Chapter 17


Gu Fei was sitting behind the cashier, playing with his phone while watching Li Baoguo who had already made a third turn in front of the shelf. Li Baoguo didn't have any goals, so he just went back and forth, looking at Gu Fei from time to time.

Li Baoguo had stolen something more than once, so every time he came, Gu Fei would stare directly at him, but now that Jiang Cheng suddenly appeared, he was either staring a little, or not staring, or not.

Li Baoguo is not a thief. Sometimes when he runs out of money and wants to buy something, he will give credit first. The main force living here are the poor people at the bottom of the society. There are many things like credit, but when Li Baoguo is on credit, Find a way to steal some more...

"Da Fei," Li Baoguo put his hand in the pocket of the big padded coat and pulled it out, went to the freezer to get a bag of fish balls and walked to the cashier, "This, I'll give you money in two days? Keep up. Back to those pieces?"

"Well, okay," Gu Fei took out a notebook from the drawer, found Li Baoguo's page, and wrote on it, "A bag of fish balls, a bottle of beef 2, big..."

"What? I didn't ask for wine." Li Baoguo said a little embarrassedly.

"The bottle in your pocket," Gu Fei glanced at him, "Uncle Li, drink less, I can't remember anything."

"Oh, oh," Li Baoguo chuckled and patted his pocket, "Yes, take a bottle of sophomore... Then bring me a bag of Changbai Mountain."

Gu Fei returned to him and gave him a ten-yuan package of Changbai Mountain, and then wrote it down as well.

"The writing is really good," Li Baoguo leaned over and looked at it, "Hey, do you know my son?"

"Of course Li Hui knows him." Gu Fei said.

"It's not Li Hui, my youngest son, Chengcheng," Li Baoguo put his elbows on the cashier counter, "I just recognized him, but I couldn't afford it when I was a kid... He's also in No. 4 Middle School, you know him."

"Well, I seem to know." Gu Fei nodded.

Li Baoguo smiled and said, "He studies very well. Unlike Xiaohui, he is an honor student. You know that? You little bastards are poor students, right? My youngest son is a good student."

Gu Fei smiled: "Yes."

"Remember it? In a few days, I will ask Chengcheng to bring the money to you." Li Baoguo looked at the book again and pointed, "His handwriting must be better than yours."

"...Yes." Gu Fei continued to nod his head.

After Li Baoguo went out in a good mood, he looked down at his own writing in the notebook.

He wasn't sure about the other things, but Jiang Cheng's words... could only be hehehehe, and they definitely belonged to the kind that might get points deducted because the words were too ugly to stimulate the teacher.

At about noon, my mother came in with an insulated lunch box: "I made some braised pork."

"Didn't go out today?" Gu Fei stood up and propped up the small table next to him, "Have you eaten yet?"

"Where can I go out! Where else can I go!" Mom said with an unhappy expression, "If I go out with anyone, I won't cost them half their lives! I won't eat it!"

"Can't you find someone who doesn't owe money?" Gu Fei said.

"Is there anyone in your eyes who don't owe it, when will you see the good in others!" Mom said dissatisfiedly, "This one is not pleasing to your eye, that is not pleasing to your eye, your mother is a widow and you are pleasing to the eye. Bar!"

"Seeing someone else's body is good, that person's body is good." Gu Fei opened the lid of the lunch box, took the small lunch box, and pulled half of the braised pork in it.

"Where's Ermiao?" Mom asked.

"Let's play, just leave some for her," Gu Fei said, "I'll come back and eat when I'm hungry."

The mother sighed: "It's been like this all the time, and her personality is still like that... I see her head is big, what should I do in the future."

"Then don't look at it." Gu Fei sat down and started to eat.

"Let's go today." Mom said suddenly looking at him.

"Where are you going?" Gu Fei ate a piece of meat, in fact he knew what his mother was talking about.

"What day do you not remember today!" Mom slapped the table, "You don't remember how long your father died!"

"It's been a long time since I died," Gu Fei said.

Mom stared at him without saying a word. After a while, she pulled out a tissue and began to wipe her tears.

Gu Fei never understood what kind of feelings his mother had towards her husband. When people were alive, they would fight every day. After fighting, they would ask God to let this man die sooner rather than later. After he died, he would mention it again. just cry.

