Chapter 44


This night, he slept quite deeply. Before falling asleep, Jiang Cheng thought that he might have a dream at night, but he slept in a blank space until he woke up the next morning.

The sky outside was bright, and it was estimated that it was around seven or eight o’clock. The fire in the house had been extinguished, and the wind was pouring in through the cracks in the ventilated windows. Jiang Cheng sneezed as soon as he opened his eyes.

I reached out and touched it again, but no one was there.

He turned his head and found that Gu Fei was not beside him.

But before he was surprised that Gu Fei got up so early on the weekend morning, he uncontrollably froze for a while about what happened last night.

Jiang Cheng sat up, stretched out his hand and grabbed two handfuls in his hair.

The wine is over.

The madness is over.

Embarrassment didn't come up.

There was a faint panic around him now.

Jiang Cheng, what have you done!

The key is to do it if you do it, and now the person who did it with you has disappeared early in the morning... Fuck! Who the fuck is this!

Jiang Cheng jumped off the sofa, and walked around the room twice, making sure that Gu Fei's clothes, schoolbags and everything were missing, so the bastard fled without leaving a trace

As for it!

Even if it's a temporary appointment! You don't have to run away like this!

This is not embarrassment, Jiang Cheng's feeling at this moment is that he is very shameless!

"Damn it!" He scolded softly, took his mobile phone, sneezed twice and then called Gu Fei.

Before two rings, he suddenly heard the phone ringing at the door.


who is coming!

Not a good bird

Li Yan

Or Ding Zhuxin

Did I fucking clean this place

When he realized that the ringing outside the door was Gu Fei's cell phone, a cold sweat broke out from his back.

The door was pushed open, and Gu Fei walked in with two steaming fast food boxes: "You called me?"

"Ah." Jiang Cheng looked at him.

"Hurry up and eat, beef noodle," Gu Fei put the box on the small table, "Just now Li Yan called me to go to the store, I went over to open the store first."

"Is he in the shop now?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"No, I'll be here in a while." Gu Fei said.

"Then your store is open like that? No one?" Jiang Cheng asked again.

"Well," Gu Fei replied, "No one will go in and steal at this time. The thief has been busy all night and just fell asleep."

"...Oh." Jiang Cheng sat down.

Gu Fei took out a long small plastic bag from his pocket and threw it in front of him.

"Mustard?" This was Jiang Cheng's first reaction.

"You want to eat beef noodles with mustard?" Gu Fei lowered his head and started eating noodles.

Jiang Cheng glanced at it, and it was an individually packaged mouthwash: "Do you still have this stuff in your store?"

"What's the matter, my shop is very fashionable." Gu Fei said.

Jiang Cheng laughed for a long time, went to the toilet to wash his face, rinsed his mouth again, and sat down to start eating powder.

There was still a silent atmosphere when eating, but Jiang Cheng didn’t want to talk too much at this moment, and the speculation about Gu Fei made him feel a little embarrassed.

And... he didn't feel so embarrassed when he woke up, maybe he sneezed and was shocked and angry at the same time.

At this moment, he was eating the hot powder in silence, and the restlessness and panic in his body came out boldly.

"Are you going home?" Gu Fei wiped his mouth after eating the powder. "Li Yan seems to be looking for me today. If I'm not in the store for a while, I might come over. I have to go now."

"Then go over quickly," Jiang Cheng said quickly, he didn't want to be seen, no matter who it was or whether he could see what happened here, "I'm leaving too."

"En." Gu Fei packed the snacks on the table into a bag and threw them into the cardboard box next to him. The garbage was packed in a bag and carried.

Jiang Cheng walked out the door behind him, silent all the way.

After eating, Jiang Cheng felt that today was actually not too cold and the wind was not strong, but for some reason, he always had the feeling that he wanted to shiver.

Gu Fei stopped when he reached the fork in the steel mill. He went back to the left, and Gu Fei's house went to the right.

"That," Gu Fei glanced at him, "you go home?"

"Well," Jiang Cheng nodded, took two steps to the left path, then turned around and slowly walked back, "That... I'm leaving."

"En." Gu Fei responded, standing still.

Jiang Cheng took a few steps back and cleared his throat, not knowing what to say, so he waved at Gu Fei, turned around and walked along the road.

When he reached the downstairs of Li Baoguo, he saw Li Baoguo walking quickly from across the street from a distance.

As soon as he saw this person, he immediately thought of the phone call from Shen Yiqing yesterday, and his heart was blocked for a while, and it was almost blocked in his throat, so he stopped and wanted to wait for Li Baoguo to go home and sleep before entering the room.

