Chapter 12


Jiang Cheng felt that he was quite muddy, and he had been doing a lot of truancy and fighting to cause trouble, but he had never knocked someone unconscious in the snow and then went into the house to eat.

"Hey," he followed Gu Fei into the store, stared at Gu Fei and sat back on the chair, he couldn't say it directly in front of Gu Miao, so he could only vaguely remind, "That... I really don't care. ?"

"Don't worry, it's alright," Gu Fei gave him a look. "After a while, he'll leave by himself. At most, the bridge of your nose needs to be repaired... You're quite kind, why didn't you worry when you ran into those monkeys?"

"I took them..." Jiang Cheng pointed to the door and chose the words for a long time, "Did you fall asleep?"

Gu Fei looked at him and didn't speak, but he could see the smile on his face.

"Okay," Jiang Cheng sat down, "It's not my fault."

Gu Fei lowered his head and continued to eat. He didn't say anything else, although he was really not sure if the person outside the door could "get up" and "go away by himself".

Maybe the environment is different. The environment he grew up in made him feel uneasy, but there will always be a "degree", and Gu Fei, look at this dilapidated old town, look at the people around him, this kind of thing is not possible No one felt anything at all.

Thinking about it, he really had to thank Gu Fei for not letting him freeze to death when he "slept" on the snow at the door.

He had gotten used to being silent with Gu Fei brothers and sisters at dinner. He had been like this twice before. Gu Miao didn't say anything. He had nothing to say. Gu Fei didn't seem to want to say anything at all.

It saves time to eat in this way, and you can eat almost in ten minutes.

Putting down his chopsticks to say thank you, there was a painful swearing sound from outside the door. Hearing the movement, it should be the sleeping one who woke up.

Jiang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief and listened.

This person cursed very hard, probably because the bridge of his nose was broken, or some other bones were broken, and his lines sounded very similar to the style of Li Baoguo's neighbors when they were arguing.

Probably belongs to the neighborhood culture.

However, there was a particularly loud sentence in it, but he couldn't help but glance at Gu Fei.

"I'll just fuck your mother!" The man scolded a little inarticulately, but he could still hear it.

After Gu Fei made eye contact with him, he took another sip of soup and said, "My mom's boyfriend..."

"What?" Jiang Cheng was shocked when he ate two catties of mutton before he could finish his sentence. Although the man was quite disgusting, he was only about thirty. ten.

"One." Gu Fei finished his words.

"Ah?" Jiang Cheng was stunned.

"Are you full?" Gu Fei asked, "There's still meat, if you're not full, add some more."

"I'm full." Jiang Cheng hurriedly nodded.

"Er Miao clean up." Gu Fei put down his chopsticks.

Gu Miao stood up immediately, put several rice bowls together very skillfully, grabbed the chopsticks again, and walked out the back door.

Jiang Cheng felt a little unhappy when he saw this pose. He remembered what Li Baoguo said, "This kind of thing is done by women." He stretched out his hand to help clean up.

"You sit down," Gu Fei stopped him, "she can just clean up."

"It's the woman's job to do this, right?" Jiang Cheng squinted at him.

Gu Fei was stunned and smiled: "Did I say it?"

"It's all under the hood, right?" Jiang Cheng thought of the chaotic behavior of Li Baoguo's family that night, and his anger, which had finally been calmed down, wanted to run up.

"I," Gu Fei pointed to himself, "to cook."

Jiang Cheng looked at him.

"Gu Ermiao," Gu Fei pointed at Gu Miao who came back from the back door, "wash the dishes."

Jiang Cheng still looked at him.

"Is there something wrong?" Gu Fei asked.

"Ah." Jiang Cheng looked at him, the anger that rushed up instantly turned into embarrassment.

"Ah?" Gu Fei also looked at him.

"...Ah." Jiang Cheng really didn't know what to say.

Gu Fei ignored him, got up and walked away, sitting behind the cashier and lit a cigarette.

He wanted to leave, but his upbringing made it impossible for him to leave as soon as he put his chopsticks away after eating at someone else's house. He could only sit at the table and watch Gu Miao run two or three times to clear the table.

Just as he was about to ask Gu Fei for a cigarette, Gu Fei stood up with a cigarette in his mouth and followed Gu Miao out the back door.

All that was left in the store was himself staring at an empty table.


He took out his mobile phone and sent Pan Zhi a message.


-grandfather! chat for a while

-No time

Pan Zhi sent a message and said, "You're fucking playing with me, aren't you! I just got cleaned up by my mother and didn't even give me a meal!"

When Jiang Cheng heard this, he was instantly amused, he replied with his voice, and laughed for 20 seconds.

