Chapter 61


The design of the haunted house has at least three floors. The introduction said that the whole process took about 40 minutes, but this 40 minutes should not include the time to stop and scream in a group. Anyway, Jiang Cheng felt that they were sending out all kinds of sharp tips that could scare ghosts to death. Yelling, while walking around the rooms that were getting darker and darker for almost 20 minutes, I didn't even go down the stairs once.

"Should we find a place to go upstairs?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"I'm looking for it," Pan Zhi replied at the front, "Have we ever been in this room before?"

"No." Gu Fei said.

"Then we shouldn't have walked through this door," Pan Zhi pointed to the closed door in front of him, "Maybe it's the pass..."

Before the words were spoken, a string of children's laughter drifted past them.

Even though Jiang Cheng could hear the electric current in this laughter and could be sure that it was coming from a loudspeaker hidden in the corner, it was still horrifying.

"Is there a ghost behind?" Li Song asked.

"Let's go, let's go..." Xu Meng pulled Li Yuqing's clothes and lowered her head, not daring to look around.

Just as he was talking, another series of laughter sounded.

"Ah—" a group of people shouted at the same time, squeezing Pan Zhi and rushing towards the door.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid..." Pan Zhi was pushed to the point that he couldn't stand still, so he hurried over and opened the door, followed by a loud roar, "Ah—"

Standing outside the door was a ghost who didn't know if he was passing by or had been waiting for a long time. Pan Zhi was pushed directly into the ghost's arms by a group of people.

In the howl, the ghost was knocked against the wall behind him, and he had to push Pan Zhi away.

"Ah—" A group of people turned and ran.

There was a door behind them, and a group of people rushed in as if the world had been destroyed. They opened the door and rushed in.

Bright and dazzling sunlight flooded the world in their howls.

A few of them stood in the sunlight and howled several times before they stopped blankly.

"Fuck me?" Pan Zhi narrowed his eyes in shock, "Why did you come out?"

"You came out without even going upstairs?" Jiang Cheng looked back at the small door, "Is this a fucking emergency exit?"

Gu Fei stood at the end, folded his arms and cleared his throat.

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng looked back at him.

Gu Fei gave a look to the right, and a group of people followed, and immediately wanted to turn back and squeeze back into the haunted house.

About 30 meters to the right is where the queue at the entrance is. Dozens of people lined up to look at them. The expressions on their faces are indescribable, and some of them are already laughing.

"Who the hell led the way!" Pan Zhi asked in grief.

"Crazy?" Li Yuqing said.

"It's not me," Hu Feng said immediately, "I came out after Dali!"

"Me?" Li Song stared blankly for a long time, then stretched out his hand and gestured for a long time, "I seem to have a... opening the door?"

"Idiot!" Pan Zhi rushed over and beat him several times. Under his leadership, a group of people went up and gave Li Song a few blows.

They had already come out, so they couldn't go back. They had no choice but to leave the haunted house with a sullen face and an expression of "We really just went the wrong way".

"Let's go and see that ancient pagoda?" Xu Meng suggested, "The cultural landscape is also quite interesting."

"Well," Gu Fei took out his phone and checked the time, "After the ancient pagoda goes up and down... It's almost time to go eat something. There should be a good restaurant in the park. I have to ask where it is first."

"Is he also a lunatic," Li Yuqing said with a smile, "I don't even remember where I eat?"

"No," Gu Fei said while dialing, "the last time I came here was the spring outing of the elementary school."

"Ah?" Li Yuqing was stunned. "I think there is an amusement park and a zoo. If I change it, I might have to come here several times a semester."

"It means that your mind is not sound." Pan Zhi said.

"You're not healthy!" Li Yuqing glared at him.

Gu Fei stepped aside and estimated that he had called Liu Fan's brother again to ask about the place to eat.

Jiang Cheng looked at his back standing in the backlight.

Whether it was watching movies or going to an amusement park, Gu Fei's entertainment activities seemed to be stuck in a long time ago. Although he didn't like going to the park, he went there with his classmates and friends a lot. The school canceled the Spring and Autumn Festival. After the tour, they still go out on their own.

Gu Fei's life is in the steel mill. Except for skipping classes and going out to play a few times, he seems to have been in the steel mill all the time.

Jiang Cheng’s life in the past few months was the same. If there was no Gu Fei, his surroundings would have been frozen. All the people would be trapped in this small space along the few streets under their feet. .

Live dull and powerless.

