Chapter 48


When Gu Fei returned to the classroom, the class bell had already rang, he sat back in his seat, and Jiang Cheng was half-squatting on the table watching him.

"Sure enough, there is no surprise," Gu Fei said, "First."

"Did you really ask?" Jiang Cheng was a little surprised.

"Yes," Gu Fei nodded, "very calm."

Jiang Cheng laughed and said nothing.

"But I didn't ask what the total score was," Gu Fei said, "It's announced today and I'll add it first, I feel..."

He raised his head and glanced at Yi Jing: "The monitor may be a lot worse than you."

"Is she second?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Well," Gu Fei said, "she's either first or second anyway, but she didn't get full marks. She's a top student in the fourth middle school, not a match for a top high school player in a big city like you."

Jiang Cheng did not speak.

Pan Zhi sent him an email just now, scanned the paper for this mid-term exam and sent it to him. He glanced at the English paper. Some of them are not very reliable, and I plan to do this set of papers once after I go back to see how well they are.

- my mother agreed that i will go to you on friday , ready to receive me

Pan Zhi sent another message.

- well , this time i don ' t have to stay in a hotel , i moved out

- me? what happened

- see you later

-Okay, Lao Yuan wrote a letter to you, I will bring it to you

-. . . .

- he sighs when he thinks of you

Jiang Cheng put the phone back in his pocket and wanted to sigh for no reason.

Lao Yuan was his former class teacher. He was a good person. When he left, because he was in a bad mood, he didn't go to say goodbye to Lao Yuan, and he never contacted Lao Yuan again.

Except for Pan Zhi, whether it is family, teachers, classmates or friends, he is reluctant to contact him again, for fear of being asked about the current situation, of being comforted, and of remembering the past from these people.

During the last class in the morning, there was a little commotion in the class. Although there were still two subjects that had not been announced because they were not in class, someone had already inquired about the total score.

"Fuck me?" Zhou Jing grabbed the phone and turned around, "Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng, Jiang..."

"Have you really never been beaten because of the repeater?" Jiang Cheng looked at him.

"Have you read the post yet?" Zhou Jing glanced at him, then at Gu Fei, and then looked back at his face, "Someone posted, you are the first in your grade!"

Zhou Jing's deskmate also turned his head: "Your total score is over 680! You're almost 100 percent away from Yi Jing! She's 599!"

"Yeah, fuck it! 686 points!" Zhou Jing's eyes almost went out of his face, "The fourth high school probably has never had such a high total score in history! Fuck me, Jiang Cheng, you are an arrogant!"

Jiang Cheng himself was a little surprised. He used to be in the top ten of his grade, up and down. If he fell out of the top five, he would be called by Lao Yuan to talk. Second place is a few points…

This news didn't make him excited, but made him a little panic. According to the current situation, it would not be a problem for him to get the first place in every exam, but how much gold is there in this first place

However, when school was over at noon, Wang Xu's group of people surrounded him excitedly, as if he had passed the second test by 80 to 90 points, and Jiang Cheng could no longer worry about it.

A group of people crowded in front of the bulletin board and watched the red list posted. The first and second places were in class 8. Although everyone was a scumbag, even if they were scumbags, they were still very proud. After all They are all scumbags with a sense of collective honor.

"I don't think this is scientific enough," Guo Xu said. "It's better to write down the total score together. Just writing the ranking won't highlight Jiang Cheng's wildness."

"I think it's alright," Wang Xu said immediately, "You don't need to step on the second to hold the first place."

"Yes," Lu Xiaobin said, "the second is Yi Jing."

Wang Xu glared at him and said nothing.

After watching the red list, a group of people went out of the school together. In two days, the final of the basketball game will be played. Wang Xu dragged them to the technical school to practice ball.

"Who the hell sent this post?" Wang Xu looked at his phone as he walked, "This is in the office, Lao Xu's red list was filmed before he finished writing it..."

"I don't know who passed by," Guo Xu said, "I don't believe it was passing by. There are so many girls staring at Jiang Cheng now, so they must have made a special trip to inquire."

"It can't be a girl," one of their substitutes said. "Is it because the enemy is doing something?"

Jiang Cheng stared at this substitute and thought for two minutes before he remembered that his name was Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan's words aroused his curiosity, but in the end he couldn't hold back, and then he took out his mobile phone and opened the post bar of No. 4 Middle School.

At a glance, I saw the post that has already displayed the hot post... What the hell is the office candid? Also avi

Before he could wait to enter, he saw the name of the person who posted it again, and suddenly turned his head to look at Gu Fei who was walking at the end.

"Huh?" Gu Fei looked at him calmly.

"Is this your fucking trumpet? Mr. Fancy Handsome?" Jiang Cheng asked while suppressing his voice.

