Chapter 132


This is the third time leaving by train.

Every time the people around you are different, the mood is also different, and the feeling is completely different when looking at the scenery outside the window.

Jiang Cheng took a sip of the drink, and he had already experienced quite a lot.

From the day he was thrown back here to now, his life, feelings, and mood have all changed completely, which should have been unexpected by no one at the beginning.

Jiang Cheng doesn't regret all his choices, every choice, every decision, no matter what happens later, he will not regret it.

It's just so naughty.

He stretched out the drink bottle to the side and knocked on the bottle in Pan Zhi's hand: "Cheers."

"Whatever," Pan Zhi glanced at him, "Where's this big bottle."

Jiang Cheng smiled and took a sip.

Pan Zhi followed him and took a sip: "Good luck."

When the car arrived at the station, Jiang Cheng sent a message to Gu Fei.

- here we are, all going well, back to school now

- ok, i'm bringing ermiao to the tweed

- help me put two

-it is good

After sending the message, Jiang Cheng quickly withdrew, his eyes did not look up, and he was afraid that where his finger touched, the page would be turned up.

The above are the two messages that he never received Gu Fei's reply, which would make him uncomfortable every time he saw it.

Although it has now passed, and he has also determined what to do next, when he sees those two messages, the feeling that the whole person is in chaos at that time will suddenly surge up.

But he was reluctant to delete it, like a memorial scar that he wanted to keep.

After a meal with Pan Zhi, he went back to school.

He didn't come back to school early. He could already see many students in the school, and there were students walking around in the dormitory.

Even in their dormitory, he is not too early.

When he opened the door and saw Zhao Ke, he thought it was really amazing: "When did you come back? Didn't the last message say that you didn't come back until after Valentine's Day?"

"The plan has changed," Zhao Ke said. "Zhang Dantong suddenly went back to school today, so I immediately refunded the ticket and bought today's."

"Then what?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"What then." Zhao Ke said.

"She went back to school, you came back immediately, and then lay down in the dormitory?" Jiang Cheng said.

"Otherwise?" Zhao Ke looked at him.

"...I don't know," Jiang Cheng clenched his fists at him, "I just wanted to say that you are really creative."

"I still want to ask you," Zhao Ke got out of bed, "Why didn't you come back after Valentine's Day?"

"I can't celebrate this festival yet." Jiang Cheng said.

"Oh." Zhao Ke replied without asking.

"I brought some food here." Jiang Cheng opened the suitcase, half of his own clothes were in the suitcase, and the other half was filled with various specialties and snacks that Gu Fei had bought for him to bring over. They have also been divided into categories, for Xu Xingzhi, Zhao Jin, Zhao Ke, and for classmates.

"This time Xu Xingzhi has passed, how is your sister's situation?" Zhao Ke took the food and opened it, "I had a fight with Zhao Jin and didn't speak for the New Year."

"It's very good, there will be progress right away, but there may be repetitions and pauses later, take it slowly, the main thing is to find the right method and it's easy to handle," Jiang Cheng said, "This kind of thing really needs to be professional. One-on-one with targeted people.”

"That's good." Zhao Ke said.

"Has your sister gone back to school?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"I came back early. After the fight, I said I felt sick when I saw it, so I went back to school." Zhao Ke said.

"...What are you arguing about?" Jiang Cheng looked at him.

"I don't know. I've been arguing since I was a child. It's good to not beat me for two years," Zhao Ke said. "We often end up arguing and don't know why.

"Oh," Jiang Cheng said with admiration, "There are snacks here for her, should I bring them to her myself, or should you take them and take the opportunity to reconcile?"

"Give it to me," Zhao Ke said. "I'll take half of it and give it to Zhang Dantong, and then give the rest to Zhao Jin."

Jiang Cheng laughed: "Is there any leftovers?"

"How much can I have left, so much." Zhao Ke said.

There were nothing to do two days before the start of school, Jiang Cheng invited Xu Xingzhi to come out for dinner, deliver things, and express his thanks again by the way.

