Chapter 24


After staying at the police station for almost two hours, the matter was finally dealt with.

The boy who was beaten did not admit that he provoked Gu Miao, but only said that Gu Miao chased and beat him for no reason. Gu Miao did not speak, but just lay on Gu Fei's shoulder and closed his eyes, so there was no way to prove this.

Jiang Cheng didn't believe what this child said, Gu Miao would be bullied at any school in this state.

But the point of this incident was not the reason why Gu Miao beat her. Even if the little boy bullied her, the police couldn't do anything. The point was that Gu Miao smashed the person's head open and sewed two stitches.

Fortunately, there were no other major problems. The other parent wanted to make compensation, but was forced back by Ding Zhuxin half-reasonably and half-threateningly. Halfway through, she was warned by the police several times to pay attention to what she said.

Gu Fei didn't talk too much, and his attention was only on Gu Miao.

Li Yan's few were in charge of holding their arms and sulking their faces, cooperating with Ding Zhuxin's threat, showing the temperament of "If you dare to mess with us, we will definitely mess with us anyway, you don't think we look like good people".

After negotiating finally, when the police let them go, Jiang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief.

My stomach just woke up just now, and I was screaming with hunger, but I didn't have any appetite to eat.

When I came out of the police station, it was cold and windy outside.

"Go back by yourself, it's hard work," Gu Fei glanced at Jiang Cheng, "Let's take a taxi and go, and Wang Xu along with him."

"Okay." Jiang Cheng nodded.

After getting into the car separately, a few people didn't speak. Jiang Cheng felt a little depressed, and Gu Fei probably wasn't in the mood to speak. Wang Xu didn't say much at all. He cursed and sighed, and Gu Fei gave him a glance. There was no sound after that.

"Have you eaten yet?" Gu Fei asked when the car was approaching the intersection.

"Don't worry about us, go back quickly," Wang Xu said, "Don't go around the car, I'll get off here, just turn a corner and get home... Jiang Cheng, are you going to my house to eat pie?"

"Forget it, I don't want to eat right now." Jiang Cheng said.

At the intersection, Gu Fei hugged Gu Miao and got out of the car, Jiang Cheng carried Gu Miao's skateboard, and after walking a few steps, Gu Fei turned around and said, "Thank you for today."

"Needless to say that," Jiang Cheng looked at Gu Miao, "Let her take a leave of absence for the past two days. I saw three little boys today, and maybe those two were not beaten..."

"If you don't ask for leave, you won't necessarily be able to go to school," Gu Fei sighed, "You can ask for leave for me and Lao Xu tomorrow morning, I have to go to Ermiao School."

"Okay, what's the reason?" Jiang Cheng nodded.

"I have a fever," Gu Fei rubbed his forehead, "It's hot to the touch, it will burn from this afternoon until tomorrow's noon."

"...Okay." Jiang Cheng smiled.

Seeing the back of Gu Fei holding Gu Miao in one hand and the skateboard in the other, turning around and walking forward along the road, Jiang Cheng felt a little emotional.

Before, he always felt that Gu Fei lived a very casual life, casually letting his younger sister run on a skateboard all over the street, being late for class, playing basketball casually, and doing whatever he wanted without any scruples.

But now I feel that this may not be the case. It seems that all the affairs of the Gu Fei family are handled by him alone. How can such a person really do whatever he wants.

No one can do whatever they want, it is impossible for Gu Fei, and it is impossible for him.

Just like he didn't want to stay in Li Bao's country, he didn't want to stay in this strange and dilapidated city, he didn't want to face the current life, but he had no choice.

Every change will affect the whole body.

Even if it was something he was used to doing before, he couldn't do it casually now.

Because he has nowhere to go.

Few people can really do anything and just bury themselves in "being yourself".

Li Baoguo didn't go to play cards that night. He coughed all night at home, even snoring, coughing, and grinding his teeth.

Jiang Cheng stared at him for a whole night in a room where he was completely soundless and could hear whether he was walking in slippers or sneakers upstairs.

When I woke up in the morning, I felt so sleepy that I could barely walk.

"Would you like to go to the hospital," he said to Li Baoguo, who was putting on his shoes and was about to go out to catch the early poker game. "You cough too badly. Is it pharyngitis?"

"Look! This is my own son!" Li Baoguo exclaimed happily, "It's alright, I've been coughing for so many years, I'm sick, I don't need to go to the hospital, there's nothing wrong with me!"

Jiang Cheng wanted to say that you were speechless, but before he opened his mouth, Li Baoguo hurriedly slammed the door out.

Come on, love the disease, Li Baoguo makes him feel like a hypocritical weak woman.

