Chapter 109


The check-in date on the notice was the 9th. Gu Fei meant that he could get acquainted with the environment two days in advance, but Jiang Cheng never made a statement, because he said he was here to buy tickets, and Gu Fei didn’t keep urging him.

If he didn't buy a ticket until the end, he probably wouldn't be able to buy it, so he bought the No. 8 ticket.

Looking at the ticket booking information sent to his mobile phone, Jiang Cheng felt very uncomfortable. The feeling of separation was like an explosion, and the joy of finally being able to go to the school he wanted to go to was overwhelmed and he couldn't turn over. .

"Brother Cheng," Gu Fei stood in front of the closet and took out his clothes one by one, "You really don't pack your clothes yourself? What if I pack for you something you don't like..."

"I don't care." Jiang Cheng sat cross-legged on the bed, took Gu Fei's mobile phone and played with the mentally retarded love elimination. For so long, he didn't help Gu Fei very much. Li Yan had already passed through many levels, and the game was all over the place. Updated three new levels.

"Then don't scold me when your clothes don't suit your liking." Gu Fei said.

"Well," Jiang Cheng glanced at him, "Bring me your stupid T-shirt with FUCK written on it."

"That stupid T-shirt is very old." Gu Fei said.

"I'll wear it to sleep." Jiang Cheng lowered his head and continued to play the game.

"Okay, I'll go back and get it later." Gu Fei smiled.

"And your sweatpants with bars, and your black sweater," Jiang Cheng said, "by the way, there's also that gray coat... oh and what else, do you want to take some more... yours Bring me panties."

"Let's do it," Gu Fei looked at him while holding the wardrobe door, "I won't clean it up here, you can take it to my house?"

"That's all," Jiang Cheng smiled after thinking about it, "don't worry about me, you don't lack those clothes."

"The ones you ordered are the ones I wear every day." Gu Fei said.

"Yo," Jiang Cheng gave him a sideways look, "Forget it, if I take it away, you should run away, right?"

Gu Fei laughed for a long time: "I'm so annoying, what else do you want? I'll bring it back when I go back."

"Gu Fei." Jiang Cheng said.

"Huh?" Gu Fei looked at him.

"Gu Fei." Jiang Cheng said.

"Ah?" Gu Fei responded again.

"Gu, Fei," Jiang Cheng said, "Why are you suddenly mentally retarded?"

"...Oh," Gu Fei laughed, "I see."

He walked over to the bed and kissed Jiang Cheng on the forehead: "Gu Fei doesn't need to take it with him, it's yours, you can't lose it anywhere, it's all yours."

Jiang Cheng quickly raised his head and bit his chin.

"Fuck," Gu Fei flicked on his head, "you correct your fault, it's just me..."

"Otherwise who else?" Jiang Cheng clicked his tongue, "Am I biting Pan Zhi? Or Li Yan and Wang Xu?"

Gu Fei smiled and went back to the closet to continue to pack his clothes. When he packed up his underwear, Gu Fei took out one piece: "Why is this one broken? Is it a shit?"

"The other day when I was taking a shower, I hung it on the hook, and when I pulled it off, I didn't know why it hung up, and it tore a hole," Jiang Cheng said, "Why didn't you say that you stabbed it?"

"I'm not that good," Gu Fei said with a smile, "Why don't you try it at night."

"By the way," Jiang Cheng looked at him and patted the bed board, "I remembered something very important."

"What?" Gu Fei asked.

"I don't have anything to do these few days. Before leaving, hurry up and turn around," Jiang Cheng frowned, "If you don't go to school, you'll have eleven if you have time."

"...It really is a very serious and important matter." Gu Fei nodded.

Doing things like turning the clouds over the rain is useless. When you are tired and sleep, you wake up and do it. The young people are full of firepower. They feel that their bodies are hollowed out and sleep all night and feel alive again.

