Chapter 42


Jiang Cheng's hands were very strong, especially in this state of being burned out of control by the wine and the atmosphere, Gu Fei's palm joints were a little painful because they were squeezed together, and the mint in his palm was hard. The sugar also froze like a small rock.

Gu Fei looked at Yi Jing out of the corner of his eye, Yi Jing was being dragged by Wang Xu to speak, and while the whole room was eating, drinking and chatting, no one noticed that Jiang Cheng here was about to crush his hand. .

"What's wrong?" Gu Fei asked in a low voice.

Jiang Cheng didn't speak, he just leaned against the wall and looked at him, his hands still tightly clasped.

Gu Fei looked at him for a while, then turned his face away, staring at a table of dishes in a daze.

He is not left-handed, he needs to eat with his right hand, and now Jiang Cheng has no intention of letting go, he can only look at the food on the table in silence.

In fact, he could feel that Jiang Cheng was a little out of control at the beginning, but within three or five seconds at the most, he had already recovered.

Right now, holding on so tightly, there are embarrassment, some overwhelm, and there are also intentional thoughts that don't want to suddenly let go. For a person like Jiang Cheng with heavy and sensitive minds, facing the current situation, those gullies in his mind The gully is probably about to be leveled.

Gu Fei picked up the soup bowl with his left hand and took a sip. This was the lamb tripe soup specially ordered by Wang Xu, and it tasted pretty good.

"This soup is not bad." Gu Fei turned his head and said to Jiang Cheng.

"Ah." Jiang Cheng responded and let go of his hand.

"Have you tasted it?" Gu Fei said, and lightly tapped the back of Jiang Cheng's hand with his thumb.

"Sheep's belly?" Jiang Cheng asked, finally letting go of the hand that held him.

"Yes." Gu Fei pulled out his hand, hesitated for a while, then pressed the mint candy still in his hand into Jiang Cheng's palm.

"I actually don't like mutton belly soup," Jiang Cheng whispered, this time he didn't squeeze his hand, took his candy, lowered his head and slowly peeled it under the table, "I like mutton soup, mutton bone soup. , tube bone soup, pork belly soup…”

"Tell me I'm hungry." Gu Fei picked up his chopsticks and put a piece of lamb belly in his mouth.

"Me too." Jiang Cheng threw the candy into his mouth, swallowed it for two seconds, then turned his head sharply, "Isn't this the fucking candy with a stale taste?"

"No, do you like that? That's the tricky candy that Liu Fan's friend brought back from Japan. I still have a whole package there." Gu Fei said with a smile.

"Give me some, two or three will do." Jiang Cheng nodded, this candy was very much in line with his mentally handicapped style with Pan Zhi.

"I'll give it to you on Monday," Gu Fei said. "Hey, I'm going to study for a review on Monday."

"... I've written it." Jiang Cheng sighed.

A large group of people eat together, especially this kind of half-sized child. Generally, everyone will be full within 20 minutes, because they are all rushing to eat, as if they have been locked up in a cabbage garden for ten or eight years and have not seen any meat. .

When you're full, you start drinking slowly and bragging.

Jiang Cheng didn't join the chat, he just listened.

In the past, it was similar to the class reunion process, and there was also a part of bragging, but the rank of bragging was far inferior to the group of people in Class 8 in front of him. Jiang Cheng listened to the old Xiangle, but a few girls were quite involved, and they gave him a lot of face.

"Jiang Cheng!" Wang Xu didn't know when he had finished blowing his brilliance, and suddenly stood up and rushed at Jiang Cheng with the cup in his hand, "Come with brother!"

"Ah?" Jiang Cheng was stunned.

"I'll give you a toast," Wang Xu drank a lot, and now his face was red and gleaming, "To our secret weapon!"

"It's not a secret for a long time..." Jiang Cheng looked at Wang Xu's face, you don't drink, I promise to give you the expression, and stood up with his own cup, "It's all from the same team, so it's not so grand. right?"

"It's better for you to drink and play neatly!" Wang Xu pointed at him.

Jiang Cheng was speechless, took the cup and knocked on his cup, then raised his head and drank the wine.

"Refreshing!" Wang Xu roared happily and drank the wine in one gulp, "Love you!"

"...No need for love." Jiang Cheng reluctantly sat down.

"I still have to love it!" Wang Xu threw the cup in a dashing manner, "If something happens in the future, Brother Xu will cover..."

"Sit down." Gu Fei pushed Wang Xu's arm that was still on his head away, and wiped off the wine foam that he had thrown in his face.

"Da Fei!" Wang Xu shouted as if he had discovered a new world, pouring wine into his glass, "We..."

Gu Fei didn't wait for him to speak, or for him to finish his drink. He got up and picked up his glass, drank it all, then grabbed his arm: "Sit down and eat something."

