Chapter 22


Although Jiang Cheng scored a very cool and highly skilled ball.

He also roared loudly.

But after all, it's not a good bird, and Li Yan's long-term cooperation level is much higher than that of him and Gu Fei, and his skills are much stronger than the other three of their team. They only scored 15 points in the first half.

Jiang Cheng made two three-pointers, and the rest were basically goals scored by Gu Fei. Only Wang Xu scored a penalty and scored 1 point. For Wang Xu’s stance that was so weird that he could make a free throw with his hands like a primary school student, Jiang Cheng said. Surprised.

At halftime, he glanced at the scoreboard. It was 28:15. Such a score is really a bit sad. This score difference, with such skills and cooperation, is absolutely impossible to recover. If this is the case. In the official game, when playing in the second half, I can probably only fight with a noble feeling of "can't make the point difference bigger".

"Come down for two people," Li Yan said while sitting on the floor of the court. "Luo Yu and Zhao Yihui have a rest. Let two of their substitutes go up and play, and practice a bit."

"I think it's okay," Captain Wang Xu nodded. "I can't play without changing people. I don't think the second class is at this level. The sparring is too good, and my confidence is shattered."

Jiang Cheng sat on the side without saying a word. When he first shot, he only felt pain in the wound, and when he landed, he didn't feel much, but now after resting for two minutes, he felt that the wound was burning hot.

He looked at the enthusiastic teammates next to him, and he didn't say that he would replace them. If he was replaced, he would rely on Gu Fei alone. He couldn't even cooperate, and there was no need for practice.

Besides, he didn't want Wang Xu to know that he was injured. Wang Xu was obsessed with the scene of "you had another fight with the monkey", and he couldn't bear it.

"Do I want to rest for you?" Gu Fei asked in a low voice in front of him.

"No," Jiang Cheng said, standing up and moving his arms, "Let's talk after the fight."

"Okay," Gu Fei glanced at him and called a few players over, "I got used to the half court, I'll count it a little bit, in the second half I'll go from the sideline to the basket, you guys are still man-to-man, pass the ball more, don't count. The old belt, they are very good at stealing the ball, the ball is given to Jiang Cheng, and I am in charge of scoring.”

"Okay, just follow what Da Fei said." As the captain, Wang Xu was unable to assign tasks, so he forced a summary.

In the first half, Jiang Cheng always felt that Gu Fei was playing a little bit, as if he was testing the skills of Wang Xu's few. From the beginning of the second half, he was different from before, like Sa Huan.

Only then did Jiang Cheng realize that Gu Fei's movement speed was quite astonishing. Although Liu Fan and the others knew him well, they couldn't keep an eye on him when they fought.

His route is very simple. He goes straight to the basket from the sideline, receives the pass and lays up the basket. If someone stops him, he will distribute the ball to Jiang Cheng or other teammates, and finally Jiang Cheng will pass the ball back to him.

He was quite cool with this style of play, Jiang Cheng was a little strenuous when he played, and he had to always pay attention to the position of the players on the court, and also to pay attention to Gu Fei's passing without even looking at it.

The score was chasing five or six points at once, but Jiang Cheng couldn't help it: "Can you see where I am when you pass the ball?"

"I saw it." Gu Fei said.

"I'm still ten steps away, you fucking passed it on." Jiang Cheng suppressed his voice.

"Then, didn't you all get there?" Gu Fei said, "I didn't lose it."

"...I lost it?" Jiang Cheng was a little speechless.

"It's mine." Gu Fei replied calmly.

"Fuck you," Jiang Cheng said, "If you lose your points, you won't lose yours, right?"

"Brother Cheng," Gu Fei smiled and looked at him, "You are the captain of your school basketball, right?"

"What's the matter with you?" Jiang Cheng also looked at him, "I'll tell you to watch."

"Got it." Gu Fei said.

