Chapter 112


After leaving Wang Xu and Zhou Jing who needed to be silenced, Jiang Cheng never imagined that he would meet someone who needed to be silenced in such a remote place.

And this is a person who has only seen the second side.

Because Zhao Ke was holding the phone to let him scan the code, so the two of them stood relatively close. At this distance, Gu Fei's short-sightedness can see clearly without glasses, such a large lock screen image and desktop, Zhao Ke even Even if you don't want to see it, you can see it clearly at a glance.

At this moment, he didn't know if he should say something, or if he should just pretend and not continue to open WeChat and add his friends.

Perhaps it was because of seeing Gu Fei's photos in a row, his thoughts of Gu Fei were tumbling a little.

"This is me..." he began.

This is my boyfriend, a very handsome, cute and steady boy.

But the second he uttered these three words, he got stuck again.

This is an unfamiliar environment. Facing a roommate who is basically a stranger, he doesn't know what kind of character this person is, and whether he can accept such a thing... Just say it without hesitation, it looks special Like a mindless second force showing love all over the world.

"Classmate?" Zhao Ke gave him an answer when he got stuck.

is a classmate.

But secretly telling others that Gu Fei was just a classmate, he couldn't accept it.

"Friend?" Zhao Ke asked again, "Male god? Idol?"

During the time when Zhao Ke was stuck, he quickly released several answers for him to choose from. At this moment, Jiang Cheng sincerely thanked Zhao Ke for his high emotional intelligence.

If he hadn't opened his mouth first, Zhao Ke would definitely not have asked.

"This is my boyfriend." Jiang Cheng said.

The moment he uttered these three words, Jiang Cheng felt a sense of relief all over his body.

No matter what the fuck will happen, now that I'm talking about it, I don't need to cover it up anymore, after all, it takes years to stay in the same room.

"Oh," Zhao Ke responded, "is that the one who came with you yesterday?"

"En." Jiang Cheng nodded, Zhao Ke's voice was relatively calm, but the expression on his face could tell that he was a little surprised, Jiang Cheng cleared his throat, "I'm sorry, if you mind..."

"I can't accept it." Zhao Ke said.

Jiang Cheng paused in his heart, ready to turn around and go back to the dormitory.

"But I don't mind," Zhao Ke said. "It has nothing to do with me anyway."

"Oh." Jiang Cheng looked at him.

"Sweep it," Zhao Ke cut off the topic very simply, lowered his head and swiped his phone twice, and handed it to him, "If you want a campus strategy, I can send it to you."

"Okay." Jiang Cheng scanned the code and added Zhao Ke.

Zhao Ke's WeChat nickname is Zhao Ke, but there is no need to remark.

Jiang Cheng wanted to tell Gu Fei that he had come out of the closet with his roommate without any precautions, but he never found a chance.

Zhao Ke has always been like a tour guide. Every time he sees a building, he will introduce it to him.

From the special dishes of the cafeteria, to the history of a certain building, and even the development history of the dormitory building, he can almost tell it. Jiang Cheng admires it a little. He has wanted to be admitted here since he was a junior high school student, but he has not studied it in detail. The state of the campus structure.

"Those who don't know think you have been studying here for several years." Jiang Cheng said.

"I just look at it when I have nothing to do, and write it down when I see it," Zhao Ke said. "There is a library in front of me. Let's go and have a look?"

"Okay." Jiang Cheng nodded.

"This library is new. It is said that it was difficult to find a seat in the old library before, so I had to queue up..." Zhao Ke stopped halfway and looked in front of him.

Jiang Cheng also looked forward. Outside the library door in front of him, students could be seen walking in. There were several people, and he didn’t know who Zhao Ke was looking at.

When a long-haired girl who was facing them raised her hand and folded her hair to look this way, Zhao Ke suddenly seemed to have acquired the magical flashing skill. Before Jiang Cheng could react, he had already stood two meters away. behind a tree.

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng was shocked by his speed and froze in place.

The long-haired girl at the entrance of the library was still looking over here. I don't know if I could see Zhao Ke standing behind the tree at this distance. Anyway, it was very easy to see that he was stunned here like a fool.

The girl covered the sun with her hand and glanced here, then smiled, and then waved her hand.

Jiang Cheng turned to look at Zhao Ke.

Zhao Ke leaned against the tree trunk sideways and looked at him blankly, as if a stranger, or a stranger who had been tapped.

Jiang Cheng could almost already understand what was going on. In return for Zhao Ke's respect for his sexuality, he bravely raised his hand and waved at the girl over there.

The girl smiled so much that her waist was bent.

