Chapter 126


Although there is still a period of time before the Chinese New Year, but because everyone in the school is almost gone, the feeling of panic of the empty New Year can already be felt.

There was no one in the dormitory, the tables were tidy, and the beds were neat. Zhang Qiqi also carefully covered everyone's bed with an old sheet to prevent dust from falling.

After doing this, it looks even more lonely.

There were snowflakes fluttering outside the window. Jiang Cheng stood by the window and looked out. On the road in front of the building, apart from a couple, no one else could be seen passing by. The boy dragged the girl's suitcase and walked out while chatting. .

Jiang Cheng opened the window, took out a cigarette case from Pan Zhi's pocket who was standing beside him, took out a cigarette and lit it.

"I didn't bring enough clothes," Pan Zhi sneezed with the north wind poured in, "I was wearing the thickest down jacket when I went back to see you."

"Didn't you bring it this time?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"I didn't bring it with me at all when I went home on November 1, and whoever wants to have to go there," Pan Zhi said, "Forget it, if it doesn't work, buy it later."

Yeah, who would have thought.

"Are you really okay if you don't go home for the New Year?" Jiang Cheng asked again.

Although he didn't think it was necessary, Pan Zhi insisted that he would not go home this winter vacation. He was very moved and very uneasy. His friends had tossed around with him for the New Year.

"It's okay, I didn't want to spend the New Year at home at first, I was very annoying," Pan Zhi frowned, "Did I tell you, when I go home on 11th, the whole family has to get together, and when I hear about our school, then A bunch of people almost despised me beyond the Five Elements, no matter whether I went to school or not, they all have the same fucking expression, how can I spend so much money to go to such a school, I want to be drawn one by one ."

Jiang Cheng smiled and said nothing.

"My cousin, it's the one you've seen," Pan Zhi continued angrily, "he said, our school is the same as theirs."

"The one from the technical school?" Jiang Cheng said.

"Yeah." Pan Zhi nodded.

"Pick him!" Jiang Cheng said fiercely.

"Must smoke!" Pan Zhi also gritted his teeth.

A car drove downstairs, and when Jiang Cheng was about to see if it was Xu Xingzhi who was driving, his cell phone rang.

"Come down." Xu Xingzhi said.

"Let's go." Jiang Cheng hung up the phone and patted Pan Zhi on the shoulder.

The two left the dormitory with their luggage.

Jiang Cheng had very little luggage, so he only had two sets of clothes to change and wash. When he came here, his plan was to bring back some winter clothes for the new year, and then bring spring and summer clothes when school started.

Now that he has done this, he has no idea what to do when he arrives.

The small rental house in the steel mill, whether to renew the lease, and whether to bring the things there... If I do take it, there are quite a lot of things, all kinds of books, clothes, pillows and quilts, he doesn't know How to take it and where to put it.

After all, I lived there for over a year.

But when I think about it, I think it's nothing. The home he has lived in for more than ten years is just a suitcase and a few cardboard boxes that were sent later.


When he saw Zhao Jin sitting on the co-pilot, Jiang Cheng felt that Pan Zhi would definitely feel that his trip was worthwhile.

Since seeing Zhao Jin's selfie in his circle of friends that day, Pan Zhi has been saying, "It's very rare to see a girl who is free and easy like this perfect combination of beauty and temperament."

"People are celibate." Jiang Cheng reminded him.

"Don't think of me so horny, I just appreciate it," Pan Zhi said.

Jiang Cheng still believed this. Pan Zhi had talked to quite a few girls, and the girls who expressed his appreciation were as numerous as the sea, as bright as stars.

"Sister," Pan Zhi quickly went over with her luggage to say hello, then put her luggage in the trunk and sat in the back seat, "I thought you weren't going."

"Nothing happened a year ago," Zhao Jin said, "Go join in the fun, have you two had breakfast?"

"Eat." Jiang Cheng also got into the car and closed the door.

"Then go right away," Zhao Jin handed back a cat bag on his lap, "Come on, you two are responsible for this uncle."

"A cat?" Pan Zhi took it.

"Well," Xu Xingzhi turned the car around, "my cat."

"Can you take it out?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Take it, it's very good." Xu Xingzhi smiled.

"It's called Fat Sheep, Fat Sheep, come," Jiang Cheng opened the cat bag, reached out and tried to hold the cat out. He was stunned when his hand touched the cat. This big white cat with long hair was his friend in Xu Xingzhi. I can see it almost every day, but now I know why it is called a fat sheep, "Damn it, this is too..."

He held the fat sheep out with both hands, and Pan Zhi was happy when he saw it: "It's too fat, my god."

"The nickname is Pig." Zhao Jin said.

"There is no such nickname." Xu Xingzhi said.

"There is now," Zhao Jin turned around, "Pig—"

When she turned back, she was facing Pan Zhi who was sitting diagonally behind her. After the pig barked, Pan Zhi sighed, "Should I answer?"

