Chapter 49


Jiang Bin was standing on the sidelines with his arms crossed. Gu Fei and the others were already standing in the center of the arena, and Jiang Bin had no intention of coming over.

"He's fucking waiting for Jiang Cheng." Liu Fan said.

Gu Fei turned his head to look at Jiang Bin, who was still standing still.

"Fight or not?" Gu Fei asked.

Jiang Bin sneered, looked down at the black finger tiger on his finger, and raised his head after a long time: "Where's Jiang Cheng?"

"His account is on my head." Gu Fei said, he knew that Jiang Bin would not easily agree to start without seeing Jiang Cheng. Originally, he was still thinking about how to solve this problem, but when he saw Jiang Bin With the finger in his hand, he knew it was easy to handle.

That finger tiger belonged to the monkey, and the monkey gave the finger tiger to Jiang Bin, which meant that the matter between the two of them had to be resolved today, and the monkey gave Jiang Bin a head start just to make an excuse. The monkey’s target was not Jiang Cheng, but him. .

In this way, it is easier to deal with.

"It's on your head?" Jiang Bin laughed, "Why didn't I know you had a younger brother?"

"It's not been a day or two that you have been with the monkey," Gu Fei said calmly while arranging his wrist guards, "Why didn't the monkey learn how tough it is?"

"You fucking say it again!" Jiang Bin was so angry that he stopped clasping his arms and stepped in front of him in two steps, almost poking his fingers in the face.

"There are always winners and losers in the game. If you want to fight, you have to give in. Didn't your brother teach you?" Gu Fei glanced at the monkey, the monkey looked at them with a cigarette and didn't speak, Gu Fei turned back to look at Jiang Bin, "During the competition, you move your hand first. He is a student. Don't say a fight, he didn't say a word, right? You have to hold on to it. This doesn't look like someone who has messed with monkeys."

Jiang Bin's fighting and playing are not bad, but if he wants to say something, it's very difficult for him, plus there are a lot of people watching in the stands at the moment, it's not a good idea for everyone, but whether it's true or false, it will be very difficult for him. The word "li" was on his lips, so after Gu Fei said these two sentences, his face flushed red, but he didn't hold back a word.

Finally, a little annoyed, he looked over at the monkey.

"Hurry up." The monkey said impatiently with a cigarette in his mouth.

"It's just you and me today," Gu Fei looked at Jiang Bin, "Whoever obeys and who doesn't, just let it go."

Jiang Bin stared at him for five seconds, and squeezed a word from his teeth: "It's done."

The game lasted for half an hour, and there were no pauses or substitutions in the middle. Except for the jump ball at the beginning, someone would come to throw a ball, there was no referee, and there was no scoreboard. The audience in the stands was the scoreboard.

If someone wants to bet, remember the score better than the scoreboard.

Liu Fan and Qian Kai jumped for the ball.

The thrower threw the ball up in his hand, and immediately turned around and ran out of the field as if running for his life.

In this game, everyone is carrying things on their bodies. Once the game starts and doesn't run away, someone may accidentally injure him.

Although the goal of this game is not the ball at all, Liu Fan is also the only one among them who has entered the game. He went in for a week just after the New Year this year, but he also likes basketball the most among them, so Liu Fan's hand is facing the ball.

Qian Kai is not, Qian Kai's hand is aimed at Liu Fan's arm.

When Liu Fan's hand slapped the ball towards Gu Fei, Qian Kai's hand pressed against Liu Fan's hand and stroked down from the wrist to the forearm.

When Gu Fei received the ball, he saw a bloodstain on Liu Fan's arm.

He turned around and took the ball to the basket.

There were footsteps behind him, someone rushed over quickly, Gu Fei took another two steps forward and then suddenly gave way to the side, jumping up and shooting.

Yu Guangli saw Jiang Bin rushing over from his right and his left hand passing him.

Gu Fei only felt that something was rubbed against the bottom of his right rib, and he didn't feel any pain when he landed. He stared at the rim, watched the ball fall in, and then glanced down.

