Chapter 51


The two of them sat in the shop in silence. Jiang Cheng didn't know what Gu Fei was thinking. Anyway, he didn't think about anything, he was just stunned, his mind was spinning, but he didn't know what he was thinking about.

At about nine o'clock, Gu Fei stood up: "Let's go, I'll take you back?"

"Oh," Jiang Cheng also stood up, stunned and asked again, "Send me? Why do you want to send me?"

"I'm afraid you will get lost." Gu Fei said.

"Fuck," Jiang Cheng smiled, "I can go back now with my eyes closed."

"It's so boring." Gu Fei put on his coat.

"It's always been very boring." Jiang Cheng followed him out of the store.

Gu Fei’s house and Jiang Cheng’s rental house were in the same direction. They passed through the intersection of Gu Fei’s house first, and a section ahead was Jiang Cheng’s rental house.

When he rode the bike back together, he was still silent. Jiang Cheng always wanted to say something, but he couldn’t seem to find anything to say, so he could only stare at the road ahead.

When they passed the intersection of Gu Fei’s house, Gu Fei didn’t turn the corner, Jiang Cheng noticed it, but he didn’t say a word.

"Are you going to school tomorrow?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Go," Gu Fei said, "Don't Captain Wang still want to practice ball together at noon and afternoon?"

"That injury of yours," Jiang Cheng glanced at him, "Is it okay to play class 2 then?"

"Don't worry," Gu Fei patted the injury on his waist, "It doesn't matter, and Class 2 plays fairly well."

"En." Jiang Cheng nodded.

After the conversation was over, the two of them didn’t move, Jiang Cheng didn’t get out of the car and entered the corridor, and Gu Fei didn’t turn around and head back.

After a while of silence, Jiang Cheng cleared his throat: "Then I'll go up."

"En." Gu Fei responded.

After the conversation, no one moved, and the two of them continued to keep their legs on the ground as if they had been tapped.

After a while, Gu Fei said again: "Go up, I'm leaving."

"Oh," Jiang Cheng finally moved, carrying the front of the car onto the sidewalk, "Good night."

"Good night." Gu Fei said.

Jiang Cheng pushed the car into the corridor, locked it, and glanced at the side of the road. Gu Fei was still there. After he glanced at it, Gu Fei waved at him, pedaled the car, turned around and left.

Jiang Cheng returned to the room, and after taking a shower, he sat down at the table and looked at today's homework, but he didn't understand it for a long time.

This afternoon and half the night, he felt that his brain was hit a bit too much, all kinds of things were packed in a mess, and the information about homework was almost out of place.

It took him at least ten minutes before he calmed down and started to do his homework.

The phone rang, and Pan Zhi sent a message.

- The materials sent to you are being delivered. Listen to the phone. Didn't you change your address? Are you far away

- not too far, give me the tracking number

Pan Zhi sent the express tracking number.

Jiang Cheng checked the phone number of the courier, and planned to tell someone tomorrow that he would not deliver it, just pick it up himself. He really didn’t want to go to Li Baoguo’s street again. If he ran into Li Baoguo, he didn’t know how to deal with it.

-Also, there is a USB flash drive in it. I copied all the courseware that the teacher used in this semester. You can see if it works.

Jiang Cheng looked at the news, Pan Zhi was going to be in front of him at the moment, he had to go over and hug Pan Zhi, what a filial grandson.

He picked up the phone, took a selfie with a thumbs up, posted some fancy patterns on it, and sent it to Pan Zhi.

Pan Zhi didn't reply to him for a long time. He put his phone aside, feeling that his mind had freed up a little bit, so he sat down and started to do his homework.

No. 4 Middle School doesn't have much homework. Even if he starts writing at this time, he will not delay sleeping, but he is a little unsteady, considering whether to let Pan Zhi send him a copy of the homework every day...

After writing for about an hour, my phone rang and there was news.

He picked it up and took a look.

-You can name this selfie "Fortunately I'm handsome", I'll send you a copy of the photo I took before in two days, don't take any more selfies

Jiang Cheng was stunned for a while, and after regaining his senses, he quickly glanced at the name on it.