"Brother Cheng," Gu Fei was lying on the bed holding his mobile phone, looking at the ticket booking information sent that day, "We are going to the station tomorrow morning, in order to get up on time, the great cause of turbulent storms will come to an end for the time being. , mainly because the lubricants are almost gone..."

"Why are you so shameless," Jiang Cheng turned to look at him, "Aren't you embarrassed when you say something like this?"

"...You've done it 108,000 times. Do you want to say you're embarrassed?" Gu Fei was delighted, "It's not too loud to shout..."

"Your uncle!" Jiang Cheng rushed over and covered his mouth, "If you do it 216,000 times, it won't be as thick-skinned as you say it back and forth!"

Gu Fei was happy in his palm, and his eyes narrowed with a smile.

"Say, is it wrong!" Jiang Cheng glared at him fiercely.

Gu Fei snorted indistinctly.

"Speak well!" Jiang Cheng continued to stare at him.

Gu Fei didn't say anything, the tip of his tongue stretched out and licked it in his palm.

"Fuck," Jiang Cheng suddenly felt like a hundred rabbits pretending to be dead were rubbing against him, fluffy and fluffy, he let go of Gu Fei's lips and licked it, "I'm thinking of you so badly right now. already."

"I'm free to see you," Gu Fei hugged him, "don't have to wait until eleven."

"En." Jiang Cheng leaned on top of him and buried his face in his shoulder.

The two of them didn't go out to eat in the evening, so they brought Gu Miao into the store and got something to eat together.

Gu Miao didn't know the news that Jiang Cheng was going to school. Gu Fei meant not to let her know, she could not see Jiang Cheng for a long time, but if it was said that Jiang Cheng was leaving, she would not see him for a long time, so she would Unacceptable, will be angry.

"If she treats you," Jiang Cheng sighed softly, "It would be nice if she could have such an attitude."

"I am her brother after all." Gu Fei smiled.

Jiang Cheng didn't say anything.

Then Gu Miao still has her own mother, and she didn't get angry because she couldn't see her mother.

But he also knew that it was nonsense.

Gu Fei is definitely a different existence to Gu Miao. In Gu Miao's world, there are probably only two kinds of people, one is the elder brother, and the other is the person other than the elder brother.

This place where she has lived since she was a child, and her only support since she was a child, cannot be changed or lost.

Gu Miao took Jiang Cheng's hand and drew a little green rabbit on the back of his hand, and then painted it all over.

"It's really beautiful." Jiang Cheng said.

This praise made Gu Miao in a good mood, so he painted another one next to the same on his hand, still covering it all over.

When he was about to draw the third one, Gu Fei stopped him for a while: "Hey, oily pen, how will your brother go out tomorrow?"

"It's pretty cool." Jiang Cheng looked at the back of his hand.

In the evening, Gu Fei sent Gu Miao home, and Jiang Cheng went back to the rental house first.

He didn't plan to retire from this house. After all, he had to come back after the holiday. Usually, Gu Fei could come over when he wanted to be alone.

He opened the drawer, took out an envelope, took out the money in it, ordered it, and put it in a red package.

The last time he told Gu Fei that he didn't need to give him the money for taking pictures, Gu Fei kept saving it for him, and took it out two days ago and gave it to him.

He set aside eight thousand for Gu Fei.

This amount of money is not much, and it is impossible for Gu Fei to ask for it, although he does not know why he should leave the money for Gu Fei.

Maybe he was reluctant to bear Gu Fei, maybe he was thinking of doing something for his boyfriend and sharing something.

He opened the closet and put the red envelope into the pocket of Gu Fei's coat.

Thinking about what Gu Fei looked like when he wore this coat and found this red envelope, he was amused by the wardrobe for a long time.

Gu Fei's fear that he would miss the car if he couldn't get up the next day turned out to be very unnecessary.

The two of them will definitely not miss the car, because they basically didn't fall asleep that night.