The T-shirt on his body was torn, and when he lifted it up, he saw a rough mark on his waist that was brought out by a finger tiger. When he looked down, blood began to slowly flow from the uneven wound. seep out.

He grabbed his clothes and pressed casually on the opening. The opening was shallow, except that it looked ugly and had no other effect.

Jiang Bin served the ball and passed the ball to Qian Kai. Gu Fei wanted to go and block it, but when he saw Liu Fan pass, he went straight across the center line to get back on defense.

The wound on Liu Fan's arm was bloody, but it didn't seem to be too deep. Before Gu Fei could take his eyes away from Liu Fan's hand, he heard Li Yan's voice outside the arena: "Behind Da Fei!"

He didn't look back, just bent over, and someone punched him from above.

This was only the first ball, and it was already like this. Gu Fei felt that even if they couldn't fight back, it would be a miracle that they could hold on for five minutes.

And it's not that they didn't fight back. Liu Fan over there used the same method when blocking Qian Kai, and wiped the wristband that was hiding something against Qian Kai's arm.

Gu Fei couldn't see the specific situation from this angle, but the muscles on Qian Kai's face twitched.

It was impossible to play this game for half an hour and less than five minutes. Gu Fei stood up straight.

He was not very familiar with the person who punched out from behind him, and he didn't even know his nickname, so he could only imitate Jiang Cheng and named this person Xiao Yan.

Xiaohuan's punch was aimed at the back of his head. If he didn't dodge it, he would definitely be lying on the ground at the moment, and he might not be able to get up right away.

This group of people is obviously more ruthless than the monkey's own hands. The monkey also talks about the loyalty of the rivers and lakes, and also has a face on the bright side. These people are different. These people are surrounded by people, and they have to be careful when walking, and they may step on someone's face. Take a fall.

Xiao Yan slammed his fist into the air, without any hesitation, he returned to his face and slashed again.

Gu Fei saw the steel vertebra he was holding in his hand. It wasn't sharp, it was a round blunt head, but if it got hit... Gu Fei raised his left hand and blocked it on his forearm. The axis was against his elbow, and the right hand grabbed his wrist tightly and slammed it away.

After pausing for two seconds, Gu Fei let out a scream. Gu Fei pushed him aside and caught the ball passed by Luo Yu.

After rushing past two people with the ball, Jiang Bin blocked his path in front, Gu Fei made an emergency stop and prepared for a three-pointer.

At the same time as the ball was released, Jiang Bin rushed in front of him and slammed his hand down, the finger tiger first hit him on the shoulder, and then slashed down with inertia.

There was a whistle and applause from the stands, and Gu Fei even made a three-pointer under this circumstance. Gu Fei admired himself a little.

But the ball couldn't be played anymore, Jiang Bin wasn't too complacent, he didn't even bother to play it again, and if it went on like this, even if he scored a lot of points, few here would be able to stand.

And if Jiang Bin and the others directly ignored it, it was still a fight wearing a ball game coat, even if they won by points, it wouldn't end.

The only way.

The only way.

Gu Fei suddenly felt a little emotional, the only way is to learn from his father.

That is a trick to make opponents dare not touch you again.

Whether it's Mom's unreliable suitor, the former monkey, or the little sway just now, whether he's intentional or not, Dad's style that made him fear nightmares since he was a child is already in the air. Unconsciously written into his blood...

When the finger tiger in Jiang Bin's hand came towards him for the third time, Gu Fei raised his arms, leaned over his shoulders and waist, and slapped Jiang Bin's left face with a fierce slap.

There was not the usual crunchy slap, but a muffled sound.

Jiang Bin was beaten up and fell to the concrete floor. When he fell to the ground, the sound of his head hitting the ground was not even as loud as when he slapped his face.

Everyone on the pitch froze, and there was a brief silence in the audience.