Good little bunny!

"Fuck me?" He was shocked, and after swiping twice, he was sure, he actually sent Gu Fei the photo that he wanted to send to Pan Zhi!

- How did I send it to you? ? ? ?

- who did you want to send it to

- Sent to my friend!

Gu Fei didn't reply right away. After Jiang Cheng re-sent the photo to Pan Zhi, his message was sent again.

- send this to a friend

There was also a photo below. Jiang Cheng suddenly felt very embarrassed when he saw his face that was about to take up the entire screen.

This is a close-up shot of Gu Fei when he had a wound on his lips that day.

Next to it is a line of rather stupid luminous words, I and my stubborn injury.

- rely on me, what's wrong with you

He sent Gu Fei a message back.

- Much better than your selfie, I carefully edited it

-Fuck off!

- to be so disrespectful!

- don't get it

-【Fuck him! .jpg]

Jiang Cheng looked at the picture sent by Gu Fei and laughed for a long time before posting another sentence.

- I am doing my homework

- Come on, go to school

When he woke up the next morning, Jiang Cheng felt that his head was a little heavy, he sat beside the bed for several minutes, and he couldn't recall all the messy dreams last night.

I only remember that there was Gu Fei, there was the zoo, and Pan Zhi and Wang Xu, who were guest stars, were noisy.

He sighed and got up to wash his face.

Maybe it's because after a night, when I think about the things Gu Fei said, the events of his childhood, his "fair duel" with the monkey, now there is no such shock that he can't accept, but it becomes a little unreal , like just a very clear dream.

After buying breakfast downstairs, Jiang Cheng rode his bike towards the school slowly, holding the handlebars in one hand and eating the oil cake in the other.

The weather is really getting warmer, and a pancake has not cooled down after eating half of it...

When he passed the intersection, he squeezed the brake, but he didn't hear Gu Fei's whistle. He turned his head to look from both sides, and he didn't see Gu Fei who was waiting for him by the side of the road.

He sighed, at this time, if there were no special reasons, Gu Fei definitely hadn't gotten up yet.

When he arrived at the school, there were still a few minutes before class, Jiang Cheng parked the car in the carport and walked towards the school gate.

When he was still more than ten meters away, he suddenly stopped.

Lao Xu is on duty this week, and is standing at the door at the moment, and in front of him, there is still a person.

Li Baoguo.

Jiang Cheng suddenly felt agitated and panicked. After a few seconds, he lowered his head and crossed the street, bypassing the school gate and running towards the front wall.

Looking back at the place where Fei told him to climb over the wall, it is still easy to find.

The commissary just opened, and when he climbed up the wall, the boss who was sweeping the floor looked at him in shock: "Child, the bell hasn't been rang yet, the school gate is still open."

"I… know." Jiang Cheng looked at him with one hand on the wall.

The boss didn't speak anymore, the expression on his face was like facing a mentally retarded.

Jiang Cheng ignored him, kicked his foot against the wall, and climbed to the top of the wall. Just as he was about to see the condition of the pile of bricks below, he was about to jump down, when he suddenly saw a person standing beside the pile of bricks.

"...Liu Xiao?" Jiang Cheng was stunned as he crouched against the wall.

Liu Xiao was even more shocked than the commissary owner outside, watching him without saying a word for a long time.

"Liu Xiao... Early." Jiang Cheng didn't know whether to jump in or turn around and jump out.

"Ah, morning." Liu Xiao looked at him and replied habitually.

Jiang Cheng hesitated for a few seconds, and finally chose to jump in. The pile of bricks should have been used recently, and there were fewer bricks on the edge. He jumped down and landed on the open space in front of Liu Xiao.

When he stood up, Xiao Liu's eyes almost popped out.

"I... went to the classroom." Jiang Cheng pointed to the front. Before Liu Xiao could speak, he started running, and only slowed down when he reached the bottom of the teaching building.

I don’t know if Liu Xiao has been unresponsive, or if he wants to let him go. After all, when he climbed over the wall and came in, he was not “late to climb over the wall”, nor did he step on the tree branches... Anyway, no one came to him after three classes. trouble.