Xu Xingzhi's home is local, but except for the three or four days of the Spring Festival, he is always at school.

"Why are you so polite." Xu Xingzhi said.

"It's such a big trip, and it's such a troublesome thing," Jiang Cheng said, "Is that considered polite?"

"But I really think this beef jerky is delicious." Xu Xingzhi smiled.

"After eating, ask Gu Fei to send some more." Jiang Cheng said.

"No," Xu Xingzhi opened the bag and took a small piece out and put it in his mouth, "I have to go there again this month, let him buy it and wait for me."

"This month?" Jiang Cheng was stunned for a while, then suddenly got a little excited, "When?"

"Why," Xu Xingzhi smiled, "do you want to come with me?"

"I..." Jiang Cheng suddenly came back to his senses, his excitement was not only because Xu Xingzhi attached so much importance to Gu Miao's illness, but more because of the word "past".

If you want to pass, just this month, you will be able to see Gu Fei in the past.

"I'm not going." Jiang Cheng took a sip of the fruit tea on the table.

"Well," Xu Xingzhi nodded, "give him some time, some things need enough time and enough space to do it."

Jiang Cheng didn't speak. He originally wanted to ask Xu Xingzhi what he said to Gu Fei before he left, but after thinking about it, he still didn't speak.

Xu Xuzhi's words made sense, he had to leave enough time for Gu Fei and give him enough space.

"Are you going to take Gu Miao for an examination this time?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Well," Xu Xingzhi said, "I need to do a detailed inspection and some tests. I will bring the results back for analysis."

"Thank you." Jiang Cheng said.

"You're welcome," Xu Xingzhi glanced at him, "Why don't you say a hundred thank you at one time? I'll make a thank you annual card, so you don't need to say it in the future."

Jiang Cheng laughed: "I just feel really emotional, if it wasn't for you, this child might have lived like this for the rest of his life."

"It's because of you." Xu Xingzhi smiled.

Is it.



Thanks to me.

The great Jiang Cheng player!

Jiang Cheng smiled for a long time with the fruit tea.

But without Gu Fei, Jiang Cheng leaned back on the back of the chair, what would he be like now

All things affect each other, thanks to meeting Gu Fei.

The second day of school is Valentine's Day. For many couples who have been separated during the winter vacation, this is simply a gift from God.

It was after eleven o'clock the night before that both Lu Shi and Zhang Qiqi's phones were still on, and it was estimated that they had to be stuck sending messages to their girlfriends.

Jiang Cheng held the Sunny Day Doll and gently squeezed it in his hands.

He still remembered this day a year ago, this time.

He was reviewing, Gu Fei watched him from the edge of the warm yellow light.

As a result, Pan Zhi snatched the first blessing.

Thinking of this, he wanted to laugh, turned over and laughed silently at the wall for a long time.

The phone is quiet today.

Even Pan Zhi was quiet, and he didn't send any hypocritical comfort at this time. He was very grateful to Pan Zhi. He was lucky to meet such a Tiezi with high emotional intelligence.

He closed his eyes, ready to sleep.

When it was past midnight, two messages from the mobile phone came from the dormitory.

You didn't have to think to know that it was the two on the opposite bed, but then Jiang Cheng's cell phone rang, and news came in.

He was stunned.

It is impossible for Gu Fei to send this news. With what he knows about Gu Fei, Gu Fei absolutely cannot do such a thing now.

It can only be Pan Zhi.

As soon as he praised his high emotional intelligence, he was immediately slapped in the face, which was also a wonderful taste.

But after turning on the phone and seeing the news, he was stunned for a while and then he was happy.

The news was sent by Zhao Ke.

- come on, send me a word

Jiang Cheng replied to him while he was amused.

-are you crazy

Zhao Ke's cell phone rang over there, and the four cell phones in the dormitory rang four times, which was perfect.