Jiang Bin fell to the ground and struggled for a few seconds to get up, but he fell down again with both efforts, and finally put his hands on the ground and started to vomit.

"Fuck me—" the dozens of spectators in the audience shouted, whistling and screaming mixed with excitement.

For them, it doesn't matter who wins or loses, it doesn't matter who gets knocked down, as long as someone falls, someone gets hurt, and someone can't get up, they will be excited.

Everyone on the field gathered around. Qian Kai went over to help Jiang Bin up, but Gu Fei glanced at him: "Is that you?"

"… What?" Qian Kai was stunned.

"Next," Gu Fei looked at him with a deep voice, "is that you?"

Qian Kai didn't say a word, but froze in place, and didn't dare to help him directly.

"The ball won't be played," Gu Fei turned his head and slowly stared at the people in the circle.

The situation fell into an embarrassing stalemate. Gu Fei slapped Jiang Bin with nothing in his hand, making Jiang Bin unable to get up, lying on the ground vomited into darkness, and holding his arm that hurt so much that he couldn't even touch it. It was the one who was broken, and now no one dared to come up against him again.

But after all, this is a "one-handed game", if it really does not move like this, it means that it will never be able to play again in the future...

"Help him up." The monkey's voice sounded behind him, breaking the deadlock.

A few people just passed by and dragged Jiang Bin up. Jiang Bin was a little unsteady under his feet, looking like he was dizzy, and they stopped shaking when they supported him.

The monkey stared at Gu Fei and walked up to Jiang Bin: "How is it?"

"I can't hear clearly," Jiang Bin coughed twice, "tinnitus."

"Send him to the hospital," Monkey frowned, "Zhu rub."

A few people supported Jiang Bin and were about to leave. When they passed in front of Gu Fei, Jiang Bin struggled twice and glared at Gu Fei.

Tinnitus will definitely happen, and it may be more serious than tinnitus, but Gu Fei doesn’t care about anything right now. Unlike Jiang Cheng, who is worried about whether the person lying in the snow will freeze to death, he will not be afraid.

Gu Fei leaned to Jiang Bin's right ear and said clearly, "I'll let it go today, I don't like to cause trouble, as long as I don't get into trouble with me, I definitely won't trouble anyone. "

Jiang Bin didn't speak, and he didn't know if he heard it clearly. He stared at Gu Fei for a while and then left.

As soon as Jiang Bin's people withdrew, there were only Monkeys and Gu Fei left on the field, and the audience around them was not less interested. Although no one dared to come around, they all stood nearby, waiting for the match after the game. A possible second.

Wasting one's own time, watching other people's blood, although they were all bystanders, these people would make Gu Fei feel sick.

"It's still so ruthless, it's always a one-shot solution," Monkey looked at Gu Fei, "It's been almost two years, and I haven't recovered at all."

Gu Fei did not speak.

To be honest, he wasn't as shy about monkeys as Jiang Bin was. Monkey was a few years older than him, and he started hanging around outside before he finished junior high school. He was different from those who went to work for a few years or returned to the grass-roots life. , Monkey is the kind of person who steps into this darkness and has no intention of going out again.

"I thought that Pu Gao could be more temperamental than a work-study school," Monkey smiled, "but originally, I didn't care about you and Jiang Bin. I also told him to solve this problem by himself. In the end, he had to recognize it or not, but it’s different now, you stand up for Jiang Cheng, then I have to stand up for Jiang Bin.”

Gu Fei remained silent.

"To be honest, I don't want it either," the monkey stretched out and lit a cigarette, "but think about it, I'll just solve your problem together, otherwise I really can't. Ansheng."

"I want to play a game the day after tomorrow," Gu Fei said, "After the game is over."

Monkey is also a vengeful person. Jiang Cheng’s incident is just an excuse. He kicked his bladder before for the protection fee. Although it has been more than a year, let alone a vengeful person, he just doesn’t hold vengeance. Things aren't that easy.

