Chapter 113


Jiang Cheng hadn't read the book since the college entrance examination, and even glanced at the application guide. He didn't know what he should read in the library. Zhao Ke and the others hadn't read the book, so they were just here to step on. Click to familiarize yourself with the environment.

A place like the library is still very inspiring.

When Jiang Cheng walked into the library, he felt a little shocked. After the college entrance examination, he was completely relaxed, but at this moment, he was pulled tight.

The library is very big and very beautiful. I used the descriptions that I used to write in elementary school, that is, the windows are bright and clean, the tables and chairs are neat... and the sofa. He sat there and it was very comfortable.

The people reading books in the library were very quiet. Several of them turned their phones on silent, and they didn't say a word when they wandered around to visit, they just turned their heads back and forth and looked around in circles.

There were various books neatly arranged on the unseen rows of bookshelves. At this moment, Jiang Cheng no longer felt irritable, but only made him feel a faint pressure.

He worked hard day and night for more than half a year, in exchange for the notice he wanted, but this was only the first step. Strictly speaking, it was not even a step.

"Let's go, have coffee and then go to dinner." Zhao Ke borrowed a few books to familiarize himself with the book borrowing process.

"What book?" Jiang Cheng asked in a low voice, he really didn't know what to borrow at this moment, and he had no clue at all.

"... Novel." Zhao Ke showed him the cover.

"I thought you borrowed professional books." Jiang Cheng was stunned.

"Professional books should be read in the future, if you see vomiting," Zhao Ke said, "I want to read novels now."

"Oh." Jiang Cheng responded.

Zhao Ke is very interested in drinking coffee. I invited him to drink coffee in the morning, and now he said to go for it. Several people said that they would pay their own money, but Zhao Ke did not agree. dinner.

After drinking coffee, Jiang Cheng basically had no more thoughts about eating, he was not hungry or had no appetite.

But in line with the purpose of being familiar with the cafeteria, he went to two cafeterias together again, and when he returned to the dormitory after eating, he felt a painful feeling that he could vomit at any time.

- i'm tired

He lay down on the bed and sent Gu Fei a message.

But Gu Fei didn't return, he should be eating with Gu Miao at this time.

In the dormitory, apart from him and Zhao Ke, the other two were on the phone. It sounded like they were all calling their girlfriends, and the tone was very affectionate.

The person who slept on the bed opposite Jiang Cheng was called Lu Shi. Jiang Cheng felt that when he heard the name, it gave people the impression of a bridge pier in front of him, but Lu Shi was not a bridge pier. It can be folded.

"It's alright, you come to play on Eleven," Lu Shi said softly, "We'll play here for a few days, and I'll accompany you back... Then I'll come over by myself, it's alright, what are these two trips? You also ran twice..."

It was very sweet, Jiang Cheng smiled and glanced at Zhao Ke next to him. The only single student in the dormitory, Zhao Ke, was dabbling, still playing Lianliankan with enthusiasm.

On the bed opposite Zhao Ke is Zhang Qiqi. He has a cute name and a cute person. He has a baby face and looks like a junior high school student. Cry, don't cry, as soon as you cry, I want to cry, and now we don't have the conditions to hug and cry..."

"You can hold a pillow," Zhao Ke said, "one is not enough for me to have here."

Jiang Cheng listened to the music.

"Hey, Jiang Cheng," Zhao Ke didn't pass the test, so he put down the mouse, "Do you have any clubs you want to join?"

"A club?" Jiang Cheng remembered that he still had a bunch of promotional cards for clubs or something, but he never bothered to read it, "I… I don't know, I don't want to participate."

"It's kind of interesting," Zhao Ke said. "I want to participate in one that can exercise."

"I just get up in the morning and go for a run or something," Jiang Cheng said, "What club do you want to join?"

"I..." Zhao Ke looked back at Lu Shi and Zhang Qiqi, and whispered, "I want to knit a sweater for my goddess."