Jiang Cheng insisted on standing on the spot and laying the gun, until the girl smiled and entered the library, then he turned to look at Zhao Ke: "She went in."

Zhao Ke then came out from behind the tree, took out his mobile phone, turned around and walked back, and said, "That's the way the library is, we will definitely stop going in every day from now on, let's go to the coffee shop now, coffee Lots of shops…”

Jiang Cheng had no choice but to follow him back again.

"That was my sister's high school classmate just now." Zhao Ke said.

"...Oh." Jiang Cheng responded.

"She is also a law school, Yanyi," Zhao Ke said, thinking about it and adding, "My goddess."

"Ah." Jiang Cheng looked at him.

"Do you think she saw me just now?" Zhao Ke turned his head and asked.

"She doesn't know me, do you think she would wave to me if she didn't see you, and would she still be successful like that?" Jiang Cheng was a little speechless.

"She laughed?" Zhao Ke asked again.

"Well, I laughed very happily." Jiang Cheng replied.

"Is it really very pleasant?" Zhao Ke asked again.

"Let me tell you," Jiang Cheng looked at him, "Generally speaking, when people laugh at fools, they will laugh happily."

"That's good," Zhao Ke nodded, "I'll treat you to coffee."

The train station was still the same, Gu Fei followed the crowd out, took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Jiang Cheng.

- i got out of the car

Jiang Cheng's news was answered very quickly, almost in seconds.

- Li Yan, are they here

- waiting for me outside, have you eaten yet

-I finished eating immediately, I ate two cafeterias with my classmates

- Classmate Zhao Ke

-Yes, handsome student Zhao Ke

Gu Fei laughed and sent a message: "What should I do if my boyfriend bullies me?"

"Your boyfriend will tell you something in a while." Jiang Cheng replied in a vague voice while suppressing his voice.

"What's the matter? Isn't it inconvenient to say it in front of the handsome classmate Zhao Ke?" Gu Fei saw Li Yan standing outside the exit, and Gu Miao squatting beside him with a frown on his face.

-Well, I just came out with him, I'll tell you later, you go to dinner first

-! ! ! ! ! ! ! ? ? ? ? ? ?

Gu Fei was very surprised, Jiang Cheng had already come out with his roommates less than half a day after he officially entered the dormitory? What new age speed is this

He was suddenly a little worried. His boyfriend was impulsive and sometimes lacking in his heart. If he ran into a roommate who didn't deal with him, he would be the one with his temper...

-It's okay, it's an accident, he doesn't have any objection, I'm going to the supermarket with him now, you don't have to worry


-kiss Me

Gu Fei picked up the phone, tilted his head to the wall, kissed the microphone fiercely, and sent a voice over.

"Don't think I don't know what you're doing when you face the wall!" Li Yan pointed at him from a distance of more than ten paces, "I'm staring at you."

Gu Fei ignored him, bent down and opened his arms.

Gu Miao jumped up from Li Yan's legs and rushed over with the skateboard. When he jumped into his arms, the skateboard slammed twice on his leg.

"Hey," Gu Fei took a breath and hugged her, "How many times have I told you that when you have something in your hand, you should put it down first."

Gu Miao held the skateboard in one hand and pulled him with the other, turned and dragged him out.

"Where's Liu Fan?" Gu Fei asked Li Yan.

"In the car, there's nowhere to park," Li Yan said. "It stopped on the side of the road, and he didn't get out of the car."

"En." Gu Fei responded.

"How is it?" Li Yan looked at him.

"How about what?" Gu Fei also glanced at him.

"Jiang Cheng... their school." Li Yan said.

"It looks like a famous university," Gu Fei said, "it looks like a fan."

Li Yan laughed: "Okay."

When walking across the open space in front of the station to the side of the road, Gu Miao suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Gu Fei also stopped.

Gu Miao turned to look at the station, and then turned around to look around.

"You've been here before," Gu Fei crouched down, "this is the train station."

Gu Miao put the skateboard on the ground, stepped on it and pedaled twice, and slowly slid forward.

Gu Fei followed behind her.

"I shouldn't shout, she's been here herself." Li Yan looked at her a little worriedly.

"En," Gu Fei also glanced back at the station, "It was here that she met Jiang Cheng for the first time."

"Yes," Li Yan looked at Gu Miao's back and sighed, "Hey."

Liu Fan's car stopped a few meters in front of the bus stop. When Gu Miao walked to the stop sign, he stopped for a while, then pulled the door forward and got into the car.

right here.

Gu Fei glanced at the stone pier next to the stop sign. The first time he saw Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng sat here with his back to him.

