Chapter 64


Mood at the bottom is not the worst experience. What is more uncomfortable than the mood at the bottom is that the mood falls directly from the sky to the bottom.

The good mood is simply shattered to pieces.

It has been a long time since Jiang Cheng felt such a strong feeling in his heart, and he and Gu Fei sat on the chair in the hall on the first floor for almost ten minutes, but he couldn't recover.

Li Baoguo’s illness could basically be determined. Lung cancer, Jiang Cheng stared at his fingers, his lungs were not good, he was coughing every day, and now words like radiotherapy and chemotherapy appeared.

Jiang Cheng felt as if he was sinking at the bottom of the whirlpool, surrounded by hustle and bustle, but his ears were terribly silent.

He knew very well why Gu Fei didn't let him go there.

The money on his card is enough for tuition and living, but he has no income. Before he can really support himself, every cent of spending has to be taken from here.

Whether Li Baoguo still owes the hospital money, he is not sure, but once he passes, he can basically imagine what kind of situation he will face.

This is different from Li Baoguo being surrounded and beaten. At that time, he was half for venting and half for Li Baoguo. He could rush over to fight with others, but now.

A security guard came out of the elevator, trotted to the entrance of the inpatient department, greeted two policemen, and took them into the elevator again.

"Let's go." Jiang Cheng fiercely rubbed his face a few times and stood up. He didn't want to see Li Baoguo being taken out by the police for a while.

Gu Fei got up and walked out of the hospital with him.

After Jiang Cheng left the hospital, he walked directly to the bus stop, Gu Fei pulled him: "Let's take a taxi."

"Oh." Jiang Cheng stopped, stood aside and watched Gu Fei stop a taxi.

"Want to eat at my place?" Gu Fei asked him after getting into the car.

"No." Jiang Cheng only felt his brain swell.

"Then I'll accompany you to eat something later?" Gu Fei asked again.

"I don't have any appetite right now," Jiang Cheng closed his eyes and pinched his brows, "I'll go straight to Li Baoguo to wait for him in a while. If he is taken away by the police, he should be back at night."

"En." Gu Fei seemed to want to say something, but after taking a breath, he didn't say anything.

The car stopped at the intersection, and the two got out of the car.

Jiang Cheng looked at Li Baoguo's road, since he took things from Li Baoguo that day, he has never walked that street again.

Looking at it like this now, the street is dilapidated and peaceful. In the warm yellow lights on the buildings on both sides, it looks like a family of peaceful people, but under this, what kind of people and what kind of homes are there? , then no one can imagine.

"I'm over," Jiang Cheng threw his schoolbag over his shoulder, as if making up his mind, "Go back to the store, I'll call you when I'm done."

"Okay," Gu Fei responded, Jiang Cheng turned around and was about to leave, he hesitated and called out, "Brother Cheng."

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng looked back at him.

"I don't know what you think," Gu Fei said softly, "It may not be appropriate for me to say this, but I still have to remind you."

"Let's talk." Jiang Cheng smiled.

"Don't take the money yet," Gu Fei said, "Li Baoguo really doesn't necessarily use the money for medical treatment. You may not have seen a person who puts his life after a lot of things, but he is."

Jiang Cheng looked at him and nodded after a while.

"He still has two children," Gu Fei said. "What do you want to do, first look at the attitude of your brother and your sister and then consider it. You have to... learn to make room for yourself."

"Understood." Jiang Cheng walked back and stood in front of Gu Fei and looked at him.

"Don't think I'm indifferent," Gu Fei said, "I grew up here, I've seen too many of these people, these things, I'm used to making judgments like this, you don't have to be as extreme as I am, but you can't be too naive. "

Although Gu Fei would have an unfamiliar delusion when he said such words, he still felt warm. Jiang Cheng reached out and scratched his arm: "I see."

When Gu Fei returned to the store, several people had already prepared the meals. Gu Miao had already eaten and was arranged by Li Yan to do homework in the hut.