After laughing, he stood up and planned to go to the back to see what the Gu Fei brothers and sisters were doing. If there was nothing else, he should leave.

Going out from the back door is a small courtyard, which should be shared by several facades, with toilets and a small kitchen.

As soon as Jiang Cheng went out, he was slapped with a look of wind, and hurried to the kitchen.

Gu Fei was standing with his back to the door, while Gu Miao was washing the dishes with hot water in front of the sink.

The little girl was quite skilled at washing dishes, and her expression was very focused.

Jiang Cheng looked at it for a while, and felt that he didn't quite understand the meaning of Gu Fei standing here. Gu Miao was no longer a child. Since she was asked to clean up and wash the dishes, that's all she needed to do. Why did she have to stand here and watch

"That..." He cleared his throat.

Gu Miao didn't know if it was because she was too devoted to washing, as if she didn't hear his voice, she was still washing dishes seriously.

Gu Fei turned his head: "Huh?"

"I'm going to leave," Jiang Cheng said, "Do you have a coat you don't wear? Lend me one."

"No." Gu Fei said.

"Fuck?" Jiang Cheng looked at him, "What do you mean?"

"There are some that are often worn," Gu Fei said, "in the back cabinet, you can take it yourself."

"...Oh, thank you." Jiang Cheng turned around and prepared to get his clothes.

"Brother Cheng." Gu Fei stopped him.

Jiang Cheng stopped, and Gu Fei followed Gu Miao to call him Brother Cheng, which made him feel a little strange, but he was inexplicably happy, and he almost wanted to say something about this little brother.

"Let's go after she's finished washing, and say goodbye to her." Gu Fei said.

"Well," Jiang Cheng nodded, "You... give me a cigarette."

Gu Fei took the cigarette case and lighter from his pocket and handed them to him, then turned his head and continued to watch Gu Miao wash the dishes.

Jiang Cheng lit a cigarette, then stepped back to the door to light it, and watched Gu Miao wash the dishes together.

Although he was not sure and it was not convenient to ask, he felt that Gu Miao might not be the same as an ordinary child, so Gu Fei had to watch her even when she washed the dishes.

It's just that since she was so nervous, why did she let her fly all over the street on a skateboard by herself, and she didn't seem to care much when she was bullied.


The people here are amazing.

Sometimes he thinks it's illusory, these streets, these scenes, these people he sees, these things all have a kind of unreal feeling. Only when he is in contact with Pan Zhi will he return to the real world. .

Have you crossed

Another era? another space

the world

He shuddered in shock to himself.

Gu Fei just turned around to look at him: "How nice of you to stay in the house."

Jiang Cheng ignored him.

After Gu Miao finished washing the dishes and put them away, she turned around and left the kitchen. When she passed by Jiang Cheng, it was as if she hadn’t seen him. Jiang Cheng followed her into the store, and when she was looking for someone, she only turned around and saw him. Jiang Cheng.

"You are quite capable." Jiang Cheng gave her a thumbs up.

Gu Miao rubbed her nose, feeling a little embarrassed.

"That," Jiang Cheng bent down to talk to her, "I'm leaving."

Gu Miao glanced at Gu Fei, then nodded at him.

"Goodbye?" Jiang Cheng raised his hand and waved to her.

Gu Miao also waved to him.

Jiang Cheng smiled. He originally thought that this "goodbye" could be heard from her, but he didn't expect it to be a pantomime.

Gu Fei entered the room and took out a long down jacket for him.

"Thank you." Jiang Cheng took his clothes and looked at them.

"Hat, gloves, scarf, mask?" Gu Fei asked.

"...No need," Jiang Cheng said, only a few hundred meters away, "Chargers... do you have any?"

Gu Fei went into the room again and took out a charger and gave it to him.

"Thank you." Jiang Cheng took it and put it in his pocket.

"...If someone punches you, do you have to habitually say thank you?" Gu Fei said.

"Would you like to try it?" Jiang Cheng put on his coat, lifted the curtain and went out.

Gu Fei stretched his waist, took the phone to check the time, and patted Gu Miao's head lightly: "Let's go, we're going home."

Gu Miao quickly ran to close the doors and windows, and stood waiting for him outside the store with the skateboard in her arms.

He collected the money from the cash register and turned off the lights.

"Walking back today, Sister Xin drove our car away," Gu Fei locked the door of the store, "You can go into the room to do your homework when you get home, and you can only come out after you finish."

Gu Miao nodded, put the skateboard on the ground, and rushed out as soon as he kicked his feet. After sliding for more than ten meters, he tripped over something and fell off the board.

