Chapter 140


Jiang Cheng admired this group of people very much. The car had been out for more than two hours, and he had not stopped talking for such a long time. There was no way to sing all the time. After he pulled the driver's brother up and sang a few times, everyone started eating and chatting. .

The room that Zhang Qiqi booked this time is the house of the driver's eldest brother, so the eldest brother was very enthusiastic and introduced them all the way.

Gu Miao was not afraid of riding in the car, but she became sleepy after a while, so Gu Fei got her to the last row and lay down.

When he was sitting back again, Jiang Cheng leaned on him and tilted his head: "I'm sleepy too."

"You didn't sleep last night, okay?" Gu Fei asked.

"I don't know, I feel like I slept soundly," Jiang Cheng said, "but I get sleepy whenever I take a long-distance bus. I used to take a bus for school activities, so I must have slept all the way."

"Then you sleep for a while, and when you arrive at the place, you immediately start playing, and you don't have time to sleep anymore." Gu Fei said.

"En," Jiang Cheng closed his eyes, "Would you like to sleep for a while?"

"Okay." Gu Fei grabbed his hand. In order to prevent the driver from seeing such a potentially unacceptable scene in the rearview mirror, the two of them tacitly tucked their hands into Gu Fei's jacket pocket. .

It was impossible to fall asleep, Jiang Cheng never really fell asleep while leaning on Gu Fei, he was just confused.

This kind of sleep state is a kind of enjoyment in the current scene, listening to the people behind him from time to time to say a few words, sometimes laughing a few times, can smell Gu Fei's breath, can hold his hands tightly Hands, if the car is turned upside down, the head can be firmly knocked on his shoulder a few times.

It was wonderful.

Peace of mind, feel every second.

Although Gu Fei said he would sleep for a while, Jiang Cheng could feel that he was not asleep, and kept tilting his head and looking out of the car window.

Gu Fei has never travelled far, and sending him to report before should be his farthest journey, but now it is a new distance.

The scenery outside the window began to become very beautiful, Jiang Cheng could tell without looking at it with his eyes closed, because the group of people in the back made various exclamations from time to time.

On the way, the driver asked them to move around at a gas station to use the toilet or something, Gu Fei pushed Jiang Cheng: "Brother Cheng."

"En." Jiang Cheng opened his eyes and stretched out.

"Go to the toilet," Gu Fei stood up and shouted to the back of the car, "Er Miao! Going to the toilet?"

Gu Miao's head stuck out from the back seat and nodded.

"Let's take her in," said Zhang Qiqi's girlfriend, "Miaomiao, let's go together."

Gu Miao got out of the car with her skateboard and followed the two girls to the toilet.

The toilet at this gas station is not big, and when a group of people squeezed in, it almost didn't have enough space.

"It's really a group activity, and everyone even goes to the toilet," Pan Zhi said. "Or everyone stand up, I call Prep Urine, and everyone can pee together."

"Childish," Zhao Ke sighed, "Why don't you suggest that we all fight bayonets together."

"That's not good, after all, it's a public place." Pan Zhi said.

A group of people had a good time.

After walking out of the toilet, Jiang Cheng saw that Gu Miao was playing skateboards in an open space next to it. There was a car repair shop there, and there were two cement benches for repairing the chassis. There was one on each side. Gu Miao rushed down from the top of one. Slide on the opposite platform, jump high in the air and land.

Several car repair workers were watching, applauding her every time she jumped.

Gu Miao had a great time, blowing a loud whistle every time he got up in the air.

When Jiang Cheng followed her and jumped up for the third time, he suddenly noticed that behind the low wall of the gas station, there was already a grassy slope that stretched to the horizon.

"Damn it!" He slapped Gu Fei's arm and pointed to that side.

Only then did he know why Gu Miao jumped up again and again excitedly and whistled. She was too small and had to jump before she could see the large grassy slope over there.

A group of people also saw the scenery over there at this time, and Lu Shi shouted: "Go and take some pictures!"

"Go, go, go." A group of people responded immediately.

The driver's elder brother smiled and watched them run behind the wall with a look of "I haven't seen the world as expected".