Jiang Cheng could almost count how many times Gu Fei turned around in one night. In the middle of the night, he turned over several times and gently touched his face. He had been gritting his teeth and insisting not to move too much. He was afraid that Gu Fei would find out that he couldn’t fall asleep. Worrying, it was like he was very distressed when he knew that Gu Fei hadn't slept all night.

When it was almost dawn, Jiang Cheng couldn't stand it anymore, he turned over and hugged Gu Fei.

"Awake?" Gu Fei asked him softly.

"En." Jiang Cheng snorted.

"Sleep a little longer, it's not time yet," Gu Fei patted his back, "I'll call you then."

"En." Jiang Cheng closed his eyes.

At dawn he finally fell asleep.

But it felt like as soon as he closed his eyes, Gu Fei woke him up: "Brother Cheng, get up and eat breakfast."

Get up, get dressed, wash, eat breakfast, check luggage, go out.

The two of them were silent the whole time. Even if they knew that Gu Fei would get on the bus, get off the bus, and go to the school together, Jiang Cheng was still in a low mood.

Gu Fei could only accompany him for two days. After he checked in tomorrow, Gu Fei would be back early the next morning.

Back in the car alone.

Jiang Cheng felt a little unbearable when he thought of that scene. Two people went and came back alone. He couldn't imagine Gu Fei's mood.

There are quite a lot of people at the station. This shabby station looks like it will always be dirty and lonely. It seems that the railway station will never change. It has become lively because of the start of school. Inside and outside the station, many people are dragging Student with suitcase.

The students around him were full of anticipation. At this time, whether it is good or bad in the test, whether the school you go to is agreeable or unsatisfactory, has all faded away, and most people's hearts are already filled with excitement about the upcoming unknown new life.

The drive to school was not too long. Jiang Cheng bought a seat ticket. In fact, even if the drive was long, he still wanted to buy a seat ticket.

When two people sit together, they can be next to each other, their arms touch their arms, their legs touch their legs, and they can rest their heads on each other's shoulders when they tilt their head.

Two boys from different shops had to squeeze together next to each other, which was very immoral at first glance.

They found a seat in the noisy carriage, put their luggage away, and the two of them sat down with a long sigh of relief.

Only at this time did Jiang Cheng regret that he had bought the ticket late. If he had bought it earlier, he might have been able to buy a two-seater. Now it was a three-seater, and the two of them were not by the window.

"That's not bad," Gu Fei leaned over and put his arm close to his, "Thank God for not being separated by the aisle, look at the two in front of you."

Jiang Cheng glanced forward along the way, and there was a young couple in front of them. At first glance, they looked just like them. The boy sent the girl to school.

Sitting one on each side of the aisle, stretched out his hand in the middle and pulled it. When someone came over, he released it, and when someone passed by, he immediately pulled it back up, repeating it over and over again tirelessly.

"Let's sit like that, shall we hold hands?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"It's a bit pretentious," Gu Fei said, "We can linger with our eyes."

Jiang Cheng looked at him and smiled.

"Isn't it," Gu Fei looked into his eyes and said happily, "That's it, the eyes meet, I see your miss, you hear me say, I will be by your side... Thanks for listening to Gu Fei Fei Qing Shi Xiao trumpet show."

"Go away," Jiang Cheng couldn't help laughing, "Don't imitate me."

"Player Jiang Cheng, what you are doing is wrong, you can't have a monopoly." Gu Fei said solemnly.

The two of them were happy until the eldest sister by the window came over, and they finally stopped.

Jiang Cheng took out his mobile phone, took a photo of the platform, and sent it to the Moments.

Soon there were a bunch of replies, all kinds of blessings and goodbyes.

Wang Xu was the first to reply, and came back on November to eat pie.

Jiang Cheng laughed for a long time, put the phone back in his pocket, leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes.

It didn't take long for the radio in the car to prompt you to drive.

Jiang Cheng opened his eyes, and the moment the car moved gently, Jiang Cheng's heartbeat a little stuck.