On Valentine's Day, whether you go to class or to dinner, you can see roses and smiling faces of girls. It is said that there are boys in the dormitory next door who have successfully confessed.

"The days are over." Zhao Ke looked at his phone. The public accounts of several schools he followed were all related to Valentine's Day.

"Ke, don't you confess today? It's been a semester, it's been half a year, it's been four years in total, it's been half a year," Jiang Cheng asked, "You are really the most grumpy man I've ever met. "

"I'm still preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination." Zhao Ke looked at him.

"You're not worth the postgraduate entrance exam," Jiang Cheng said, "Is she waiting for you to repeat the grades? If she doesn't graduate, she might get married..."

Zhao Kezuo stood up immediately.

"Why?" Jiang Cheng was startled, and quickly protected the dinner plate in front of him.

"Eat quickly," Zhao Ke said. "After eating, accompany me to buy flowers."

"...Oh." Jiang Cheng looked at him.

Zhao Ke seemed to be suddenly stimulated, or suddenly came to his senses and realized that he had wasted half a year of time. In any case, Jiang Cheng was pulled out of the school gate by him as soon as he finished eating.

There are a lot of flower shops outside the school. At the moment, there are a sea of roses, big and small, with various shapes and colors.

For the first time, Jiang Cheng knew that Zhao Ke was probably a patient with severe selection difficulties.

It's just a bunch of roses, I've been picking them for 20 minutes and I haven't decided yet, and I'm probably also picky at the advanced stage of the disease. This bunch is too big, this bunch is too small, this bunch is too big, that bunch is too small, the bones are too big, the flowers are too big now...

"That's it," Jiang Cheng grabbed a handful and looked at it, "Take another box of chocolates..."

"Zhao Ke!" Someone outside the store called Zhao Ke.

Zhao Ke's hand was in the air.

Jiang Cheng turned his head and saw Zhang Dantong who was standing outside the store holding a bunch of flowers and smiling at them both.

"What to do!" Zhao Ke asked in a low voice without turning his head.

"Take this out and give it to her," Jiang Cheng smiled at Zhang Dantong, turned around and stuffed the bouquet in Zhao Ke's arms, then took a box of chocolates from the shelf next to him and shoved it into his arms, "Say you like her She be your girlfriend and take the flower from her hand!"

"What?" Zhao Ke was stunned, his eyes desperately looking to one side, but he didn't dare to turn his head. After looking for a long time, he probably didn't see anything, "Someone sent her flowers?"

"Nonsense, on a day like Valentine's Day, a goddess says she can receive ten bouquets of flowers, it's too late if you don't speak up," Jiang Cheng grabbed his arm and turned him back, pushing him, "Go ahead. !"

As soon as Zhao Ke turned around, Zhang Dantong, who was outside, immediately bent his waist with laughter.

"Your friend is shy," the flower shop owner laughed too hard. After watching Zhao Ke go out, he said to Jiang Cheng, "How about you? Did you buy flowers for your girlfriend?"

"I..." Jiang Cheng paused, suddenly not knowing how to answer this question.

I don't send it, it's a little strange.

I don't, it's indescribable and the answer he himself cannot accept.

"Are you still a boyfriend?" The boss said with a smile, "Boyfriends want to give away, too. There are several boys who came to buy flowers for their boyfriends today, and some of them have been booked years ago."

"Ah," Jiang Cheng glanced at the boss and smiled after thinking about it, "It's too far, he's not here."

"That's it." The boss didn't continue talking, and looked out with him.

Zhao Ke's performance was better than Jiang Cheng had imagined. He was probably going out of his way. He was actually quite calm when he was standing in front of Zhang Dantong talking to him.

Zhang Dantong kept laughing. In the end, Zhao Ke took the flowers from her hand and handed over his flowers and chocolates. Jiang Cheng saw her blushing.

"There's a show," said the boss.

"En." Jiang Cheng nodded.