"Who?" Gu Fei was still confused.

"Handsome blows the sky," Jiang Cheng was utterly convinced by Gu Fei's ability to name his name, "If it weren't for you, I'd live stream and eat shit right away."

"Don't," Gu Fei laughed, "In order not to let you eat shit, this is not me, I have to say it is me."

"It's just you," Jiang Cheng glanced at the time when the post was posted, "When the first get out of class was over, you went to see Lao Xu. Did you post the post before leaving the office?"

"Out." Gu Fei said.

"No," Jiang Cheng found it very difficult to understand, "What are you doing?"

"Show off," Gu Fei said softly, looking at the group of people walking in front of him, "I usually don't have anything to show off, so if I get a chance, I'll show off at the same table."

Jiang Cheng looked at him without speaking.

I don't know why, but Gu Fei's words of dazzling at the same table made him feel very comfortable listening, with a faint sense of intimacy.

It's not far from their school to the technical school, and I have something to eat in the middle, and walking over is considered an activity zone to digest.

Jiang Cheng and Gu Fei always walked last, they didn't speak, they just looked at the group of people in front of them who were relaxed and excited because the exam was over and because Jiang Cheng's answers were all good.

It’s getting warmer, and today Jiang Cheng only wore a T-shirt and a thin coat over it. When walking side by side with Gu Fei, his arms would occasionally touch each other. This kind of contact that suddenly became clear would make him suddenly I enjoyed it very much.

I don't know what's wrong, I just feel comfortable.

Walking across a street, he bumped into Gu Fei's arm several times, intentionally or unintentionally, and he felt that something was wrong with him.

When he came to the corner, Gu Fei suddenly bumped into his arm.

He turned his head to look at Gu Fei, Gu Fei also turned his face to look at him, and then bumped his arm again.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"I have a strong sense of revenge." Gu Fei said.

"I didn't hit you on purpose." Jiang Cheng suddenly felt a little guilty after speaking.

"I did it on purpose." Gu Fei smiled, raised his arm and bumped him again.

"Come back?" Jiang Cheng wanted to laugh a little, so he bumped into it too.

Gu Fei bumped back again.

"No," Jiang Cheng couldn't help it, "How old are you?"

"I'm younger than you anyway." Gu Fei said and bumped again.

"Fuck." Jiang Cheng was speechless, and gave him an elbow with his elbow.

Gu Fei quickly returned to the top.

He hit again.

Gu Fei bumped back again.

mentally handicapped

mentally retarded

Is the brain fed

Jiang Cheng’s inner barrage flew one by one, but his movements didn’t stop, he just walked all the way with Gu Fei, you bumped into me, I bumped into you.

There was not much time at noon, and the group was not officially divided into two teams for practice. They mainly practiced and cooperated. Wang Xu, the captain, is now a little more reliable than before. At least he can see everyone's weaknesses and assign practice tasks. It's not time to give orders indiscriminately like before.

"I've thought about it a lot these two days," Wang Xu said. "I think we still need to be mentally prepared. I've watched Class 2's game video many times. I think it's still difficult for us to win against them."

"Just do your best," Jiang Cheng squatted beside the tee line, "No. 1 is not our goal now."

"What is our goal?" Wang Xu asked.

"...No tooth decay." Jiang Cheng said happily.

A group of people laughed for a long time.

"We didn't even think about winning first place at first," Jiang Cheng continued after laughing, "We just wanted to be the dark horse."

"That's right!" Wang Xu waved his hand, "Now we are a dark horse!"

Jiang Cheng gave him a thumbs-up: "Right now, as long as you fight with all your strength, the result is not important anymore."

Gu Fei's cell phone rang in his pocket, he threw the ball in his hand, and the ball fell into the basket.

He took out his mobile phone and glanced at it, and was surprised to find that the caller ID was actually the monkey's name.

Just like what he told Jiang Bin, he has no friendship with Monkey. Although he has a phone number, he basically doesn't get in touch. Now Monkey will actually call, and it is estimated that this time it will not be able to be delayed.

"Hello." He stepped aside to answer the phone.

"You left quite early today," came the monkey's voice. "We actually missed out in the past."

"What," Gu Fei frowned, "Do you want to include everyone in our class?"

"That's not necessary," Monkey smiled, "I usually don't get along with students. I just went over to invite you and that Jiang Cheng to come and play. You two are very flamboyant, so I have to invite them myself."

"When?" Gu Fei asked.

"This afternoon," said the monkey, "the old place is waiting for you, besides that Jiang Cheng, who else will you bring to you, am I interesting?"

Gu Fei glanced at Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng was turning his head to look at him.

