Chapter 23


Gu Fei's politics class immediately flashed, and he didn't even take his schoolbag. The politics teacher rushed to the office angrily and scolded Lao Xu. Lao Xu came to the classroom after school.

"Jiang Cheng." He blocked Jiang Cheng who had just taken his schoolbag and was about to leave.

"I don't know." Jiang Cheng replied, he knew that Lao Xu was going to ask Gu Fei what was going on, but he really didn't know anything.

"There must be a reason why he suddenly ran away?" Lao Xu said.

Jiang Cheng only knew that Gu Fei had answered a phone call and said something and went back immediately, but he didn't hear anything else.

But he didn't want to tell Lao Xu, who knew what happened to Gu Fei, and whether he wanted to be known by Lao Xu, he didn't want to talk too much.

But Zhou Jing obviously didn't think much more than him. When Lao Xu asked him, he said, "He answered the phone and said he wanted to go home, so he ran away. Is there something wrong at home?"

"Really," Lao Xu frowned. After Zhou Jing left, he grabbed Jiang Cheng again, "Zhou Jing knows it all, but you don't?"

"Does it matter if I know? Don't you already know?" Jiang Cheng took his schoolbag and walked out.

"You help Gu Fei bring the schoolbag back?" Lao Xu said from behind.

"No," Jiang Cheng turned his head, "Mr. Xu, if I didn't get my schoolbag halfway through the school run, don't ask anyone to send it back to me."

"Why?" Lao Xu asked.

"Because it's annoying," Jiang Cheng said, "not everyone wants others to touch their belongings and send them home. Really, if he wants to take it, he will take it himself. Even hooligans can enter the school, so he is afraid of himself. Can't the students come in?"

Lao Xu looked at him and seemed a little unresponsive.

Jiang Cheng didn't say anything else, turned around and left.

Lao Xu is just like an old mother, she manages a lot and manages meticulously, but the last thing a person of this age needs is this kind of loving care like an old hen.

In particular, Gu Fei is used to being alone.

Jiang Cheng felt that Lao Xu would definitely have to call Gu Fei for a while, but Gu Fei would definitely ignore him. This kind of teacher-student relationship, with Lao Xu's current emotional intelligence, really couldn't improve.

At this point, Jiang Cheng suddenly missed the former head teacher.

As soon as the memory started, he quickly raised his head, took a deep breath, and cut off the head.

At noon, he actually wanted to go to Wang Jiuri's house to eat pie, but he felt that he ran over like this and saw Captain Jiuri a little speechless, and he didn't want Captain Jiuri to keep pulling him excitedly talking about tactics .

So he still ate a bowl of noodles at a small shop in the street.

When I returned to Li Baoguo, I was a little surprised to find that Li Baoguo was at home, sitting on the sofa smoking a cigarette, with a piece of paper in his hand, watching in the dim light.

Li Baoguo's house was sandwiched between the front and rear buildings. It was still a concave-shaped structure. The light was particularly poor. The sun was shining outside, and it was like dusk when entering the house.

Every time Jiang Cheng came in, he felt depressed for a while, and he reached out and turned on the light in the living room.

"Yo," Li Baoguo raised his head in shock, "Chengcheng is back?"

"Well," Jiang Cheng glanced at him, his face was blue and purple, and the corners of his mouth were still swollen. It seemed that he was beaten badly yesterday, if he didn't pass, maybe Li Baoguo would have to go to the hospital at this time, "You ...are you all right?"

"It's alright, it's alright," Li Baoguo touched his face. "What kind of injury is this? I think back then when I was still working in the factory, even a young man like them was not enough for my hand..."

"I've already eaten," Jiang Cheng interrupted him and entered the back room, "You can eat some yourself."

Jiang Cheng had just taken off his coat and was about to go to bed for a while when the door was pushed open.

"Chengcheng," Li Baoguo leaned in halfway, "Are you all right yesterday?"

Jiang Cheng felt a little helpless. He didn't have the habit of locking the door, because as long as he closed the door since he was a child, no one would open his door casually. It seemed that he had to remember to lock the door now.

"It's okay," Jiang Cheng said, "I want to sleep for a while."

"Your father is useless," Li Baoguo said, not intending to close the door and go out. "Your father was beaten in the street, and you have to come to the rescue. Do you feel ashamed?"

Jiang Cheng didn't speak. When Li Baoguo said "your father", his first reaction didn't even remember that "your father" was referring to Li Baoguo himself.

"But don't worry," Li Baoguo continued, "your father won't involve you in anything!"

"Well, I see," Jiang Cheng said patiently, "I'll sleep for a while, I'm a little sleepy."

Li Baoguo nodded, turned and walked away, but the door was not closed.