After so long to seek revenge, there must be an excuse, and now there is an excuse, but in such a one-on-one fight, the monkey knows that he is not an opponent, and that it is against the monkey's "principle" in a group, so Gu Fei only decided When and how, let the monkey decide for himself.

"A school game?" Monkey asked.

"En." Gu Fei responded.

Monkey looked surprised, and Jiang Bin saw it in an exaggerated form. It took him a long time to laugh, "That's still a little changed. No. 4 Middle School is a good place. Gu Fei is going to participate in the school competition."

Gu Fei was too lazy to talk nonsense with him and continued to be silent.

"Well, I've always been good at talking." The monkey held a cigarette and poked his finger on his chest. "At eight o'clock the day after tomorrow, the old railway bridge building, play a fair game."

Gu Fei glanced at him, Liu Fan next to him took a step forward, as if he was in a hurry, he reached out and stopped him: "Okay."

"Hurdle," said the monkey, "at your own risk."

"Okay." Gu Fei said.

"Fuck!" Liu Fan slapped the steering wheel as soon as he got in the car, "Why did you agree to hurdle him? Can't you fucking beat him?"

"It has to be resolved." Gu Fei said.

"It's a fight to solve it! What hurdle to cross!" Luo Yu roared from behind.

"Could he agree to a fight?" Gu Fei turned to look at Luo Yu, "If he was willing to fight, he would have already fought, would he have to wait so long?"

"Then let him continue to wait!" Liu Fan also roared, "He doesn't dare to touch you, so what if you ignore him..."

"Where is he from Yin?" Gu Fei interrupted him, "Where is he looking for someone else? Where does he move Ermiao?"

Several people in the car were silent.

"And I'm annoyed," Gu Fei frowned and tugged at his clothes, the blood-adhered clothes were torn apart violently, and he almost shouted, "Even if I've been here all my life, I still want to stay calm. , I don't want to live in a fight all day long."

"Don't talk about him," Li Yan said, "I've already agreed. It's useless to talk about these things now. Let's solve this matter if it can be solved, and no one will die. At worst, I'll be hospitalized for a few months..."

"Who said that people can't die! I didn't watch the news. Two days ago, someone fell to the ground and fell to his mother's death!" Liu Fanchong stared at Li Yan.

"Fuck it! I'm pooh your whole family!" Li Yan was anxious, and glared at him, "Quick pooh! You idiot!"

Liu Fan paused for a long time, and finally slapped the steering wheel again: "Bah, bah, bah."

Gu Fei tilted his head and looked out the window of the car for a long time. "Idiot."

Jiang Cheng stood in Gu Fei's store, looking at Gu Fei's mother who was nibbling on melon seeds behind the checkout counter. He was a little embarrassed either standing or walking.

"Sit down for a while," Gu Fei's mother said. "He usually comes to the store for dinner."

"I..." Jiang Cheng didn't want to sit down, he pointed to the door, wanting to say I'm going out for a walk.

Before finishing speaking, Gu Fei's mother glanced at the clock next to him and waved at him: "Oh, I didn't even check the time, I have to go out, just as you are here, I don't need to close the door, you stay here and watch. ."

"Ah?" Jiang Cheng was stunned.

"I'll help you with the cash. Li Yan helps you with the cash all the time," Gu Fei's mother said while putting on her coat, "You don't even know how to cash, right?"

Jiang Cheng wanted to say that I really didn’t know, but before he could speak, Gu Fei’s mother ran out of the store in a gust of wind. He stood in the store for a long time in a daze, his mind was in a mess, and it took a while for him to be behind the cashier. Sit down.

What did Gu Fei do this afternoon? He didn't know, but it must have nothing to do with Gu Miao. He asked when he came, Gu Miao was painting and playing at home.

He was almost certain that Gu Fei went to the zoo.

But no one knows where this place can play basketball and fight. The only person in the class who can ask is Wang Xu. Only Ding Zhuxin could ask, but Ding Zhuxin didn't give him an answer either.