Sometimes I cry so sincerely and heartbroken.

"I went to the cemetery two days ago." Gu Fei said while eating.

"It's useless, I said the cemetery was useless in the past!" Mom looked at him, "Where do you go to die! How many times have you said it! Otherwise, you won't be able to live in peace! You don't want to go to me!"

"I'll go this afternoon." Gu Fei sighed.

"Burn some paper," the mother wiped her tears, "that idiot is too good at losing money. I guess he's begging for food over there."

"You were in the shop in the afternoon," Gu Fei said. "Don't touch the money. If you dare to touch the money, I will tell the King of Hell that all the coins I burn are counterfeit."

"... crazy!" Mom stared at him.

The lake where my father died is quite far away, on a wasteland where no one has moved, because there are no residential areas nearby, so few people usually go there.

In the past two years, even the water is almost gone, and no one will go there. In winter, there is no one to see.

If the lake had no water back then, if the water on the lake had frozen a little more that winter... Dad wouldn't have died.


When he was summarizing Li Baoguo to Jiang Cheng, he was a little dazed, and for a moment he thought he was introducing his father to others.

Sometimes I don't dare to think about it, I don't dare to face the fact that I once wanted him to die so much in my heart, I don't dare to face my heart until now I feel that if I do it all over again, he still wants that man to die.

His heart and this lake are places he doesn't want to approach.

If it wasn't for the fact that his mother asked him to come and burn paper every year, he would never have come near here.

Turn left after going out of the house, go around the small factory and keep going forward, without turning or fork in the road, when there is no way to go, it is there.

After the small factory, there was no one on the road. The eyes were full of dilapidation and loneliness.

Gu Fei lowered his hat, covered his mask, and put on his ear bag. Maybe it was because there were no buildings here, maybe because he was afraid. The outer layers were cold.

There was not much snow this year, but because no one cleaned it, the ground was still covered with a layer, and the slight creaking sound made people panic when they stepped on it.

After walking for a while, he looked down at his feet, and suddenly found a series of footprints on the ground.

He was stunned for a while, then turned around and glanced on the way back and forth, and there were indeed two lines of footprints, those who went in and those who didn't go out.

Somebody actually went to the lake in this season.

He frowned.

He didn't want to be seen by people when he came to the lake to burn paper, and he didn't want people to think that he felt guilty.

He has no guilt, all he has is fear.

Although the lake surface is not big, the wind is still blowing a lot after walking to the edge of the lake, and it hurts people's eyes.

He walked through the sparse woods, stepped on the grass to the lake, and the previous footprints disappeared into the stubble ice.

Looking left and right, he didn't see anyone. He hesitated for a while, staring at the lake where many places were exposed to the bottom of the lake, but there was no one there.

Of course, even if someone stepped on the broken ice and fell... Now this lake can't drown anyone, only freeze to death.

He found a tree, squatted against the trunk, threw the bag in his hand to the ground, took out a cigarette and lit it.

He wanted to wait a little longer, he didn't want to go further along the lake, this location was the only place to go in and out, and he wanted to wait for that person to come out before starting to burn paper.

But after waiting for almost 20 minutes, he should be frozen if he didn't move, and no one came out.

"Fuck." He hesitated, pinched out the cigarette, and picked up the bag.

We can only go a little further, first to see who has passed, and second to find a hidden place.

After walking a few hundred meters in, Gu Fei heard a crisp sound coming from the middle of the lake.

As soon as I heard it, it was not that the ice surface cracked naturally, but it was like someone stepped on it or something hit it.

He hurriedly turned his head to look in the middle of the lake, but saw no one or anything else, everything was still.

He suddenly felt a chill on his back, and turned his head sharply to look behind him.

Nobody, nothing... suspicious looking.

Before he turned his head back, there was another crisp sound on the lake, and he turned his head abruptly, feeling that his head was about to break.

Still didn't see anything, but this time the voice was a little duller than the previous one.

He slowly took a few steps back and leaned against a tree. Although he was a little childish, it was true that he had something solid on his back to make his heart feel more at ease.

This time he stared closely at the lake.