But after Li Baoguo approached, he found that there were two women behind Li Baoguo, wearing the same clothes and looking like uniforms like salesmen.

"Uncle," a young woman trotted after Li Baoguo, "Uncle, we really made a wrong call, it was indeed our mistake, but you can't deny it!"

"I don't know! I didn't answer any calls!" Li Baoguo said loudly, waving his hands, "Don't follow me anymore!"

Another woman was a little anxious: "You look at your age! How can you be so unqualified in doing things?"

"Who is unqualified? Who is unqualified!" Li Baoguo turned back and glared at her, "You say every day that I took your things! You have great quality in framing people?"

"Uncle, how did we frame you!" the young woman shouted, with a crying voice, "We called you by mistake, but why did you say you bought it? Let us deliver it! We The driver still remembers that it was you who received the goods!"

"I don't know what driver!" Li Baoguo entered the corridor, and then he heard a bang, and he entered the room and closed the door.

"Why is this person like this!" The young woman cried out while standing at the entrance of the corridor.

Jiang Cheng stood there and watched for almost a minute before slowly walking over to the two women, feeling like he was dragging a sandbag under his feet.

"I'm sorry," he looked at the older woman, "eldest sister, what's this... what's going on?"

"Do you know that person?" The eldest sister asked immediately, pointing to the door of Li Bao's country, "Can you tell us about it?"

Jiang Cheng did not say that he knew Li Baoguo, but the eldest sister still told the matter.

These two are salesmen of a tobacco and alcohol wholesale store. An old customer asked for cigarettes and alcohol. The new girl made the wrong call and called Li Baoguo. Li Baoguo asked him to deliver everything to the intersection, but he didn't give any The money is gone.

"It's okay for our old customers to pay after receiving the goods," the eldest sister said. "As a result, a customer called in the evening to ask when it would be delivered, and we found out that we made a mistake."

"It's my fault," the little girl cried, "but he can't take things that aren't his and don't recognize them. Those things cost more than 2,000 yuan. If he doesn't pay them back, I'll have to pay them back... "

Jiang Cheng only felt that his whole body became cold, and after a few sneezes from the head, he felt his head swell, and he felt uncomfortable everywhere.

"Leave me a call," he said. "I'll contact you after I've checked with him."

"Do you know him?" the eldest sister asked immediately. "Who are you? Are you his son?"

"...Yes." Jiang Cheng nodded with some difficulty.

"Then you must help this girl. She's all young. She has only been here for two months, and one month's salary is not enough to compensate," said the eldest sister. "Her family is quite difficult, not easy."

"I'll contact you when I'm clear." Jiang Cheng said.

The little girl kept crying, and the eldest sister asked repeatedly, Jiang Cheng didn’t know what else to say, he just kept repeating this sentence.

After the two finally left, he opened the door wearily and entered the house.

"Why are you talking so much with them?" Li Baoguo stood in the living room, and when he saw him coming in, he said in a loud voice, "You don't need to pay attention to them at all!"

"Did you take those things?" Jiang Cheng threw his schoolbag on the sofa.

Li Baoguo was still shouting: "Whether I take it or not, this matter..."

"I'll ask you if you took it!" Jiang Cheng interrupted him and roared.

"Take it! What's the matter! They called and wanted to deliver it to me!" Li Baoguo roared with his eyes wide open, "What's the matter! It's none of my business! It's their own fault, and they have to bear the consequences themselves!"

"Give it back to them." Jiang Cheng also stared at him.

"Have you lost your mind? What else do you have for nothing? I didn't take the initiative to deceive people!" Li Baoguo looked at the fool's expression, "I told you that they checked the surveillance! They even went to the police station! The police station doesn't care! Let them solve it on their own!"

It's good that Li Baoguo didn't say it. As soon as he said it, Jiang Cheng only felt that his anger was about to blow the sky away: "Aren't you quite proud? The police station can't afford to offend a scoundrel like you! Are you quite happy?"

"You fart and pay attention to Laozi!" Li Baoguo was also angry, pointing at him, "You have to figure out who you are talking to! You are talking to you Laozi!"

Jiang Cheng suppressed the anger in his heart, stared at him for a few seconds, then turned his head and walked into Li Baoguo's room.

"What are you doing!" Li Baoguo immediately followed him in, grabbing his arm and pulling him out.

Jiang Cheng turned around and threw his hand away violently: "I said it! Don't touch me!"

"What's wrong with touching you!" Li Baoguo roared, "Fuck you, I ejaculated, let's not touch you, it's not your fart if I beat you!"