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng didn't understand.

"There is a knitting club," Zhao Ke made a move of knitting a sweater, "all kinds of knitting."

"Don't you want to exercise?" Jiang Cheng was a little confused.

"Yes," Zhao Ke said, "but the goddess is more important. I can join two clubs."

"So you want to knit a sweater?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Knitting, not just knitting sweaters," Zhao Ke corrected him, "My goddess..."

"Go." Jiang Cheng nodded.

"It should be interesting." Zhao Ke said.

"I don't think your goals are too high," Jiang Cheng said. "You can start simple."

"Scarf?" Zhao Ke thought for a while, "It's too ordinary."

"Is the sweater extraordinary?" Jiang Cheng looked at him.

"Is there anything in between?" Zhao Ke pondered leaning against the back of his chair, "For example..."

"I'll show you something." Jiang Cheng stood up, and at this moment, he suddenly felt the mood of those dazzling baby freaks who were complaining all day long.

Dazzling Maniac climbed onto the bed and took the wooly sunny day doll from the pillow.

This time he came here, he basically didn't bring anything, he wanted to bring the maze that Gu Fei made for him, but it was too heavy, so in the end he only took the sunny doll.

"Sunny baby?" Zhao Ke took it in surprise, "It's beautiful."

"This should be easier than a sweater, right?" Jiang Cheng said.

"This is a hook," Zhao Ke looked at it for a while, then returned the doll to him, "Did you do it?"

"No." Jiang Cheng put the Qingtian doll back next to the pillow, stared at it for a while, patted the doll's head again, and then got out of bed.

"You..." Zhao Ke glanced at the two people next to him, both of them still immersed in the phone, "What did your boyfriend do?"

"En." Jiang Cheng smiled.

"Very good," Zhao Ke nodded, "I'm not worried anymore."

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng was stunned.

"Before, I thought that a man would not be a mother-in-law to weave society," Zhao Ke said. "Now I'm relieved."

"Oh." Jiang Cheng looked at him, "He is not a mother, but whether you will be a mother just because you went to the weaving club, this is not sure."

Zhao Ke looked at him and said nothing.

"Probably not." Jiang Cheng said.

"I don't think so," Zhao Ke said.

Gu Fei never replied to the news, Jiang Cheng felt a little restless all night.

He knew that Gu Fei had something to do. Every time Gu Miao didn't see Gu Fei for two days, Gu Fei would have to play with her for a long time when he went back.

But today was different than usual, he gritted his teeth and didn't keep sending messages to Gu Fei.

He just sat in bed and listened to Lu Shi and Zhang Qiqi talking about girlfriends. He couldn't join this topic. After all, he had a boyfriend, and Zhao Ke didn't join. After all, this person is only a goddess.

After chatting for more than an hour, the two began to show each other pictures of their girlfriends.

"Finally, it's time to fight." Zhao Ke said.

"What?" Zhang Qiqi asked.

"No." Zhao Ke continued to play the game.

Jiang Cheng was lying on the bed with his eyes closed for a long time.

It wasn't until ten o'clock when his cell phone finally rang, and Gu Fei's message came back.

-have you slept


The quickness of his reply is estimated to be able to break the fastest speed of his typing, and the hand command is afterimages.

- Ermiao is making a fuss today, I'm only now free

-What's up with her

- After dinner, I found that Brother Cheng was no longer here, so I was not very happy, tore up the book and book, and made a fire

Jiang Cheng glanced at the time. From the moment he finished eating to the present, the time was not too short. He didn't dare to imagine how Gu Miao's fiery came out, nor did he dare to imagine how Gu Fei made Gu Miao quiet down. .

-it's good now

- um, it's alright, already asleep

-you're tired right

- I don't feel it, I'm used to it

- take a picture and I'll take a look, I miss you now

Gu Fei didn't reply. After a while, he directly sent a photo over. Jiang Cheng glanced at it and laughed, but after laughing twice, he couldn't laugh anymore.