On the way to school, Jiang Cheng went into the pharmacy and bought a box of ginseng lozenges. After eating it, he felt a little refreshed. He used to eat it often when he was studying before exams.

Now he eats at least when he is in class and can't sleep so deadly, he doesn't want to snoring during class, it's a shame.

Gu Fei really didn't come to class in the morning. After the morning self-study, he went to Lao Xu's office and explained the reason for leave that Gu Fei told him.

"It's burning to death. It has been burning since yesterday afternoon, and it can be finished by noon." After Jiang Cheng said that, he felt that his lack of sleep had seriously affected his intelligence.

However, Lao Xu didn't seem to notice his peculiar expression, and was immersed in the joy of Gu Fei asking for leave instead of directly skipping class.

"Look, I just said he was still saved," Lao Xu said excitedly, "Don't you ask for leave after seeing this? I knew that communicating with you children requires meticulous skills..."

However, Gu Fei didn't come to class until the afternoon. He entered the classroom during the last Chinese class in the morning.

Lao Xu looked at him with concern: "Don't you have a fever? You can come again in the afternoon."

"It's ready." Gu Fei said.

Lao Xu nodded, tapped his hand on the podium, and said in high spirits, "Let's continue with the content just now..."

"Aren't you sleeping?" Gu Fei glanced at Jiang Cheng after he sat down.

"...Obviously?" Jiang Cheng was half-prostrate on the table, his eyes were a little bit hard to open.

"Well," Gu Fei said, "I can't even read it, and if I don't know, I can assume that you have a fever for a day."

"I didn't sleep well last night." Jiang Cheng yawned.

"I'm sorry," Gu Fei whispered, "I made you toss around for hours."

"It's not because of Gu Miao," Jiang Cheng waved his hand, "Li Baoguo... I didn't go to play cards yesterday, I coughed all night, and I couldn't sleep because of the noise."

"Oh," Gu Fei took out his pocket, took out a small cardboard box, and put it in front of him, "Do you want to eat?"

"What..." Jiang Cheng opened the small paper box, and inside was a small handful of toffee, he was a little speechless, "Toffee?"

"Well, don't you like it?" Gu Fei took out another mint from his pocket and put it in his mouth.

"I didn't say I like to eat, I was hungry that day." Jiang Cheng said.

"Is that so," Gu Fei looked at him with an exaggerated surprised expression, then withdrew his expression and took the candy in front of him, "Give it back to me."

"No," Jiang Cheng glared at him, "I found you very interesting?"

"Just say if you want it or not." Gu Fei said.

Jiang Cheng opened his mouth, and it took a long time before he said, "Give me a mint to refresh my mind."

Gu Fei glanced at him, and after groping in his pocket for a long time, he grabbed a handful and searched for it with his fingers: "No, why don't you eat this, this is also refreshing, quite a mention."

"Oh." Jiang Cheng took the small round candy he pointed to from his hand.

The sugar was orange-flavored, and it didn't have any particularly refreshing taste. Jiang Cheng wrapped the sugar with his tongue, and the orange-flavored flavor had to be lemon at the very least...

Before the thought flashed, his tongue suddenly tasted a faint sour taste. Maybe the orange-flavored coat wrapped on the outside had melted away and it was a little sour on the inside

Before he could react, the sour smell suddenly came out.

His eyes widened at once.

sour, sour, sour!

I'm so fucking sour!

His mouth was full of sourness, and the sour taste that hit his heart and tear ducts made him feel unbearable!

"This..." Gu Fei asked when he saw him suddenly sitting upright.

But before he could finish speaking, Jiang Cheng had already spat out the candy in his mouth with a puff.

The sugar shot out like a small bullet and hit Zhou Jing's neck in front of him.

"Ah!" Zhou Jing shouted, startled and immediately sat up straight, turned around and reached out to touch his neck, pressing his voice to ask, "What am I relying on? It fell into my clothes!"

Jiang Cheng was speechless. Although the candy was no longer in his mouth, the traces of its existence had not disappeared. His mouth was full of sourness and bitterness that made people shiver.

"Sit down." Gu Fei said.

"Student Zhou Jing," Lao Xu said on the podium, "pay attention to classroom discipline."

Although everyone in this class who paid attention to classroom discipline couldn't make a basketball team together, Zhou Jing still sat down.

After two seconds, he turned his head again: "Damn, why is it sticky? What is it?"

"Sugar." Gu Fei said.

"...Are you sick?" Zhou Jing was very distressed. He tore off his clothes and shook for a long time before the candy fell on the chair.

"I'm sorry." Jiang Cheng said, and after he finally calmed down, he turned his head to look at Gu Fei.