"Okay," Gu Fei said, "Jiang Bin is going to be there, let's pass it today."

"No problem," said the monkey and hung up the phone.

Gu Fei sent a message to Li Yan, asking him to notify other people, and then set the alarm clock. After setting the alarm, he looked down at the phone for a while, and after the screen went black, he put the phone back in his pocket and left. Back on the field.

Wang Xu and the others were practicing in full swing, no one noticed him, only Jiang Cheng walked over and stood in front of him: "Whose phone is it?"

"Monkey's." Gu Fei said.

"Have you made an appointment?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Yeah," Gu Fei nodded, "after our game is over."

Jiang Cheng thought for a while: "Who else is there besides us?"

"Li Yan, Liu Fan and the others," Gu Fei said, "We often play with them, and we are all familiar with their tricks."

"This matter actually has nothing to do with you, right?" Jiang Cheng said after being silent for a while.

"It doesn't matter who it is," Gu Fei bent over to support his knees, "Class 7 brought Jiang Bin here because he was looking for trouble. If this guy comes here, he can't suffer any loss, let alone lose the game."

Jiang Cheng didn't speak, and after a while, he squatted down in front of him and looked at him: "If they do anything while playing, just bear with it."

"En." Gu Fei nodded.

"It's a big deal to suffer a little injury," Jiang Cheng said, "it's better than endless."

"En." Gu Fei continued to nod his head.

"Isn't there something wrong with you being so obedient?" Jiang Cheng stared at his face.

"Promise first and then talk about it." Gu Fei smiled.

"Don't give me a head start on this matter," Jiang Cheng said, "I'm serious, or it won't end."

"Understood." Gu Fei nodded.

The two didn't speak, just stared at each other for a while.

Gu Fei felt something flying beside him, and then heard Wang Xu's shout.

A ball, I don't know what kind of posture can pass it to a place where no one is responding, Gu Fei sighed.

Just when he was about to raise his hand to block it, Jiang Cheng already tilted his head and reached out to catch the ball.

"This is a conditioned reflex." Gu Fei sighed with a smile.

Jiang Cheng passed the ball back to Wang Xu, stood up and clapped his hands, ready to go over to practice the ball with them. After two steps, he stopped and looked back at Gu Fei, "Don't go alone."

"Got it." Gu Fei waved his hand impatiently.

After practicing for a noon ball, everyone still felt unfinished when the time came.

"I think it's still very interesting to play." Zhang Yuan said that although he was a substitute, he was still very excited after this round of games and only played twice.

"After the game, we can also play by ourselves. If we practice a little bit, we can play again next semester." Wang Xu threw his jacket over his shoulder and said casually.

Everyone nodded.

"You can also take the time to teach the girls," Jiang Cheng said. "Next time they won't have to take a day trip."

"That's right!" Wang Xu's eyes lit up immediately, "I think Yi Jing and the others still like to play ball, but no one has taught me..."

When he was about to reach the school gate, Gu Fei's cell phone rang, and he answered the phone: "What? Oh... I forgot, I'll do it now, I'll go back now."

"What's wrong?" Jiang Cheng immediately asked.

"I'm going to take Er Miao for a medical examination this afternoon. I had an appointment with the doctor before, but I forgot," Gu Fei whispered, "Brother Cheng, please tell Lao Xu for me, or else the phone will blow up again."

"En," Jiang Cheng nodded, "Tell me the truth?"

"Tell me the truth." Gu Fei smiled.

After watching Jiang Cheng and Wang Xu enter the school together, Gu Fei went to the carport to get a bicycle and rode back to the store.

Liu Fan's Xiaopo Benben had already stopped at the door of the store.

He opened the car door and glanced in: "Can this car still drive?"

There were four people squeezed in the back seat, not three good birds, Li Yan was squeezed so that he sat directly on Luo Yu's lap.

"Hurry up," Li Yan said, "I'm on horseback."

"I won't despise you if you sit down." Luo Yu said.

"I despise you." Li Yan said.

Gu Fei sighed and got into the car.

"You didn't call Jiang Cheng?" Liu Fan started the car.

"Can one person fit in this car?" Li Yan said, "It's fine if he doesn't go by himself."

"I didn't call him." Gu Fei said.

Several people in the car suddenly lost their voices. Liu Fan turned the car around and glanced at him, but did not speak.

After a long time, Li Yan said softly, "Fuck."

The old place the monkey mentioned is an old outdoor lighting stadium. The place is very remote. Not many people go there, and most people don’t come here. Willing to come here for trouble.

After Liu Fan parked the car, Gu Fei didn't get out of the car and looked at the two concrete courts surrounded by dilapidated barbed wire in front of him. Every time he came here, he had the feeling of walking into a high wall.