Gu Fei was leaning on the head of the bed with his shirtless, smiling happily, which made him crumble all night after thinking about it all night.

- Fuck, what should I do, I want to buy a ticket to go back now

- No, I'm going to see you after my military training.


- How dare I lie to you about this, we will have military training the day after tomorrow, it will only be three days, I can see you on Friday night after the training


After chatting for a few words, Jiang Cheng felt a lot more settled in his heart. He clicked on Gu Fei's photo and looked at it for a while. Although Gu Fei smiled happily, he could still see the dark circles under his eyes and the tiredness in his eyes.

- go to sleep, you haven't slept well these days

- I'm really sleepy. Are you sleeping or chatting with the people in the dormitory

-No chat, there are two of them talking about girlfriends, I can't join


-they're going to talk about girlfriends tomorrow, so I'm going to talk to them about my boyfriend

-do not do it

- will

- no official

-. . . . fuck you bitch

- Mother fucker scolds father fucker

- you can't sleep, aren't you sleepy

- fell asleep

- good night boyfriend

- good night boyfriend

Gu Fei went to bed, and the lights in the dormitory were also turned off.

Jiang Cheng played with his mobile phone for a while, poking around, and finally flipped through the photos of Gu Fei that he had saved, and then it was over.

He was sleepy, Gu Fei hadn't slept well for a few days, and he hadn't slept well for a few days, plus he was in a new environment, all kinds of new people, and new things. For him who never cared about his surroundings, he was familiar with the environment. Being with people is a tiring thing.

However, Lu Shi and Zhang Qiqi were still chatting in a low voice, Jiang Cheng felt that they would definitely become close friends who would say nothing.

"Go to sleep," Zhao Ke said while lying on the bed, his tone was calm and steady, "Believe it or not, I will burn you two with a fire in a while."

"The anger of a single dog." Jiang Cheng said with a smile.

"Very angry." Zhao Ke felt a lighter out of nowhere, and shook it with a snap.

The two on the opposite side ended the conversation with a smile, and the room fell into silence.

"Where are you?" Mom asked anxiously on the phone, "Er Miao I can't be coaxed! Come back soon!"

"Well, I'll be home in five minutes." Gu Fei jumped out of bed, just after six o'clock, he was still a little drowsy, but when he heard Gu Miao's angry screams in the receiver, it took only a second for him to be gone. fully awake.

It took less than ten minutes from going out to returning home.

As soon as he entered the door, he heard Gu Miao's scream, which was no longer sharp but rather hoarse.

"Your brother is back!" The mother grabbed Gu Miao's shoulder and turned her to face the door, "Er Miao look, brother is back!"

Gu Miao stopped screaming and stood still without moving.

"Er Miao," Gu Fei didn't have time to change his shoes, he squatted in front of her, and when his hand touched Gu Miao's arm, he could feel her whole body stiff. This was not anger, but only when Gu Miao was nervous and anxious. Tightening his body, while rubbing Gu Miao's arm, he kept calling her, "Er Miao, Er Miao, brother is here, Er Miao..."

After calling for more than ten times in a row, Gu Miao slowly relaxed and hugged him with open arms.

Gu Fei picked her up and went into her bedroom: "You are so heavy, can I take you to weigh you later? My brother can't hold you anymore."

Putting Gu Miao on the bed, she didn't let go, she still hugged Gu Fei's arm.

"Have breakfast? Take you to breakfast?" Gu Fei said.

"Don't go." Gu Miao said softly.

"Well, don't go," Gu Fei patted her on the back, "I didn't go, I'm here, I didn't go."

Gu Miao's expression is limited. Except for simple words of one or two words, Gu Fei has never heard more complicated content for so many years, let alone others. In the eyes of others, including his mother, Gu Miao is a a dumb one.

Mom went to buy it earlier, and Gu Miao returned to normal after eating, but when Gu Fei went out to report to the academy, she followed him with a skateboard.

