Chapter 138


Gu Batian's awakening.

·Gu Fei posted a row of small red hearts on his Moments, but he forgot to group them. He replied to over 100 within three minutes, and Jiang Cheng joined the queuing activity of replying "Give it to me, accept it"

"Going to the supermarket?" Zhao Ke patted on the edge of Jiang Cheng's bed.

"Which supermarket?" Jiang Cheng asked, closing the notepad on his phone.

"Luxury supermarket," Zhao Ke said, "I want to buy a thermos cup."

"Well," Jiang Cheng nodded and got out of bed, "Isn't your thermos good enough to buy another one?"

"Bought it for Zhang Dantong." Zhao Ke said.

"It's already April, you still buy a thermos?" Jiang Cheng felt a little at a loss.

"You're in love anyway," Zhang Qiqi sighed, "Don't you know the cups and cups will last a lifetime?"

"Then why don't you just buy a quilt," Jiang Cheng said, "the sound is still the same."

"Don't force me to complain about you." Zhao Ke looked at him.

"Let's go," Jiang Cheng took out his coat, "I just happened to go buy two towels."

When they have nothing to do on weekends, if they want to go to the supermarket, they usually go to the luxury supermarket outside the school to enjoy the slow-paced life of 10 minutes for shopping and 1 hour for queuing for checkout.

When accompanying Zhao Ke to pick out a thermos cup for Zhang Dantong, Jiang Cheng also took a few to look at.

"Do you want to buy one?" Zhao Ke asked.

"I don't know," Jiang Cheng thought for a while, "I don't even know what he uses to drink water..."

"Most people drink water from a cup." Zhao Ke reminded him.

Jiang Cheng glanced at him.

"Giving a gift is a matter of heart," Zhao Ke said. "He may usually use a glass, but if you give it, he will use what you gave it. There is nothing to consider."

"En," Jiang Cheng nodded, "That makes sense."

He would probably agree to give Gu Fei a thermos for drinking water.

In the end, Jiang Cheng chose two sports water bottles, one red and one blue. Since ancient times, red and blue have produced CP.

If it happened that Wuyi Gu Fei came over, they could use it when they went out to play.

Gu Fei has been very busy recently. After class, reading, reviewing English, taking photos, and other times he is cooperating with Xu Xingzhi to treat Gu Miao. Their connection is almost the same as before. Just send a message.

Jiang Cheng felt that this kind of rhythm was very good, like a steady and soothing piano piece, and the two of them seemed to have been together for many years... Of course, this state could only be maintained when he tried hard not to think about things like "vacation".

Thinking of the May Day holiday, Jiang Cheng turned into a lively violin.

While waiting in line at the supermarket to check out, he saw the flyer for the May Day event in the supermarket, and he was immediately excited, and slapped Zhao Ke on the arm: "Ke! It's only half a month away!"

"Well," Zhao Ke rubbed his arms, "I ask you, the day before yesterday, Qi Qi said to go to play in a group, have you thought about it?"

"I'm fine," Jiang Cheng said, "I still want to call Pan Zhi, he hasn't decided if he wants to take a girl with him, so he will call me back tonight."

"Okay," Zhao Ke said, "Pan Zhi... Are there many girls to choose from?"

"There aren't many, he only gets one at a time, and the length of time is not certain." Jiang Cheng said.

"Should I learn from him?" Zhao Ke said, "How do you chase girls to please girls?"

"Don't," Jiang Cheng said immediately, "You're just fine like this, don't learn from him, he's just playing, wait until the day when someone cleans up and you look at it, it's definitely not like this, don't learn that from him. The set of flowers is big or small."

Zhao Ke smiled.

Zhang Qiqi has been looking forward to this group play for half a semester, and has been promoting and lobbying in the dormitory. The last few people decided not to go home on May 1st. They planned to go to the grassland next to them with their boyfriend and girlfriend to play for two days, although the time was a little short. It's tight, but everyone is very enthusiastic about this trip.