"What's the matter with Li Baoguo?" Luo Yu asked when he saw him come in.

"I don't know, it's lung cancer," Gu Fei went to the backyard to wash his hands, then went into the hut and stayed with Gu Miao for a while before he came out and sat down at the table, "A drink?"

"Drink!" Chen Jie took two bottles of wine from the ground and put them on the table, "Just waiting for you to come back and drink."

"Didn't I have it?" Gu Fei said.

"Li Yan won't let me." Zhao Yihui smiled beside him.

"All day long to take advantage of others," Li Yan said.

"Come on," Gu Fei poured himself a bowl of soup, "You guys didn't even get paid when you came to help."

"That's still different," Luo Yu opened the bottle of wine and poured the glasses one by one, "Why didn't Jiang Cheng come over?"

"How could he come back?" Li Yan clicked his tongue, "Come and listen to us discuss whether Li Baoguo is going to die."

"To be honest, I didn't see it too much. Anyway, he was like that all day long, and his face was ugly," Chen Jie said. "I came over last week and played cards with him all night. The cards are bigger than life."

"Have Li Hui and Li Qian been back?" Li Yan asked.

"I haven't seen it before." Gu Fei said.

Besides Li Baoguo trying his best to persist in his poker career, it seems that he doesn't really care about other things. After eating, Gu Fei flipped through the book on credit. Li Baoguo has bought yogurt since he started playing. After that, never came back.

It's been a long time, and it seems that this time he is really sick. Gu Fei closed the book, if it is lung cancer... He has been coughing for a long time, so long that Gu Fei can't remember what it is like not coughing, but recently this For half a year, his voice was hoarse. Judging from his usual living conditions and time, if it was lung cancer, it would definitely not be in the early stage.

He took out his mobile phone and clicked on Jiang Cheng's chat box. There was no news from Jiang Cheng, but it was only meal time, and Li Baoguo might not be back... He slowly scrolled up the message records, and kept going. Turned over.

He didn’t send much news to Jiang Cheng, he sat in a row during the day, and at night he made a direct phone call when he couldn’t send a few messages, but he still remembered the situation and mood at that time from all the records.

"Does Jiang Cheng have some money in his hand?" Li Yan sat beside him.

"Well, a little bit, it was given to him by his adoptive mother before." Gu Fei said.

"Let him not be stupid and take the money to see a doctor for Li Baoguo," Li Yan said. "That person definitely won't use it in the right place, and he will just use it to play cards."

"I told him," Gu Fei threw the phone on the cashier, "Let's see for himself."

"Why do I feel so hung up," Li Yan said, "he looks at him, but he's actually a young master from a big city. He can't imagine what kind of people can come out of an environment like a steel mill."

"What are you worrying about?" Gu Fei glanced at him, "It's not for you if you really take the money."

"I'm sighing about life," Li Yan smiled and stretched out, "I'm sharing your worries for you, I don't even play games anymore, so I'm in a daze."

"Go away." Gu Fei said.

"Let me say something before I leave?" Li Yan said.

Gu Fei didn't say anything.

"If he really wants to spend money on Li Baoguo, don't stop him too much," Li Yan said, "so that people don't think you are too heartless, Li Baoguo will be dead if he goes on like this, so why leave a stumbling block in his heart. "

"Do you know why you are thin?" Gu Fei said.

"I'm not thin." Li Yan pinched his waist.

"If you don't worry so much, you can still grow a little more flesh." Gu Fei said.

Li Yan smiled: "How can I be a buddy with a jerk like you, I can't exchange a good word for it."

"Thank you." Gu Fei smiled at him.

The phone still had 9% of the battery, Jiang Cheng glanced at the time, took the power bank from the schoolbag, plugged it into the phone, and stuffed it back into the schoolbag.

He had been sitting on the stone pier under the tree at the entrance of Li Baoguo Corridor for two hours. Fortunately, when he came over, it was already after get off work hours, and there were not many neighbors coming and going.