He didn't think at that time that he would have so many memories with the boy who picked up Gu Miao and was sitting on the stone pier waiting for him, so he didn't pay much attention to Jiang Cheng's appearance.

But he could still clearly recall the somewhat dazed and impatient expression on Jiang Cheng's face when he turned his head.

Now this young man has returned to the prosperity that belongs to him on the university campus several hours away by car.

Gu Fei felt that he was very reluctant, but what made his mind go blank was the feeling that no matter how reluctant he was, he didn't dare to reach out and drag Jiang Cheng.

He got into Liu Fan's little broken car and sat in the back row with Gu Miao. Gu Miao leaned beside him and stared at the scenery outside the window in a daze.

This is a state she often has, staring out the window all the time when sitting in the car.

Not out of curiosity, just to find out if I'm still in my own world.

Sometimes Gu Fei thinks that little girl is amazing, she seems to have a radar and can accurately judge the distance between herself and the center of her small world.

Maybe because of fear.

Just like when he was a child, he could feel his father's breath, he didn't need to hear it, he didn't need to see it, when his father was still downstairs, he would fall into extreme fear.

It's also amazing.

Today's dinner, a group of people is quite neat, all of them went to the box ahead of time.

When Gu Fei arrived, they had already ordered the dishes.

"When will Da Fei report?" Luo Yu poured him a glass of wine.

"Tomorrow," Gu Fei said, "it seems so."

Luo Yu glanced at him: "Be careful about yourself, anyway, you got into a school."

"En." Gu Fei responded.

"So obedient today?" Chen Jie said with a smile.

"I haven't recovered yet," Liu Fan said. "I just sent someone back, so I must have been in a trance for at least two or three days."

"Go away." Gu Fei said.

"Eat, eat, eat!" Li Yan picked up the cup and knocked it on the table a few times, "Finally, one of our group of people, no, two college students, toast."

Gu Fei picked up the glass and sipped, and drank the wine.

He usually doesn't talk much when he's with this group of people, but he doesn't get distracted either. This is a friend he's played with for many years, and he's always relaxed when they're together.

Today is a little different.

The people are still these people, and the atmosphere is still the same, but he is still not very relaxed.

It was because of Jiang Cheng.

Without Jiang Cheng by his side, Jiang Cheng, who could usually be seen when he turned his head, made him very uncomfortable.

He did not regret starting this relationship with Jiang Cheng, even though he had long expected that he would face such a state and fall into the agony of missing, he did not regret it either.

But it is not easy to carry this feeling.

Especially when he clearly realized that there was something other than missing in the taste, the torment of turning over and turning brown on both sides was even more uncomfortable.

After a while, Jiang Cheng would report to him about his itinerary at school. After dinner, he went to the supermarket. Everyone in the dormitory saw him, and he was not annoying. Turn around, don't get lost...

Gu Fei sent Gu Miao home, watched her paint for a while, and then went to the rental house.

He was going to eat with Gu Miao at home in the evening. He planned to stay there during the previous period. Maybe people are different. For him, it is impossible for him to think of someone without seeing anything that reminds him of him. To relieve it, he needed to return to the space full of Jiang Cheng’s aura and look at the traces of Jiang Cheng that could be seen everywhere, in order to calm down.

Everything in the rental room looked the same as usual, as if to explain something, Jiang Cheng didn’t bring anything except a few clothes and keys.

Standing in the living room now, there is an illusion that you can see Jiang Cheng when you walk into the bedroom.

Gu Fei took a shower, walked into the bedroom, and lay down on the bed.

Just as he closed his eyes, the phone rang and Jiang Cheng sent a message.

- I'm back in the dormitory, where are you

- lying on your bed

Jiang Cheng's phone number followed, "Did you go to the rental house?"

"En." Gu Fei smiled.

"Aren't you going to accompany Ermiao?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Go back to eat with her at night," Gu Fei said, "I'll come over after she's asleep."

"Are you going to move here?" Jiang Cheng sniffed.

"I don't know, I'll come over later when I miss you," Gu Fei heard that Jiang Cheng's voice was wrong, "Hey, Brother Cheng, I found out that you're a bitch now, how many times have you cried in the past few days?"

"Fuck off," Jiang Cheng said, "You're not a mother, you're a daddy!"

Gu Fei was amused, Jiang Cheng also laughed for a long time before he stopped: "I came outside the dormitory, I have something to tell you."

"Is it because you and Zhao Ke came out of the closet?" Gu Fei asked.

