Chapter 53


This time-out of class 2 was called very appropriately. It was only 3 minutes before the end of the first half. Not only did it interrupt the rhythm of class 8, but the first half ended without waiting for class 8 to adjust. On, the rhythm of class 8 may not be able to go back.

Jiang Cheng glanced at the scoreboard, and he was four points behind. This value was not huge, and it sounded like a very easy chase, but the opponent was Class 2, and Wu Lun was Class 2, whose overall and individual levels were much higher than them. Four points is a little out of place.

Thank you Li Yan for today's game. Apart from taking pictures, Li Yan also gave them off-court guidance.

During the break, a group of people squatted together and listened to Li Yan's arrangements.

"I'm straight, don't mind, I think you're very hung up," Li Yan summed up after speaking, "If you want to win, you have to go all out, no one can stand still, you must all run, they are all that. How many are on the school team, right? That cooperation can’t be practiced in a month or two, so if you want to win...

"Okay!" A group of people stretched out their hands and roared together.

"Jiang Cheng, you probably won't have many chances to make a three-pointer in the second half. They will stare at you," Li Yan looked at Jiang Cheng, "You have to find a chance for Da Fei."

"En." Jiang Cheng nodded.

"Come on." Li Yan raised his camera and took a picture of his face.

Jiang Cheng looked at him and sighed.

"Very good," Li Yan held the camera in front of him, "It's really challenging to photograph your captain, that pose..."

Jiang Cheng laughed and glanced at Wang Xu who was drinking water with his hips on his side.

At the beginning of the second half, the two classes fought fiercely. Not only did the players on the field fight fiercely, but the cheerleaders off the field also shouted like crazy. They can rush to the field and shout.

After only playing this game for half an hour, Jiang Cheng felt a little tired. This was something he had never experienced in the previous games. The physical exertion was huge, because even if Wang Xu and the others fought hard, the gap in strength was still there. It is up to him and Gu Fei to fill in.

After covering Gu Fei for three layups in a row, Jiang Cheng felt that sweat was pouring into his eyes. He didn't have the habit of wearing wrist guards, so when he wiped sweat, he could only pull off his clothes.

"Do you want it?" Gu Fei asked next to him.

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng looked at him.

"Here," Gu Fei was a pervert wearing two wrist braces, took off his left hand and handed it to him, "I haven't used this to wipe off the sweat yet."

Jiang Cheng wanted to say that you thought sweat wouldn't soak your wristbands, but Gu Fei immediately added: "Before the sweat flows from your arms to your wrists."

"...Fuck." Jiang Cheng laughed, took the wristband and put it on his hand, wiping the sweat off his forehead by the way.

"Have you seen that No. 9?" Gu Fei said, "He's out of energy, he's been running on the left line, and I'll pass from the left in a while."

Jiang Cheng didn't say a word. The coordination between him and Gu Fei was basically the center line and the right line. Going down from the left was not too accustomed to those who dribbled the ball with the right hand.

"I'll see if I can be handsome." Gu Fei said again.

Jiang Cheng didn't have time to think about what kind of handsome he was going to play. Guo Xu had already roared and was about to serve, and he quickly started running.

Lu Xiaobin took the ball and took two steps before passing it to him. Gu Fei had already passed the center line, and when he got the ball to pass, he suddenly leaned to the left from the center.

Jiang Cheng immediately passed the ball over. The time difference was just right. When Gu Fei took two steps to the left line, the ball just bounced into his hand.

Jiang Cheng immediately pressed towards the basket from the middle to prepare for a response.

Gu Fei switched to dribbling the ball with his left hand, and the girls in the audience screamed with excitement as if they saw Gu Fei running away, Jiang Cheng was a little speechless, dribbling the ball with his left hand was nothing special, and basically those who played often had practiced. Even though Gu Fei dribbles the ball very steadily with his left hand, there is definitely a bonus to his appearance and appearance. When Grasshopper dribbled the ball with his left hand over three people in a row, he never saw anyone shout like this...

Gu Fei quickly pressed down on the left baseline. It was not easy to make a layup from this angle. It was the same as Jiang Cheng’s three-pointer position before. Therefore, the main defense of Class 2 was that he could pass the ball. Only No. 9 followed closely. Just shoot at the rim.

Jiang Cheng rode on the three-second zone, staring at Gu Fei's movements, ready to respond at any time.