"Oh!" Wang Xu looked at him, excited and confused.

"Don't let him drink any more," Gu Fei turned his head and glanced at Yi Jing, who had been leaning back to avoid him, "How can I get it back if it falls down for a while."

Yi Jing smiled helplessly: "He doesn't listen to me either."

"He listens." Gu Fei said.

"Listen!" Wang Xu nodded immediately, "I listen!"

Gu Fei ignored him and squeezed out from Jiang Cheng's side.

"Why are you going?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Wash your face," Gu Fei said, "by the way, bring some fruit for Er Miao to eat."

"Well," Jiang Cheng glanced at Gu Miao, who had fallen asleep on the chair next to him, "I've been asleep for a long time..."

"I'm going to sleep at some point." Gu Fei put on his coat and squeezed out from behind a group of people with great difficulty.

The house continued to be noisy, laughing and shouting to eat, the wine bottles were basically empty, Yi Jing suppressed them and did not let them ask for more wine.

Jiang Cheng was still leaning against the wall in his old posture, folded his arms and looked at the group of blushing and smiling people, the atmosphere didn't change, but he looked at Gu Fei's back as he opened the box door and went out, but suddenly felt a little cold.

Probably had been squeezing with Gu Fei before, arms next to each other, legs touching... oh, and grabbing hands.

He felt that his state today was miraculous. Thinking of the scene where he just grabbed Gu Fei's hand, he didn't fall into embarrassment, and he even felt a little complacent.

Proud ass? I don't know, the young man's thinking is so mysterious, so suddenly shameless!

It's probably because of the bar. It's not that he's drinking too badly, but that he can't adapt to the same way of drinking as Zha Mengzi.

Every time he finished pouring wine like this, he would have a pleasant feeling of stepping on the clouds and taking the wrong medicine. Last time he took a sip from his relatives, but this time he was holding on to his hand again, like a hooligan who borrowed wine.

And this time, his shock and embarrassment at his behavior didn't last long, like now when he thinks back... just want to laugh.

It's terrifying that a person's face can be thickened so easily.

Gu Fei went out for a long time without returning to the box, Jiang Cheng had to stand up, he was going to the toilet, he wanted to go just now, but when Gu Fei went to wash his face, he went to pee, feeling a little less so. Suitable.

At this moment, he couldn't bear it anymore, he stood up and squeezed out of the box.

"Jiang Cheng!" As soon as he squeezed to the door, Guo Xu yelled in his ear, "Where are you going!"

Jiang Cheng was already a little dizzy, but he was startled by his voice again, and almost slammed his head against the door. He turned his head and saw Guo Yang's nose was flushed red, and his eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Go to the toilet." He patted Guo Xu's arm, opened the door and walked out.

"Hurry up! We haven't had a drink yet!" Guo Xu opened the door and poked his head out and shouted.

"Ah." Jiang Cheng waved his hand.

It seems that these "northern people" have the same amount of alcohol.

Gu Fei was not encountered in the toilet, and it was estimated that he was going to get Gu Miao fruit.

When Jiang Cheng was washing his hands after using the toilet, the phone rang. He took it out and looked at it, and was surprised to see that it was Shen Yiqing's number.

He stared at the number for a long time, but finally picked it up.

"Xiao Cheng?" Shen Yiqing's voice came from there.

Although there was some resistance, and after so long, it felt a lot lighter, but when he heard this voice, Jiang Cheng still felt that the familiar feeling that this always full of seriousness and calm and restrained voice brought him would probably last a lifetime. Can't erase it.

"Ah." He responded.

"Are you at home?" Shen Yiqing asked.

"No," Jiang Cheng turned off the tap, took out a cigarette and lit it as he walked out, and stood by the window in the corridor, "Eat outside."

"Are you smoking?" Shen Yiqing asked again.

"Yeah." Jiang Cheng leaned against the wall and looked out, suddenly feeling a very relaxed feeling.

Shen Yiqing didn't speak, and after a while, he said in a cold voice, "You can really maintain yourself wherever you go."

"Well, it's not that I want to keep it, that's what I am, isn't it?" Jiang Cheng frowned, "Are you just calling to ask this?"

"Li Baoguo called me and said he wanted some money," Shen Yiqing said, "tuition and meals and so on..."

"He called you?" Jiang Cheng was stunned.

He never thought that Li Baoguo would call Shen Yiqing to ask for money, and the strong sense of shame that suddenly covered him made him almost breathless.

"I think these expenses should be paid by the parents, so I didn't agree," Shen Yiqing said, "Is there any money on the card I gave you?"

"Yes." Jiang Cheng gritted his teeth.