Several people in the car laughed, and Jiang Cheng followed suit and laughed for a while, then took the fat sheep into his arms, and leaned against the car window to look out.

The fat sheep is very well behaved, and it can't be seen that when he is in a bad mood, he will step on his face. Anyway, he is holding it now, and he doesn't even move a little more.

Jiang Cheng felt that cuddling a cat could indeed reduce stress. He had been a little restless since yesterday, wandering around the dormitory with no worries, not knowing what he was going to do.

Now holding the fat sheep, he slowly calmed down.

Maybe it's because the car is driving now, the car is going to the expressway, and the place he's going to has been determined, and there won't be any changes, so he's at ease.

After getting on the high-speed, the speed of the car suddenly increased, and the smooth and high-speed feeling made people suddenly a little dazed.

Outside the window is a scene that he has never seen before and after several times, and inside the car is a mood he has never seen before.

There were a lot of cars going out, Jiang Cheng looked at the cars passing by, some could see the people inside, some couldn’t, some had only one person in them, and some were full.

Where do these people come from, where are they going, and what are they thinking about

What about us.

Jiang Cheng closed his eyes, feeling a little sleepy. In such a warm car, listening to the people next to him chatting and holding a fat ball in his arms was really easy to cultivate drowsiness.

The driving time is about the same as the train, but every now and then you have to stop and rest, drink some water, go to the toilet or something.

When he stopped at the rest stop, Jiang Cheng glanced at the fuel gauge: "Do I have to refuel later?"

"Well, just fill it up before getting off the highway." Xu Xingzhi pulled the handbrake to get off the car. "There is a leash in the cat bag, you can put it on the fat sheep and take it down to get some air."

"Walking the cat?" Pan Zhi was stunned.

"Well," Xu Xingzhi nodded, "it's easier to walk than a dog."

Jiang Cheng wrapped the rope and carried the fat sheep out of the car. As soon as its feet touched the ground, it strode forward with its head held high and its tail erect.

Such a big, fat, white, and long-haired cat quickly attracted the attention of many people who were resting beside him.

"Give it to me." Pan Zhi asked him for a leash.

Jiang Cheng glanced at him, then nodded after thinking about it: "Yes, in case it attracts a beautiful girl."

"Can you give me a fair judgment?" Pan Zhi sighed, "I just think it's interesting and want to play."

Jiang Cheng smiled.

After Pan Zhi and Zhao Jin walked away, he walked to Xu Xingzhi who was drinking water: "Senior."

"Huh?" Xu Xingzhi looked at him.

"For a while..." Jiang Cheng said, "Let me do my best, shall I?"

"Come on?" Xu Xingzhi was stunned and nodded again, "Oh, okay, you can stand by and shout for a while."

"What are you calling?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Come on! Come on!" Xu Xingzhi waved his arm, "Come on, senior!"

After Jiang Cheng regained his senses, he smiled for a long time: "I'm serious, this trip will cost you a lot of gas and tolls, so I can't let you pay for it, right?"

"Not much..." Xu Xingzhi looked at him, stopped for a while and then smiled, "Okay, you go to refuel before you get off the highway."

"En." Jiang Cheng nodded.

Everyone got into the car after resting for a while. This time, Zhao Jin drove the car, and Xu Xingzhi sat in the co-pilot.

When Zhao Jin drove the car out of the rest stop, Pan Zhi wiped the sheep's paws with a wet towel and said, "Sister, drive slowly."

"Don't worry," Zhao Jin looked at the rearview mirror and drove on the highway, "You were still wiping the cat's paws while I was driving."

"That's what I said..." Pan Zhi thought for a while, then looked down at the sheep again, "No problem."

Zhao Jin's car drove very steadily, and at first glance it was an old driver. Jiang Cheng hugged the fat sheep and continued to rest with his eyes closed by the window.

When I was at the rest stop, I could already feel that the air was colder and drier than before. The trip was halfway through, and the end of the trip was getting closer and closer.

Jiang Cheng buried his fingers in the wool of the fat sheep, so that he could calm down a little.

Although he felt very sleepy, his mood would change every time the car drove a meter forward. This high-frequency transition made him sleepy enough that he couldn't open his eyes, but he couldn't fall asleep.

"Drinking chocolate? I just rushed at the rest stop," Zhao Jin asked while driving the car. "The thermos flask is under the passenger, so just pour some."

Xu Xingzhi poured a cup of hot chocolate for everyone.

After Jiang Cheng finished drinking, he felt a fluffy warmth all over his body, he closed his eyes again and finally fell asleep.

I don't know how long I slept this time, but when Pan Zhitui woke him up, he had already got off the highway, and the driver had been replaced by Xu Xingzhi.

"Have you finished refueling?" Jiang Cheng was stunned.