Gu Fei laughed and whistled.

Gu Miao ignored him, got up and stepped on the skateboard and rushed out.

When I got home, it was just after eight o'clock, the lights and TV in the living room were on, and the door to my mother's room was closed, but there was light under the crack of the door.

After Gu Miao entered the room to do her homework, Gu Fei went over and knocked on the door.

There is no response inside.

"I'll go in in a minute." Gu Fei said.

After going to the kitchen to boil some water and making himself a cup of tea, he went back to the door of his mother's room, knocked twice and unlocked the door.

The door wasn't locked, and it couldn't be locked. The last time my mother committed suicide, he smashed the lock and never fixed it.

"Get out," Mom sat on the small sofa by the window, holding the phone and staring at him with fire in her eyes, "Get out! Who let you in!"

"Did you call that kid?" Gu Fei raised his voice, "Tell him, if you don't hang up, I'll go to him tomorrow, and even the shop that takes him to work, the scum won't leave him."

"You..." Mom rolled her eyes at him and put the phone to her ear, "I told you... Hello? Hello? Hello! Son of a bitch!"

My mother slammed the phone on the sofa: "No, what's wrong with you! Your mother is in a relationship and you can't stop talking about it, is it a bit too much to worry about! Our family has no inheritance! I'm afraid someone Are you robbing you?"

"Choose one of your little men, a reliable one," Gu Fei took a sip of tea, "I don't care."

"Which one is unreliable!" Mom frowned, "It's annoying."

"Which one is reliable?" Gu Fei looked at her, "If you don't give them money to try, which one will pay attention to you?"

"Why ignore it!" Mom slapped the sofa, "Am I ugly? If I'm ugly, can you be called handsome from childhood to adulthood!"

"Well," Gu Fei took a small mirror on the bedside table and looked at himself, "Handsome."

"You..." Mom interrupted when he spoke.

"Everyone told me that your mother was beautiful when she was young," Gu Fei put down the mirror, "Do you know what it means to be young? Now there are many little girls who are more beautiful than you, younger than you, and stupider than you. Regardless of your money, who can talk to someone in their 20s and 30s with someone in their 40s..."

"Go out, go out!" Mom jumped off the sofa and pushed him out of the door, "I have nothing to tell you to go out!"

Gu Fei grabbed her wrist with a backhand: "Don't take the money from the cash register anymore, just that little bit, I know you took it without counting."

Mom didn't speak, she went back to the house and slammed the door shut.

Gu Fei fell on the sofa in the living room, drank two sips of tea, took the remote control and changed a few times to get off the stage. At this time, the mother-in-law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law and brother-in-law were tearing up the drama. drama.

After a few glances, he turned off the TV and entered his room.

After turning on the computer, he chose the photo without even the slightest hesitation between writing homework and processing today's photos.

As for homework, if you don't write it, you can't write it out, it's like failing an exam or not.

He transferred the photos from the camera to the computer, first deleted the waste films, and then picked out the ones worth post-production from the remaining photos.

Ermiao's are all good, the little girl doesn't smile when she takes pictures, she looks serious as if she's going to bomb the school, but she looks pretty cool.

The few pictures of the street scene are not good, they are too messy, and the background is mixed. The sunset pictures are okay. The color of the people with red coats passing by on the bridge is particularly good... Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng, these pictures...

He frowned and compared, leaving the first one, and then deleting the others.

Put on your headphones, listen to the music and start making pictures.

It's a hassle to deal with photos, but he finds it very interesting to do it, much more interesting than a class.

It's just that this music player has been tuned a little too much by him recently. The songs on the private radio station are getting louder and louder, so that when he clicks the mouse, he seems to be turned on, and he is in a hurry.

He cut the song to the playlist on his hard drive, and it stopped a lot.

After two random songs, a familiar guitar sound rang out, followed by a piano, and then a female voice.

As soon as my foot is empty, I'm about to fly... I am confused up, I hear you say the world is empty...

Gu Fei moved the mouse and clicked the next song.

It's been several years. I didn't feel it when I wrote it, but now it sounds a little naive. The female voice is Ding Zhuxin, but she has a good grasp of it, and her lazy hoarse voice carries doubts and struggles.

After finishing Jiang Cheng's photo, he glanced at the time. It was almost eleven o'clock. Time was just like that. You didn't have it when you needed it.

He stretched his back and looked at Jiang Cheng's face, which took up the whole screen. The light was just right, the tone was right, the boy's disdainful expression was just right, and the eyes that didn't look directly at the camera were also nice.

Ding Zhuxin has a much stronger sense of camera lens than the model hired by Ding Zhuxin's broken online shop when he practiced before.