Jiang Cheng's hands were shaking, and he ignored him. He bent down and looked under the bed. It was full of rubbish. He didn't see any cigarettes or alcohol, so he went over to open the cabinet again.

"If I don't teach you a lesson today, you don't know who has the final say in this family!" Li Baoguo rushed over and gave him a shove in the back.

Jiang Cheng was unprepared, and when he suddenly pushed him like this, he directly slammed into the cabinet door, his nose aching for a while.

Then Li Baoguo punched him in the face again: "I really think I am the eldest young master!"

Jiang Cheng had been scolded by his parents in his life, punished for standing and even kneeling, but this was the first time he was beaten like this by his "parents".

Li Baoguo's punch was so heavy that he felt that it was impossible for Li Baoguo to be pressed to the ground that day and beaten like that.

His eyes flashed, and Li Baoguo's third move had already followed suit, kicking his lower abdomen.

This kick directly kicked Jiang Cheng to the ground, and the pain was so painful that he could hardly make a sound.

I, fuck, you, ancestor, ancestor.

When Li Baoguo stomped on his shoulders again, Jiang Cheng gritted his teeth and grabbed a stool next to him, and swung it towards his calf.

Li Baoguo probably didn't expect him to fight back, so he roared in pain and anger.

Jiang Cheng stood up clutching his stomach, grabbed the stool and swung it towards his arm, hitting him heavily.

"Fuck you." Jiang Cheng glared at Li Baoguo with gritted teeth.

Maybe Li Baoguo, who would only be a coward when he was outside, was the overlord at home was smashed twice by him.

After Jiang Cheng smashed it twice, he didn't want to do it again. Even if this person wasn't his own father, he was an old man who coughed to death all day long... When Li Baoguo rushed up again, he pushed Li Baoguo away.

But Li Baoguo's energy came up, and he probably wouldn't stop unless he was convinced by a lesson, and his energy was completely gone.

Jiang Cheng had to push him away again and again, from the back room all the way to the living room, and finally pushed him against the living room door.

"You're going to kill me, aren't you!" Li Baoguo roared, "Come, come! Kill!"

Jiang Cheng didn't want to speak, he just stared at him without saying a word.

"Lao Li! What's the matter?" A neighbor's voice came from outside the door.

"My son is going to kill me!" Li Baoguo roared, opened the door with his hand, and shouted at the neighbors standing outside, "Look at me! My son is going to kill me!"

"Why are you..." Jiang Cheng's shock had already overwhelmed his anger, his voice was trembling, "So shameless?"

"I'm shameless?" Li Baoguo turned to look at him, "I'm shameless? I want to support you, feed you, and feed you to school! I'm taking advantage of the free door-to-door, you call me shameless?"

Jiang Cheng only felt that he was almost unable to fall down in one breath, and he was about to carry it on his back.

"It's not easy for your dad..." An uncle said outside.

"Shut the fuck up!" Jiang Cheng roared.

These neighbors, looking at the show, could tell at a glance that none of them were really sympathetic and really wanted to persuade them. They were just waiting to see Li Baoguo's appearance.

"Yo!" an aunt shouted, "Why is this child like this!"

"How's it going!" Li Baoguo suddenly yelled at her, "How is my son! What's the matter with you! What are you talking about!"

"You're crazy!" The aunt stared, stomping her feet upstairs, and scolding, "The whole family is crazy! The pharmaceutical factory let your family's stuff go out of business!"

Li Baoguo slammed the door.

He turned around and stared at Jiang Cheng face to face for a long time before opening his mouth: "I'm dying..."

"Don't talk to me," Jiang Cheng said hoarsely, "I'm already dead."

Li Baoguo reopened the door and walked out.

"Where's the stuff?" Jiang Cheng asked behind him.

"Sold." Li Baoguo said.

"Where's the money?" Jiang Cheng asked again.

"It took me." Li Baoguo replied.

"From now on," Jiang Cheng said, "you don't have my son anymore, not in the past, nor in the future."

Li Baoguo stood outside the door and did not move.

"I'll move out," Jiang Cheng said, "you don't need to support me, you don't need to feed me, you don't need to support me in school anymore."

Li Baoguo glanced back, sneered, and left without saying a word.

Gu Fei was sitting behind the cashier and playing with his mobile phone, while Li Yan leaned in front of the cashier and looked at Li Baoguo who was walking around the shelves.

"This discounted product has not expired, right?" he asked, pointing to the buckets of yogurt in the freezer.

"It's due," Gu Fei said, "there are still two or three days before it expires."