Jiang Cheng had no choice but to go over and close the door again. He hesitated and did not lock it. Li Baoguo was outside, and he could hear the sound of the door being locked. Jiang Cheng didn’t want to make it too embarrassing.

When I lay on the bed, I just felt very tired, and I didn't know if it was because I played with an injury or I didn't sleep well yesterday.

Li Baoguo rarely went to play cards at noon today. Jiang Cheng could hear him coughing in the living room at noon. He recalled several times and asked him to go to the hospital to see if he had pharyngitis. From the time of winter vacation to now, the mid-term exam is about to be taken. Now, Li Baoguo's cough has never been better.

I couldn't fall asleep listening to this sound during a nap, and the children were beating again upstairs, not the one from yesterday, but a different one. There are several families with children in this building, and they take turns beating their children every day. Today your house and my house tomorrow, if they catch up, they beat them together.

Every child shouted piercingly. In the middle of the way, if a neighbor couldn’t listen and came out to persuade them, they would be scolded together. If the scolded was too angry, it would turn into a fight.

In short, this old building was very lively every day, and it was full of life that Jiang Cheng had never come into contact with.

Li Baoguo's cough finally disappeared with the sound of the living room door. Jiang Cheng touched his phone and looked at it. It was time for him to get up and go to school.

Gu Fei didn't come to school in the afternoon.

During the beginning of school, Gu Fei was either late or absent from class, which seemed to be the norm. The classmates were not curious, and the teacher did not ask too much.

Only Lao Xu would insist on asking.

When school was over in the afternoon, Jiang Cheng was stopped by Lao Xu again.

"Jiang Cheng, are you reluctant to communicate with the teacher?" Lao Xu smelled of alcohol.

Jiang Cheng also discovered during this time that although Lao Xu couldn't get drunk, he often smelled of alcohol. Zhou Jing said that he would drink two sips when he had breakfast.

He was also scolded by the principal as the face of the whole school because of this, but he has never restrained himself.

"On this point, he is quite the rivers and lakes." Zhou Jing said.

Jiang Cheng didn't know if Lao Xu was particularly fond of Li Bai because of this, and he would often scatter in class. No matter what the content of the text, he could radiate to Li Bai.

"Speaking of this XX, I just want to talk about Li Bai," he usually begins, "This old Li Bai..."

"Have you been drinking?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"I drank a little at noon," Lao Xu laughed twice, "Jiang Cheng, I think you and Gu Fei cooperated very well when you were playing, and you usually get along well, right?"

"...It's just a game. Anyone who knows how to play knows how to cooperate." Jiang Cheng said.

"I called Gu Fei several times in the afternoon, but he didn't answer," Lao Xu said, "I didn't care enough about him before..."

Jiang Cheng reluctantly interrupted him: "It's alright, I understand, I'll go to his store after school to have a look, I can't do anything else, I don't know him very well, and I don't know. Where is his home?"

"Okay," Lao Xu nodded happily, "Let him come to class tomorrow... Actually, I originally wanted Wang Xu to go, but he doesn't live near you, and this bastard is unreliable..."

"Understood." Jiang Cheng nodded.

Going to Gu Fei's shop to take a look is no big deal, but if Lao Xu hadn't been looking for him all the time, he would never have gone there.

He strolled out of the school and looked at the stop sign at the station outside the gate.

The wound was torn open once today. If the training has been like this these days, his injury will not be able to heal the game. He wants to get some wound adhesive when he wants to go to the hospital for dressing changes, and it will heal faster.

There is a direct bus near the hospital from the station, and the bus came after a few minutes of waiting.

He was wrapped in the students of No. 4 Middle School and squeezed into the bus. An empty bus was half full after this stop. What kind of vocational school was the next stop? After these two stops, no one could get on the bus. .

A car full of students laughing and chatting.

Jiang Cheng squeezed against the iron bar beside the back door. If the people behind him moved, he would have to slam into the iron bar. After two stops, he was so annoyed that he wanted to push everyone next to him to the ground.

He passed another school in front, Jiang Cheng glanced at it, fortunately it was an elementary school, there were people picking up the elementary school students, and no one would crowd the car, and at this point, the elementary school students had been out of school for a long time.

He was holding an iron rod on his forehead, and his earphones were in his schoolbag. It was impossible to take them out at the moment, so he could only close his eyes and rest, listening to the students around him or bragging or exchanging gossip.

After driving out for a while, he heard a commotion in the carriage and opened his eyes.

"Yo! Primary school students are so fierce now!" Someone said.

"Oh, I'm going to open the scoop this time." Another person said happily.

Jiang Cheng glanced outside the window, and was immediately stunned.