Jiang Cheng told Gu Fei about this, and Gu Fei also wanted to go, so he started to communicate with Gu Miao half a month in advance, showing her photos of horses, grasslands, and some videos of grass skating taken by others. Miao's response was not bad, very excited and curious.

Although bringing Gu Miao along might not be so fun for Jiang Cheng and Gu Fei, Jiang Cheng doesn't care, if Gu Miao can come out to play this time, it will be of great help to her illness.

"I don't think it's a big problem," Gu Fei called when he came out of the supermarket, "but..."

"But what?" Jiang Cheng quickly asked.

"She should bring her pillow and quilt," Gu Fei said, "Without these two, she will definitely make trouble. She has not allowed to change these two for many years. Quilt."

"Then let her take it," Jiang Cheng thought for a while, "It's just two days, we just need to bring our underwear, and it's no big deal to stuff her pillow and quilt in the box."

"Brother Cheng," Gu Fei said, "if she gets into trouble..."

"It's alright," Jiang Cheng said, "Just look at how much progress she has made compared to this time last year, I think it's really annoying, and it won't be as exaggerated as before."

"En." Gu Fei responded.

"You want to go yourself, she is a child, she definitely wants to go," Jiang Cheng said, "How fun."

"I really want to go," Gu Fei smiled, "I...haven't been that far."

These words made Jiang Cheng feel like he wanted to hug Gu Fei and give him a good rub: "You bring a camera, right? Take some pictures, there are still a lot of people here waiting for the photographer to take pictures for them."

"Well, no problem." Gu Fei said with a smile.

Pan Zhi finally decided not to bring anyone, and participated in the event by himself.

"I'm hanging around with me, and I can't afford it. It's not like I can't chase other girls," Pan Zhi said. "Maybe I'll meet you when I go out this time."

"Then you and Zhao Ke sleep in the same room?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Okay," Pan Zhi paused, "Do you and Gu Fei still have the same room as Gu Miao?"

"It can only be like this, to go this far, Gu Miao must follow Gu Fei, not at home." Jiang Cheng said.

"Then you two are very..." Pan Zhi said in a low voice, "It took more than half a year before and after, right? Are you two going to start eating vegetarian and chanting scriptures next?"

"Fuck," Jiang Cheng was delighted, and out of the corner of his eye glanced at Zhao Ke, who was admiring the thermos cup he just bought, "Can you be more serious?"

"That's it," Pan Zhi thought for a while, "I'll play with her and create opportunities for the two of you. Just hurry up and do things yourself."

"Shut up, okay?" Jiang Cheng said helplessly.

There was nothing wrong with what Pan Zhi said. He didn't talk to Gu Fei about doing anything. Years ago, he didn't even have much physical contact. It was the last night Gu Fei came to see him. Did something.

It's been more than a month now, if it wasn't for the fact that sometimes he would react when he heard Gu Fei's voice, he really felt that he had lost his ability to function.

"To go to the grassland to play, you will have to take a car and sit for a long time," Gu Fei and Gu Miao sat face to face, talking to her very slowly, "Sleep on another bed, you can bring a pillow and a small quilt, and you can understand Yet?"

Gu Miao's eyes met him and turned away after a few seconds, and landed on the cat passing by. She already understood and agreed that she couldn't bring the cat.

"Er Miao," Gu Fei turned her face back to face him, "Did you hear what my brother said?"

Gu Miao nodded.

"What did brother say?" Gu Fei asked.

Gu Miao looked at him.

Gu Fei repeated what he said before, and then asked again, "Did you hear that clearly?"

Gu Miao didn't look away this time. When she nodded, she could tell that she heard Gu Fei's words.

"What did brother say?" Gu Fei continued to ask.

"Play, car." Gu Miao whispered, then stood up and ran into his room, picked up the pillow and looked at Gu Fei.

"Well, with a pillow and a quilt." Gu Fei said.