But at this moment, Gu Fei suddenly turned on his side, holding the ball in his left hand and slammed it over his head, and the ball flew out towards the basket.

Hold! Shooting a three-pointer from this angle? Jiang Cheng hurriedly shouted: "Xiaobin!"

Lu Xiaobin immediately cut to the basket and squeezed back and forth with others, waiting to grab a rebound.

But the ball that Gu Fei hooked out like this, with a beautiful arc, fell into the basket.

"Fuck!" Jiang Cheng jumped up and shouted, "Fuck!"

Outside the field, the shouts were loud, and Lao Lu waved his arms: "Gu Fei! Good job! Good job! Class 8 and class 8! The best looks!"

Jiang Cheng didn't even care about complaining about the relationship between this game and his appearance to make Lao Lu so persistent. He bumped into the shoulder with Gu Fei in the past: "Are you sick?"

"He's handsome." Gu Fei also jumped up and collided with him.

"He's so handsome," Jiang Cheng said, "the morale has been boosted."

Gu Fei's three-pointer boosted the morale of Class 8 as well as the morale of Class 2.

Class 2 quickly hit a fast break and scored two points.

The atmosphere on and off the field suddenly boiled, and it was no problem to steam a few drawers of buns.

As Li Yan said, in this situation, it is not easy to kill the score. Basically, after they score a goal, Class 2 will respond to one.

By the end of the last quarter, Class 8 was still three points behind. This score is a matter of playing well, but it was really a fight, especially in this situation where Class 2 was already motivated to fight. It is also very difficult to catch up.

During the pause, Jiang Cheng propped his knees, and he could hear the few players in a circle gasping like cows.

"Guo Xu goes down first and rests for a while," Li Yan didn't talk about tactics to them any more, "Go up to a higher one, they'll all go back to the basket in their offense, and if they want three points, leave it to Gu Fei and Jiang Cheng to deal with."

"Okay." Wang Xu nodded.

"It's not a big problem for you to score goals now. The key is not to let them score any more. If you don't have one of them, then it's no use." Li Yan said.

In such a game where both sides fought hard but there was a real gap in strength, it was basically impossible for Class 8 to stop Class 2 from scoring. When Li Yan said this, he glanced at Gu Fei and Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng was very impressed. It is clear that he said this to prevent the other players from being discouraged.

The height of their baskets has increased after changing players, but in the face of the grasshopper's bouncing, the effect is still not very obvious.

With the last four minutes remaining, the score was drawn to five points. Li Yan called for a substitution and replaced Guo Xu.

"Let go and fight," Guo Xu said, "Go all out to score."

Jiang Cheng felt that he had never played a school team game before with such a lot of pressure. The cheers and screams from the audience, the hard-working rhythm of the cheerleading team, his teammates who worked hard, and the opponents who worked so hard.

"Go get three points." Gu Fei said as he ran past him.

After a few back and forth, the points were chased into four points. When the ball reached Jiang Cheng, he glanced at the clock. It was less than a minute. Although it was placed between two teams of the same level, there was still hope. Big, but now... He still dashes across with the ball.

He met He Zhou on the way, he gave the ball to Gu Fei, and Gu Fei immediately uploaded it to Wang Xu.

Wang Xu and Lu Xiaobin cooperated to get into the three-second zone, but the shot was blocked. Fortunately, Lu Xiaobin shouted and stunned the opponent who was grabbing the rebound with him. Let Lu Xiaobin grab the ball.

Jiang Cheng could feel the power even when he was standing at the three-point line. In the martial arts world, that person should now have his heart and veins broken and the seven orifices nourished.

Lu Xiaobin passed the ball to Jiang Cheng.

Go get three points.

Gu Fei's words were still jumping in his mind. He took off without hesitation when he received the ball. He Zhou was right in front of him and took off at the same time as him.

He leaned back, and at least a hundred lines of "Fujima God Bless" flashed in his mind at this moment...

Ball shot.

He Zhou didn't touch the ball, and the ball flew out in a big arc.

When he landed, He Zhou didn't look back and said, "Good shot."

Jiang Cheng stared at the ball with his arms still up. When the ball fell into the basket, he was still in the habit of pressing down with three fingers.

nice shot.

One point difference.