This kind of life can be lived for one or two days, one or two months of clenching your teeth, and it may break out in a year or two. Jiang Cheng walked to the trash can next to him and lit a cigarette. After a long time, he might get used to it. No matter how helpless or unwilling, it finally sank.

The ancient pagoda is by a lake in the park. The lake water is not very clean, but the pagoda is beautiful.

The tower is quite high, and standing on the top of the tower can see the street outside the park and the cars coming and going, but it can also see the city with some gray and lonely under the sun.

"Let me memorize the content," Pan Zhi said while taking a picture of the introduction on the wall with his mobile phone. "There are still a lot of words. As soon as I go back and copy it, Zhou Ji will be alive."

"This is not bad." Li Song also began to take pictures.

"Let me tell you," Pan Zhi glanced at the few people who took out their mobile phones and started taking pictures of the wall, "Don't copy them all like me."

"It's alright, just write it out as a quote. All quotes are the same." Hu Feng said.

"It's sad to think about it," Pan Zhi sighed. "We wrote the last line of the weekly diary of several hundred words. The above quote is from the tourist map of the ancient pagoda."

Several people suddenly burst into laughter.

"I haven't written a weekly diary for a long time," Jiang Cheng leaned against the railing and stretched out, "Lao Xu didn't ask for this either."

"No one wrote it after I requested it," Gu Fei said. "If you want me to write an article for a week, I definitely won't be able to write it."

"No, you can definitely write it," Jiang Cheng smiled, "You can write poetry."

Gu Fei laughed: "Yes."

"Hey, let me tell you," Jiang Cheng turned to support the railing, glanced at Pan Zhi, then turned his head and whispered, "Pan Sunzi should be... I can see it."

"Well, I can see that he can see it," Gu Fei also lowered his voice, "Is there any problem?"

"No," Jiang Cheng said, "I didn't think about how to tell him at first, it's fine if he sees it himself, so I don't have to find words."

"He knew about you before, right?" Gu Fei asked.

"Well," Jiang Cheng nodded, "Only he knows... Of course, now you also know."

Gu Fei smiled: "I have your handle."

"I also have your handle." Jiang Cheng gave him a sideways glance.

Gu Fei smiled and said nothing.

"Actually," Jiang Cheng was silent for a while, "actually, for you, it's not a big deal, right?"

"Does it count against you?" Gu Fei asked back.

"I don't know, forget it," Jiang Cheng frowned, "I can't tell, I don't like to be stared at or talked about, I hate to be... accused."

Gu Fei looked at him, he paused for a while: "You can't do this, you're not right, here you need to correct, there you need to improve, I hate to be told that you are wrong this way, that is wrong , I've heard too much since I was a kid, I'm really... Really... "

"I know," Gu Fei said, "I know what you mean."

"I didn't want to say this at first," Jiang Cheng sighed softly, leaning on the railing, "I don't want you to think I'm… cowardly."

"This has nothing to do with counseling or not," Gu Fei also leaned on the railing, "I don't mean that I need to tell the world about these things, just like I don't mind people knowing what my underwear looks like, but it doesn't mean that I need to tell the world. That doesn't mean I'm going to walk around in my underwear."

Jiang Cheng turned his head to look at him, and after a while, he laughed: "What a broken metaphor."

"I've tried my best." Gu Fei said.

After Pan Zhi left the haunted house, he never discussed Gu Fei’s affairs with Jiang Cheng, until the end of the holiday, when they had to go back, the car at night, and after dinner in the afternoon, when they returned to the rental house, Pan Zhi finished packing and said: "You and that Gu Fei..."

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng sat on the sofa leaning against him.

"When did it start?" Pan Zhi asked.

"Not long," Jiang Cheng said, "do you have any suggestions?"

"No," Pan Zhi smiled, "Is there anything I can suggest? It's going to rain and grandpa wants to fall in love. What a normal thing, should I still stop me?"

Jiang Cheng smiled and said nothing.

"But to be honest, I'm quite surprised," Pan Zhi said, "I never thought you could fall in love here."

"Why?" Jiang Cheng looked at him.

"What's the reason?" Pan Zhi sat next to him, "I just don't think you would be in this mood in this situation."

"Well," Jiang Cheng fell on the sofa arm resting his arms, "I didn't even think about it myself."

"But it's not incomprehensible," Pan Zhi thought for a while, "I was quite worried about you before, but after seeing you didn't collapse... It's better than being bored alone."

Jiang Cheng didn't say a word, stared at the ceiling for a long time, then looked at Pan Zhi: "Pan Pan."