Several people in the car did not move, watching him.

"That's it," Gu Fei said, "I can carry it alone, you guys..."

"What the hell, I fucking thought you were talking about pre-war mobilization," Liu Fan opened the car door, "Monkeys are looking for you, they are looking for us, you can also say one person for a fight, he is asking for a ball, obviously it's a pick-me-up Come on us, you're a fart."

"Get off." Li Yan patted his shoulder.

There were already a lot of people in the stadium. Gu Fei looked around and knew almost all of them. Usually, not many people would play games here seriously. After chatting for a few words, if not pleasing to the eye, then start.

Whether it was playing or fighting, the audience was equally enthusiastic.

Monkey and Jiang Bin were already standing on the sidelines. Monkey leaned against the barbed wire with a cigarette in his mouth, and when he saw them coming in, he nodded at them.

Monkey doesn't play, he doesn't like playing ball very much, but he will definitely be there, not to mention that his younger brother and his cousin are going to play the so-called ball, just because he has been waiting for an opportunity to clean up himself, this He will be there every game.

Gu Fei didn't feel that he had such a great idea to do anything for Jiang Cheng, he just felt that the monkey couldn't escape the trouble this time. A low-level, meaningless fight.

"Pick a good person to play," Monkey looked at Gu Fei, "Half an hour, the one with more points wins."

"Is there a rule?" Gu Fei took off his jacket.

"No," said the monkey.

Gu Fei didn't say a word, he turned around and walked aside with Li Yan and the others: "Li Yan can't get in, the five of us will fight, and Li Yan will keep an eye on them."

"En." Li Yan crossed his arms.

There are no rules in this kind of game, and naturally any black tricks will be played. No one is watching, and it is easy for people on the field to ignore it.

"Da Fei," someone in the stands called Gu Fei, leaning on the railing, "Do you want to help?"

Gu Fei turned his head and saw a few familiar players who had played ball together. He shook his head: "There are no rules today."

The few people nodded and said nothing.

If it is a normal game, although the game is not clean, there are big rules, and there is no problem if you want to play together. Once the game has no rules, everyone knows what kind of game it is.

The five people on Jiang Bin's side had all played with them, and everyone knew about their skills, but in today's game, no one knew the details. After all, they never fought each other.

Several of them have something in their wristbands, but Gu Fei is useless. He is not used to using tools in this situation. If he really wants to do it, he prefers to use it.

Thinking of this, Gu Fei suddenly had a rather amusing thought. If Jiang Cheng was there, he could be arranged not to play, but to find a place in the stands and get a slingshot...

Gu Fei made himself amused by this thought, lowered his head and laughed twice.

"Hey," Li Yan looked at him, "Be serious, we're fighting."

"Understood." Gu Fei was happy again before turning around.

Jiang Cheng was lying on the table, and Lao Lu was talking very enthusiastically in the class above. When the afternoon class came up with the main subject, everyone in one class was dead, and there were fewer people chatting.

Lao Lu was even more agitated than usual, probably because Jiang Cheng's perfect score made him feel happy, and after half the class, he hadn't even started to curse.

Jiang Cheng was not listening to the class either. He was holding his mobile phone and was looking at the papers sent by Pan Zhi. He started answering questions in class, and now in twenty minutes, his answering speed was obviously slower than when he was in the fourth mid-term high school entrance examination.

He didn't stop during the break, he continued to answer questions while lying on the table, and used it together for the next self-study class.

Finally, after completing the complete paper, he took a photo of the answers and sent them to Pan Zhi, who asked him to ask the English teacher for help.

In fact, this afternoon is not very good, not because of playing ball, nor because of not sleeping well.

He looked at the empty seat next to Gu Fei, but it was because of Gu Fei.

I don't know why, since he went to Lao Xu's place to help Gu Fei to ask for leave, he has been feeling inexplicable uneasiness. Now he is lying on the table, repeating Gu Fei's call from the time he was playing, to the time he was playing. Finally he went home, mulling over every detail.

There's nothing wrong with it, everything looks normal, but there's always a sense of insecurity.

After fidgeting and thinking about it for a long time, Jiang Cheng still couldn't hold back. He didn't wait until the end of get out of class. He took out his mobile phone and didn't choose to send a message, but directly dialed Gu Fei's number.

Gu Fei has been rough with Gu Miao, but he forgot to make an appointment with the doctor? He can't believe it now.

It was open there, but Gu Fei didn't turn it off.

But no one answered the phone either. The bell rang until it hung up automatically, and Gu Fei didn't answer the phone.

Jiang Cheng frowned and dialed again.

Still no one picked up.

"Fuck." Jiang Cheng suddenly couldn't sit still.