After only a few seconds, he saw a small stone-like thing flying out of the dead grass by the lake a hundred or so meters away and hitting the ice.

This time, the voice was no longer crisp, but a dull "poof".

Someone threw stones

It is so boring

But looking at the speed of the flying thing, it doesn't seem like it can be thrown out by hand.

Gu Fei pulled his clothes and slowly leaned in that direction.

After walking less than 20 meters, he saw a swaying figure in the depression of the lake in front of him. Although the withered grass about a person's height blocked his sight, he could still see that it was a person.

Not a ghost.

He was actually terrified by a presumably over-bored man throwing rocks by the lake.

Although he thought it was ridiculous, he still sighed in relief.

He didn't go any further, but retreated into the woods, wanting to wait for the man to leave and to see what the man was doing.

The man didn't notice anyone coming, he bent down as if picking up something, then one arm stretched forward, and the other arm pulled back.

A black thing swishes out and hits the ice.


Gu Fei immediately saw that this person was playing with slingshots, and felt that this person's clothes... looked a little familiar.

He stared at the person in the crack of the withered grass and glanced a few more times, stunned.

Jiang Cheng

The dress on his body was the one Jiang Cheng wore when they were fighting. There were two gray and white strips about the width of one hand on his chest, and it was extremely ugly.

He looked around, there was no one else, how could Jiang Cheng find this place alone

Then play a slingshot against the ice

Such a sentimental scholar... I don't study at home when I have a good time, and come here to play slingshots.

Gu Fei lit a cigarette and dipped it again, looking at Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng should have used small pebbles, but now that the riverside is freezing, it is not easy to find pebbles. Every time he bends down, he has to dig for a long time, and sometimes he has to kick a few times with his feet.

Gu Fei looked at it for a while and felt that Jiang Cheng seemed to be in a bad mood again. When he kicked with his feet several times, his movements were like he was about to fight, and he could see that he was angry.

But after watching him pop four or five stones, Gu Fei was a little surprised.

He took the glasses out of his inner pocket and put them on, staring and looking.

Jiang Cheng was aiming at the same spot, about 30 meters away from the shore, and he was able to hit it every time. He had already hit an ice hole in that position.

Pretty cool.

There were a lot of people who played slingshots. Among the people Gu Fei knew, there were also many who boasted about how accurate they were, and there were several who claimed to be playing chickens at 70 meters.

But it was the first time he saw with his own eyes that someone could actually drive a stone into the same hole more than a dozen times in a row.

Jiang Cheng stopped after a while, bent down, kicked and kicked, and didn't straighten up for a long time, probably because he couldn't find the stone.

After turning around for several times, he walked towards Gu Fei. Gu Fei quickly moved back and crouched behind a tree.

"Fuck!" Jiang Cheng didn't look for the stone for a long time, so he shouted a little unhappily, the voice was very loud, and when he came along the wind, Gu Fei could hear it clearly.

There are no more stones, so let's go.

But Jiang Cheng didn't leave. He lowered his head and stared at the ground. After kicking a few times, he kicked away a piece of snow and found a small piece of rock.

Gu Fei sighed.

Jiang Cheng took a few pieces and put them in his coat pocket, looked at the lake, then turned around.

After a few seconds of settling, he turned around and raised his hand, hitting a stone.

A slap hit a thin steel bar that was exposed to the ground in the distance.

Depend on.

Gu Fei was a little surprised. If he didn't wear glasses, he wouldn't have seen where the steel bar was.

Jiang Cheng turned around and took a few steps to the side, then turned around abruptly again. The flying stone hit the steel bar again, and it exploded and shattered.

"Oh! Also!" Jiang Cheng applauded, then raised the slingshot in his hand, waved it around, and bowed a few times in a circle, "Thank you, thank you."

Gu Fei held back his laughter, and slowly stepped back a distance. At this time, if Jiang Cheng found out that he was here, the two of them would probably be able to level all the trees in this area.

"Jiang Cheng has decided to raise the difficulty again! He has decided to raise the difficulty again! Wow—" Jiang Cheng said enthusiastically, as he took out two stones from his pocket.

This time, instead of turning his back to the rebar, he aimed straight ahead, then pulled his hand.

Gu Fei heard two sounds that sounded almost simultaneously.