Gu Fei was playing with his mobile phone with his head down, but Jiang Cheng could see the smile he was holding back on his face.

"Are you fucking courting death?" Jiang Cheng said in a low voice.

"You said to refresh yourself," Gu Fei swiped his finger on the screen of the phone, "Are you still sleepy?"

"Dog fucking!" Jiang Cheng cursed.

"Aren't you sleepy?" Gu Fei turned his head to look at him.

"Would you like me to write a certificate for you?" Jiang Cheng said.

"No need," Gu Fei turned his head and continued to play on the phone, "No one can understand your words."

Jiang Cheng had to admit that he was refreshed at the moment and had no sleepiness at all.

But the urge to slap Gu Fei with two sticks made him not even in the mood to ask Gu Miao what the school should do with Gu Miao.

When the school bell rang, Gu Fei put down his phone: "Please have a meal, thank you for your help yesterday."

Jiang Cheng looked at him and said nothing.

"It's convenient to see you at noon or at night," Gu Fei said again, "Do you have time?"

"...Don't be so polite." Jiang Cheng said.

"It's not polite," Gu Fei said, "If it wasn't for you yesterday, Ermiao doesn't know what would have happened. I'm afraid after thinking about it."

Jiang Cheng was silent for a while: "That night, I have to make up for sleep at noon."

"Okay." Gu Fei nodded.

In the afternoon, as usual, the self-study class was practice ball. The self-study class during this time was probably Wang Xu's favorite classes.

Jiang Cheng went to the hospital at noon, changed the medicine for the wound, and asked the doctor to give him some adhesive that was said to be imported.

In the afternoon, I mainly practiced and cooperated. There was no official game. The state of the wound was okay, and I didn't feel much.

"I think we have a play this time." At the end of the practice, Captain Wang Xu crouched on the side of the court and poked his fingers on the floor, "Just as it is now... But we still have to do a good job of keeping secrets, and let everyone Like before, don't take us seriously."

"Just don't brag all over the streets." Jiang Cheng said.

"It's alright," Wang Xu said nonchalantly, "As long as you and Gu Fei are not exposed, no one will believe me anyway."

"...Oh." Jiang Cheng looked at him, and for the first time felt that Wang Xu was so sincere, and was a little surprised that he could face the cruel reality so directly.

"Da Fei," Wang Xu turned to look at him, "one day I'll invite those buddies over to practice with us. I think the effect is pretty good."

"En." Gu Fei responded.

"Okay, let's disband," Wang Xu waved his hand. "The other classes should come later. Remember our current slogan!"

"Slogan?" Lu Xiaobin was stunned, "Do we still have a slogan?"

"Oh, I didn't say yes," Wang Xu said. "Our slogan is - we have a secret weapon!"

After Jiang Cheng finished speaking, he didn't realize that this was his slogan. He was stunned before he resisted the wild laughter he wanted to burst and turned his head away.

Everyone looked at Wang Xu in silence.

"We have a secret weapon!" Wang Xu repeated it again, then waved his hand again, "Disband!"

When he walked out of the school gate after school, Jiang Cheng habitually looked around, but he didn't see Gu Miao, who often held a skateboard and waited at the gate like a little boss.

He glanced at Gu Fei, but Gu Fei didn't explain, just put his hand in his pocket and walked along the road.

"Didn't ride a bike today?" Jiang Cheng asked when he saw that he didn't go to pick up the bike.

"Well," Gu Fei pulled on the collar, "Broken bike has been riding half of its wheels this morning."

"What?" Jiang Cheng didn't understand immediately, "What's the shape of the wheel, and no one beat it..."

"...You're so cute," Gu Fei looked at him, "the wheel is not square or square, it has really changed from round to square."

"Oh." Jiang Cheng also admired himself.

"I fell to death." Gu Fei sighed.

Jiang Cheng looked at him and said nothing. If it was Pan Zhi, he would definitely applaud and celebrate right now.

"What do you want to eat?" Gu Fei asked as he walked.

"I don't know, there's nothing special you want to eat, and you don't need to be too formal," Jiang Cheng said, "You can usually eat whatever you want with your friends, and it's not a thank you party."

"My friend and I..." Gu Fei smiled, "Our food is amazing, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it."

"Do you eat shit?" Jiang Cheng asked smoothly. He had a habit of talking with Pan Zhi. They had many boring and childish habitual conversations.

Sometimes I don't think people can think they are only seven years old.

"Don't eat," Gu Fei said, "I can arrange for you if you want to eat."

"Let's just eat ordinary." Jiang Cheng sighed.