"What he refuses to tell you, even if I know, I can't tell you." Ding Zhuxin said very gently, but he didn't even give him a chance to ask another question.

Jiang Cheng held his cell phone, and was so stunned behind the cash register, unable to tell how he felt.

He was anxious and anxious, anger and anger, and the fire burned to the present, only the suffocation remained, the kind of suffocation that could not be relieved of hatred unless Gu Fei was slapped.

He was so stunned for almost 20 minutes. He heard the sound of a car outside the store. He walked to the wind curtain and stood, looking out.

A Benben that looked like it was going to fall apart after running another ten meters stopped at the door, the windows were closed, and it was impossible to see who was inside, but after the car stopped, Gu Fei got off the co-pilot.

Originally, Jiang Cheng was still thinking that maybe Gu Fei had something else, and he might have thought too much, but when he saw the blood on Gu Fei’s collar who was walking towards him, his anger surged. When he got up, it was like a welding gun in his body, and it burned through the Tianling cover and became a torch.

Gu Fei probably did not expect that there would be someone standing inside the wind curtain, and when he lifted the curtain and walked in, he directly bumped into Jiang Cheng.

"Hey!" Gu Fei was startled, and just about to step back, Jiang Cheng grabbed the collar of his coat.

"Why did you go?" Jiang Cheng grabbed his collar and dragged him into the store and pressed it against the wall next to him, "Tell me, what the hell are you doing!"

"Why are you here?" Gu Fei looked surprised.

"I asked why you went!" Jiang Cheng roared.

Gu Fei grabbed his wrist and tried to pull it away, but was unsuccessful, so he had to give up and sighed.

"Would you like me to make up a story for you for another five seconds!" Jiang Cheng glared at him.

"I can't make it up for another ten seconds," Gu Fei said, "It's too sudden."

Jiang Cheng didn't speak. After staring at him for a while, he suddenly released his hand, turned around and lifted the curtain and walked out of the store.

Gu Fei frowned, knocked his head against the wall, paused for two seconds and then chased out: "Jiang Cheng!"

Jiang Cheng was walking in the direction of returning to his rental house, shaking his arms and walking, without turning his head, he did not slow down his steps.

"Brother Cheng," Gu Fei chased after him and grabbed his arm, "Brother Cheng..."

"Brother Cheng!" Jiang Cheng shook off his hand and stared back at him, "I don't have a son like you!"

"My name is brother." Gu Fei said.

Jiang Cheng was stunned for a while, but he could see that his anger quickly rekindled, he pointed at Gu Fei: "It's fucking useless to call you grandpa!"

Gu Fei hesitated for a moment, grabbed his arm again, turned his head and dragged him into the store.

"Fuck me?" Jiang Cheng was shocked, he shook his hand fiercely twice without shaking his hand. Just when he was thinking of trying harder, he saw the blood on Gu Fei's collar again. He gritted his teeth and pressed it.

After hesitating for a moment, he was dragged back to the store by Gu Fei.

"Let's chat for a while." Gu Fei said.

"What are you talking about?" Jiang Cheng suddenly felt that all his strength was dissipated the moment Gu Fei let go of his arm, and Huo'er suddenly stopped moving, he leaned against the wall, "Tell me about your deceitful mental journey? ?"

"En." Gu Fei nodded.

Jiang Cheng looked at him, in addition to a bloodstain on his collar, there was also a bloodstain just above his waist: "Let's take care of the injury first, it's gimmicky, and someone who doesn't know will whip you for it. "

The author has something to say:

It's 2017, ⊙▽⊙, next year, we will continue to run wild together, little goldfish ⊙▽⊙. The author put the black cashmere pads away, knelt down one by one, and said happily.

Happy New Year o(≧口≦)o. The black haired spirit shouted excitedly.

Ji . The black-haired little essence said.

w(゜Д゜)w 嘤. Said the black-haired fairy.

… . Black Hair No. 4 and Black Hair No. 5 looked at you.