Zhao Ke did not elaborate on the process and result of the confession. He probably did not agree on the spot, nor did he refuse. Jiang Cheng did not ask. Anyway, he knew that Zhang Dantong had been smiling happily when he hugged Hua Chong, waved his hand and turned away.

"I'll start today." Zhao Ke said.

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng looked at him.

"Chase her." Zhao Ke said.

"Come on." Jiang Cheng patted his arm.

come on.

That's how people are. After thinking about it, hesitating and hesitating, they feel that they are not ready or have enough courage. In fact, as long as they take that step, they will find that everything is ready.

He smiled, took out his mobile phone, and clicked on the circle of friends.

The circle of friends is similar to the one around, a piece of Valentine's Day is related.

He didn't post it on his Moments today, but he checked it out, and Gu Fei didn't post it either.

However, when he went to the library with Zhao Ke at night, he saw Gu Fei posted a message.

Only the expression of a little sun.

He smiled and replied with a little sun below.

After finding a seat in the library and taking a seat, he opened WeChat and took a look, and found a reply. When he clicked, he saw that Gu Fei replied to him with a small sun.

He clicked his tongue and replied that a little sun had passed.

After a while, Gu Fei gave him a little sun again.

Jiang Cheng was amused for a long time before he opened the book and began to read.

During a winter vacation, he didn't even read a book, let alone a book, nothing related to the profession appeared in his mind.

This is why you can't fall in love early, delay things too much, and confuse people's minds.


Jiang Cheng took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He closed his eyes again and calmed down, and then set his sight on the page of the book.

He wants to start his life last semester, study in class, read books in the library, and work part-time. Except for temporarily not needing to supplement his knowledge of psychology, everything else will be restored to its original state.

Then, waiting for Gu Fei to open his eyes.

When he came out of the library, he turned on his phone while yawning. The phone vibrated before, and he didn't even bother to look at it.

To be precise, he felt this vibration when he was concentrating on reading, but he didn't realize what the vibration was at all.

It was a message from Pan Zhi.

- You two friends have been going every day in your circle of friends, don't you have to show your face!

Jiang Cheng was stunned for a while. He clicked on his Moments, and saw the little sun that he and Gu Fei were going to and fro. He immediately had a blast, and when he was finished, he suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

-Go away, as long as you have the brain to think too much

-I just watch the play.jpg

He didn't read for a winter vacation, and suddenly entered the learning state this night. Jiang Cheng actually felt a little tired. He didn't chat with Zhao Ke and the others when he returned to the dormitory, and went straight to bed and lay down.

However, since Zhao Ke confessed in the afternoon, he has been in a trance until now, and it is estimated that he will not be able to chat at this moment.

Jiang Cheng closed his eyes, rolled over a few times, and sat up again.

Got out of bed and went to the drawer to get a pen, and a new notebook crawled back to the bed.

He lay on the pillow and opened the notebook, held the pen for a while, and then wrote a line.

February 14, sunny. Gu Fei posted on Moments, Jiang Chengcheng returned

He stopped writing when he was not finished.

It's been a long time, he hadn't paid attention to his own words, but now he's concentrating, only to realize that his words, I don't know when, have changed back again.


Just... ugly.

He hesitated, and tore the page away.

After practicing a few more times on the torn paper, I gathered my qi again and started writing.

February 18

18 You bastard! Jiang Cheng stared at this date, and was in a state of admiration for himself.

So the page is torn off again.

I closed my eyes for a while and then started writing again.

Feb 18

"Fuck you, uncle!" Jiang Cheng threw the pen and cursed in a low voice.

"Please start your performance." Zhao Ke on the next bed said with a smile.

"How can you get angry while tearing paper?" Zhang Qiqi asked.

"Have you ever tried dialing a phone number while you're dreaming, but you can't dial the wrong number. No matter how carefully you press the numbers one by one, you'll always be wrong?" Jiang Cheng sat up and leaned against the wall.

"Yes," Lu Shi said immediately, "don't mention a mobile phone number, I want to call the police in my dream, and I can always be wrong when I dial 110!"