He could actually go to the rental house. He didn't throw away Li Baoguo's keys, but to be honest, he didn't want to stay alone in that musty house, smelling it from time to time because he didn't clean it up for a long time. of all kinds of weird smells.

A house where people live, but not popular, makes people feel uncomfortable when they think about it, and after a long time, the whole person's mood is depressed.

More than half an hour later, when the cigarette in his hand was almost finished, he finally saw the figure of Li Baoguo walking over from the street.

It was also quite miraculous. With just such a figure facing the light, he could actually recognize that it was Li Baoguo.

Li Baoguo walked very slowly, walked to the downstairs of the poker house, raised his head and shouted to the second floor above. Someone above stuck his head out. He didn't know what to say to that person, and Jiang Cheng heard it. "Come here in a while", and then he continued to walk this way.

Jiang Cheng choked his cigarette and stood up. Li Baoguo never looked this way. After he stood up, Li Baoguo glanced this way as if startled, and then froze.

"You... you're back." Jiang Cheng didn't know how to start.

"You? Who are you?" Li Baoguo was holding a wine bottle in his hand, and he hurriedly said, "You, you, yours, who's your name?"

Jiang Cheng didn't speak, he could smell the alcohol.

After Li Baoguo finished speaking, he was coughing all the time, the cough was piercing, with a snoring sound with phlegm stuck in his throat and eyes.

Jiang Cheng did not back away, and waited silently for Li Baoguo to end his coughing, whether intentional or unintentional, before he said, "I want to talk to you."

"Let's talk," Li Baoguo sneered and spat at his feet again, "It's so elegant, I don't understand what it means to talk."

Jiang Cheng was silent again.

It's not that he wants to be silent. With Li Baoguo's attitude, he really doesn't know how to speak again, and he doesn't know what to say next.

Li Baoguo didn't say anything else, he coughed again, turned around and entered the corridor.

Jiang Cheng bypassed the few mouthfuls of phlegm he vomited, followed into the corridor, and then followed Li Baoguo into the room.

As soon as he entered the room and saw the gloom and clutter in his eyes, he felt a block in his heart and opened the closed window in the past.

"Wings are very stiff, and flying is pleasant?" Li Baoguo sat down on the sofa, "Fly over here to see if I'm dead?"

"What's the matter with your illness?" Jiang Cheng asked directly.

"Yo," Li Baoguo laughed and coughed again, "My youngest son knows that I am sick?"

Only through the light did Jiang Cheng realize that Li Baoguo had lost a lot of weight, but his face and neck were a little swollen.

"Lung cancer, advanced stage," Li Baoguo got up and poured some water from the thermos, but he didn't see a trace of heat, "It's been a few months, the doctor gave me the operation earlier, I don't agree, I don't agree. Surgery, cancer surgery is useless! Now I say that my body can't bear the surgery, and I'll let chemotherapy or something, ass! It's a trick to cheat Lao Tzu's money!"

Jiang Cheng was speechless for a while. He didn't know how long Li Baoguo's illness had dragged on, from when he could have surgery to when his physical condition no longer allowed him to undergo surgery...

"I checked the information," Jiang Cheng took the kettle on the table, looked inside, made sure there were no spiders, cockroaches or anything, then went into the kitchen and boiled the water, "Lung cancer can be done if you cooperate well with the doctor. Extend…”

"Fuck you!" Li Baoguo interrupted him, "You are really stupid! You can't even sit still when you play cards, your chest hurts to death, you can't even sleep, and you're still farting! I want to send money to the hospital! You are a fool who is waiting to be cheated of money in the future! Why didn't you bring some money to your father when you are so rich!"

Jiang Cheng propped up the table with his hands, closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I'll tell you!" Li Baoguo pointed at him, "In my entire life, I can live as I want to, I can scold whoever I want to scold, and I can beat whoever I want to hit! I live a dashing life!"

Jiang Cheng looked at him, but couldn't find how his words were related to the previous topic.