The three little boys were screaming and scolding, and a girl holding a skateboard was chasing after them.

This little skateboard girl, Jiang Cheng knew it was Gu Miao without taking a closer look.

Gu Miao chased after a few steps. The little boy ran fast, but she didn't catch up, so she put the skateboard on the ground, stepped on it a few times, and then rushed forward.

Jiang Cheng saw the expression on her face that she had never seen before when she was passing by the car, and she couldn't tell whether it was indifference or anger, and his heart suddenly got stuck.

The car drove slowly, fortunately, it didn’t take long to arrive at the station. There were still three stops left at the hospital, but Jiang Cheng hurriedly got out of the car at this stop.

Gu Miao and the three little boys were gone. He quickly followed the direction the children had just disappeared, and stopped at a fork in the road. Going straight was the main road, and turning right was a dilapidated side street.

Just as he was thinking about which way to go, he heard a shout from the right.

As soon as he turned his face, he saw that only two of the three little boys were left, running out of an alley, and the other fell to the ground for some unknown reason.

And Gu Miao, who was riding on top of him, swung the skateboard and smashed it on his head.

"Fuck!" Jiang Cheng was so frightened that his legs went weak, and he immediately ran over there.

The people in the nearby shops all came out, and they all screamed first, and then someone tried to pull Gu Miao away, but as long as someone approached, Gu Miao would hold the skateboard and swipe at them, even the two of them couldn't. get close to her.

The little boy who was pressed to the ground didn't struggle anymore, he hugged his head and shouted.

Gu Miao took the time to hit his head with the skateboard again.

This time, a man hugged Gu Miao from behind and picked her up.

Gu Miao began to struggle frantically and let out a sharp scream.

When Jiang Cheng ran to her, the man was at a loss for what to do when he was holding her, and he was neither holding nor throwing it.

"Gu Miao!" Jiang Cheng rushed over and shouted.

Gu Miao closed her eyes, as if she couldn't hear anything, she just kept screaming, holding the corner of her skateboard tightly in her hand and wouldn't let go.

"Er Miao!" Jiang Cheng roared, "I am Big Brother Jiang Cheng! I am Big Brother Cheng!"

"You know her?" someone asked, "What's the matter with this child! Is it crazy? This is!"

Jiang Cheng glanced at the little boy who was picked up from the ground. He could see the blood on his head, and he was howling loudly.

"Give it to me," Jiang Cheng said to the man who was carrying Gu Miao, "give her to me."

"You can't go! Is this your child!" the man said, "beating other people's children like this! You have to call the police and call your family..."

"I said give her to me!" Jiang Cheng roared, staring at the man.

He had never seen Gu Miao struggling and screaming desperately. It looked crazy and heart-wrenching. Jiang Cheng knew that there was something wrong with Gu Miao. Seeing her like this, he immediately became anxious.

The man was stunned by his roar.

Jiang Cheng went over to hug Gu Miao and snatched her into his arms.

"You can't go!" The crowd of onlookers became more numerous, and everyone formed a circle to block him and Gu Miao in the middle.

"You call the police." Jiang Cheng hugged Gu Miao, whose screams had already subsided, but Gu Miao was trembling all over.

The injury on the little boy's head was not too serious. An aunt brought some alcohol and gave him a swipe on his head. There was a small hole in the back of his head, but he didn't know if there would be other problems.

Someone called the police.

Jiang Cheng hugged Gu Miao tightly, rubbed her back hard to comfort her, then took out his mobile phone and dialed Gu Fei's number.

But it stopped after half a sound.

Do Not Disturb for Dog Fucking!

He could only send another message to Gu Fei.

- Gu Miao has an accident, contact me quickly.

Then he dialed Wang Xu's number.

"Yo!" Wang Xu answered the phone very quickly, "Jiang Cheng? How dare you call me?"

"Go to Gu Fei immediately," Jiang Cheng suppressed his voice, "Immediately! Something happened to his sister! He doesn't answer the phone!"

"Ah?" Wang Xu was taken aback, but he could still hear him running immediately, "Wait, wait, I just got home, I'll go out again! I'll go look for him! Where are you?"

"I don't know, I'm in an elementary school now... I won't know when the police arrive." Jiang Cheng looked around at the angry and shocked people, feeling that if he didn't protect him, Gu Miao would have to be beaten right now.

"I see!" Wang Xu shouted and hung up.

The police came very quickly, and as soon as they arrived at the scene, they were immediately surrounded by the crowd, and they all explained.

"Send this child to the hospital first," an old policeman said, looking at Jiang Cheng again, "Are you the parent of that child?"

"No," Jiang Cheng said, "I am her brother's classmate."

"Notify her family," the old policeman said, "you go to the hospital with us now, and then to the police station."