"I often," Zhang Qiqi said, "sometimes it can wake me up immediately."

"Then you should be able to understand me." Jiang Cheng sighed.

"I can't understand," Zhao Ke's voice came over, "You are awake now."

Several people in the dormitory were stunned for a while, and they were all happy and laughed together.

Jiang Cheng froze for a while and then laughed: "Fuck!"

In fact, he just wanted to write a diary that was not a diary, and he didn't write any superfluous content. He just wrote down whether he had contact with Gu Fei every day, what Gu Fei did, what content he posted on his Moments, and what he posted. or something.

It was written until Gu Fei came to him and said, "Brother Cheng, let's reconcile."

This thing is called Gu Batian's awakening.

However, it turned out that he was probably not suitable for using a pen. He could tear several pages with just one line of words, and the book would be bald in less than a month.

He finally opened the notepad on his phone.

I stamped a line in today's column.

clear. Gu Fei posted a circle of friends, a sun. Jiang Cheng replied, a sun. Repeat four times.

"This cat is really afraid of the cold," Mom said, looking at the clown cat who was squinting in front of the electric heater. "It's so warm in the house that I need to find a fire."

"It's all like this," Gu Fei looked down at his phone, "Li Yan said that he bought a cat house, and I'll bring it over later. The one with the top might be warmer."

"What's the name of this cat?" Mom asked, "I asked you that day, but you didn't say anything."

Gu Fei glanced at his mother: "Er Miao calls it Brother Cheng, you can just call it Mimi."

"She likes Jiang Cheng so much," Mom laughed, "I don't call it Mimi, I want to call it... Meow! Meow-meow-"

Gu Fei didn't speak any more, his eyes fell back to the phone screen.

This cat not only helped Gu Miao, but also seemed to help her mother, who made her mother take part of her girlish heart from the man and put it on the cat.

The interface that opened on Gu Fei's mobile phone was... a big confession wall.

Sometimes he would open a few pages when he had nothing to do, not only the confession wall, but he also followed several public accounts of R University. If he had nothing to do, he would feel closer to Jiang Cheng.

It’s been half a month since Valentine’s Day passed, and the turmoil in everyone’s heart seems to have not passed. During this time, you can see the confession to Jiang Cheng almost every day on the confession wall.

Originally, I didn't think there was anything, Jiang Cheng always attracted girls to like him.

But today, on the confession wall, the boy actually left a message for Jiang Cheng, and he directly signed up for his class, but he didn't say his name, which made him very unhappy.

Very upset.

But... where is the unhappy position

This is the hardest time.

He put his phone aside, leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes for a while, then stood up again and put on his coat.

"Go out?" Mom asked.

"Well," Gu Fei responded, "Turn around, Li Yan came and asked him to call me."

"Oh." Mom said.

When he walked out the door, it was the old Beifeng who was in his pocket. He pulled the collar, went to open the small steamed bun, and drove directly to the rental house.

He would go to the rental house almost every day to stay for a while. When Jiang Cheng was by his side, he felt that he couldn’t figure out a lot of things, but now that Jiang Cheng was not by his side, he still wanted to stay where there were traces of him.

And Xu Xingzhi is coming over tomorrow. He wants to clean up the rental room. If he wants to talk or interact with Gu Miao alone, it is more convenient to come here than to go home.

In fact, the house was quite clean. After he wiped the tables and chairs, there was nothing left to do.

So he stretched, walked into the bedroom, and sat down at the desk.

There are still many Jiang Cheng’s books piled up here. Jiang Cheng didn’t let him throw away the scrolls he made in the past.

He smiled and patted on a stack of books.

When he pulled his hand back, he took the book next to him and slammed down the table.

"Hey." He sighed, and a local picked up the book and put it together again.

A piece of paper slipped out of an old soft-covered book, and when he was about to clip the paper back, he swiped a line on the paper.

Hope we can all be as brave as each other.