"Well," Xu Xingzhi laughed, "Pan Zhijia's oil."

"I took the money from your wallet," Pan Zhi said. "We just discussed going to your place to put the things and the cat away, and eat something before going to the hotel."

"Well, good." Jiang Cheng nodded, Xu Xingzhi and Zhao Jin didn't have much luggage, mainly computers and some materials.

"Then how?" Pan Zhi asked.

Jiang Cheng looked out the window. He had never been here before. Like Gu Miao, his usual range of activities was at the train station at most.

But what came in through the gap in the car window was already familiar to him, unique to this small city, with an atmosphere of loneliness and confusion.

"I also... don't know," Jiang Cheng said, "I still have to use the navigation and go directly to the steel mill. I'll know the way there."

"Okay, your answer is simply the standard answer that Lu Chi uses," Zhao Jin pointed at his phone, "The steel mill is quite large, is there a specific location?"

"Just... feel like home," Jiang Cheng said, "Let's settle there."

In the process of giving this location, the coordinates of countless steel mills flashed in his mind, and Gu Fei's figure appeared on every coordinate.

This kind of memory suddenly popped up from his heart, making his breathing a little unsteady.

It was only now that he was fully awake.

He had already returned here, in the space where Gu Fei was everywhere.

The car kept driving, and when he reached the intersection of Rujia, Jiang Cheng, who had been staring at the car window in a daze, said, "This intersection doesn't stop, turn left at the next intersection."

Xu Xingzhi nodded, drove forward, reached the intersection of Gu Fei's store, and turned in.

Pan Zhi turned his head and glanced at him, he also glanced at Pan Zhi, and twitched the corner of his mouth to indicate that he was all right.

Xu Xingzhi didn't know what this road meant to him, so he drove the car forward while talking to Zhao Jin. There are basically no cars on this road, so Xu Xingzhi drove quite fast.

Before Jiang Cheng was ready, he had already seen Gu Fei's shop.

At this moment, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and he was almost out of breath, and his throat was blocked for a while.

Fortunately, the car drove past quickly, and although he stared at the back of the co-pilot and didn't look over there, out of the corner of his eye he saw that there was no one at the door of the store, covered by a thick cotton curtain, and he didn't see anything in the store. Happening.

He breathed a sigh of relief, realizing that his back was sweating.

And while he was relieved, he was also a little disappointed.

"How to go?" Xu Xingzhi asked.

"Go straight," the three of them glanced at him at the same time when Jiang Cheng spoke. He cleared his throat, "Then turn left, there is an old community."

"Okay." Xu Xingzhi said.

"Are you catching a cold?" Zhao Jin asked, "Did you just fall asleep?"

"It's alright," Jiang Cheng cleared his throat again. Fortunately, the hoarseness that suddenly appeared just now is no longer serious. It is estimated that he was too emotional, "I didn't talk much all the way."

Pan Zhi handed him the thermos cup, and he took it and took a few mouthfuls of warm water, letting out a sigh of relief.

The rental house is still the same. The only difference from coming back in November is that there are no leaves on the trees, and there is thick snow on the roadside.

"It's so cold," Zhao Jin started jumping when he got out of the car, "Have you paid the heating bill, don't tell me there is no heating when I go into the house?"

"It's handed in." Jiang Cheng smiled.

Several people picked up the things and went upstairs together.

Jiang Cheng walked at the forefront with the fat sheep, and the more he walked, the more familiar he became, so that he couldn't tell what it was like.

"Here," he stopped, stood in the doorway, and took out the key from his bag, "this is it."

"It's okay, the building is a bit older, and it's quite clean inside." Zhao Jin said.

Jiang Cheng took the key and twisted it, and the door opened with a sound. He was stunned for a while, the door was not locked.

Usually he and Gu Fei are used to locking the door. After all, there is no property in this old community. From the street to the house, there is only this broken wooden door.

Gu Fei actually didn't lock the door. After the dog-fuck broke up, he didn't even help to lock the door!

He pushed open the door and walked in. While putting the cat bag in his hand on the coffee table, he saw a person lying on the sofa.

Suddenly, the whole person was stunned by the coffee table.

"Fuck me?" Pan Zhi, who came in behind him, was also stunned.

Jiang Cheng didn’t even have to look at the person on the sofa. The room was quite dark with the curtains drawn and no lights turned on. But when he noticed that there was something on the sofa and he wasn’t even sure that it was a person, he could already sense that this person was someone else. who is.

Gu Fei.

It was Gu Fei.

Jiang Cheng never dared to think carefully about how he and Gu Fei would meet this time. He was afraid of the feeling of denial while thinking about it, but in all the thoughts that flashed through him, there was no such scene in front of him.

At this moment, his mind suddenly seemed to be evacuated into a vacuum, completely empty.