"Well, today is also an inch. He said to add a friend, so I took out my phone," Jiang Cheng said, "As a result, my phone is full of your big face... I'm sorry I didn't release your fruit photos, or else Zhao Ke was scared to death."

"What's his reaction?" Gu Fei asked with a smile.

"It's still calm, he said that he couldn't accept it, but what happened to me is none of his business, and he didn't mention it again," Jiang Cheng said, "I think this person is okay."

"That's good," Gu Fei thought for a while, "Why don't you change my photo, and don't lock the desktop or something..."

"No," Jiang Cheng replied succinctly, "I can do whatever I want with my cell phone, and I didn't put my boyfriend's photo on someone else's cell phone."

"Okay, listen to you." Gu Fei didn't say anything, anyway, Jiang Cheng was always like this.

"Are you reporting in tomorrow?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Yes," Gu Fei said, "I guess it will be over soon, and then there will be military training. Liu Fan's classmates have studied there before. They said that the military training is only three days... The fourth middle school also has a week of training."

"We won't be trained until the second year of our sophomore year," Jiang Cheng smiled, "Don't forget to take photos during your military training."

"What?" Gu Fei asked.

"Your photo," Jiang Cheng said, "I take a selfie, I'll save more and lick it slowly."

"I thought you were taking your time." Gu Fei said.

"I definitely want to fuck, after all, I'm a young man with strong blood and energy," Jiang Cheng said, "but I don't think I'm in the mood recently, and I'm not familiar with the environment..."

"Tell me, who is shameless?" Gu Fei laughed.

"I." Jiang Cheng admitted this time simply.

"It's good to admit it earlier," Gu Fei said. "Are you still going to the cafeteria for dinner? How does it taste?"

"It's not bad, let's eat it in the evening," Jiang Cheng said, "Everyone in the dormitory is interested in eating, just like the cafeterias in our school, what are the specialties and what is the best food, we have already thoroughly mastered them all. Eat it for a few days."

"After eating the dishes I made for a few months, now I can finally have fun," Gu Fei said, "Don't eat to gain weight."

"If you want me to choose, I'm still willing to eat what you make every day," Jiang Cheng sighed, "Where the food is, the people are there."

These words made Gu Fei feel uncomfortable for a while, and just as he was about to interrupt, he heard someone from Jiang Cheng call him, "Jiang Cheng, go to the library!"

"Going again?" Jiang Cheng said, "Didn't you go there in the morning?"

What was said over there, Gu Fei didn't hear it clearly, Jiang Cheng seemed reluctant to go: "You all go, I'll call..."

"Brother Cheng, go ahead." Gu Fei said.

"I don't really want to go," Jiang Cheng whispered, "They said they would go straight to dinner after reading the book."

"Go ahead," Gu Fei said, "just get to know you, let's act collectively. After you're familiar with it, you can place an order, and people won't think you're out of line."

“… Hmm.” Jiang Cheng responded.

Gu Fei didn't want to hang up the phone, but he hung up anyway.

Lying in bed for a long time did not break free from that intense reluctance.

He sat up, went to the window and lit a cigarette.

The one who just called Jiang Cheng should be Zhao Ke. The two of them went to the library in the morning, and Jiang Cheng reported to him.

This room is full of academic bullies, and the first group activity was set in the library on the second day of school, Gu Fei smiled.

This is what he can't figure out besides missing.

From now on, the people around Jiang Cheng are all academic bullies just like him, everyone is excellent, those people are all his kind, and those who belong to the two worlds completely like the people in the steel mill, It was Jiang Cheng's same kind.

When I saw Zhao Ke, this feeling appeared. I didn't need to say more. I just stopped there and said hello. The difference from the specialties of the steel mill was clearly presented.

This feeling was just like when he first saw Jiang Cheng.

Even if he didn’t associate the words Jiang Cheng and Xueba at the beginning, even if Jiang Cheng wasn’t a real Xueba, he could still tell the difference at a glance. Jiang Cheng came from a completely different place than him. world.

He is the one and only Gu Fei, and Jiang Cheng was able to pick him out in an environment like a steel mill, but this one and only one, in that world that belongs to Jiang Cheng, how attractive and how long can it last Attractive…

"Have you ever thought about... having a boyfriend?"

The dazed and uneasy feeling that had come back to his heart when he first heard Jiang Cheng ask these words.

The author has something to say: The author says to continue o(≧口≦)o tomorrow. The black hair essence shouted loudly.

what. Xiao Zhao is not Xiao Li's CP? The author, who was lying on the body of Hei Xiaojing, Hei Mao Xiao Jing, Hei Mao fourth essence, Hei Mao fifth spirit, tried to open his eyes and said.