Gu Fei changed a little after he finished speaking, and he would glance at Jiang Cheng’s general position with the corner of his eye, but even after this glance, he was still teaching the Fa. Anyway, if you let me see where you are, I will Look, after reading how to pass or how to pass.

Jiang Cheng was too lazy to say any more. Anyway, Gu Feihe was not a good bird and this group of people played like a street basketball. There were no rules. After taking drugs, I broke the rules three times in less than ten minutes.

"Pay attention to your sense of proportion," Jiang Cheng felt helpless, "We are all just these few people, should we let Lao Xu go up after graduation?"

"Cool!" Guo Xu waved his arm as he ran past him.

The game was still going on, and Jiang Cheng didn't have time to worry about it, so he followed.

Wang Xu stole the ball from his own substitute in the opposing team, and immediately roared like a god descending: "Ah—"

Jiang Cheng saw that he was immersed in excitement while holding the ball, as if he had no intention of passing the ball or attacking, so he had to clap his hands: "You fucking pass the ball!"

Wang Xu came back to his senses and swung the ball out with a wave of his arms.

Jiang Cheng suddenly had the illusion that he was about to have a heart attack. He managed to get rid of Chen Jie's entanglement. No one was staring at him at the moment. At this time, normal people should know that this pass was for him.

He never thought that Wang Xu would pass the ball to Gu Fei with a wave of his arm, and Gu Fei was so entangled by Liu Fan that he almost danced face-to-face.

Jiang Cheng could only watch this scene speechlessly.

Gu Fei probably didn't expect Wang Xu to give him the ball under such circumstances, but he reacted quite quickly in his busy schedule, reaching out and slapped the ball before Liu Fan touched it.

This slap, like a volleyball smash, changed the trajectory of the ball and flew towards Jiang Cheng's face.

"Fuck it!" Jiang Cheng was startled, feeling that his heart was about to pop out of the wound on his rib.

Fortunately, he raised his hand reflexively, and the ball just fell into his hand.

"It's all fucking blind!" He cursed, he didn't bother to care about the ball, and rushed to the basket like a tank with anger.

Anyway, time is running out soon, and there is no time to make adjustments.

After rushing to the basket, he found that he had no chance to shoot. Liu Fan's close-to-man marking technique was super proficient. He followed him all the way and turned around to cover him tightly.

Jiang Cheng didn't see Gu Fei in the corner of his vision, only Wang Xu and Lu Xiaobin who were stared to death, and at this time he couldn't turn his head, Liu Fan's hand was dangling in front of him, as long as he was distracted, the ball would go away. robbed.

"There's no time—" someone shouted outside the arena.

If he didn't make a shot, the two points would be gone. Jiang Cheng had no other choice but to guess that Gu Fei should come to pick him up at this time, not in the basket, but behind him.

So he hooked his hand back, passed the ball backwards, and turned his head while holding back Liu Fan.

Gu Fei stepped over, received the ball steadily, made a three-point jump shot seamlessly, and the ball drew a long arc in the air.

"Come in! Fuck!" Wang Xu shouted, "Three points!"

Jiang Cheng gave a thumbs up, although this ball did not change the situation, it was indeed a beautiful shot.

The whistle blew, and the game was over.

"Not bad, not bad! I think it's very good, although the score..." Wang Xu wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at the scoreboard, "I'm still 11 points away? Well, it's still very good!"

Everyone wiped away their sweat and agreed.

"It's a little bit of cooperation," Jiang Cheng tugged at his clothes, feeling that the wound was probably due to sweat, and it hurt a little, "I don't look at my teammates or each other, I just stare at the ball, this needs to be changed."

"Well, you're right," Wang Xu nodded and repeated his summary, "It depends on your own people, but also on the other side, not just the ball."

Not all the good birds left after completing the sparring mission, and a group of people excitedly discussed Lao Xu coming over.

"Quickly pack up and change your clothes," Lao Xu said. "I've already asked for a ten-minute leave for you in politics class. Don't disturb other students when you go back to the classroom."