He quickly looked out the window, there was no one on the platform, and the scene receded a little bit.

The car really started.

The car window was like a screen, and the content changed like a marquee. The station quickly disappeared, followed by a patch of dilapidated small houses, with some tall buildings in the distance.

Eventually the houses became sparser and sparser, and gradually disappeared, and the windows began to stretch out across fields of farmland.

Jiang Cheng's heart also felt somewhat empty.

The mood he had when he was dragging his luggage here by himself was completely different from his current mood, and he didn't even look out the window a few times.

This small city that he didn't want to stay for another day and only wanted to escape, now disappeared behind him, but he began to reluctant to part with it.

Although he still firmly refuses to stay here, and it is impossible to stay here, there are precious memories here that he will never forget no matter what, and people who will not let go of him even if he tries his best.

It wasn't until the phone rang that he withdrew his gaze, took out his phone, and saw that it was Pan Zhi.

This guy is really like what he said before the college entrance examination. Although he did not do well in the test, he just let his family spend money on a school in the same place as him.

"Pan Zhi?" Gu Fei asked.

"Well," Jiang Cheng answered the phone, "he has to pick up..."

"If I really don't pick it up, say you will be disappointed?" Pan Zhi heard his words and was very dissatisfied, "It's not that I told you, your attitude towards me now is very like a scumbag. male."

"You are an authentic scumbag," Jiang Cheng said, "How dare you accuse your grandfather of being a scumbag?"

"Can't you, I'm wholehearted with you, can you pick out the fault?" Pan Zhi said, "You didn't arrive until the afternoon, and I'm already wandering around your school now."

"Wait," Jiang Cheng said, "When you said to pick me up, did you pick me up at the station or at the school gate?"

"Of course the station! Why don't you know me so well, you're not a buddy anymore," Pan Zhi clicked his tongue twice, "I'm just here to visit, your school has a lot of beautiful women... By the way, did you tell Gu Fei that I want to to pick up?"

"I mentioned it," Jiang Cheng said, "what's the matter."

"No, I just want to tell him that this light bulb, he can only endure it first, after all, you turned a blind eye to the light bulb all summer vacation as if you never knew it," Pan Zhi said, "but I am also very considerate, you two want to pull I won't watch anyone who kisses and kisses..."

Jiang Cheng put the phone to Gu Fei's ear and asked him to listen. Gu Fei laughed when he heard it, "Then I'll give you the Best Headlight Award."

He and Gu Fei didn't talk much this way, they were just next to each other, both of them closed their eyes.

Jiang Cheng was sure that he and Gu Fei were both asleep, and they were both sluggishly slumbering. Several times their heads were knocked together, they opened their eyes and looked at each other before continuing to sleep.

The train arrived on time, and about twenty minutes later, many people in the carriage had already dragged their luggage to the door to wait.

"Brother Cheng," Gu Fei yawned and moved his arms, "Did you not sleep well last night?"

"No, it's pretty good." Jiang Cheng rubbed his face.

"I was snoring just now." Gu Fei said.

"Let it go..." Jiang Cheng said halfway through and then turned his head to stare at him, "Really?"

"Fake." Gu Fei said.

"Fuck." Jiang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, no matter where he was, his image was still very important. A handsome guy, snoring on the train with his mouth open, was definitely a tragic incident that could not be saved by his looks.

The eldest sister inside also dragged her luggage and squeezed past the car door. Jiang Cheng stood up and knelt on the seat and looked back and forth.

Gu Fei concealed his hand into his clothes and touched his stomach.

Just as he was about to take out his hand, Jiang Cheng leaned back on the chair and pressed his hand against his stomach.

"Very arrogant?" Gu Fei looked at him.

"Now is the time to be bold," Jiang Cheng smiled, "No one knows me anyway."

Gu Fei didn't say a word, his fingers moved slightly, and he pinched twice on his stomach.

After everyone in the carriage was empty, the two of them got out of the car with their luggage and walked slowly towards the exit where Pan Zhi was waiting for them.