"Change the name." Pan Zhi rubbed his arms.

"Grandson." Jiang Cheng said.

"What's the matter, grandpa." Pan Zhi turned his head.

"Dating in love, in love," Jiang Cheng said, "Do you think there is any difference?"

"A brain teaser?" Pan Zhi asked.

"Turn your uncle." Jiang Cheng said.

"You have to ask me about this?" Pan Zhi looked at him, "This is not your style."

"I just want to hear what people with low IQs think," Jiang Cheng touched a cigarette and took it out, "We people with high IQs tend to think too much."

"The difference between thinking too much and being ignorant, I want to fall in love," Pan Zhi said, "For example, I want to fall in love, Huang Hui, or..."

"No," Jiang Cheng interrupted him, "Then to put it another way, you want to fall in love with me, do you want to fall in love with me?"

"Fuck," Pan Zhi frowned, "It's so troublesome, it's just for you. Whether you're in a relationship or a relationship, you have to be with you."

Jiang Cheng gave him a thumbs up.

Jiang Cheng felt that Gu Fei's delicacy surprised him a bit. When it comes to falling in love and falling in love, there is a "he" in front of it, no matter which answer it is, it is him.

Jiang Cheng twitched the corner of his mouth, at least on this point, Gu Fei knew what he was thinking.

It's not that he is so lonely, so lonely, he needs to find someone here to start a relationship, just because the other party is Gu Fei, no matter what kind of relationship, the premise must be Gu Fei.

He has been thinking about this sentence for the past two days. In fact, he turned it over and over, and he had already figured out the meaning of this sentence.

He also knew what Gu Fei's sentence "I will love you until you no longer need me to love you" really means.

He had to admit that Gu Fei did think a lot more than himself, and he couldn't say how impulsive he was, but after all, the reason for being so proactive is that I like you and I want to be with you.

I want to fall in love with you, not a love, it's you, not someone else.

This was the reason why Gu Fei would wait downstairs for him in the end.

But if one day, there is no way to go, Gu Fei's choice is probably "stop here", but what about his own choice

This is the question Gu Fei needs him to answer.

Gu Fei must be used to thinking about everything, his upbringing, his family, and his experiences have made him accustomed to thinking about all possibilities and finding a way to deal with each possibility.

And he is different.

He didn't need him to think like this to determine the environment for everything, even if he was suddenly thrown into such a place, he didn't think too much about it.

I'm not biological, my biological parents are like this, I changed the environment from heaven to earth... He never thought deeply about everything, all his actions were looking at his feet, here are the A stone, how do I get there, there is a ditch here, how do I get there.

On this point, he and Gu Fei had a completely different but accustomed way of thinking.

"Is this what he asked you?" Pan Zhi asked from the side.

"I asked him." Jiang Cheng took the ashtray from the coffee table and put it on the floor beside the sofa, flicking the ashtray into it.

"Impossible," Pan Zhi looked at him, "I know you too well."

"Then you have to be careful that one day you will be silenced by me." Jiang Cheng said.

"He gave me the feeling," Pan Zhi also touched a cigarette from the cigarette case on the coffee table and lit it, "that' to say, I want to call him brother when I see him."

"He's younger than you." Jiang Cheng said.

"...That's what I meant," Pan Zhi clicked, "You're younger than me, and I call you grandpa. What I mean is that he looks like the kind of person who has been through a lot of things. "

"Really." Jiang Cheng sighed softly, this judgment was quite accurate.

"You can know some people as soon as you touch them, and you can still feel the aura," Pan Zhi said, "Although he is in a haunted house... But I still want to call him Fei Ge when I see him, you know me I mean."

"Understood." Jiang Cheng said.

"But that's not the reason why I called you grandpa." Pan Zhi added.

"There's no need to specifically explain this." Jiang Cheng said.

"Sir," Pan Zhi took a cigarette and thought deeply for a long time, "Yu Xin is not in a relationship with you, not even in a relationship."

"Ah." Jiang Cheng responded and stared at him with a deep expression on his face.

"So," Pan Zhi was silent for a long time, "Gu Fei is your first love."

"Fuck," Jiang Cheng was delighted, "holding it for a long time, I thought you were going to say something, not a single fart."

"I haven't finished, I haven't finished!" Pan Zhi looked at him angrily, "Can you change the pace of laughing at me from running to walking, can you die if you slow down!"

"Take a walk, take a walk," Jiang Cheng nodded, "You're done."