Everyone went to the toilet in the gym to wash their faces and pee.

Jiang Cheng waited until everyone came out before entering. After washing his face, he lifted up his clothes in the mirror and looked at it.

"Fuck you, sir," he couldn't help but scolded in a low voice when he saw the blood seeping out from the gauze at the wound, "You, sir, sir."

At this moment, he has nothing on his body that can treat the wound, and he doesn't want to go to the school doctor. The school doctor has to report this kind of injury. Lao Xu may know how to influence him with love...

A whistle came from behind.

Jiang Cheng quickly put down his clothes and glanced in the mirror, Gu Fei was walking in.

"Any Band-Aids?" he sighed in relief.

"A Band-Aid is used for this injury?" Gu Fei said, "I... go to the school doctor's office to get some gauze for you."

"It's not good," Jiang Cheng frowned, "Where does the school doctor want to ask?"

"No one will ask if I go to get it," Gu Fei looked at his wound again, "Why didn't you say that your injury was like this yesterday?"

"Is there anything to say?" Jiang Cheng said.

"Wait for me." Gu Fei turned around and went out.

Jiang Cheng supported the sink and sighed. Originally, when he was playing, he was distracted, and he didn't feel it was too painful. Now that he relaxed, he felt a burst of hotness, as if he had a vertebra stuck in the middle. sharp pain.

He carefully took off the gauze and looked at it. It was a little red and there was blood oozing out, but it looked fine.

It's been a long time since I've suffered this kind of bloody injury. After high school, I fought several times. Most of them were a little bruised on my body. I was very depressed when I suddenly saw blood on my body.

Is this for Li Baoguo

It doesn't matter, Li Baoguo doesn't bother to ask what's going on right now.

The key is that from yesterday to now, Li Baoguo has not contacted him, whether he went to play cards again, or was intercepted by those people again, I don't know.

When he thought about it, he was a little flustered, what did Li Baoguo do? Is this trouble resolved or not, and will there be other troubles in the future

This time I was beaten on the street, will I be found at home next time

Smash the earth upside down or blow the blood out

I feel cold just thinking about it.

Gu Fei came back very quickly. When he entered the toilet, he took a small bag in his hand, which contained alcohol iodophor, gauze tape and the like.

"I'll help you?" Gu Fei asked.

"I... myself." Jiang Cheng took some cotton wool and poured some alcohol on it.

Since he knew that he was more interested in men than in girls, he was reluctant to have any physical contact with people. Except for Pan Zhi, anyone who touched him would feel uncomfortable.

Especially Gu Fei, who looks good and has pretty hands, is always worried that he will have any superfluous thoughts.

However, he lifted the clothes with one hand and rubbed the cotton wool on the wound with one hand, which was not very controllable.

"Wang Xu said you're a jerk." Gu Fei looked at him and said something.

"Well," Jiang Cheng replied, "Why do you want to give him a like?"

"Yeah, you're really good," Gu Fei said, "Do you want to show that you are self-improving?"

Jiang Cheng sighed and glanced at him with the bottle of alcohol in hand: "I'm afraid you don't have a lot on your hands, so you can't count when you play."

"I have treated the wound myself since I was four years old," Gu Fei took the bottle in his hand and poured it onto the cotton wool, "Skilled worker."

Jiang Cheng did not speak.

Four years old

Brag, he didn't even remember when he was four years old.

However, Gu Fei's movements are indeed quite skilled. The cotton wool is very light on the wound, and the speed is very fast. He didn't feel much pain, and it was done.

Jiang Cheng put his eyes on the faucet next to him.

"You can't get better when you're injured in the game," Gu Fei put a gauze on the wound, "Press it on yourself."

"It doesn't have a big impact." Jiang Cheng held down the gauze, and quickly glanced at Gu Fei's fingers. Gu Fei's fingers were quite long, especially his little finger, which was very suitable for playing the piano... He continued to look at the faucet.