In the last twenty seconds, this almost drove everyone crazy. The audience in the stands all stood up, the sound waves rushed over, Lao Xu started to jump, and he kept waving his arms and jumping in place. He shouted, but he couldn't hear what he was shouting, and even Lao Lu's loud voice was drowned out.

Class 2 took the ball and flew to the basket. The grasshopper took the ball and shot without even standing. Gu Fei jumped up, but failed to cover the ball. He just poked his fingertips under the ball. a bit.

The ball didn't make it, and the basket was immediately grabbed into a pot of porridge, and it was almost a hug. The feeling of "this is a boy's basketball final" was almost lost. In a trance, Jiang Cheng had a kind of auntie when the supermarket was discounted. The illusion of stealing.

The ball was still caught by Class 2, and they threw again. This time Gu Fei blocked the cap and the ball went to Wang Xu.

Four seconds left.

Wang Xu didn't have time to pass the ball again, so he rushed towards the opposite side with the ball.

Jiang Cheng followed and wanted to cover, but He Zhou seemed to have his butt broken by the second kick. His speed was amazing, and he caught up with Wang Xu before he even got close to the three-point line. He stretched out his hand and the ball was swept out by him. .

When Wang Xu rushed over to get the ball back in his hand, the whistle sounded for the end of the game.

"The game is over—"

The entire class 2 jumped up, roaring loudly.

Wang Xu stood still holding the ball, Gu Fei walked over and patted him on the shoulder, he suddenly turned around and threw the ball, hugged Gu Fei and cried.

"Fuck me?" Gu Fei was stunned with his arms raised.

"It's just a little bit!" Wang Xu cried, "It's just a little bit!"

"It's already fine," Gu Fei patted his back, "It's already fine, don't cry..."

He Zhou slapped the team members a few times, stunned when he saw this, and ran over: "Did I... I don't seem to have hit him..."

"It didn't hit me," Jiang Cheng said, "he just..."

"Why are you shooting my ball!" Wang Xu pushed Gu Fei away, glared at He Zhou and roared.

"Hey!" He Zhou was startled and took a step back, feeling a little dazed, "I'm sure... I have to shoot it."

"Captain," Jiang Cheng originally felt quite lost and regretful. After all, the score was only one point away, but now that Wang Xu was like this, he couldn't care to sigh, and looked at Wang Xu, "Captain, Captain Wang ?"

"What's the matter?" Wang Xu looked at him.

"It's all up to you," Jiang Cheng said, "Hurry up and organize it, we need to shake hands."

"Oh yes!" Wang Xu's eyes widened, "I almost forgot! Come, come! Our people come and line up!"

Jiang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief.

After the players from both sides shook hands and patted their shoulders, they returned to the rest area.

"It's amazing!" Lao Xu hugged one by one, "It's amazing! You guys are amazing! I'm proud of you!"

When he walked in front of Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng quickly folded his fist towards him and took a step back.

"You!" Lao Xu pointed at him, sighed, grabbed Gu Fei and hugged him, "Gu Fei is doing great!"

Gu Fei smiled and said nothing.

After Lao Xu walked away, he turned his head to look at Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng looked at him for a while, and finally opened his arms with a smile, and Gu Fei came over and hugged him.

At this moment, he doesn't care whether there will be screaming next to him, whether there will be someone holding his mobile phone, and whether the post bar will have new posts because of this scene.

He just wanted to give Gu Fei a hug, because of this match, because of the teammates who worked so hard, because he and Gu Fei cooperated perfectly.

Hug, hug, hug, hug my sister, get on the sedan chair...

"I haven't played such an enjoyable game for a long time." Gu Fei said.

"Yeah," Jiang Cheng said, "you've never played a normal ball, have you?"

"...I've been hit too," Gu Fei let go of him, "I have to go to the toilet."

"Have you been beating while holding back your urine?" Jiang Cheng was a little speechless.

"No," Gu Fei took the jacket and took out the wound adhesive, "It seems that the waist is also torn, so let's stick it."

"Want to..." Jiang Cheng whispered, "Can you help?"

"No need." Gu Fei smiled.

The audience hasn't completely dispersed yet, some are shooting basketballs on the court, some are still sitting in the stands chatting, and some are... taking pictures.

"Jiang Cheng," He Zhou ran over, "Play ball for a while?"

"Another day?" Jiang Cheng glanced at the toilet, "Today..."

"Don't fight!" Wang Xu suddenly came over, "Don't fight! We're going to dinner now! I don't have time to fight with you!"