"Let's say, most of the first love... will get hurt a little bit, after all we... are still young," Pan Zhi said with a cigarette in his hand, stammering hard, "I just want to say, don't let yourself get hurt too much. Heavy, do you understand what I mean? Just... Grandpa, I see your... My grandma... My grandfather, he should be the kind of person who already knows how to protect himself... I don't mean anything else."

"Ah." It took Jiang Cheng a long time to sort out what he wanted to convey from Pan Zhi's confusing address.

"Don't think what I said is inappropriate." Pan Zhi said.

"Thank you," Jiang Cheng put out the cigarette butt, got up and patted him on the shoulder, "I see."

"Yeah." Pan Zhi nodded.

"The ashtray is here," Jiang Cheng put the ashtray in front of him, "Play it on the coffee table again, and I'll ask you to lick the coffee table for me with your tongue."

"Fuck!" Pan Zhi was stunned for a while, "Can I put the fucking paper on it!"

"That's why I didn't let you lick it now." Jiang Cheng smiled and fell back on the sofa.

Gu Fei did not participate in the activities to take Pan Zhi and the others to the train station. Although he did not participate in all the activities in the past few days, in Gu Miao's opinion, he still has less time at home, so at night Gu Fei Take her to Wang Xu's house to eat pies.

Jiang Cheng sent Pan Zhi and the others to the station: "Okay, don't say parting speeches, it's too nauseous to bear."

"Don't tell me," Hu Feng said, "Come back to see us after the summer vacation, how are you doing?"

"...It's really hard to say." Jiang Cheng really hadn't thought about going back in the past few months. No matter what he was going back for, he hadn't thought about it at all.

"Or make an appointment to travel together." Li Song said.

"A detailed appointment will be made when the time comes." Pan Zhi said.

"By the way, Gu Fei has been serving as a tour guide for the past few days, and he didn't say thank you to anyone," Li Yuqing handed a bag in his hand to Jiang Cheng, "Didn't he say he had a sister that day, so he just bought something for him. He didn't seem to fit, so we bought a doll..."

Jiang Cheng smiled and took it over: "What's the use of being so polite."

If this group of people has seen this sister, it is estimated that no one will think about buying her a doll.

After the group of people entered the station, Jiang Cheng turned around and went to the bus stop, and took the bus back to the rental house very frugally and virtuously.

After entering the house, he took a picture of the doll and sent it to Gu Fei.

-My classmate gave it to Gu Miao

Gu Fei quickly replied with a message.

- Sent away

- uh , are you still at home on nine days

- still , are you coming

- No, I'm a little tired, I'll lay down and relax my waist for a while

-Pinch waist.jpg

Jiang Cheng laughed for a long time, then walked around the room twice to see if Pan Zhi had missed anything, and then entered the bedroom. It was still early enough... to make a set of papers.

Jiang Cheng stood in front of the desk and expressed his deep admiration for his decision.

This is the quality of a scholar.


The phone rang again, and Gu Fei sent a photo of Zhang Gu Miao over.

In the photo, Gu Miao was holding a pie with a blank face.

- i showed her the picture of the doll and she is this look

-hhhhhhh, your brother is so good, a little girl sees a doll like this

Jiang Cheng pulled up the messy quilt on the bed and shook it. Although he was going to make a paperwork, the environment was still very influential. It had to be neater... He saw a black box exposed under the pillow.

He took a look at it and opened the box, although he had already guessed what it was when he saw the box.

But when he opened it and saw that there was actually a red pen inside, he was still a little shocked that Pan Zhi actually gave him a pen.

There was also a small note with a line on it.

- You will definitely be laughed at in person, so I put it here. I will give you a pen so that you can always remember that you are a scholar.

Jiang Cheng sat down at the desk with a pen and laughed for a while.

After thinking about it and sighing, Pan Zhi, this friend, didn't pay for nothing, enjoying the treatment of his grandson and caring about his grandfather's heart.

He took a piece of paper and wrote a few words on it at random. That's it. No matter what kind of pen you use, you can't show it well.

He stared at the paper for a while, then with luck, he wrote a line.

Hope we can all be as brave as each other.

The author has something to say:

I saw someone say that Xiaojing will turn into a black chicken essence.” The author, who was in a good mood today after eating very sweet kumquats, said while holding a cup of hot tea.

I have stopped the fourth black hair essence and the fifth black hair essence from practicing o(≧kou≦)o, so sad o(≧kou≦)o. The black hair essence shouted loudly.

w(゜Д゜)w 嘤. Said the black-haired fairy.

Gumbling clucking ! . The black-haired little essence said.