Gu Fei quickly fixed the gauze with adhesive tape: "Okay, you can take these and change them yourself."

Back in the classroom, the politics teacher was fuming on the podium.

The humming sound below was not suppressed because of her anger. A group of "basketball players" had just finished a game, and this was the time when they were so excited.

"You, President Xu, don't really care about the importance!" The political teacher patted the podium, "I'll see if you're not going to get your grades in the midterm exam! You can take the basketball exam! You actually spend your time in class to play ball! It's not that I don't. Take good care of your class, just like your class..."

Jiang Cheng lowered his head and quickly sat down in his seat. A scholar like him would usually show respect to the teacher. If the teacher got angry and scolded others, he would act more honestly.

But Gu Fei didn't cooperate that much. He slowly returned to his position amid the teacher's scolding, and after arranging the posture of his coat, he sat down.

"Hey Dafei," Zhou Jing whispered, turning his head sideways, "Hey Da..."

Before he finished speaking, the political teacher slapped the podium: "Zhou Jing! Get out of here!"

"Ah?" Zhou Jing was stunned.

"Get out!" The teacher pointed at him and continued to yell.

Zhou Jing hesitated for a moment, then stood up, took his coat and put it on, walked out the back door and stood in the corridor.

"The last two! Go out for me too!" The teacher pointed at Jiang Cheng and Gu Fei again, "Everyone else has come back, you two are the slowest! I don't think you want to go to class either! If you don't want to go to class, go out and stand!"

Jiang Cheng looked at the teacher. Although he had been inattentive in class and would miss class, it was the first time that he had been kicked out of the classroom by the teacher pointing his nose at him.

Gu Fei was very obedient, much more obedient than when the teacher asked him to listen in class. As soon as the teacher finished speaking, he stood up, took his clothes and walked out, leaning against the corridor railing with Zhou Jing.

"You!" The teacher continued to point at Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng sighed speechlessly, and also got up and went out. He didn't even have to take off his clothes, and he didn't even have time to take off his coat.

"I heard from Wang Xu that you guys are very good now?" Zhou Jing didn't feel depressed at all because he was kicked out of the classroom, and continued his previous question on the railing.

"It's a shit." Jiang Cheng said.

Captain Wang Jiuri asked everyone to play hard-working players with a hopeless future.

"Did Da Fei play?" Zhou Jing asked, "Wang Xu said Lao Xu begged you and you didn't answer."

Jiang Cheng almost couldn't hold back his music when he heard it, Wang Xu still insisted on Gu Fei's not playing, but it was nothing to add drama to make people really want to interview him.

"Yeah," Gu Fei turned his head, "I am a person who has no collective sense of honor."

Gu Fei stood on Jiang Cheng's right, and when he turned his head, his breath swept across his face. He quickly ducked, jumped on the spot twice, quietly bypassed Zhou Jing, and leaned on the railing to look downstairs.

"Really?" Zhou Jing looked at Jiang Cheng with some doubts, "Didn't you lie to me?"

Jiang Cheng looked at him, Zhou Jing was not a bad person, but at first glance, this virtue was the kind of person whose mouth was like a trumpet, so if he said something to him, it would have been publicized without turning around.

"En." Jiang Cheng nodded.

"But Wang Xu also said that you guys are very good now... How is it possible, it's not like I haven't seen them play," Zhou Jing frowned, and his eyes lit up after thinking about it, "I wonder if this is your tactic? Tell someone You are amazing!"

Although Jiang Cheng really wanted to ask him what was the point of bragging about his ability to intimidate his opponent, he still nodded.

"Ah..." Zhou Jing wanted to say something, but Gu Fei's cell phone rang, interrupting him.

The call was from my mother, Gu Fei answered the phone: "Hello?"

"Are you out of school yet?" the mother's anxious voice came out, "Er Miao doesn't know how..."

Gu Fei heard Gu Miao's scream, and his heart twitched: "I'll go back right away."

