Chapter 35


The pie shop of Wang Xu's family has been crowded since the morning, and it was a pleasure to come to the two pie shop early.

"I don't have donkey meat, I can't make it until noon," Wang Xu put two baskets of pies on the table, and a pot of mutton soup, "You two went out together today?"

When Wang Xu asked these words, Jiang Cheng immediately felt a little guilty, took a pie and took a big bite, without saying a word.

"En." Gu Fei responded.

"You got up so early today," Wang Xu pushed the small basket in front of Gu Miao, "Aren't you habitually late... Miaomiao, there is no donkey meat today, you can try something else."

"Miao Miao Miao," Gu Fei said, "Isn't it numb?"

"Is it numb?" Wang Xu said as he sat down and ate, "A little loli, she should be cute and beautiful, you'd better take her like a wild boy, I don't seem to have seen her before. wear a skirt."

"She wants to skateboard," Gu Fei said, "however you want to wear it, she won't wear it if you let her wear it."

"Hey." Wang Xu sighed, and after taking a few bites, he took out his phone again, swiped his finger a few times, and the phone clicked.

Jiang Cheng glanced at him and found that this fellow's cell phone camera was facing him: "What are you doing?"

"Take a picture, maybe my store will be renovated in the future, and then it will be displayed as an advertisement." Wang Xu said with a smile, putting the phone back in his pocket.

"Go away," Jiang Cheng looked at him, "Delete it."

"I took pictures of so many people, and no one asked me to delete them," Wang Xu said firmly.

Jiang Cheng was too lazy to pay attention to him, and continued to eat pies.

After eating and leaving the store early, Gu Miao stepped on the skateboard and looked at Gu Fei, Gu Fei bent down and looked at her: "Remember where I said I could only skateboard?"

Gu Miao nodded.

"Let's go, my brother won't go back for dinner today," Gu Fei said, "Maybe he will be home at the same time as yesterday."

Gu Miao nodded again, then turned to look at Jiang Cheng.

"Brother Cheng won't go to our house today. I only went yesterday because of something." Gu Fei said.

Gu Miao still looked at Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng had no choice but to bend over to look at her, "I'll go find you next time when I'm free?"

Gu Miao did not respond.

"You have to tell the exact time," Gu Fei said aside, "You say next time, she won't understand."

"Then..." Jiang Cheng hesitated and thought about it for a long time, "Tomorrow, after the game tomorrow, let your brother take you to dinner with the people from our team, okay? We can sit in a row."

Gu Miao finally nodded and stepped on the skateboard to go home.

"Let's squeeze?" Wang Xu came out with his schoolbag, and saw Gu Fei's little steamed bun, and immediately became excited, "Jiang Cheng, let's squeeze the back?"

"...Can you squeeze in?" Jiang Cheng was speechless, this car is such a big place, and it was already very difficult to squeeze behind with Gu Miao.

"You can squeeze in." Wang Xu said.

Jiang Cheng saw his steadfast expression of not going up and sitting again, so he had to get into the car and lean to the side as much as possible. When Wang Xu squeezed in, the car sank.

After waiting for Gu Fei to come up, he had a feeling that the chassis was about to be flattened.

"It's not going to fall apart in half," Jiang Cheng said.

"No," Gu Fei turned around in his car and drove towards the school, "Sometimes it's okay to pull a lot of goods, it's just how much the two of you add up."

"Isn't this also adding yourself?" Jiang Cheng said, the three big men squeezed into a small steamed bun, and people on the roadside looked inside.

"It's warm." Wang Xu said.

"Nonsense, it's not too cold now, it's all spring basketball games." Jiang Cheng said.

"Oh right, training in the afternoon?" Wang Xu asked.

"I have something to do with Jiang Cheng," Gu Fei said, "I asked Li Yan to come over to practice with you."

"What are you going for?" Wang Xu immediately asked.

Gu Fei ignored him, Wang Xu turned his head to stare at Jiang Cheng again, Jiang Cheng stared out the window and pretended not to know.

"Fuck," Wang Xu straightened his clothes a little unhappily, "It's still a secret, elementary school student."

Jiang Cheng found out that Gu Fei really didn't care about all eyes, even if he drove an old-fashioned small steamed bun, and even if there were three people in the car, he was able to drive the car all the way to the school gate without anyone else. parking shed.

I got out of the car in the onlookers of four high school students.

"Everyone is watching." Wang Xu said as he climbed out, his tone sounded quite indifferent.

Or it's not that it doesn't matter, but it's pleasant. After all, he is a person who wants to be the boss, and he needs all the attention.

People like Jiang Cheng, who didn’t like being surrounded by people, and would be on fire as soon as they watched, regretted not wearing a mask when they got out of the car.