Lao Xu didn't look for him either. The previous class was Lao Xu's class. After he finished, he left the classroom and didn't come to talk to Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng felt a little bored, he didn't care about going over the wall, Li Baoguo came to the school, which made him a little uneasy, he didn't know what Li Baoguo wanted to do, what Li Baoguo said to Lao Xu...

Very annoying.

Moreover, Gu Fei hadn't come to the school until now, the seat next to him was empty, and there were books and notebooks that Gu Fei had stuffed in a mess, as well as papers that he had taken and had not written.

The people in the class didn't feel anything about Gu Fei's absence from class. This person was absent from class every week.

Maybe he was the only one in the class who felt a little uncomfortable that Gu Fei didn't appear.

Every time he turned his head, he couldn't see Gu Fei who was lowering his head and playing with the mentally retarded love elimination, which made him so unaccustomed.

It wasn't until the last class was almost halfway through that a figure shook at the back door of the classroom. Jiang Cheng quickly turned his face and saw Gu Fei dodging into the classroom.

"I thought you weren't coming." Jiang Cheng whispered.

"I told you," Gu Fei smiled, "It's practice at noon."

"... I thought you were talking about coming to class." Jiang Cheng said.

"I slept late last night, and I overslept this morning, and I came over as soon as I woke up," Gu Fei picked up a few textbooks and threw them on the table, "It doesn't matter if I listen to this lesson or not, I have long ago I don't understand."

Jiang Cheng didn't speak, he took out a wound adhesive and threw it on his table.

"It's such a high-level thing," Gu Fei picked it up, looked at it, and put it in his pocket, "Please invite me to eat at noon."

Jiang Cheng glanced at him: "By..."

"I always treat you to eat." Gu Fei interrupted him.

"...Okay, but I have to pick up a courier first at noon, just in time for you to take a look at this place," Jiang Cheng took out his mobile phone and showed Gu Fei the pickup address he had written down, "Do you know where it is? "

"I know," Gu Fei glanced at him, "beside the railway bridge."

"Ah." Jiang Cheng suddenly heard the three words "Railway Bridge", and suddenly felt a little stunned.

"Have you bought something?" Gu Fei asked.

"No," Jiang Cheng said, "My classmate sent me some review materials or something."

"I'll accompany you to pick it up," Gu Fei said. "There is a very good Lao Shan noodle restaurant over there."

Jiang Cheng laughed: "You know where there is delicious food."

"I don't know all of them. I've eaten all of them," Gu Fei said. "After all, I grew up here, and my activities are mainly from here, to the train station, from here, to the central square, and other areas. I haven't been to that place."

"Oh." Jiang Cheng glanced at him.

"Where are you two going!" Wang Xu said angrily as he picked up the car in the carport, "We ate together and practiced ball, I took a good leave with Lao Xu in the afternoon, and we practiced together! You two are like this. Unorganized and undisciplined behavior…”

"We will definitely be there within an hour." Gu Fei said.

"This kind of unorganized and undisciplined behavior is..." Wang Xu continued.

"Captain, we are asking you for a leave of absence," Jiang Cheng said, "please take an hour off to do some errands, and I promise to come back within an hour to cancel the leave."

These words were very useful to Wang Xu. After thinking for a while, he nodded: "Okay, it's approved."

This railway bridge looks very old, it should have been out of use, the middle of the rail is rusted and overgrown with weeds, the roads on both sides are still walkable, but only pedestrians, bicycles and motorcycles can pass. .

After Jiang Cheng crossed the bridge, he kept looking around. The surroundings were not desolate. There were quite a few small shops on the side of the road, which seemed to be quite lively. He never saw any abandoned communities or dilapidated houses.

"Over there, we've already crossed the intersection," Gu Fei pointed back to the first intersection they passed after getting off the bridge, "Go in from there."

"Oh." Jiang Cheng glanced back, but didn't see anything famous, but the buildings here are not high, they are basically four or five stories. ,Amen.

"Tomorrow if you really want to see it," Gu Fei pedaled slowly, "I'll let Ding Zhuxin pick you up, she knows..."

"No." Jiang Cheng quickly interrupted him.