"This money is for you. Although we are no longer a family, we still have feelings for each other," Shen Yiqing said. "I hope you take this money well."

"Understood." Jiang Cheng took a heavy puff of cigarette.

"I just want to talk about this, then I'll hang up." Shen Yiqing said.

"En." Jiang Cheng closed his eyes, the smoke coming up made his eyes hurt.

"I still want to say one more thing," Shen Yiqing said suddenly again, "I hope you can see your own problems clearly in the new environment, don't always feel that your rebellious period has not passed, and your grades can't explain anything, your personality and temperament are the decisions. How is the road under your feet..."

"Fuck you, don't teach me a lesson," Jiang Cheng opened his eyes, his voice hoarse, "I've heard enough, the facts have proved that your lessons are useless to people like me! I'm not a twin! I'm not on the same channel as you. It's always been like this! I hear what you say is a training! You hear what I say is a thorn! Now I'm home! Isn't it over!"

The last sentence Jiang Cheng shouted.

After shouting, he hung up the phone, stared at the wall for a long time, put the phone back in his pocket, turned around and closed it against the wall, raised his head and took a few deep breaths before he recovered and opened it. Eye.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Gu Fei standing two steps away from him with a large fruit bowl.

He stared at Gu Fei, not knowing what to say.

"Do you want to eat?" Gu Fei handed over the fruit plate, "I just asked the waiter to cut it."

Jiang Cheng took a piece of watermelon: "I've eaten out of season fruit and I've lost my mind."

"Then you eat?" Gu Fei put the fruit plate on a small table next to it, and also took a piece of watermelon.

"I'm too smart," Jiang Cheng said. "Eat a few slices and lean on the average, and try to be on par with my biological father, Li Baoguo."

"Li Baoguo is not very stupid, he is quite good at counting cards." Gu Fei smiled.

"It's really powerful to ask for money," Jiang Cheng said, and he was suddenly blocked again. He felt that the roar he had just directed at Shen Yiqing had no confidence and stance because Li Baoguo went to ask for money. He took a hard bite of the watermelon. ,"Hold."

"You eat watermelon with the skin on?" Gu Fei looked at him in surprise.

"Shut up!" Jiang Cheng spat the chewed watermelon rind into the trash can next to him, "We in the city eat like this."

"Got it." Gu Fei laughed while eating.

Jiang Cheng felt a little bored at the moment, he felt that his mood was indeed unstable, and he was easily influenced. The good mood he had saved from a pleasant and relaxing evening was completely lost on this phone call. .

He is reluctant to go back to the box now. The people in the room that made him happy may now become the source of his irritability.

Gu Fei didn't say much, and didn't seem to be in a hurry to go back to the box. The two of them just leaned against the table in the corridor and ate a fruit plate.

Watermelon, orange, small tomato... Anyway, after eating a belly of meat, it is time to eat some fruit to relieve tiredness.

It was not until the plate of fruit was dried up that he raised his head and looked at Gu Fei.

"We've eaten up Queen Miaomiao's fruit." Jiang Cheng wiped his mouth.

"Well, I'll cut a plate for her later." Gu Fei said.

"Did you hear some great secret just now?" Jiang Cheng looked at him, his body, which was a little hot from the wine and heating, was slowly neutralized by the cold fruit.

"It's not a big secret, isn't it," Gu Fei said, "I already knew about your retirement... Was it just you... foster mother?"

"Yes," Jiang Cheng nodded, stroking his fingers in the empty fruit tray, and slowly stroked the notes with the water remaining at the bottom of the tray, "Li Baoguo asked her for money."

Gu Fei raised his eyebrows in surprise, but did not speak.

"Gu Fei," Jiang Cheng scribbled out the notes he had drawn, "Have you ever been particularly upset, how did you deal with it? Living in a light-hearted manner all day doesn't seem like a pretense. "

"Drink some wine and sleep." Gu Fei said.

"Really," Jiang Cheng frowned, "Does it work?"

"It doesn't work." Gu Fei said.

"What about playing with me?" Jiang Cheng looked at him.

"Is there any solution, it'll be fine if you get used to it," Gu Fei said.

The two of them were still standing in the corridor, neither of them intending to move, they stared at the empty fruit plate together in a daze.

After a while, Jiang Cheng heard the sound of a skateboard.

"Huh?" Gu Fei turned his head.

"Gu Miao?" Jiang Cheng raised his eyes and saw Gu Miao sliding over from the box holding his and Gu Fei's clothes and schoolbags.

"Hey! Miaomiao, please slow down, your brother..." Wang Xu hurriedly followed behind with his jacket in his hand, and he was relieved when he saw Gu Fei and Jiang Cheng standing in the corridor, "Damn it! I thought you two eloped! Let's go!"