As soon as I got out of the car, I heard a girl whispering a few meters away, "Is that Jiang Cheng?"

"Yeah." Another girl replied.

He stopped listening to what he said later. This tone of excitement and inquiry made him a little uneasy, and he couldn't help but think of that rotten-eyed post about Renji again, and his whole body began to feel uncomfortable.

"But I think it's right that the two of you don't train," Wang Xu said as he walked towards the school gate, "Class 2 has been studying the video of our game for the past two days, and they also asked someone to inquire about Jiang Cheng's strength. We still have to hide a little bit, if we win tomorrow, we will be in class 2 after the exam."

"En." Jiang Cheng responded.

Wang Xu continued to say with great interest: "I think our tactics..."

"Chengcheng? Chengcheng?" A woman's voice came from behind, "Jiang Cheng?"

Jiang Cheng was stunned for a while, then turned his head.

"Are you Jiang Cheng?" A woman stood behind him, looking at him a little excitedly, "Isn't it? I recognized it at a glance, it looks really similar..."

Jiang Cheng recognized at a glance this woman who was dressed in soil and looked a little dirty. It was the one who fought with Li Baoguo at the entrance of the corridor yesterday.

his mother.

"You..." Jiang Cheng was caught off guard at this moment, he didn't even know what to say, so he could only stare at her in a daze.

"Who is it?" Wang Xu asked from the side.

"You haven't had class yet," the woman limped over and reached out and grabbed his hand, "I'm..."

She grabbed her with great energy, Jiang Cheng's conditioned reflex and his fright, he suddenly raised his hand and shook her off: "Don't..."

Do not touch me.

The last two words Jiang Cheng bit hard and didn't say it.

"The bell hasn't been rang yet," the woman's eyes flashed with tears, "You haven't had class yet?"

There were already quite a few people watching over, Jiang Cheng’s mind was in a mess, and he didn’t know how to face this woman. After a while, he handed his schoolbag to Gu Fei: “Help me… get it in.”

"En." Gu Fei took his schoolbag.

"Go over there and talk." Jiang Cheng raised his chin across the street.

"Okay, okay." The woman nodded, her eyes still fixed on his face.

"What's the matter? Do you want to..." Wang Xu was probably also confused by this scene, and he was about to go over.

Gu Fei reached out his hand to stop him: "If you have anything to do, let's go."

Jiang Cheng crossed the street in a blank mind, and when he reached the corner where there were few people, he stopped and turned around.

"I'm my mother," the woman pointed to herself and poked her chest with her fingers, "I'm your mother... Li Baoguo never mentioned me to you, right? He definitely won't mention it to you, definitely not. , that thing in the long-headed kabbah certainly won't tell you..."

Jiang Cheng stared at him and was speechless. This poor-looking woman and the vulgar words in her mouth made him not know how to react for a while.

"When he sent you away, he didn't discuss it with me at all..." The woman didn't give him any space to talk, she kept talking, she started crying halfway through, wiping her tears with her cuff, "I think of my name for you. Well, your brother's name is Li Hui, you can call him Li Ming or Li Guang... He will be sent away, and if I mess with him, he will fight... This dick thing... "

"I..." Jiang Cheng couldn't describe the feeling in his heart, he only felt that he wanted to block her voice.

His usual skills are now in full play. In the past, when he didn't want to listen to Shen Yiqing's reprimands, he would let himself wander into the sky. No matter whether he heard it or not, he would not remember the content.

But compared to the "mother" in front of me...

"Come back with me!" The woman suddenly grabbed his arm and shook it violently, shaking him back, "Let's go with mom!"

"Don't!" Jiang Cheng suddenly pulled out his arm and took two steps back, but he still didn't hold back those two words, "Touch me!"

"...Do you dislike me?" The woman looked at him, "Do you dislike your mother's lack of money? Do you disgrace me? Is your father rich! He's just waiting to spend your money!"

"I didn't," Jiang Cheng said with some difficulty, "I'm going to class now, I..."

"The one who took you away is quite rich, right?" The woman stopped crying, her eyes swept back and forth on him, and she couldn't tell whether it was contempt or sadness, "Look, dressed like a young master. "

"I'm going to class." Jiang Cheng took a breath, turned around and prepared to walk towards the school gate.

"You have no conscience!" The woman suddenly pounced on him and beat him twice, "You have no conscience! Home doesn't look like home! My son doesn't even recognize me! My life is miserable—"

"Are you crazy!" Jiang Cheng couldn't hold it anymore, so he roared and avoided her hand, "What kind of hatred do you have with Li Baoguo, you two, you two! No fucking one wants to recognize you two!"