He could feel Ding Zhuxin's subtle rejection of him, and he didn't want Ding Zhuxin to follow him while watching this kind of thing.

"Then..." Gu Fei looked at him and wanted to say something.

Jiang Cheng waved his hand: "Don't worry about me, I said, I won't let anyone see me going, and it won't affect your brain ischemia jumping off the building. Just take care of yourself and don't get hurt."

Gu Fei smiled.

"Smile," Jiang Cheng said, "You are a member of the steel mill's brain-dead team."

Gu Fei laughed even harder.

"Hey! Believe it or not..." Jiang Cheng was a little angry when he thought of this, but Gu Fei's smile made him laugh out of his anger. He let go of the handlebar and learned from the one that Gu Fei sent him yesterday. Emoji, one hand clenched a fist and the other pointed towards Gu Fei, "Fuck you!"

Gu Fei was stunned for a while, and suddenly the head of the car turned with a smile: "It's quite similar."

The materials sent by Pan Zhi came in a small cardboard box, which was tightly bundled, and a USB flash drive in a paper bag. Jiang Cheng didn't open it. He took a look at the spine of the book on the side, and immediately felt at ease. Not a lot.

"Is this the one who went to No. 4 Middle School with you last time?" Gu Fei looked at the delivery slip, "Pan Shuai?"

"Pan Zhi," Jiang Cheng took the express slip and glanced at it, "Shameless, this kid used to write Pan An on the paper."

Gu Fei laughed: "But his writing is really much more handsome than you."

"It's good to learn scumbags," Jiang Cheng said. "We learn masters, and we don't care about such trivial details as to read the characters well."

"You really need to practice calligraphy," Gu Fei said. "Lao Xu almost burst into tears when he talked about the fact that you had been detained for rolling face points that day."

"That's because he hasn't seen my words before," Jiang Cheng said, "I can't understand my words before."

"Hey," Gu Fei smiled and sighed, "Let's go, let's eat noodles."

Perhaps he had obtained a bunch of materials, perhaps he had played football with Gu Fei for an afternoon, Jiang Cheng felt that the depression this morning had dissipated a lot, and when he thought of Li Baoguo, he didn’t feel stuck for a while.

After practice, she walked out of the school gate. Gu Miao was sitting on the side of the road with her skateboard under her butt.

After the weather warmed up, Gu Miao didn't wear a hat anymore. Her hair that had not been taken care of since she shaved her head was in a mess, and there was a red headband on her forehead. It was quite... individual.

"I'll give you fifty dollars." Jiang Cheng looked at Gu Fei.

"Okay." Gu Fei said.

This out-of-the-box answer immediately made Jiang Cheng not know what to say next.

Fortunately, after a pause, Gu Fei returned to his routine and asked, "Why?"

"Take your dear sister to get a haircut, I beg you." Jiang Cheng said.

"Okay." Gu Fei nodded and stretched out his hand in front of him.

Jiang Cheng glanced at his hand, took out his wallet, took out Zhang Fifty and put it on it.

Gu Fei put the money in his pocket: "Actually, she doesn't need to spend any money for a haircut, she can just ask Li Yan, her craftsmanship is quite good."

"... Give me the money back." Jiang Cheng was speechless.

"No." Gu Fei answered very succinctly.

Jiang Cheng opened his mouth but didn't say anything, how could there be such a brazen person in the world!

As usual, Gu Miao followed the bicycle on the skateboard, but today she was pulling the back seat of Jiang Cheng's bicycle, and she happily slid all the way to the door of Gu Fei's store.

"You went back?" Gu Fei asked.

"Well," Jiang Cheng looked at the bundle of documents on the back seat, "I'll go back and look at these things."

"Okay," Gu Fei nodded, "I'll wait for you at the intersection tomorrow morning, half past eight."

"Okay," Jiang Cheng responded, then waved at Gu Miao, "Goodbye Er Miao."

Gu Miao waved his hand, he smiled and drove away.