"Dispersed?" Gu Fei asked.

"What are you going to loose," Wang Xu said while putting on his clothes, "Change the place! Sing!"

"I'm not going." Jiang Cheng quickly whispered.

Gu Fei glanced at him, then turned to Wang Xu and nodded: "Okay, let's go."

Everyone in the house came out, and there was a lot of noise.

After leaving the restaurant, everyone immediately walked across the street. Seeing Wang Xu's familiarity, it was estimated that he had chosen this place.

Jiang Cheng walked last, and after everyone passed, he saw Gu Fei and Gu Miao still standing by the roadside.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Don't you say you can't go?" Gu Fei said.

"... I mean I'm not going," Jiang Cheng was stunned for a while, "Go if you want, you don't need to accompany me."

"No, I'm going to take Er Miao back to sleep," Gu Fei scratched Gu Miao's head, "If you weren't here today, I wouldn't be here for dinner."

"Why?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"It's boring," Gu Fei stretched his back after speaking, and pushed his bicycle to a taxi next to him, "Let's go, Brother Cheng."

Gu Miao was already sleepy, Gu Fei didn't let her continue to slide back, shoved the bicycle into the trunk, and took a taxi.

"You..." Jiang Cheng hesitated for a long time, until he saw the sign at the intersection, and then said, "Go home directly?"

"Where do you want to go?" Gu Fei asked.

"I don't know," Jiang Cheng rubbed his forehead, "I just don't want to go back to Li Baoguo."

"En." Gu Fei responded.

The car stopped in front of Gu Fei's store, and the lights were still on in the store. When Jiang Cheng got out of the car, he saw Gu Fei's mother inside. It was the first time he saw her after nine o'clock in a long time. Stay in the store.

"Wait for me." Gu Fei said.

"Oh." Jiang Cheng watched him bring Gu Miao into the store, handed it over to his mother, then walked around the shelves a few times, and came out with a large plastic bag filled with a lot of things.

"What?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Eat, peanuts, beef jerky, etc." Gu Fei replied, turning around and walking forward.

"Where are you going?" Jiang Cheng walked up to him and stood beside him.

"Steel Factory," Gu Fei looked at him, "Don't you want to go back?"

Jiang Cheng didn't speak, and gave him a thumbs up.

The hut of the steel mill seems to have been visited by someone in the past two days, and it has been cleaned up very cleanly. Even the cloth on the sofa of the broken leg has been replaced.

"Li Yan is really virtuous," Gu Fei put his things on the table and skillfully started to make a fire in the middle stove, "He basically cleans everything in this room."

"He doesn't look virtuous at all," Jiang Cheng leaned on the sofa, let out a long sigh of relief, and somehow felt a lot more relaxed on his body, "What do you have to eat? Let me see."

Gu Fei put the bag next to him.

In addition to all kinds of peanuts, all kinds of beef jerky, and a pile of chicken fillets, even ham sausage and instant noodles, a bag full of them, Jiang Cheng laughed: "This configuration is enough to drink until tomorrow. It's morning."

"Can you still drink?" Gu Fei turned his head.

"Don't have any prejudice against us southerners," Jiang Cheng took a packet of peanuts, took one apart, and slowly chewed it in his mouth, "We southerners just drink slowly, fashionable like me. Southern urbanites drink more slowly..."

Gu Fei laughed: "I'll see if there's any wine left."

"If you don't have it, go back to the store and get it." Jiang Cheng touched a cigarette and lit it.

"Yes, boss," Gu Fei picked up a few cardboard boxes by the wall and flipped through them, then took out two bottles of liquor, "Hongxing Erguotou, these people have changed their tastes recently."

"Anyway, it's all Erguotou, natives." Jiang Cheng stretched his legs with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Do I still have to pour it for you?" Gu Fei looked at him.

"Yeah," Jiang Cheng said, "I don't want to move, I'm not in the mood."

"Remember this moment, Brother Cheng," Gu Fei kicked the small table to his lap, poured the wine and put it in front of him, then took a few disposable dinner plates, dismantled some of the snacks in the bag, and put them on top. On the table, "Except for Er Miao, I have never served anyone like this before."

"Isn't the service at the BBQ last time very considerate." Jiang Cheng smiled.

"Then remember from last time." Gu Fei sat next to him.

"Oh," Jiang Cheng picked up the cup and took a sip, "Really?"

"Really." Gu Fei took a piece of beef jerky and slowly tore it.

"It's too unbelievable, you've never dated a female...male...boyfriend, girlfriend or something?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"No." Gu Fei said.

"...Oh." Jiang Cheng turned his head to look at him.

In my heart, I held a three-second silence for the chat that I couldn't continue because I suddenly asked such a question that was inherently embarrassing.