Gu Miao seemed to be in good condition, and there was no resistance to going out, but to be on the safe side, Gu Fei ordered a soft sleeper in advance. There were relatively fewer people in the carriage, which would not make Gu Miao nervous.

Before leaving, I called Xu Xingzhi several times, and asked in detail how to deal with Gu Miao's situation if he was in a situation, and he repeatedly asked Xu Xingzhi to laugh.

"Don't be so nervous, remember my words, your nervousness will affect her, you relax a little, let her feel that these are no big deal, she will relax," Xu Xingzhi said, "She was in state when I passed at the beginning of the month. It's pretty good, she's making rapid progress, and her mood is pretty stable. If she can maintain her current state, it's even good."

"Well," Gu Fei looked at the calendar, "I'll go over then, let's come out for a meal."

"I don't have a problem with time. It depends on your arrangement. Let's play it first," Xu Xingzhi said. "You haven't had a good gathering for half a year."

"...Yes." Gu Fei smiled.

He hasn't paid much attention to the time. Now that he thinks about it, half a year has passed.

In the past, he would feel that the days were very long, and the gray color that repeated all the way made him used to not paying attention to the specific time. Now looking back, it was just a blink of an eye.

The time is long or short, in fact, it all follows the heart.

This trip was the first time Gu Miao left the city, the first real trip in her life.

Although she was still a little confused, she didn't quite understand what the trip meant. She was very excited three days before departure. Gu Fei knew the reason for her excitement. Brother Cheng, horses, and grass.

Gu Fei had no experience in taking children out for two or three days, and when he was packing his luggage, he felt that his head was heavy.

"She has some toiletries, a drinking cup, and anti-inflammatory medicine for colds." Gu Fei felt his mother's role as a mother for the first time at this time, and she kept reminding by the side, "The hat and Bring a thick coat, it's windy over there."

"En." Gu Fei cleaned up as she said.

"Let's also bring the new clothes Liu Li bought for her. It's nice to take pictures." Mom said.

"En." Gu Fei responded.

"Do you think this clip looks good?" Mom brought a small box and opened it, with a beautiful silver bow in it.

"It's pretty," Gu Fei glanced at his mother, "For Ermiao?"

"Well," Mom said, "I actually bought it for my own use, but it seems too naive, so I want to give it to Ermiao."

"Tell her," Gu Fei said, "she should like it."

"I'm afraid she won't like it," the mother whispered. "I've been like a kid since I was a child. Will you like the little clip?"

"Try." Gu Fei said.

Mom took the clip to show Gu Miao. Gu Miao was very interested. She showed interest in everything these days, probably because she was always in a state of excitement.

She liked her mother's clip. She was not unhappy when her mother put the clip on her hair, but when she saw it again after a few minutes, the clip had been replaced by herself, and it was clipped in. on the hair on the forehead.

"Your aesthetic... Who are you going with?" Gu Fei looked at her.

Jiang Cheng and Pan Zhi stood together at the exit, waiting to be picked up. Gu Fei's train was already leaving the station, and there were many people next to him. Jiang Cheng felt that it was time to raise a sign.

"You really don't want to open a room?" Pan Zhi asked.

"Not open," Jiang Cheng said, "He came here in a soft sleeper, and he has already used up the money for opening the room. Besides, he also brought Gu Miao with him when he opened the room. Do you think there is anything else you can do?"

"If you really want to do it," Pan Zhi thought for a while, "I can take Gu Miao out to go skateboarding, and then you two are at my place... My bed is still big... "

"Pan Pan," Jiang Cheng put his arm on his shoulder, poked his face at him with his thumb, "I, no, then, ah, hungry, thirsty."

"You're not that thirsty," Pan Zhi nodded, and when Jiang Cheng let go of him, he continued, "Then what if Gu Fei was so thirsty?"

"A fight?" Jiang Cheng looked at him.

Pan Zhi didn't say anything, he took out a tissue from his pocket and waved it on his head.