"Okay." Jiang Cheng hugged Gu Miao, went over to pick up the skateboard, and walked towards the police car.

Gu Miao no longer made a sound, she just wrapped her arms around his neck and pinched the back of his neck with her fingers, feeling that her fingernails were about to dig into the flesh.

"Gu Miao, Gu Miao?" Jiang Cheng said softly, "I'm almost choked off by you, it's alright, don't be afraid, your brother will be here soon."

Gu Miao didn't respond, his hands didn't loosen, and his body was still shaking.

This state made Jiang Cheng very worried. First, he didn’t know what was going on with her now, and why he beat that child so hard. Second, he wasn’t Gu Miao’s relative after all, so he didn’t know if it was right to handle it like this… If he didn't handle it well, does Gu Fei still have to find him to seek revenge...

The hospital’s money Jiang Cheng paid first, to deal with the wounds and various examinations, but the money was not too much, and the trouble was mainly due to the parents of the other party.

As soon as the child's parents arrived at the hospital, they rushed over like crazy and wanted to beat Gu Miao and Jiang Cheng. When the police came to stop them, they almost beat the police together.

"Don't stop me!" the man yelled, "Losing money! Losing money! What she did to my son, I will do to her too! Crazy! Pervert! I tell you, I know this Crazy woman, it's my son's classmate! Perverted! If there is her in the class, I will say something will happen! Don't let her go out! I'll hit once I see her!"

"What should I do? Listen to the police," Jiang Cheng knew that Gu Miao was definitely wrong, but what the other party said was really irritating, and he suppressed the anger that was running up, "If you touch her, I will touch you, this matter. It's not over."

"Fuck!" the woman screamed, "Uncle Police! Listen to what he said!"

Gu Fei finally called: "Where? I'll be there soon."

"Hospital, hurry up." Jiang Cheng said.

When the parents of the other party heard that a parent was coming here, they became excited again. When Gu Fei arrived, the police were about to take them to the police station.

"What do you mean!" The man shouted when he saw Gu Fei, "This style is going to be a fight!"

Gu Fei followed Li Yan and Liu Fan, as well as Wang Xu and Ding Zhuxin.

"Gu Miao, brother is here." Jiang Cheng whispered to Gu Miao.

"Er Miao?" Gu Fei came over halfway.

Hearing his voice, Gu Miao finally let go of Jiang Cheng's neck, turned to look at him, then threw himself into his arms and hugged him tightly.

"She beat that kid," Jiang Cheng explained in a low voice, "The skateboard hit the head."

"I'm sorry," Gu Fei turned to look at the couple, "My sister..."

"I'm sorry for the fart! I'm sorry for the use of the fart!" The woman pointed at him immediately, "I won't stop spanking her!"

Gu Fei looked at her silently, and after a few seconds said, "Come."

The woman seemed to be frightened and took two steps back: "My God! What kind of attitude is this! What kind of attitude is this!"

"Let's go to the police station first," Ding Zhuxin came over, "Listen to what the police say, how to deal with this matter, how to deal with it, treatment, compensation, as long as it is reasonable, we will cooperate."

"You..." The woman wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Ding Zhuxin.

"Eldest sister," Ding Zhuxin looked at her, "you can't talk to the troublesome policeman. If you don't want to deal with it through proper channels, we can cooperate, then you may not be able to reap the benefits."

"Be careful when you speak." The police reminded Ding Zhuxin.

"I'm sorry," Ding Zhuxin smiled apologetically at the police, "We're all anxious when something happens to the child, but we will definitely cooperate, but cooperation can't just rely on one party's cooperation, right?"

The police brought a group of people back to the police station, Gu Fei asked, "My classmate doesn't have to go, right?"

"He's going too." The policeman glanced at Jiang Cheng.

"En." Jiang Cheng responded and looked at Gu Miao who was leaning on Gu Fei's shoulders. Now she looked much calmer, without the crazy and indifferent anger she had before.

"Thank you." Gu Fei looked at him.

"Don't talk about it yet," Jiang Cheng said, "Gu Miao... is it alright? I think she just... "

"It's okay," Gu Fei hesitated for a while, "I'll find time to talk to you slowly."

"Yeah." Jiang Cheng responded and walked out after the police.

After walking a few steps, Gu Fei called after him, "Jiang Cheng."

"You..." Gu Fei pointed to the back of his neck, stretched out his hand and pulled his collar, "It's broken here."

Gu Miao probably pinched her, a little girl with so much energy.

However, Jiang Cheng didn't bother to think about it. Gu Fei's action of pulling on his collar caused him to slap him on Gu Fei's hand in a conditioned reflex.

"...It's alright," he said a little embarrassedly.