Thinking of Pan Zhi now makes me sigh, it's really a miraculous thing.

Recently, Pan Zhi's grandfather was hospitalized, and the whole family took turns to go to the hospital to accompany him. They didn't have much contact with each other. Sometimes, when he saw the silent mobile phone, Jiang Cheng would feel very lonely.

"Let's go to the supermarket first." Gu Fei said.

"Supermarket?" Jiang Cheng was stunned, "What to buy?"

"Buy food," Gu Fei said, "the ingredients."

"Do it yourself?" Jiang Cheng was surprised.

"Well," Gu Fei nodded, "I usually make my own with my friends. If you want to eat ready-made, we can..."

"No need," Jiang Cheng felt that he should just follow Gu Fei's habit, he didn't even think about having to eat Gu Fei because of what happened yesterday, "but I have to say first, I can only cook noodles. Instant noodles."

"It's okay, simple, barbecue." Gu Fei said.

Jiang Cheng was once again surprised. In this weather, do you grill yourself? Where to burn

After walking around the supermarket, Gu Fei bought a chopped chicken, some prepared beef and mutton for barbecue, and two bags of dumplings.

"How to bake dumplings?" Jiang Cheng couldn't understand.

"Dumplings are boiled." Gu Fei explained to him with a serious look.

"I know that the dumplings are boiled, I just... Forget it, I'll wait to eat." Jiang Cheng said.

"What do you drink? Wine or beverage?" Gu Fei asked.

"Don't drink anything," Jiang Cheng's mind was full of the scene of the two of them standing in the wasteland where the old north wind was blowing, guarding a pile of firewood that would be extinguished at one point and froze to death. cold.

After shopping, Gu Fei led him towards the direction of going home.

Although he felt that if Gu Fei asked him to barbecue at home... He was really not used to it. He and Gu Fei had a lot of interactions recently, but he still felt unfamiliar with him. It would be quite uncomfortable to go to the house. He didn't want to go to Pan Zhi's house. .

When he reached Gu Fei's store, Gu Fei didn't stop, he just glanced in and continued to walk forward.

Jiang Cheng also glanced in. Through the glass, he could see a woman standing at the cashier counter. Judging by her hairstyle, it should be Gu Fei's mother.

Going further, this street and Li Baoguo's street converge.

Jiang Cheng had been here before, and it was quite desolate. After passing the abandoned factory in front, there was a road leading to a lake with no water... He shuddered, if Gu Fei was going to barbecue by that lake, He estimated that he would choose to invite Gu Fei to the restaurant.

But Gu Fei walked directly into the abandoned factory through a small door.

"Here?" Jiang Cheng followed him in, "What kind of factory is this?"

"Well, the former steel factory," Gu Fei said, "has been closed down for a long time... Many people in this area used to belong to this factory, and so did Li Baoguo."

"Oh." Jiang Cheng looked around.

After entering the gate, I found that the factory is very large. The factory building is still there. It looks solid, but it has become a wasteland, and no one has cleaned it. The ground is full of unmelted ice.

Gu Fei kept taking him inside. After passing a few basketball courts, he entered a building that looked like an old office building.

"I'm not good birds with them," Gu Fei said as he went upstairs, "When I usually don't want to stay in the store, I gather here."

"There's no electricity here, right?" Jiang Cheng looked at the mess under his feet.

"I picked up the thread myself," Gu Fei said. "Actually, it's quite lively here in summer. There are many open spaces outside, and the street dance activities of old men and old ladies are here."

"Hip-hop?" Jiang Cheng repeated.

"Well, it's still fighting dance, it's very fashionable, walking on the cusp of the times." Gu Fei went up to the third floor, took out the key and opened a door.

Jiang Cheng glanced inside, and it turned out to be an empty room that was neatly tidied up. A stove was built with bricks in the middle of the room, and there were many low stools and cotton cushions beside it, as well as a sofa with no legs.

There are barbecue grills and induction cookers on the wall, and there are actually a bunch of pots and bottles of oil and salt.

"Fuck me?" Jiang Cheng was shocked, "I can live with this."

"How about it, it's fun," Gu Fei put the dishes on the table, "we made the lock ourselves, if you want, I'll give you a key, you can stay here when you don't want to go back and have nowhere to go. For a while, Li Yan and the others usually come here on weekends, and no one is there at other times."

Jiang Cheng didn't speak, leaned against the wall and looked at Gu Fei, feeling a little depressed that Gu Fei's situation that he often "had nowhere to go" was pointed out by Gu Fei.

Although he was upset, he was unexpectedly not angry. He just felt that even the same tablemate could see his situation, which was really funny.