When Gu Fei emerged from the crowd, he had already walked up to them: "It's very smart, and he knows how to wave some markers."

"... I'm waving the white flag." Pan Zhi said.

"Oh," Gu Fei glanced at him, then turned to look at Jiang Cheng again. He didn't say anything for a long time, and after a while he called out, "Brother Cheng."

Jiang Cheng really wanted to hug Gu Fei first, but there was a Gu Miao standing beside Gu Fei who was looking around nervously. He had to greet Gu Miao first.

After patting Gu Fei's arm lightly, he bent down: "Er Miao."

Gu Miao turned her head.

He snapped his fingers and gave a thumbs up.

Gu Miao looked around again and then snapped her fingers and gave a thumbs up.

But probably because she was nervous, there was no smile on her face.

"Let's go out first," Gu Fei said, "there are too many people."

"Should I carry her out? Can I go faster," Jiang Cheng asked, "Can I carry her?"

"You can carry it... but she's quite heavy now," Gu Fei said, "She's gained a lot of weight since the beginning of spring."

Jiang Cheng didn't speak, he bent down and carried Gu Miao on his back.

"Ouch," he was stunned after standing up, "it's so heavy now?"

"Let's go," Pan Zhi took a bag from Gu Fei's shoulder, "Hurry up."

"Er Miao, Er Miao," Jiang Cheng tilted his head and called her in Gu Miao's ear, "You've gained a lot of weight now, Brother Cheng can't carry you anymore, fat girl."

Gu Miao wrapped his arms around his neck.

"Fat girl," Jiang Cheng said, "you can't do it like this, you don't grow tall enough to grow flesh..."

"Ha!" Gu Miao shouted, not loud but clear.

"Ha!" Jiang Cheng shouted after her.

Carrying the luggage and carrying Gu Miao on his back, several people rushed out in a hurry. In order to avoid the crowd, they walked out for a while before taking a taxi.

Pan Zhi sat in the co-pilot, Gu Miao was still sitting in the back seat, Jiang Cheng and Gu Fei fell asleep within a few minutes, leaning against Gu Fei.

It was only at this moment that Jiang Cheng calmed down, and the longing and excitement for Gu Fei began to wake up little by little.

He turned his head and asked Gu Fei softly, "She didn't sleep much all the way, did she?"

"I slept too," Gu Fei smiled, his hand quietly reached over, and touched Jiang Cheng's waist, "She's just a little too excited."

Jiang Cheng did not speak.

Gu Fei's hand touched directly into his clothes, and the palm of his hand was pressed against his back, making it a little hot.

This temperature quickly burned around, Jiang Cheng leaned back, tilted his head and kept looking at Gu Fei.

There are a few people in the car, if they want to say something at the moment, no matter how softly they say it, they will be heard, but at the moment he has nothing else to say except for inconvenient words for people to hear.

do you miss me

I miss you.

He turned his hand behind his back and grabbed Gu Fei's hand.

Gu Fei quickly clenched his hand.

There's no way to say anything more, that's all.

The hands were tightly clasped together and pinched each other gently. At this time, it seemed that only this kind of real and powerful touch would make people calm down.

Because they leave early tomorrow morning, Gu Fei and Gu Miao will both live in the one-bedroom apartment that Pan Zhi rented.

The taxi stopped downstairs, and Pan Zhi got out of the car and pointed to a side road and said, "Er Miao, see, this road is flat, there are still a few slopes ahead, do you want to go skateboarding?"

Gu Fei glanced at Pan Zhi.

Gu Miao stood on the side of the road, holding the skateboard and looking at Pan Zhi, but didn't respond.

"Skateboard," Pan Zhi continued, "shall we go skateboarding?"

Jiang Cheng and Gu Fei took down their luggage, paid the fare, and the car drove away. Pan Zhi was still trying to persuade Gu Miao, "Go skateboarding?"

"Er Miao, go or not go," Gu Fei said, "Tell brother Pan Zhi."