No. 4 Middle School put the final on Saturday, presumably to facilitate the teachers and students of the whole school and students from surrounding schools to watch the game. The game started at 10:00, but the nervous captain Wang Jiuri asked everyone to gather at 8:30 and hurry up to warm up. After the game is over, a group of people will get together again excitedly, maybe there will be another game in the afternoon. Enjoyable…

So he probably won't have time to go to the jumping off site tomorrow, so he can only go tonight.

When he returned to the rental house and put his things away, Jiang Cheng went out the door again with his schoolbag on his back, and headed straight for the railway bridge.

The street on the side of the railway bridge is not desolate, but after turning in from the intersection that Gu Fei mentioned, there were significantly fewer people, and the storefronts on the roadside became more dilapidated and inconspicuous.

Going down the road to the end is a small fork in the road, you can see a quilt factory on the left, and a broken road with a cracked road on the right.

He went to the right, and after a few minutes, he saw several buildings with broken windows.

That's it.

As he rode forward slowly, he looked around, judging which buildings the idiots of the steel mill would play with jumping machines.

These buildings are definitely not in front of them. They are too far outside, and people can see them when they pass by. They have to go further inside.

Jiang Cheng finally stopped in front of the four old buildings standing side by side.

This piece of garbage is obviously more than other places, all kinds of beverage bottles, snack bags, cigarette butts all over the floor, and a tin bucket at the entrance of the building.

He went over and glanced at the barrel, which was full of wood that had been burned into ashes, which should be used by the brain-dead people to gather at night to keep warm.

There was no one around, Jiang Cheng casually leaned his car against the wall and walked into a dilapidated building opposite these several buildings.

This building is standing alone on one side. It has five floors. The tallest building in the surrounding area is so dilapidated that even inside the building you can see the withered grass growing out of the cracks in the walls. When he walked upstairs, he felt If two people come up again, the building will collapse.

Going up to the top floor, Jiang Cheng walked to the window and looked over there.

The four buildings on the opposite side can be basically determined. The distance between the buildings is indeed not large. The two buildings on the right are four floors, the two buildings on the left are three floors, and the roof of the leftmost building has collapsed in half, and basically there are still two floors. height up.

"Hello everyone," Jiang Cheng raised his left hand, his middle finger and index finger made a V, and moved slowly in front of his eyes, "Welcome to Brother Cheng show you the first episode of Brain Despair."

He walked to the second window: "The four buildings that everyone can see now are the venues for the brain ischemia jumping competition of the brain-disabled people in the steel mill... We can guess that they jumped from one building to another. Building, according to the level of brain damage, they may still be performing quad jumps... There are a lot of sundries in the venue, and these things have traces of deliberate placement, so we can judge that they should still be able to Challenging obstacle jumps…”

"Fuck," Jiang Cheng put down his hand, turned his head and looked around, "Everyone should have noticed that the aiming field of view here is not very good... Let's see if there is a more suitable angle... "

Jiang Cheng looked around the rooms on the fifth floor, and finally found a half-stairway in the corridor leading to the roof platform.

He jumped up and grabbed the stairs, tried it and felt it was firm, and then climbed up the top opening against the wall.

"Friends from the audience, let's take a look..." Jiang Cheng took a few steps to the edge of the rooftop and stopped, "I'm a little... afraid of heights, but in order to... show everyone the brain-dead..."

He slowly rubbed to the edge of the rooftop: "This angle is very good."

From here, I can clearly see the situation on the roof of the opposite building, and the distance is not too far, but... If he just sticks here like this, someone on the opposite side looks over, and he can clearly see that this is a person.

There is a small attic on the top floor. He walked over and stood in front of the attic, which should cover him.

"Okay, everyone can see," Jiang Cheng said, digging into his pocket, took out a slingshot and a steel ball, and tightened the rubber band against the platform opposite, "With this distance, we can reach What kind of hit, and the power of hit."

After saying this, he took a breath, ignoring the soft feeling under his feet.

After staring at the opposite side, he released his hand and the steel ball flew out.

Immediately afterwards, a wooden shelf on the roof over there fell down.

"Today's program is here," Jiang Cheng narrowed his eyes as he looked at the shelf, "After the finals tomorrow, please tune in on time to watch Brother Cheng show you the second episode of Brain Remains."