Li Baoguo took a bucket and put it on the cashier: "Calculate the money for me."

"Uncle Li still drinks yogurt?" Li Yan said.

"Drink, I've never had it before," Li Baoguo said, "Try it."

"Do you keep an account?" Gu Fei asked.

"I have money." Li Baoguo took out a handful of banknotes.

"You've been lucky recently? Uncle Li." Gu Fei smiled, took the money and gave him a change.

"It's okay, it's okay." Li Baoguo walked out with the yogurt.

Li Yan sat down beside Gu Fei and looked at Li Baoguo who was walking out: "Is he really Jiang Cheng's biological father?"

"Hmm." Gu Fei was playing with his phone.

"Fuck, to say that this environment has a huge impact on people," Li Yan stretched his back, "Look at Li Baoguo, and his family, they actually have a son like Jiang Cheng."

"How long are you going to stay here with me?" Gu Fei didn't answer his words, and continued to flick on his phone, "This weekend, you have two days of useless hands, are you bothered?"

"Whenever my mother gives up letting me go on a blind date, I will go back anytime." Li Yan said.

"Ouch," Gu Fei threw the phone on the table, "you can buy my store and forget it."

Li Yan leaned back in his chair and laughed for a long time: "I really don't have enough friends."

"Are you still here tomorrow?" Gu Fei said, "If you want to stay here, I'll tell my mother that you don't need to come here. You can just watch over and watch Ermiao."

"Well, no problem." Li Yan said.

"Help me get the goods by the way?" Gu Fei glanced at him, "The last time you got the quick-frozen dumplings, you've been there."

"Everything, everything, leave it to me." Li Yan sighed.

Li Yan is not young, not even 23 years old, but because he has never had a girlfriend, his mother, who has wanted to hug her grandson since he was 15 years old, is very anxious. This son is still idle all day long and can't care about his work. He wants him all the time. Get married first.

Sometimes Gu Fei felt helpless for Li Yan.

This time, it was estimated that the force was quite fierce. Li Yan simply turned off his mobile phone and stayed here for two days without going home.

Gu Fei’s love disappeared, and Jiang Cheng said that he helped him pass three stages, but he only passed one stage, and he didn’t pass the remaining two stages for two days.

He sighed, quit the game, opened the circle of friends and slowly scrolled.

It's not interesting. Girls take selfies and buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy and buy all kinds of skin dermabrasion, and boys are just games and pretending.

Jiang Cheng was simply a breath of fresh air in the middle.

Brother Cheng: I am so rich.

Gu Fei looked at this sentence and laughed for a long time, then gave a thumbs up.

Jiang Cheng hadn't contacted him for the past two days. Although they didn't contact him very much during the previous weekend, after all, something unsightly happened just two days ago. He was fine, but he was a little worried about Jiang Cheng's state. .

But looking at his circle of friends, there seems to be no problem.

It was only when he saw Jiang Cheng on Monday that he could still see that Jiang Cheng's expression was not very good, but his emotions were still normal.

"Here." Jiang Cheng handed him the two folded pages.

"Review?" Gu Fei asked.

"Well," Jiang Cheng nodded, "There shouldn't be any words you can't read."

Gu Fei smiled: "School scum is not illiterate."

Today was the day when the group came to the stage to read the review. Before the whole school gathered, Lao Xu carried them to the rostrum. The 5th class didn't even come, and they just stood there waiting like idiots before the flag was raised.

After the flag was raised, the principal and the teacher on duty finished talking, and when it was their turn to take the stage, there was a feeling of "finally it's our turn to appear".

"Gu Fei is the first." The principal said.

There was applause from below.

"What's the applause?" said the teacher on duty. "What's the applause? What is worthy of applause when reading a review? All quiet!"

Gu Fei took out the review Jiang Cheng gave him, opened it, and stood in front of the microphone.

"The review book," Gu Fei read according to the words Jiang Cheng wrote like shit on it, "Teachers and classmates, I'm Jiang Cheng from Class 8 of Senior Two..."

The students standing below burst into laughter after a brief silence, mixed with a lot of screams, and the principal and the teacher on duty beside them turned their heads in surprise.

"Fuck." Gu Fei suddenly turned his head to look at the line of people standing behind him.

Jiang Cheng was rummaging through his pockets with his head down, and it took a long time for him to dig out the other two folded papers, and hurriedly came over and handed them to him in two steps.

He gave the one in his hand to Jiang Cheng, suppressing his voice: "You're too arrogant, can this be wrong?"

"You're also very good," Jiang Cheng also suppressed his voice, "You don't know what your name is?"