He Zhou hesitated for a moment: "Okay, let's make another appointment, let's add a WeChat?"

"En." Jiang Cheng took out his mobile phone and added a friend to He Zhou.

Gu Fei came back not long after going to the toilet. The members of the class and the cheerleaders were still in a state of excitement, sadness and joy.

"We have a lot of people!" Wang Xu was calling the restaurant to order food, "Don't you have a small box like a meeting room! That's right! That's it!"

"How is it?" Jiang Cheng glanced at Gu Fei.

"No problem," Gu Fei moved his arms, "Going to eat in a while?"

"En," Jiang Cheng nodded, "What time do you guys…?"

"Eight o'clock in the evening." Gu Fei said.

A group of people were taken to the restaurant by Wang Xu, including Li Yan, who was reluctant.

Jiang Cheng still sat next to Gu Fei, but the two of them didn’t say a word during the meal, and the group was so excited that it was fortunate that there weren’t many customers in the restaurant at noon, otherwise, the movement would have caused people outside. Everyone had to let him cry out.

Jiang Cheng didn't want to talk too much, since he saw those buildings yesterday, he has been feeling vaguely uneasy about Gu Fei and the others' brain-dead activity this time.

Now that the game is over and there is nothing else on my mind, the feeling starts to get stronger.

Gu Fei would definitely get hurt, and it was obvious that he had to get hurt. With the urine nature of a monkey, even if Gu Fei admitted defeat, he had to get hurt.

What kind of injury is this injury

Simply insane.

He even ate, chatted, and burst into tears, and at the end he sang a song to his friends. He didn't know that they thought they had a break-up meal ahead of time. The meal didn't break up until after three o'clock in the afternoon. Jiang Cheng felt that his body was sweating. Covering the stink, I finally left the hotel.

Li Yan drove a motorcycle and went directly to Gu Fei's shop. Jiang Cheng and Gu Fei rode their bicycles all the way back in silence.

When he arrived at the door of the store, Gu Fei said, "At night, you should pay attention to safety. There are many people who go there, everyone."

"Understood," Jiang Cheng glanced at him, and finally sighed, "What kind of injury you will suffer, you... take care of yourself."

"Don't worry," Gu Fei smiled, "I grew up with injuries."

Jiang Cheng raised his middle finger at him, kicked his foot, and rode away.

I took a shower when I got home, then went out for a few laps, and bought some hemostatic hoses and a pair of hemostatic forceps at a pharmacy.

He used the hemostatic rubber hose at the beginning to play the slingshot. It is said that this type of rubber hose is not the best to use, but because he is used to it, he is very familiar with its tensile deformation and rebound, and he still uses it.

After buying the hose, he went to the market again. He had no idea about the layout and structure of the market. After turning around for ten times, he found a store and bought a bag of walnuts.

After finishing this, it was not yet five o'clock, and eight o'clock was still a long time away, but he still stuffed everything into his schoolbag and went to the railway bridge.

He locked the bicycle on the railing at the entrance of a small shop at the intersection, and then walked in.

The place looked more lonely during the day than at night. He went straight to the roof, put down his bag, and sat down against the wall of the small attic.

"Hello everyone, welcome to watch today's Brother Cheng show you the second episode of Brain Dump," Jiang Cheng said in a low voice while removing the hose from the slingshot, "There are still three hours before the Brain Dump's collective carnival, I estimate There will be a brainless forerunner coming in in two hours, so we have to be there early... At this time I can teach you how to tie the hose to the slingshot... "

He took out the hose and hemostat: "I usually use the figure-eight method. It's very simple. One hemostat will do, and two sweater needles will do... See for yourself, I'm too lazy to talk about it, and I'm not in the mood."

The leather pocket was newly replaced before, and it can continue to be used. Jiang Cheng lowered his head and quickly tied the rubber hose, then tightened it and tried it, and then let go, it felt good.

He leaned his head against the wall, closed his eyes, and took out a walnut from his schoolbag.

"Before we used steel balls," he pulled away the rubber band and glanced at the four buildings opposite one by one, "Today, let's see the power of a walnut... Of course, it's not a paper walnut, it's an ordinary hard shell. Walnut… "

As soon as he let go, the walnut flew out.

An empty can on the roof opposite was knocked off the edge of the building and fell downstairs, shattering walnuts.