Gu Fei knew that she was going to follow her, and he didn't stop her. The Teachers College was Gu Miao's territory, and he used to go often when picking wool.

"Let's go." Gu Fei pedaled, rushed out, and whistled again.

Gu Miao immediately returned a whistle, then stepped on the skateboard to catch up, Gu Fei slowed down, and Gu Miao rushed in front of him.

Gu Fei looked at her short hair flying in the wind and sighed softly.

"Left!" he shouted as he turned the corner.

Gu Miao stepped on the board quickly, bent down and turned around gracefully, turning onto the road on the left.

This is a scene that Gu Fei has always been familiar with. His younger sister, riding a skateboard, is speeding around him, this is what he can give her, the greatest happiness in her small world.

There was no special feeling before, everything was like this, from the day I found out that Gu Miao has an extraordinary talent in skateboarding.

Today, when he followed behind Gu Miao for the first time, he had some kind of inexplicable emotion, astringent and slightly bitter.

"I'm in," Gu Fei stopped at the entrance of the Teachers College, and bent over to look at Gu Miao, "Waiting for me in the store at noon."

Gu Miao looked at him and nodded.

"When you go back, you slide on the sidewalk. You have to pull aside where there is no sidewalk, remember?" Gu Fei said, Gu Miao was not familiar with this side of the family.

Gu Miao nodded.

"Okay, let's go." Gu Fei stood up straight.

Gu Miao turned around and slid out, then whistled.

Gu Fei smiled back.

"Wow," whispered a few girls who had been standing at the school gate and looked this way, "What a cool little sister."

When Gu Fei was walking inside, a girl came over: "Classmate."

Gu Fei turned his head to look at her, the girl got a little closer, and he subconsciously stepped aside.

"Is that your sister?" the girl said with a smile.

"En." Gu Fei responded.

"So handsome." The girl said.

Gu Fei twitched the corners of his mouth, turned his head and walked in. The girl followed up: "Get to know me, my name is Luo Jiaojiao."

Gu Fei didn't say anything.

"Are you Gu Fei?" Luo Jiaojiao said, turning her head and pointing behind her, "My best friend is from your fourth middle school, she knows you."

"Oh." Gu Fei nodded.

"Hey, aren't you..." Luo Jiaojiao was about to say something, but was interrupted by Gu Fei.

"No." After Gu Fei finished speaking, he quickly walked forward.

"Ah—" Luo Jiaojiao didn't keep up, she lengthened her voice behind her, probably sighing with those girls.

"I said everything..." A girl whispered something, but Gu Fei couldn't hear it clearly.

The Teachers College usually looks quite big, but when I checked in today, I found out that it wasn't that big.

Compared to Jiang Cheng, they felt that the registration process for freshmen didn’t take much time. There were few students, and they only had one class with about 20 students.

He didn't know what the school's dormitory conditions were like. He didn't apply for a dormitory. When the class got together and reported their names to each other, he turned around and left the school.

After the registration is over, it's fine. The school is like this. He is not interested in visiting, nor is he interested in meeting people in the class. This is the state he has always been in.

When Jiang Cheng was there, he would reluctantly join a group because of Jiang Cheng, but now without Jiang Cheng, he naturally returned to the habit he had maintained for so many years.

The phone rang.

- Have you checked in

- well , i'm done , i ' ll go back to the store now

Jiang Cheng's phone number immediately called: "It's over so soon?"

"Well, I don't live on campus, so I don't need to worry about the dormitory." Gu Fei smiled.

"Didn't you visit the school? The stadium, the library, etc." Jiang Cheng said.

"No," Gu Fei said, "our school doesn't have a library."

"Oh," Jiang Cheng paused, "I wouldn't go if I had you."

Gu Fei laughed: "It's still my boyfriend who understands me."

"How are the classmates? Teachers, or Chinese, are there more girls?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"We only have one class, twenty-six people," Gu Fei said with a smile, "Twenty-one girls."

