call them uncles!" Li Baoguo roared.

The two children didn't even turn their heads this time.

"You..." Li Baoguo pointed to the other side and wanted to say something, but he didn't seem to know what to say.

"It's okay, I'm not familiar with it," Jiang Cheng patted his arm, he just wanted to get out of Li Baoguo's voice and spit as soon as possible, and the arm that was placed on his shoulders and made him stiff.

"I'll settle the account with you later!" Li Baoguo pointed to another woman, "This is your sister, Li Qian, this is your brother-in-law... Your niece is called uncle!"

"Uncle." A little girl who looked at about four or five years old called him uncle in a low voice, as if she was frightened.

"Hello." Jiang Cheng forced a smile.

Li Baoguo finally let go of him, he said a word and changed his clothes and quickly entered the back room, closed the door, and closed his eyes against the door.

No one in this room, except Li Baoguo, has ever had a smile on his face since he entered the door.

When Li Baoguo introduced him one by one, everyone just nodded and said nothing.

But this indifference did not seem to be unwelcoming him, nor was there any dissatisfaction, but a natural, innate numbness with a hint of daze.

Even more frightening and depressing.

In just one or two minutes, Jiang Cheng felt breathless.

He took off his jacket, propped up against the wall, took a few big breaths, slowly exhaled, inhaled again, exhaled slowly, and then sighed softly.

He didn't even remember how much he sighed these days, enough to blow up a big welcome balloon.

After staying in the house for a few minutes, Li Baoguo started calling him loudly outside, so he had to rub his face, opened the door and walked out.

Everyone in the room was already seated at the table, and the two bears who were just watching TV were also seated. Not only were they seated, they had already started eating, and they grabbed the ribs on the plate and gnawed it.

"Let's eat." Li Qian said, reaching for the rice bowl in front of him.

"Thank you, I'll do it myself," Jiang Cheng hurriedly picked up the bowl, "You eat yours."

"Let her flourish," Li Baoguo said beside him. "Women do these things."

Jiang Cheng was stunned for a while, Li Qian took the bowl from his hand, and filled him with rice in the pot next to him.

"Come on, I have to drink some good wine today," Li Baoguo picked up two bottles of wine from the ground. It was estimated that Li Qian or Li Hui brought them, but before Jiang Cheng could see what kind of wine it was, he had already opened it. Next to the cabinet door, put the wine in, and took a bottle out of the cabinet, "I made this myself, thorn fruit wine."

"Just drink the two bottles of wine that Li Qian took," Li Hui said a little bit reluctantly, "You still take out this broken wine and present it as a treasure, drinking a smell of shabu-shabu water."

"Yo," Li Baoguo put the wine bottle on the table, "I think your old man's wine is not good? If you don't think it's bad, you bring wine, why don't you come back empty-handed and choose?"

"Dad, what are you talking about," the sister-in-law said, her tone full of displeasure, "when your son comes back, you will keep an eye on whether he has brought anything with him."

"Shut up!" Li Baoguo stared, "When will it be the woman's turn to talk in our family!"

"What's wrong with the woman!" The sister-in-law raised her voice. "Without my woman, how could you have two grandchildren? You mean your daughter will give birth to you grandchildren? She can't even give birth to a grandson!"

Jiang Cheng felt a little shocked. He was shocked that the family would quarrel with just a few words. He was shocked that they would quarrel at this kind of dinner where family harmony was at a minimum. Seeing the silent Li Qian couple When he was even more shocked.

"I have a grandson because I have a son!" Li Baoguo's voice was so loud that he could shatter the broken lamp above his head, "I have another son now, and I want a grandson, it's a matter of minutes! Li Hui, are you still a man? Man, your wife is so virtuous that you can't even let out a fart, can you?"

"What a quarrel!" Li Hui threw his chopsticks and stood up. He didn't know if he was speaking to Li Baoguo or his wife.

"Ask me about the quarrel? You don't know what the quarrel is!" The sister-in-law shouted in a shrill voice.

As soon as the voice came out, the two bears, who were good at catching vegetables, raised their faces and cried at the same time, as if they were pulling an alarm.

Jiang Cheng stood up and turned back to his room, closing the door.

It was still noisy outside, men yelled at women, and children cried. This broken door couldn't stop these desperate voices.

Behind the thin wooden board, is his real family, the family who would feel upset in the TV series, the kind of people he always despised, no, not even despised, he would never notice at all That kind of people.

If he grew up here for more than ten years, would he be like them

Is it hereditary that you can touch it at the touch of a button, and the rebellious period is overtime

Is it written in his genes

Rebellion period? Maybe it wasn't a period of rebellion at all.

But his terrifying nature.

The door behind him was gently knocked twice, and the people outside were still clamoring. He even heard the sound of someone kicking the chair over. If he hadn't been leaning against the door, he wouldn't have heard the slight knock.

"Jiang Cheng?" Li Qian's voice came from outside, equally soft.

He hesitated for a few seconds, then turned around and opened the door a crack, looking at Li Qian who was standing outside the door a little nervous.

"Are you all right?" Li Qian asked.

"It's alright." Jiang Cheng replied.

Are you all right? You should ask Li Qian about this.

"That..." Li Qian looked back at the dark smoke in the room, "I'll bring you some food and you can eat it in the room?"

"No, thank you," Jiang Cheng said, "I really… can't eat it."

Li Qian didn't speak any more, he closed the door again and locked it.

After standing in the room for a long time, he walked to the window, grabbed the handle on the window and twisted it twice.

The window didn't move.

Since the day he came, he has tried to open the window, but it has never been successful. The window is as firmly welded as it is welded, and no gap can be exposed.

Jiang Cheng grabbed the handle and twisted it a few more times before starting to push.

Sweat has tossed out without success.

Staring at this window and listening to the chaos outside, he just felt that something in his body was about to explode.

He grabbed the chair behind him and slammed it towards the window.

There was a loud crunch from the window glass.

This sound made Jiang Cheng feel very refreshed, the pores all over his body seemed to stand up at this moment, he took the chair and slammed it on again.

The glass smashed to the ground.

He slammed on the ground, and the quarrel in the living room turned into slamming on the door, and he didn't bother to listen.

After the window glass was all shattered, he kicked the empty window frame.

The window is open.

There was the sound of a key outside the door, he put his hand on the windowsill and jumped out.

Go to your own mother.