"It's okay," Jiang Cheng reached out and grabbed four walnuts, stood up and took two steps forward, "Let's see how a person who is afraid of heights overcomes his mentality... Obstacles are fucked, and he hits four bursts..."

Jiang Cheng took a breath, aimed at a beverage bottle on the top of the second building, and shot the first walnut, the bottle jumped forward, he then shot the second one, the bottle jumped forward again, and the next was the first walnut. Three, the fourth.

The fourth shot was empty, and the bottle had jumped to the other half of the building, which was a bit far.

"Okay," Jiang Cheng sat back against the wall, "The preparatory work has been completed, now... please read the book with me for a while, and continue watching in two hours."

From his schoolbag, he touched a set of math problems that Pan Zhi sent him, and lowered his head to read it.

The sky was completely dark, and when nothing could be seen clearly in front of him, Jiang Cheng stuffed the book back into his schoolbag, and at this moment he heard the sound of a motorcycle coming from downstairs.

The street lights were already on. He rubbed to the edge of the rooftop and looked down. Although there were only two street lights, he could still see three motorcycles coming downstairs.

There were people in each car, four men and two women.

"Everyone in the audience, the brainless forerunners have entered the arena, and there are actually women," Jiang Cheng whispered, "I have never seen these before, they should be members of the brainless monkey team."

Several people did not go upstairs after getting out of the car, but stood downstairs talking and laughing.

Jiang Cheng looked at the time. After seven o'clock, he clicked on the message and checked the chat box with Gu Fei. There was no new content, and Gu Fei had never contacted him.

He hesitated and put the phone back in his pocket, it was pointless to contact Gu Fei at this time.

After more than ten minutes, the number of people downstairs began to increase. Some people walked in, some came on motorcycles, and they all gathered downstairs, smoking cigarettes, and some drinking with wine bottles. While chatting, he stared at these people and didn't see the group of people who were not good birds.

Jiang Cheng just squatted on the edge of the rooftop and looked down, his legs were numb, and he almost forgot that he was afraid of heights, only then did he finally see Li Yan, who drove in today's motorcycle along the path. .

There was a commotion in the people downstairs, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little tense.

Then there were two more motorcycles, Jiang Cheng stared at it for a second, no bird, good thing, just four people... Where is Gu Fei

After Li Yan and Not a Good Bird got out of the car, he saw Gu Fei's motorcycle who had turned in.

"Fuck," Jiang Cheng whispered, suppressing his voice, "Friends in the audience, please look at this one who is entering the arena now, he is a brainless... No. 1, he was driving a black motorcycle and wearing... a set of night clothes, now He took off his helmet... Aside from his brain damage, No. 1 is actually a very handsome man. He can still score 82 points in this appearance, and the remaining 18 points are sent out in the form of 666... "

Gu Fei got out of the car, threw the helmet on the rearview mirror and hung it, and looked at the person next to him: "Where's the monkey?"

"Coming soon." Someone replied.

"Let's go up first." Gu Fei glanced at Liu Fan.

"Yeah." Liu Fan kicked an empty wine bottle under his feet, and several people entered the building together.

Gu Fei is very familiar with this building, because the steel mill is keen to use hurdles to solve problems. He can't remember how many times he has come here, but this is the first time he has come to solve his own problems.

"The person I called will be here in a while," Liu Fan turned his head, "Li Yan, please give Brother Xu a call and let him come directly."

"Okay." Li Yan took out his mobile phone and dialed.

Gu Fei walked at the very front, and went all the way up to the top of the building. Today, the wind was quite strong, and as soon as he stood on the roof, his face became sullen.

He looked around, took out his glasses from his pocket and put them on.

"I guess it's in the opposite building." Li Yan whispered beside him.

He glanced at Li Yan, and then looked at the opposite building. It was pitch black, and he couldn't see anything clearly, and there was no human-like shadow on the roof.

The monkey came up with a group of people. Today's protagonists have already arrived, and all the people watching the lively have also gone up to the rooftop. One, two, three, four, Gu Fei looked at them, and there were already people standing on the top of the four buildings.

There were monkeys, people called by Liu Fan, and many neutral spectators watching the excitement.

Although this matter is only between him and the monkey, but people must be called, like the boss like the monkey, who likes this kind of pomp, and Gu Fei only wants to witness.