He hit two stones at the same time and went out, hit one, and the other missed and hit the ground.

"Oh, it's a pity," Jiang Cheng said while digging stones in his pocket, "Gu Gui, do you think he made a mistake this time or is not up to his skills?"

Fork guidance

It took Gu Fei a long time to realize what the X guide was.

"I think there is still room for improvement in his skills," Jiang Cheng once again pulled out his slingshot. "He seems to want to change the way of challenge... This time, whether to lower the difficulty or continue... "

As soon as his hand was released, a stone flew out. Before Gu Fei could see it clearly, he pulled it again, and the second stone flew out, followed by the third.


All three.

Gu Fei looked at his back, if it weren't for the current scene, he really wanted to give Jiang Cheng a round of applause.

Not only does he have the right head, but his movements are quite dashing.

If Li Yan is here, after watching the silenced version of this scene, it is estimated that he will not say that it is not pleasing to the eye.

But after such an awesome performance, Jiang Cheng actually didn't applaud himself, didn't wave his hands and bow, and just stood there without saying a word.

After a while, he lowered his head and slowly squatted down, holding his head in his hands.

Gu Fei was stunned for a while.

Acting so engrossed...

However, he soon saw Jiang Cheng's shoulders twitch slightly.

This is crying.

Gu Fei finished the last two puffs of cigarettes, pinched them at his feet, got up and continued to walk inside.

He has no interest in watching this kind of scene. It's okay to watch it for fun, peep at other people's injuries, and watch someone cry like a cannonball. It's not interesting.

This lake has an end, and you can't go around it if you walk along it. There is a mountain in front of it that looks like a rotten sweet potato, and you can't cross it.

Gu Fei found a small piece of grassless land, and it took ten minutes to light the fire.

Then the bundles of paper money in the bag were taken out and thrown into the fire.

There are golden ones, yellow ones, and flower ones, with denominations ranging from nothing to hundreds of billions of dollars.

Gu Fei looked at the rising flames and stretched out his hand to bake it.

At times like this, you probably need to say something. Others will probably say that you have received good money. We are all fine. Don’t worry about it. If you don’t have enough money, talk about it. If you want to talk about it, you really don’t know what to say.

Silently watched the flames change color, rise in the thick smoke, waving in the wind like a hand, and then dwindle little by little, and finally only blue-black smoke remained.

Gu Fei took a twig and pulled it a bit, black confetti floated up with sparks, and then everything returned to calm.

He stood up, kicked the loose snow from the side, covered a patch of black ashes, and turned away.

After this day every year, Gu Fei felt that he was relieved. The days returned to boredom, guarding the shop, guarding Gu Miao who was running around the street like a rabbit, went to school to take boring classes, and played mentally retarded games. , watching Lao Xu trying in vain to save him from the so-called darkness.

Jiang Cheng didn’t cry long by the lake that day. When he finished burning the paper and turned around, Jiang Cheng was no longer there.

However, when I met him at school, I couldn't see anything unusual, and he was still dragging all over his body.

They didn't interfere with each other in class, and they didn't have anything to say.

It's just that every time Gu Fei thinks of his performance by the lake, he always worries that he will laugh out loud.

"Da Fei," Zhou Jing leaned on their table, "Da Fei? Da..."

Jiang Cheng impatiently picked up the book in his hand and slapped it on his head, suppressing his voice: "If you have something to say, tell the fuck! Haven't you been beaten up because of this!"

"Fuck!" Zhou Jing covered his head and glared at him, then looked at Gu Fei, "Da Fei, I heard him say something when I went to President Xu's office today, it seems that the school will have a spring basketball game next month."

"I don't know." Gu Fei said.

"Are you participating? Our class is counting on you. If you don't participate, you will definitely lose." Zhou Jing said.

"Don't bother me." Gu Fei pointed at him.

Zhou Jing turned around and lay back on his desk.

Jiang Cheng suddenly became a little distracted, next month? Spring basketball game

Does March count as spring

Thinking of the basketball game, he suddenly felt a little emotional.

When I look back on the days of playing basketball at school in the past, I will bring up some other unpleasant things, but I can't stop, the kind of memories of running happily on the court.

Compared to now, those memories are bright.