Gu Fei went back to the car to get the camera, so he walked with Jiang Cheng and Gu Miao at the back, and seemed to be the most calm of the three.

But only by looks.

Gu Fei kept saying in a low voice: "The road is so beautiful, the light is very suitable now, Brother Cheng, have you seen it, it's so blue..."

Jiang Cheng looked at him and didn't say anything. Even though Gu Fei has changed a lot now, his personality has made him seldom in such a state.

"Little rabbit, you are so cute." Jiang Cheng said.

"Brother Cheng, go to the front," Gu Fei raised his camera, "Tell everyone to run together."

"Well, good," The tacit understanding that the two partners had cultivated for so long made Jiang Cheng quickly understand the scene Gu Fei wanted to take. He quickly rushed forward and shouted at the front, "Ah—"

"Ah—" The excited group of people didn't ask what was going on, they immediately yelled along with them, and then ran and jumped forward.

Gu Fei looked at a series of frozen pictures in the camera. Some people jumped up, some people were walking, some people opened their arms, and there was a little girl with a skateboard looking at the group of people calmly. Behind it was a continuous grassy slope. , This season, there are no flowers, and the grass is not yet abundant, but the green grass with some earthy colors, coupled with the blue sky and white clouds and sunshine, has a particularly spring atmosphere.

After taking the photo, Gu Fei turned back and found that in the last photo of the burst, Jiang Cheng turned back when he jumped up, his arms raised and he jumped very high.

He smiled.

A group of people jumped for a while, and were urged back to the car by the driver's elder brother, holding cameras and circulating them.

"Jiang Cheng is really good at stealing the camera!" Lu Shi said, "I actually turned around! We are all on the back of our heads!"

"I can also grab the camera with the back of my head, not necessarily with my face." Jiang Cheng whispered with a smile.

"I heard it." Zhao Ke's voice came from the crack of the chair.

Jiang Cheng was so happy that he couldn't stop laughing.

After the car drove off, everyone calmed down slowly and began to feel cold.

Gu Fei got up and went to the back to wrap a thicker jacket for Gu Miao, who was continuing to sleep, and then he took Jiang Cheng's thick jacket out of his luggage, ready to get out of the car for a while to put on.

"Be so careful." Jiang Cheng put his clothes over his legs.

"It's rare to get out of the car in a while and turn around in a mess." Gu Fei pulled the jacket that was covering his legs towards his own, covering half of it by one person, then put his hand under the clothes, "I found... this way... it's pretty good. of."

Jiang Cheng turned his head to look at him.

Gu Fei looked at Jiang Cheng and did not speak any more.

He likes to look at Jiang Cheng from such a close distance. Jiang Cheng usually looks arrogant when he is far away, but when he gets closer, he will feel that he looks quite cute, and the slightly drooping corners of his arrogant eyes will turn into cute dog eyes. ... I really am a dog fuck thing.

He touched Jiang Cheng's leg, and because it was covered with clothes, there was no trace of it.

"Gu Fei," Jiang Cheng looked at him, "Pay attention to your quality."

"It's just so incompetent." Gu Fei smiled and touched his leg again.

After touching this time, he didn't take his hand away, and kept pressing it on Jiang Cheng's leg.

The situation was a little nasty, and he was surprised that he would suddenly have some shameless thoughts in the car with so many people chatting behind him.

In fact, it stands to reason that he would no longer treat Jiang Cheng as he did before, and he couldn't help but react after a few glances, but he didn't know what happened today.

His hand touched Jiang Cheng's thigh uncontrollably.

"Fuck me?" Jiang Cheng was startled, grabbed his wrist and looked at him in shock, "Gu Fei, are you being worn by some lustful spirit?"

"Ah." Gu Fei responded, gritted his teeth and resisted kissing Jiang Cheng's face, but his hands were not very controllable. After all, his hands were already independent and he knew that there were clothes on them.

Jiang Cheng was probably afraid that the movement would be too loud and his clothes would not cover him, so he didn't dare to push him too hard, but his hand still managed to reach the place.

"I shouted!" Jiang Cheng grabbed his hand.

"You shout," Gu Fei looked at him, "it's useless for you to shout through your throat."