But then there are countless kinds of tastes coming up at the same time.

Missing, distressed, wronged, angry, angry... all kinds, but none of them are accurate enough.

Jiang Cheng didn't speak, and he couldn't speak. He wasn't even sure if he could speak his voice if he spoke now.

He could only stand like that, staring at Gu Fei.

Gu Fei was wearing a pair of sweatpants, one leg was bent and the other was on the ground. He was wearing a T-shirt that he was very familiar with, his arm was over his eyes, and he was holding a pillow in the other hand.

This sleeping position is very casual, and it can be seen that he sleeps very solidly.

When Jiang Cheng opened the door and came in, there was no small movement, but Gu Fei did not move at all.

He could even hear Gu Fei's gentle breathing without any disturbance.

And when Xu Xingzhi and Zhao Jin both walked into the house and froze in the living room at the same time, the scene became a little awkward.

The four of them lined up to watch the man sleeping on the sofa.

And Gu Fei was not woken up by them.

Under such circumstances, the time became a little blurry, and it was not until Pan Zhi who was next to him coughed lightly that Jiang Cheng suddenly came back to his senses.

"Gu Fei." He called out.

Gu Fei on the sofa moved.

Jiang Cheng's throat was a little tight, and he had to clear his throat before he called out again, "Gu Fei."

Gu Fei's legs moved a bit, and then he raised his arm that was pressing on his eyes.

Maybe it was because he slept too deeply. After he raised his arms, he stared at Jiang Cheng for at least ten seconds, and then suddenly bounced off the sofa as if he had been stabbed.

Before he could sit up and stand up again, Gu Fei was already standing beside the coffee table.

"That..." Jiang Cheng suddenly didn't know how to continue.

"Brother Cheng?" Gu Fei looked at him, "You..."

Gu Fei couldn't continue his words, and the two of them just stood there face to face.

"I'm sorry," Gu Fei opened his mouth after being stunned for a long time, "I... came over to have a look, and fell asleep."

"Oh, this is me... my friend, Gu Fei," Jiang Cheng remembered at this moment that he should introduce the people around him who had been awkwardly silent for a while, "This is Xu Xingzhi, Senior Xu, and Sister Zhao Jin and Zhao Ke. Sister, Zhao Ke, you have seen it before."

"Hello," Gu Fei nodded at them, then took his coat from the sofa and put it on, "Then I'm leaving..."

While Gu Fei was putting on his coat and walking towards the door, Jiang Cheng smelled the familiar smell of Gu Fei. When Gu Fei turned around to go out, he suddenly felt a strong feeling of wanting to cry.

Feeling like a hypocritical sissy.

"Talk to him for a while," Pan Zhi finally said, "Let's rest here first."

"... Hmm." Jiang Cheng followed and walked out.

Gu Fei had just descended one floor, stopped after hearing his footsteps, and turned to look at him.

"Go down for a walk." Jiang Cheng tugged at the collar, squeezed past him, and walked downstairs.

Gu Fei followed silently.

This kind of weather was completely unsuitable for activities like "going down for a walk". As soon as he exited the corridor, Jiang Cheng was almost blinded by the old north wind.

"Fuck." He put on his hat, turned his back to the wind and walked along the road, not knowing where to go.

"I thought..." Gu Fei stepped up and followed, "You won't be coming back from winter vacation."

"Where will I go if I don't come back?" Jiang Cheng said.

Gu Fei did not speak.

The two continued to walk forward in silence.

"You..." Gu Fei hesitated to speak again, but he didn't say anything.

Jiang Cheng turned his head and glanced at him.

Losing weight, he knew that Gu Fei might want to say this.

When Gu Fei said he lost weight last time, he didn't have any obvious feeling, but now, he himself knew that he lost a lot of weight.

Just like Gu Fei, he also lost weight.

To be precise, Gu Fei was not as thin as he was, but in addition to the faint tiredness on his face, he was depressed.

Gu Fei looked very depressed, maybe others didn't feel it, when Gu Fei didn't smile, when he was expressionless, he looked like this.

But he could see that Gu Fei was depressed like this.

He sighed.

"That Xu Xingzhi," Jiang Cheng said after walking forward for a while, "is Zhao Ke's elder sister's senior, a psychology graduate student at University B."

Gu Fei's steps paused.

Jiang Cheng was suddenly a little scared. He didn't know how Gu Fei would react if he continued talking, so he stopped and glanced at Gu Fei again.

"What's wrong with your voice?" Gu Fei asked.

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng was stunned.

"Why are you so dumb?" Gu Fei looked at him.

"Getting angry," Jiang Cheng cleared his throat, "Tian'er is so dry, getting angry."

"...Oh," Gu Fei paused, "Brother Cheng..."

"Don't say sorry," Jiang Cheng interrupted him, "I don't want to say that, and I didn't come back for you, but for Gu Miao."