Not halfway, Pan Zhi's phone call came in: "Grandpa! Just say you two are taking revenge! All the people on this train have left! You two can't get out!"

"It's coming soon," Jiang Cheng couldn't help laughing, "Who has the time to take revenge on you, it's just that people just don't want to squeeze."

"Hurry up," Pan Zhi said, "I've already opened my room, I'll go to eat after I put things down, and I've reserved a table."

"Opening a room?" Jiang Cheng was stunned.

"You two live in Qiaodong at night? Or do you live in dormitory and Gu Fei lives in Qiaodong?" Pan Zhi asked.

"No, I'll do it myself." Jiang Cheng said.

"I beg you, Grandpa, let me show it. Gu Fei is about to steal the show," Pan Zhi said, "Our second male... It's hard to live without knowing the date."

"I'll add a scene to you later, let's hug each other." Jiang Cheng said.

"You first ask if the male lead can do this." Pan Zhi said.

It felt like I hadn't seen Pan Zhi for a long time, but when he stepped out of the station and saw Pan Zhi who had a new hairstyle and looked like a scumbag XXL, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth from the bottom of his heart.

"Grandpa!" Pan Zhi roared very excitedly.

"Grandson!" Jiang Cheng also roared.

Passers-by all around looked over and witnessed the meeting of their grandparents.

Pan Zhi rushed over and hugged Jiang Cheng: "Damn it, I really miss you."

Jiang Cheng smiled and patted him on the back.

Pan Zhi let go of him, turned around and hugged Gu Fei again: "Long time no see."

"You're eight more handsome than the last time I saw you." Gu Fei said.

"Good eyesight," Pan Zhi gave him a thumbs up, then waved his hand, "walk around, you can get there directly by subway."

"Did you come a long time in advance?" Gu Fei asked.

"That's for sure," Pan Zhi said, "I spent a summer vacation with my parents, and I have to run away. I've been here for half a month, and I've been wandering around every day, just waiting for you two to come. "

Pan Zhi was already familiar with all the routes, so he took them to the school by subway, and the room he booked was in the hotel next to him.

"You two should pack up first, and see you in the lobby downstairs in half an hour," Pan Zhi said, "don't be late, my table reservation will be cancelled after the timeout."

"En." Jiang Cheng entered the room, closed the door, sat beside the bed, watched Gu Fei put his luggage against the wall, and then went into the bathroom to see that there was no hot water.

Seeing the joy of Pan Zhi, Shu Xin, who had not been chatting all the way for a long time, slowly calmed down after entering the room.

When he looked at Gu Fei who was walking around the room again, the reluctance that rushed out of his heart at this moment made him feel like he was going to explode.

One night today, one day tomorrow.

Gu Fei was leaving early the next morning.

And he was about to start a life alone, a new environment, a new person, a new life, without Gu Fei beside him.

For a long time, he and Gu Fei could only communicate through the mobile phone, which was ubiquitous but absolutely unable to resolve missing.

When he wanted to hug Gu Fei or kiss Gu Fei, he only had one screen.

Once this idea starts to pop up, it can't be taken back.

"Gu Fei." He called out to Gu Fei.

"Huh?" Gu Fei responded in the bathroom, but no one came out.

Jiang Cheng stood up, walked to the bathroom door, and saw Gu Fei standing in front of the sink, leaning on the counter to look at himself in the mirror.

Hearing him coming, Gu Fei quickly turned on the faucet, lowered his head and poured a handful of water on his face.

"Gu Fei." Jiang Cheng called out to him again, his heart twisted into a ball.

"En." Gu Fei turned his head and smiled at him.

Eyes are a little red.

"You're crying," Jiang Cheng walked over, his voice trembling slightly, he held Gu Fei's face and gently wiped the water off his face, "Are you crying?"

"Well," Gu Fei responded, closing his eyes, "Brother Cheng, I miss you so much, just now."