"Broken throat..." Jiang Cheng's voice didn't improve at all, he suppressed his voice and shouted halfway before laughing, "I'm so fucking convinced of you."

Gu Fei's smile made him want to laugh immediately. It seemed like a conditioned reflex for the two of them to giggle together, and he couldn't help it.

By the time the two of them finished laughing, the lecher who had worn his soul seemed to have been squeezed out.

"Hey." He sighed and grabbed Jiang Cheng's hand.

In the second half of the trip, everyone finally became tired from chatting too much, and basically all entered a semi-drowsy state.

Jiang Cheng and Gu Fei were no longer confused. After feeling that Gu Fei had fallen asleep, he also fell asleep.

It wasn't until they heard voices and horns coming from outside the car window that a group of people woke up again.

"Arrived?" Jiang Cheng looked blankly at the shops that suddenly appeared on both sides of the road and the people coming and going.

"It's the county seat," the driver said in front of him, "it will be there in forty minutes!"

This sentence made the group of people who slept all the way excited again, and restarted the eating and chatting mode.

Because I knew it was not too far away, the time suddenly became very fast. While chatting and looking outside, I saw a large grassland without feeling anything.

"Ha!" Jiang Cheng heard Gu Miao's excited voice behind him.

"Go and bring Er Miao to the front," Jiang Cheng said, "talk to her for a while."

"En." Gu Fei went to the back and brought Gu Miao to their seats, squeezing together and sitting by the window.

"Er Miao, this is the grassland," Jiang Cheng pointed out, "Look, isn't there a lot of grass?"

Gu Miao stared outside excitedly, not hearing what he said at all.

"It's too disrespectful." Jiang Cheng clicked his tongue.

Gu Fei smiled and said nothing.

Jiang Cheng didn't speak any more, and looked out the window with Gu Miao.

The scenery here is no longer comparable to the grassy slopes seen at the gas station before. Large clouds on the blue sky stretch into the distance along with the endless grassland.

At the farthest point of sight, the sky seems to be pressing on the grass field, and the eyes are bright and shocking.

Gu Fei leaned on him, and then looked out: "It's beautiful."

"En." Jiang Cheng glanced at him, Gu Fei squinted his eyes in front of the sun, he looked very handsome, at this moment he suddenly wanted to sing, and a melody in his mind had been skipping for a long time.

"I think, raise your head to warm the sun and spring grass..." Gu Fei sang softly in his ear.

"You give me a simple hug," Jiang Cheng took it without thinking, "I want to step on the confusion and walk through time, open your eyes and you will hear..."

Gu Fei did not sing along with the lyrics. After taking a look at him, he changed it to humming. The first sentence made Jiang Cheng a little surprised. Gu Fei didn't know whether it was a temporary or written before, but the humming with the same accompaniment was very unusual. nice.

"I think, with you on the left shoulder, smiling on the right shoulder," Jiang Cheng held Gu Fei's hand, "I think, in your eyes, running wild..."

"I think, with one look," Gu Fei came in, "it will be old..."

Jiang Cheng looked at Gu Fei in the sunlight, and did not speak for a long time.

"It sounds good," Zhao Ke suddenly appeared in the middle of the chair, "What song?"

"Hey!" Jiang Cheng was startled by him, and almost threw Gu Miao next to him out.

"Zhao Ke, you are really the person with the most worrying emotional intelligence I've ever met." Pan Zhi, who was sitting next to him, sighed while eating potato chips.

Gu Fei smiled.

"Do you still have potato chips?" Jiang Cheng asked with a smile from the crack of the chair.

"Here." Pan Zhi handed over a tube of potato chips.

"Er Miao," Jiang Cheng handed the potato chips to Gu Miao's hand, "Do you want to eat? Potato chips."

Gu Miao quickly grabbed a handful of potato chips and went back to the window again.

"Brother Cheng," Gu Fei reached out and took some potato chips, "You... startled me."

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng turned to look at him.

"You sing really well." Gu Fei said.

"You startled me," Jiang Cheng laughed, "I thought what happened to me, I could still scare you."

Soon they arrived at their destination, the car slowed down, passed by farmyards one by one, houses and yurts, and finally drove into a farmyard.