After hanging up the phone, he turned around and rushed down the stairs.

There are several reasons for Gu Miao's screams. In the past two years, it was usually because of water, but it was not necessarily a reaction. It was only occasionally, and my mother knew it and usually paid attention.

Now Gu Miao's reaction should have nothing to do with water, so what happened

He rushed out of the school gate, and the guard tried to stop him and asked, but he didn't have time to reach out.

When riding back on the bicycle, Gu Fei felt very tired. This feeling of tiredness came up suddenly every time. In that instant, he felt that if he closed his eyes, he could sleep until the end of the day.

He didn't feel physically tired, and he didn't feel tired now. He couldn't get rid of only the tiredness of the heart. Mom, he could ignore it. He could shout a few words to vent, but Gu Miao couldn't.

He was careful, while allowing Gu Miao to fight against all kinds of possible injuries, and at the same time protecting her from unexpected accidents at any time.

When he ran upstairs, he could hear Gu Miao screaming through the door.

The old lady opposite the door opened the door and looked at him worriedly: "Er Miao she..."

"It's okay." Gu Fei opened the door and entered the house.

Mom was sitting on the sofa holding Gu Miao, Gu Miao buried her face in her chest and kept screaming.

"Er Miao, Er Miao, stop shouting, you see your brother is back," Mom patted Gu Miao's back, "Gu Fei is back..."

Gu Fei went over to take Gu Miao from his mother's arms and hugged her, rubbing her back with one hand and gently pinching with the other on the back of her neck: "It's alright, Ermiao, it's alright."

Gu Miao wrapped her arms around his neck, still screaming, trembling a little.

Gu Fei frowned, Gu Miao was not afraid, but angry.

"What's wrong?" Gu Fei said softly, "Tell brother, why are you angry?"

"Angry?" Mom looked at him in confusion.

He pointed to Gu Miao's schoolbag. His mother took the schoolbag to his hand. He took out Gu Miao's book and book, and asked, "Is it a book? Or a book? Did someone tear your book?"

Gu Miao's scream lowered, but she was still screaming, mixed with two vague words: "Painting."

Gu Fei opened her book of new characters, and before turning two pages, he saw that one of the pages was in a mess with red strokes, the wrestling villain, and the drawing next to it was a skateboard, and there were characters on both sides.

Pig, dumb, stupid...

"Er Miao, stop," Gu Fei put down his book and held Gu Miao's shoulder, "Look at me, look at me."

Gu Miao's screaming finally stopped, she raised her head to look at him, her eyes widened.

"Do you know who it is?" Gu Fei asked.

Gu Miao nodded.

"This matter," Gu Fei looked into her eyes, "brother, can you handle it for you? Brother, go and talk to this classmate."

Gu Miao stared at him for a while, then shook his head.

"No?" Gu Fei asked.

Gu Miao continued to shake her head.

"Then what do you think?" Gu Fei asked, "Tell brother."

After a long time, Gu Miao said softly, "Myself."

Gu Fei didn't know how she was going to deal with this matter by herself, but no matter how much he asked, Gu Miao didn't say anything, and didn't give him any response. He turned around and went into his room and closed the door.

"What's wrong with my life..." My mother sat on the sofa with her face covered and cried in a low voice, "I'm married to a bastard, but I can't take care of my own children... Did I do something bad in my last life... I want to find someone to be with me again. also… "

"Mom, go back to the house first." Gu Fei said.

"My son is so cruel to me..." The mother covered her face and cried as she entered the house.

Gu Fei pinched his brows.

The room was silent, and there was no sound.

He quietly looked at Gu Miao through the crack of the door. Gu Miao was lying on the bed holding the quilt and seemed to be asleep, and there was no movement from her mother.

He sat back on the sofa and closed his eyes.

After resting for about half an hour, he opened his eyes, took out his mobile phone and called Ding Zhuxin: "Sister Xin, are you free to sit out at night?"