He reduced the size of the photo, checked the whole thing, and saved it, and then opened Meitu Xiuxiu.

Decolorize, darken, filter, dreamy, starlight…

Finally, the words were added to the picture-sad singing, reckless rotation, and the night seemed more silent.

After making a layout, I sent it to Jiang Cheng.

Last Of The Wilds, Jiang Cheng's ID seems to indicate that he is a scholar, but although this English is no different to Gu Fei than reading Pinyin, but he has heard this song and really likes it, the metallic bagpipes.

Looking at Jiang Cheng's avatar again, it's a back view and a side face, it's very blurry, but looking at the nose, it can be seen that it's Jiang Cheng himself... This photo is not bad.

Jiang Cheng replied to him within two minutes.

-What's wrong with you…

He laughed.

-What's wrong

- You are actually an emoji writer! Why don't you make me a middle-aged and elderly meme? Tonight, toast our friendship or something

- you or ? I help you

- get out

Gu Fei leaned back in his chair and laughed for a long time, then sent another message.

- What, don't like it

- What about human nature

Gu Fei smiled and sent the original photo.

There was no movement from Jiang Cheng over there, and it took a few minutes before he came back.

- one? Is there anything else

- Nope, the other pictures were not good, I deleted them

-… You are very strict with yourself, can’t you send it to me to delete it myself

- didn't you say you want to delete it in the afternoon

Jiang Cheng did not reply.

Gu Fei put down the phone, got up, moved his stiff arms and legs, and walked out of the room.

The lights in Gu Miao's room had been turned off. He gently pushed the door open and took a look inside. The little girl had finished her homework and washed up. She was sleeping soundly while wrapped in a quilt.

When he does his own business, he doesn't let people disturb him. Gu Miao will remember this, even the unreliable mother knows... Mom doesn't know when to go out, and she doesn't disturb him at all. to him.

Gu Fei frowned, took his coat hanging by the door, took out his wallet and looked at it, the big money inside was gone.

"Fuck." He whispered.

Going back to the house, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Liu Fan's number.

"Da Fei? Come out? We are drinking," Liu Fan's happy voice came from there, "Li Yan, we are all here."

"I'm not going, I'm going to sleep when I'm tired," Gu Fei said, "Come out with me tomorrow."

"Where to?" Liu Fan immediately asked.

"The store that sells discs that I mentioned last time." Gu Fei said.

"Is it the store where everyone from the boss to the clerk pretends to be a musician?" Liu Fan asked.

"The boss is really cool," Gu Fei said, "I'm looking for that thin-legged grasshopper."

"I see, I don't need you," Liu Fan clicked his tongue. "It's not appropriate for you to go there. I'll take someone there. What effect do you want?"

"Seeing the effect of my mother turning around and running." Gu Fei said.

"Okay." Liu Fan responded.

After hanging up, the phone rang, and Jiang Cheng sent a message.


Gu Fei glanced at his profile picture, and found that it had been replaced by the one that had just been passed on.

- Changed your avatar

- Well, it's pretty cool

Gu Fei smiled, put down the phone, and was about to wash up. When he walked to the door, the phone rang again.

He went back and took a look.

- I may have to wear clothes for a day tomorrow, I will have time to buy them after school

- Will you pay me back if you don't wash it

-… Do you have a fetish for cleanliness

- No, why don't you choose a quilt cover and clothes to wash

- I'll wash the clothes for you

Gu Fei yawned. He didn't know if he ate too much meat at night and was very sleepy.

After washing up, he fell asleep on the bed and woke up in the middle of the night when he felt cold and covered the quilt.

When he woke up in the morning, there was no one at home, his mother had not returned overnight, and Gu Miao had already gone to school by himself. He checked the time, let alone early reading, the first class was already halfway through.

"Hey—" He stretched his voice and stretched hard, and slowly packed up and went out.

As soon as I got downstairs, I received a call from Lao Xu: "Do you want to be expelled from this semester if you look like this!"

"I overslept." Gu Fei said.

"I don't care what excuses you have today," Lao Xu said, "I want to talk to you at noon today! I will take responsibility for you!"

"...What did you do to me?" Gu Fei asked.

"You don't give me poverty!" Lao Xu said, "I didn't know about you before, it was my dereliction of duty! Now that I know, I will be responsible!"

Gu Fei's footsteps paused: "What is my business?"

"about your father," Lao Xu said sincerely, "as your head teacher, I hope you can open up to me..."

"You don't need to worry about my affairs," Gu Fei said, "I care who you are, do you believe that I can open up and beat you?"