After roaring, he turned around and walked away. After two steps, he spread his legs and ran, as if someone was chasing after him with a knife and slashing.

The school gate was already closed, he didn't stop, he ran along the wall, and finally leaned against a tree by the roadside.

He didn't know if the woman had followed, and it was impossible to keep up, but he didn't have the courage to look back.

After a while, he took out his mobile phone and sent Gu Fei a message.

- where did you climb the fence

The wall of No. 4 Middle School is indeed high, and there are many small shops next to the wall, so he can't get in at all, but now he is eager to enter the school, very eager.

Gu Fei's news came back quickly.

- It turns out that it can't be turned over. The back door is northward, next to the canteen, and there are waste bricks in the fence.

Jiang Cheng found the commissary Gu Fei had mentioned. There was a garbage pond by the fence. If you stepped on it, you could go up to the wall, and if you went up to the wall, you could see a pile of bricks piled up in a mess.

If I jumped down, I could smash my ankles without being level.

"Let's jump," the commissary owner said in a loud voice, looking at him with his arms crossed by the wall, "there is no teacher at the moment, and someone will be watching in a few minutes."

"Fuck." Jiang Cheng almost didn't let his voice make him fall down.

He looked around at no one and jumped off the wall.

Fortunately, I stepped on a few bricks and stumbled twice, but none of my feet stepped into the cracks of the bricks.

When he entered the classroom, Lao Xu was standing on the podium, and there was a group of people eating breakfast below. I didn't know that he was here to inspect the distribution of Sunshine Breakfast.

"Are you late?" Lao Xu was surprised to see him.

"Pee." Jiang Cheng said.

Returning to his seat, Gu Fei glanced at him and said nothing.

"Fuck." Jiang Cheng said in a low voice.

He really wanted to say something, he wanted to curse, he wanted to complain, he wanted to find a place to yell, and he wanted to hug his head and cry.

But now he can only sit here in a daze, unable to do anything.


The suffocating fire was burning in his body, and he could almost smell the scorching smell. The fire that couldn't be vented and couldn't bear made his whole body hurt.

He wanted to tell Gu Fei, but he knew that any word Gu Fei said at the moment would suddenly explode.

Fortunately, Gu Fei was a scumbag with excellent emotional intelligence.

But sometimes life is so ruthless. There are always people who do inappropriate things at inappropriate times. Such people are called unlucky people.

"Chengcheng!" A strange voice came from outside the door, "Chengcheng—"

Jiang Cheng turned his head abruptly, and saw a certain person from the 5th class basketball team walking past the back door with a scornful smile on his face.

This person is going to hang up.

This was Gu Fei's first reaction when he heard this idiot's voice.

Jiang Cheng jumped up from his seat, and when he stepped over behind him, his knee hit his back, Gu Fei coughed helplessly and looked out.

Jiang Cheng's speed was very fast, and just as everyone in the class turned their heads to look out, he had already rushed out, grabbed the idiot's collar, and punched him on the bridge of the nose.

This punch was very heavy. Gu Fei felt that when he fought with Jiang Cheng last time, Jiang Cheng always had a lot of punches, but this punch was completely out of control.

"Fuck!" Wang Xu jumped up first, with his hands on the table, he jumped over a group, and then jumped again from the table in front of him.

This person, in order to join in the fun, can improve his skills by at least three steps.

When Jiang Cheng hit the fool in the face with his second punch, the entire class stood up and squeezed out from the front and rear doors together.

"What's going on! What's going on!" Lao Xu shouted, wanting to go out too, but he was soon crowded into the back of the line by the crowd, "What's going on! Pull the frame! Pull the frame! Wang Xu! Go pull the frame! "

"How the hell am I pulling this!" Wang Xu's voice came from the corridor.

Gu Fei stood up, dragged the chair behind the crowd at the door, stood up and looked outside.

The idiot classmate had already fallen to the ground, Jiang Cheng pinched his neck with one hand and swiped his face with the other, if it wasn't for the loud shouting from the crowd, he would definitely be able to hear the sound.

The idiot was in Class 5, not the boss of Class 5, but he was definitely a candidate for class tyrant like Wang Xu. If he was beaten to the ground like this, someone from Class 5 would soon come over.

"Fuck!" Someone yelled and was about to rush over.

"Who the fuck!" Wang Xu also roared, rolling up his sleeves and pushing him, "Do you want to fuck me? Come and come!"

A fight between the two classes suddenly started without the opening ceremony, without even scolding to warm up, it directly entered the full hand-to-hand combat.

The hallway was crowded with students, and the crowds of onlookers and the high school students roared loudly. The teachers in several classes on this floor were so crowded that they didn't even care about maintaining order.