If you want to go through it once, if you want to have no follow-up, you must have other people present. The more people, the better. Everyone knows that the matter between the two has been resolved this time. If you want to make trouble in the future, you will have a face. The problem is that it is difficult for a boss with "identity" like a monkey to take any action.

It's just... Gu Fei pushed on his glasses, stared at the people around him for a while, and then looked down the rooftops one by one, but he didn't see Jiang Cheng.

He was already too familiar with Jiang Cheng's figure. Even if this kid was among the crowd, he could see it at a glance, but he never found any trace of Jiang Cheng.

Opposite building? It still looked peaceful.

He was a little unsteady, and after hesitating for a long time, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Jiang Cheng.

-Where are you

Jiang Cheng's news quickly returned.

- Brother Cheng is everywhere

"Fuck." Gu Fei looked at this line of words, and could almost see Jiang Cheng's face outside the five elements.

- where is it, in the opposite building

There was no light in the building, although if Jiang Cheng turned the phone screen to the darkest setting, he would not see any light from this side.

- you stand on the edge of the roof

Gu Fei glanced at the monkey, he was talking to a group of people he hadn't seen for a long time, and he looked calm and had nothing to do tonight.

Gu Fei slowly walked to the edge of the rooftop.

Just as he was about to send a message to Jiang Cheng, he suddenly felt something hit his shoe. He glanced at it and found that it was actually a walnut.

"Fuck? You're hiding very well," he said directly, stepping on the walnut and seeing the broken walnut next to him, "What is this for?"


Jiang Cheng returned the message.

Gu Fei turned his face to face the dark building opposite, what the hell was he laughing at

- i can see

Jiang Cheng sent another message.

Gu Fei looked at the people standing on the rooftop, and while no one was paying attention, he turned his head and smiled into the darkness.

This is probably the worst thing he's ever done.

"Very good," Jiang Cheng squatted in the darkness, someone on the opposite roof had already set fire with oil drums, and it became very bright, "We saw the smile of No. 1 Brain Lost just now, which means that the aiming conditions are very good now... The opposite side seems to be on fire. It's about to start, it's about to start."

With one leg bent, he knelt on the roof with one leg, took a walnut, and tightened the rubber band.

The people on the rooftop had spread out to both sides, and Gu Fei and Monkey had both retreated to the very edge of the rooftop. The length of the run-up was the width of the roof.

"Fuck," Jiang Cheng frowned. Several empty bottles were kicked from both sides to the middle. There were at least three bottles on Gu Fei's only path, and bricks and wooden sticks were thrown over afterward. The building where he settled down was in the same situation on the roof. Someone even threw a beer crate in the middle. He gritted his teeth, "What a fucking brain."

Someone walked in the middle, stood still facing the monkey and Gu Fei, and raised his hand.

Jiang Cheng had no way to calculate Gu Fei's steps, and he also had no way to use walnuts to clear the roadblocks. After the start, he could only move with Gu Fei, and after taking off, he estimated where he landed to grab the time difference...

The man in the middle pressed his raised hand down sharply.

Gu Fei and the monkey rushed out at the same time.

Gu Fei didn't look at his feet at all, every step was a big step, and when he rushed out wrapped in the wind, it seemed like he was about to take off.

Jiang Cheng stared at him stubbornly.

When Gu Fei took the first step, he had already seen Gu Fei's state of letting go, and he just took a step forward without looking at his feet.

Jiang Cheng's heartbeat stopped for a moment when Gu Fei stepped on the edge of the roof and jumped up from the position where he would fall directly an inch forward.

Gu Fei's posture of rushing out desperately, the posture of leaping into the air, every movement of flying against the wind...

"What kind of person are you?" Jiang Cheng suddenly pulled the rubber band, and when he let go, the walnut flew out, targeting an empty bottle near Gu Fei's landing spot.

The author has something to say:

The author who didn't have an outline to code every day found that the estimation was wrong, and the normal update of the word count didn't work out, so in order not to be complained by the goldfish, he gritted his teeth and coded 2,000 more words, and forced the matter to start! The author, who had run out of time to check for typos, said feebly while lying on top of the black-haired spirits.

Omg o(≧mouth≦)o. Hei Mao Jing pulled out her hind legs from under the author's stomach and shouted loudly.

Ji . The black-haired little essence said.

w(゜Д゜)w 嘤. Said the black-haired fairy.