"This ratio," Jiang Cheng clicked his tongue twice, then laughed, "I'm relieved."

"Don't worry?" Gu Fei asked.

"Anyway, you're not interested in girls, you can't even hide." Jiang Cheng smiled happily.

"What if the other four boys are handsome." Gu Fei said.

"There can't be anyone more handsome than me." Jiang Cheng said with certainty, without even the slightest hesitation.

"That's true." Gu Fei said.

Jiang Cheng's very cute self-confidence is what he likes the most. No matter what aspect, Jiang Cheng can always maintain such self-confidence, no matter whether the original source of his self-confidence is related to his being denied by his adoptive parents since he was a child, but He always holds his head up.

After chatting with Jiang Cheng a few words, the foodies in their dormitory were about to go out to clean up the delicious shops around the school, Gu Fei hung up the phone.

When he walked out of the school gate, he saw Gu Miao across the street at a glance, sitting on the skateboard and looking over here intently.

Seeing him come out, Gu Miao jumped up immediately, ready to rush over as soon as he hooked the skateboard, Gu Fei stretched his finger to her, and she stopped.

Gu Fei took the bicycle, rode it and parked in front of her: "Didn't I tell you to go back to the store and wait for me?"

Gu Miao didn't speak, just stared at him.

"Brother said to go back to the store at noon, and he will definitely come back." Gu Fei said.

Gu Miao frowned and patted the back seat of his bicycle.

"Let's go." Gu Fei pedaled.

Gu Miao jumped on the skateboard and grabbed the back seat of the car.

Suddenly feeling a little sorry for Gu Miao, Gu Fei turned his head to look at Gu Miao who was staring at the front with a serious and indifferent face.

Every time he didn't stay at home for the night, he would tell Gu Miao, when to leave, when to return, and when he went out for a trip, he would also tell Gu Miao today, tomorrow, and the day after. But this time he sent Jiang Cheng to school, he didn't tell Gu Miao, because he didn't know how to make Gu Miao understand Jiang Cheng's departure, and he was not in the mood to explain to Gu Miao today, tomorrow, the day after.

Now Gu Miao is following him, which makes him feel a little distressed. He is the only safe haven in Gu Miao's eyes. This is the first time he has ignored Gu Miao's feelings.

don't go.

This is what Gu Miao asked him.

It was at this moment that he suddenly panicked, and the hand holding the front of the car trembled.

Last night, he had just promised Jiang Cheng that he would come to see him.

This is not just Jiang Cheng's expectation, this is also what he wants. He misses Jiang Cheng, wants to see him, wants to see him truly, wants to see him, wants to hear that he doesn't come from the receiver the sound of.

But now, he looked at Gu Miao. Under such circumstances, how could he make Gu Miao accept that his brother disappeared for two days and two nights

If Gu Miao couldn't accept it... how should he tell Jiang Cheng

When he returned to the store, his mother was on the phone. He sat behind the cashier and looked at Gu Miao, who had taken a pen and paper and wondered if he was going to write or draw.

Jiang Cheng sent several messages in succession.

Gu Fei opened it, and first saw a selfie of him, still the style that was entirely supported by his looks.

Next was the dish, Gu Fei couldn't see what it was because he saw a message below at the same time.

- It's super delicious. I can eat two. Let's eat when you come.

He frowned, closed the dialog, threw the phone on the cashier counter, and leaned back in his chair with a long sigh.

"I'll go out for a while." Mom came over and said something after calling.

"Don't go out," Gu Fei said, "I want to sleep in the afternoon, you can look at the store."

"You can sleep in the shop for a while," Mom said, "or call Li Yanguo..."

"Have you paid Li Yan a salary?" Gu Fei said.

His mother rolled his eyes at him: "Then you..."

"I said that you are not allowed to go anywhere!" Gu Fei roared and kicked the cashier, "In the afternoon, look at the store! Do you understand!"