"It's here." The driver's elder brother stopped and shouted, "I'll arrange the yurts for you in a while, you can pack up, have dinner in half an hour, and have something simple to eat. In the afternoon, I will go cycling and go to several scenic spots. In the evening, we will eat roasted whole sheep!"

Everyone stood up, cheered, and got out of the car with their things.

Zhang Qiqi ordered all the small yurts, all together, and everyone went in with their things after they were quickly allocated.

"It's not bad," Jiang Cheng entered their yurt. It wasn't big, but it was kept clean and there was a TV. But when he saw the bed, he was stunned and then smiled, "Damn it, Datong shop."

A semi-circular table takes up half the space of a yurt, and it looks very comfortable.

"It's good," Gu Fei looked at it, "Er Miao sleeps on the other half, we sleep on this side, it's better than the triple room... The triple room is more troublesome for us to crawl into the same bed in the middle of the night..."

"Gu Fei," Jiang Cheng looked at him, "Did you have lubricant in your head?"

Gu Fei sat beside the bed and laughed for a long time: "I don't know, I probably held it in for too long. I'm looking forward to the summer vacation now, and my neck is slender."

"Cheng'er!" Pan Zhi's voice came from outside.

"Come in, clean up." Jiang Cheng said.

"Er Miao," Pan Zhi probed his head and came in, "going to see a horse?"

"Ha!" Gu Miao was standing beside him studying a chair. Hearing this, he immediately turned around.

"Where are the horses?" Jiang Cheng asked. When they came in, they saw a lot of horses, but he didn't see where the horses in this farmhouse were.

"Just look for it," Pan Zhi said. "Let's go, Ermiao."

After Gu Miao followed Pan Zhi out, Jiang Cheng went over to look at the door of the yurt, locked it from the inside, and then put on a sly smile. Just when he turned around and wanted to pounce on Gu Fei, Gu Fei had already rushed behind him. , grabbed his arm and threw him onto the bed.

"Hey!" Jiang Cheng grabbed his shoulders when he jumped on him, "Gu Fei, Gu Fei!"

"Huh?" Gu Fei kissed his neck fiercely.

"We'll have to gather for dinner soon," Jiang Cheng was starting to gasp for a while after his kiss, "We can only..."

"I know." Gu Fei kissed him and put his hand into the waist of his trousers.

When they came out of the yurt, they happened to meet Lu Shi and his girlfriend hugging them out, and when they went out, Zhang Qiqi and the two also came out.

Jiang Cheng didn't know if it was because he had just done something with Gu Fei, and everyone seemed to have done something just now.

A few people walked behind the yurt together, and they saw the horses of this family, quite a few, and they were all leisurely wagging their tails on the grass.

Zhao Ke stood in front, and Pan Zhi squatted beside him with a cigarette in his mouth. The bored state of the two of them looked innocent, unlike the others.

Especially the four at the back, as if hugging each other and growing together.

"Pan Zhi!" Gu Fei shouted, "Where's Gu Miao?"

Pan Zhi turned his head and glanced, then stretched out his hand and pointed forward.

When he looked in the direction he pointed, Jiang Cheng was stunned: "Damn, she's not afraid of horses, such a big animal."

There was a very big horse in front. Standing in front of it, Gu Miao felt that it was only as high as other people's legs. An uncle in Mongolian clothes was pulling the reins. The horse lowered its head, and Gu Miao touched its head up and down.

"I want to ride," Pan Zhi said. "They said to find her a pony later."

"This little girl is better than me," Jiang Cheng looked over there, Gu Miao had already hugged the horse's head, and put his face on the horse's forehead, "I feel a little scared to let me touch it now. ."

"She rubs the cat like this at home." Gu Fei smiled.

Seeing the horse, Gu Miao had no interest in eating, and refused to go into the house to eat, so she had to stand in the group of horses with her skateboard in her arms.

"Let her go." Gu Fei asked the boss to ask for a big bowl, put rice on it, put some vegetables in it, and gave it to her.

Jiang Cheng glanced outside from time to time while eating in the house, Gu Miao sat cross-legged on the skateboard and glanced at the horse, looking very happy.