Gu Miao looked at Pan Zhi for a long time while holding the skateboard, and finally shook her head.

"I..." Pan Zhipian began, "Damn? Am I so unattractive?"

"She must be a little tired," Jiang Cheng said with a smile, "Let's rest first."

Pan Zhi is a good iron man. He thinks what his grandfather thinks, and is anxious about what his grandfather is anxious.

After entering the house, he let Gu Miao lie down on the bed and fell asleep, then he took out his wallet and walked out: "I bought some food in the supermarket next to me. If I don't go out at night, I'll just cook the pot here."

"Okay." Jiang Cheng looked at him.

"You two... take a break." Pan Zhi said.

"Ah." Jiang Cheng responded, he didn't think "doing something" was such an urgent and necessary thing, but Pan Zhi's movement made him feel like a 1G seed sprouted at the same time in his mind.

After Pan Zhi left the door, he turned to look at Gu Fei, and suddenly he didn't know whether to tell the truth or do something first.

"Brother Cheng," Gu Fei opened his mouth first and opened his arms, "Hug."

It had been a long time, and he hadn't heard Gu Fei speak in such a tone of voice. At this moment, Jiang Cheng's heart was filled with a feeling that could hold a table full of Han Chinese.

He walked up to Gu Fei, opened his arms and hugged Gu Fei hard.

While closing his eyes, the familiar Gu Fei's breath enveloped him. He tightened his arms and tightened them again, but through his clothes, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't feel it clearly enough.

He let go of Gu Fei, took off his jacket, and then tore off Gu Fei's jacket.

It's just a jacket, taking it off at any time and place is a normal action, but in the current atmosphere, it suddenly becomes full of ambiguity.

"You..." Jiang Cheng wanted to say something, but he always felt that he should say something first.

It's been over a month since Gu Fei came over this meeting, but he has a completely different feeling. I don't know if it's been too long. The subtle gap from the last time seems to have disappeared. The reason for not being able to say anything is that...

In his mind, he couldn't find anything other than Gu Fei's body.

Having the courage to face his heart should be one of Jiang Cheng's strengths. After realizing that at this moment there was only one thing on his mind, "do it hard", he raised his arm and took off his shirt.

Gu Fei was probably hesitating whether to do it first or chat first. When he saw his action, he was stunned. He first glanced back at the bedroom, and then turned his head.

"Go take a shower." Jiang Cheng said.

"En," Gu Fei paused for a while, then reached out and took out his bag, then turned to look at Jiang Cheng, "Do you want to… do it?"

"Yes." Jiang Cheng heard his hoarse voice, this time there was no other reason, it was just excitement.

Gu Fei took his hand out of the bag, and Jiang Cheng could tell at a glance that he was holding a stick of lubricant.

"You... shameless." He sighed.

Gu Fei didn't say a word, raised his hand and took off his shirt, went over to hug Jiang Cheng, and before Jiang Cheng made a sound, he kissed him on the lips.

Jiang Cheng could still clearly remember the gentle and long-lasting feeling of the gentle whispers during the last kiss, but this time the kiss was completely lacking in that kind of beauty.

The lips, teeth, and tongues of the two of them were full of desire, and all the emotions that had been cut open by time for half a year were like a torrential rain pouring down at this moment.

Jiang Cheng hooked Gu Fei's neck, slammed and sucked between his teeth fiercely, and when he was dragging him to the bathroom, his hand had already reached into Gu Fei's trousers.

The bathroom was not big, and after Gu Fei closed the door with his backhand, the small space was filled with their gasping sounds, and even the subtle rubbing sound of hands rubbing against each other's skin became particularly clear because of the small space.

Every movement, every touch, is like a key on a sensitive nerve.

"Gu Fei." Jiang Cheng lowered his head and took a bite on his shoulder.

"Huh?" Gu Fei responded, gasping for breath after being bitten by him.

Jiang Cheng grabbed his shoulder and pushed him hard against the wall, leaning into his ear: "Fuck you."