Gu Fei jumped out of the chair, squeezed into the crowd, avoided fists a few times, and came to Jiang Cheng's side.

At this time, the guy on the ground was already covered in blood, but it was estimated that because he was beaten too hard, his high fighting spirit was aroused, and he was facing Jiang Cheng.

"Jiang Cheng," Gu Fei called out to Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng seemed to have not heard him, he frowned, "Brother Cheng! Almost there!"

Just as he was about to pull Jiang Cheng in the past, the one on the ground slammed the punch, targeting Jiang Cheng's face, but it swept across Gu Fei's face.

Gu Fei grabbed Jiang Cheng's arm and yanked it, abruptly pulling Jiang Cheng backward and staggering to the ground, then he slapped the man on the ground with a slap in the face.

Jiang Cheng sat on the ground with his butt, only to regain his senses from the chaotic anger.

The one on the ground glared, got up and wanted to pounce again.

Gu Fei pointed at him, his fingers almost poking his eyes: "Move again, I'll put you in the hospital."

The voice was very cold, and the man immediately stopped in place as if he had suddenly braked.

Jiang Cheng had never heard such a tone of voice from Gu Fei before, so cold that he suddenly woke up and slowly stood up from the ground.

The group fight around him was still in full swing, and he suddenly felt a little dazed while standing in the crowd.

"Gu Fei! Gu Fei!" Lao Xu finally tried his best to make himself appear in the chaos, "Gu Fei! Pull the frame! Pull the frame! Pull them away!"

Gu Fei didn't say a word. In the past, he grabbed a person from Class 5 by the collar and dragged him back. When the person turned around, he was about to hit him. He caught the person's hand and pushed him aside.

Then he grabbed Wang Xu's collar and pushed it.

"Fuck you..." Wang Xu didn't finish his curse, but after seeing that it was Gu Fei, he shut up.

"Tell your people to go back to the classroom." Gu Fei turned to look at him and said in a calm voice.

"Okay!" Wang Xu roared, "Stop it all! Everyone from Class 8 go back to the classroom!"

Gu Fei grabbed the arm of a person from Class 5 and pushed it.

The people in the corridor finally separated slowly, and those who were entangled in each other changed to cursing.

"Go back to the classroom!" Lao Lu's voice suddenly sounded, the first session was his class, and it was estimated that no one could hear his roar after a while, "I slept so well yesterday, didn't it! Want to be wild, right? Come! Who wants to raise your hand and play two games on the playground with me! You!"

He pointed at the one whose face was covered in blood by Jiang Cheng's smash: "It's you who said that, with a bloody face! It's pretty beautiful when it's blooming, isn't it! Is it a morning glory or a sunflower! Why are you staring at me! Do you have to? I'll carry you to wash your face!"

Everyone slowly returned to the classroom accompanied by Lao Lu's voice. It was so excited early in the morning. Many people were a little unfulfilled.

Jiang Cheng sat back on his seat, still feeling a little dizzy.

Gu Fei also sat down, flipped through his schoolbag, took a few Band-Aids and threw them on the table in front of him.

"Why?" Jiang Cheng glanced at him.

"Hand." Gu Fei said.

Jiang Cheng looked down at his hand, he didn't know when he made a few holes, he didn't feel it at all, and even now he didn't feel any pain.

He tore off two Band-Aids and put them on.

"Hey Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng..." Zhou Jing turned his head excitedly.

Jiang Cheng stared at him, and before he finished speaking, he turned around and sat down.

"Jiang Cheng," Lao Xu entered the classroom, frowning, "Come with me."

Jiang Cheng stood up and followed Lao Xu out of the classroom.

"What's the matter with you?" Lao Xu asked as he walked downstairs with him, "Why did you suddenly start fighting?"

Jiang Cheng remained silent.

"Is it because of the game?" Lao Xu turned his head and asked again, "That's not right. When it comes to the game, Wang Xu should be the one who takes the lead."

Jiang Cheng remained silent.

Lao Xu didn't stop until he reached the playground, and sighed: "Jiang Cheng, you will definitely be taken to the teaching office for this matter today, you have to tell me what's going on, I'll be fine. Talk to the dean to help you, this kind of situation will be punished!"

Punishment is terrible.

He is still carrying the previous punishment on his back.

The punishment is not terrible, the terrible thing is that he doesn't know what to say at all.

I hit him because he learned to speak with that woman.

Do you want to beat him if you learn from that woman


Because that woman is my mother

It's not difficult to explain this thing according to common sense, but for him, it is difficult.

Jiang Cheng looked at Lao Xu, and after a long time he said, "Whatever."