"Contact with animals is really..." He sighed with emotion, "Children should be born with animals."

"Well, that's why she is very happy with Brother Cheng." Gu Fei said with a smile.

"Cheng..." Jiang Cheng glanced at him, "Okay, Brother Cheng, Brother Cheng, Mao Cheng."

"Mao Chengcheng." Gu Fei said.

"Don't be nauseous in the public," Jiang Cheng clicked his tongue, "Tu Feifei."

We ate a light meal at noon. After a while, everyone finished eating, and we planned to go horseback riding after a short break.

Gu Fei turned his head and disappeared, Jiang Cheng looked for him for a long time, only to see him walking over from the small building of the farmyard, holding a large paper bag in his hand.

"What?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Beef jerky, take it with you while you play," Gu Fei said, "Try it and see how it compares to ours?"

Jiang Cheng squeezed a piece and put it in his mouth: "Well, it's not bad."

Gu Fei took a few small bags and distributed the beef jerky to a group of people.

"It's quite expensive, isn't it?" Jiang Cheng asked in a low voice.

"There are hundreds of these bags," Gu Fei also whispered, "It's okay, just come out and play once, just have fun."

Jiang Cheng smiled.

Before, I came to greet everyone with the uncle who brought Gu Miao to watch the horses.

"Women can choose smaller horses, while men can choose bigger horses," the uncle said. "These horses are fine. They have good temperaments."

Gu Miao refused to ride a horse with Gu Fei, and wanted to ride by himself.

Because she was going to the scenic spot, she couldn't find a horse that was too small. The eldest brother finally brought her a slightly smaller horse: "This little red horse is my most precious horse, look how beautiful!"

Pick a horse, and the most chaotic moment will come, learn to mount, dismount and control the horse.

The boys were alright, but Zhang Qiqi looked a bit like Spider-Man when he mounted the horse. The others were almost fine. Jiang Cheng tried to mount and dismount a few times before staring at Gu Fei.

When it comes to dismounting and dismounting, it is the world with long legs.

No matter how Gu Fei went up or down, his long legs raised, it seemed that his nose was hot, and he always felt that the nosebleed was about to flow out in the next second.

The two girlfriends were much slower to get on the horse, and they were a little scared.

It was Gu Miao who surprised everyone.

Even Gu Fei was shocked by her. It has always been extremely difficult to learn things. It takes many days for Gu Miao to learn to write a word. After the uncle demonstrated twice how to mount a horse, he actually stepped on the pedals and flipped it. When I got on it, I didn't even step on the pedals when I got off the horse, and jumped down as soon as I turned over.

"My God!" Zhang Qiqi's girlfriend shouted in surprise, "This is too amazing!"

"It's a bit like the children we grew up here." The uncle said with a smile.

However, Gu Miao, a child from the grassland, was still obsessed with skateboards, and he refused to let go when he was riding. Gu Fei finally had to find a rope to tie it to the skateboard and let Gu Miao carry it on his back.

"Okay," the uncle got on the horse, "Let's go, follow me slowly, don't worry, call me immediately if anything happens."

Jiang Cheng rode forward slowly and walked out.

Gu Fei raised the camera and looked at Jiang Cheng who was riding on a horse under the golden sunlight. After he rode his horse and followed two steps forward, only Jiang Cheng was left in the camera.

"Brother Cheng." He called Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng turned his head, and the sun shone down from the side of his face, pulling out a long beam of light.

Gu Fei pressed the shutter.

"Be careful not to fall." Jiang Cheng said with a smile.

Gu Fei pressed the shutter again, and Jiang Cheng's smile was frozen in a radiance.

"Brother Cheng." Gu Fei looked at Jiang Cheng in the camera.

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng responded.

Gu Fei put down the camera and looked at him: "I love you."

"What..." Jiang Cheng was stunned.

"I said," Gu Fei raised his voice, "Jiang Cheng, I love you."

"Ah?" Jiang Cheng's eyes suddenly widened, and the hand holding the reins suddenly trembled.

The horse received the order and rushed forward a few steps. Jiang Cheng was unprepared, he leaned back, and then slid to the side.

He simply fell off the horse and fell to the ground.