"You don't have to pretend to persuade me to go for treatment," Li Baoguo said, and began to cough again. After coughing for a while, he lowered his head and spat out a mouthful of phlegm on the ground, rubbing it with his shoes, "I don't have the money to go to treatment, my three children, Not one with a conscience!"

Although Jiang Cheng’s stomach turned upside down for a while, he quickly turned his head away, but he still saw bloodshots on the ground.

"You should have medical insurance, right?" Jiang Cheng said.

"Do you think you don't have to pay for medical insurance?" Li Baoguo glared at him, "And there are a bunch of self-paid medicines! Doctors are so fucking black, they all prescribe self-paid medicines for you!"

"The doctor treats the disease, but he doesn't know how to..." Jiang Cheng felt that he was simply unable to communicate with Li Baoguo.

"What did you come here today to say?" Li Baoguo interrupted him, "After talking so much nonsense, is there a point?"

"I just wanted to ask about your illness." Jiang Cheng said.

"I thought your conscience found out that you sent some money to your father to treat his illness," Li Baoguo laughed. "It turned out that you were here to find out how long it would take me to die."

Jiang Cheng closed his eyes and calmed down.

After a while, he opened his eyes and looked at Li Baoguo: "You call Li Hui and Li Qian and ask them to come back at some time to discuss..."

"Don't fucking order me!" Li Baoguo roared, with a hoarse phlegm in his voice, "It's not your turn..."

"Shut up!" Jiang Cheng suddenly kicked the table in front of him, pointed at him and shouted, "Give it to me! Shut up!"

Li Baoguo was stunned for a while, and he lost his voice.

"If you want to get treatment, ask them to come back and discuss what to do," Jiang Cheng still pointed at him, "If you want to be cured, you can do whatever you want! Even if I want to pay, I will give it directly to the hospital. I want money to gamble here, don't even think about it!"

Li Baoguo looked at him with a half-smile expression, as if he had said something ridiculous.

Jiang Cheng ignored him, went into the kitchen, waited for the water to boil, then poured the water into the kettle, then slammed the door and left Li Baoguo.

He didn't feel so bad for Li Baoguo, he was just afraid that if he left, Li Baoguo would probably forget about the pot of water when he turned his head, and hurried out to play cards. Either the water would be boiled dry and the fire would be caused by the water. Put out the gas poisoning in the field.

After going out the door, facing Ye Feng and walking towards Gu Fei's shop for a while, the annoyance that filled his mind finally dissipated a little.

He turned into a fork in the road and took out his phone as he walked.

A soft whistle could be heard from the tree shadows on the left side of the road. He turned his head and saw Gu Fei leaning against the wall.

"Why are you here?" Jiang Cheng walked over.

"Wait for you." Gu Fei smiled.

Seeing Gu Fei's smile, Jiang Cheng suddenly felt that his body was much lighter, and all kinds of complicated emotions that couldn't be explained or rationalized suddenly surged up.

He went over and hugged Gu Fei.

Gu Fei hugged him, lightly patted him on the back a few times, took him back two steps, and retreated into the shadows: "Did it go well?"

"I don't know what to say," Jiang Cheng used his chin to kowtow hard on Gu Fei's shoulder a few times, then tilted his head and took a bite on his neck, "You've been drinking, boyfriend."

"Well, after drinking a couple of taels," Gu Fei said with a smile, "It came out after brushing your teeth, can you still smell it?"

"Nonsense is the smell of your body." Jiang Cheng said.

"Then I took off my clothes?" Gu Fei said.

"Be civilized," Jiang Cheng tutted, "I just asked, I didn't dislike you."

"Do you want to go back?" Gu Fei asked, "I'll take you back."

"Li Yan and the others have left?" Jiang Cheng let go of him and straightened his clothes.

"Leave early," Gu Fei said, "Going to K Song, my shop is closed, and Er Miao also got it back."

"Or," Jiang Cheng sighed softly, "You can stay at my place tonight, I don't want to be alone."

"Okay." Gu Fei nodded.

This was originally a great night, a great opportunity to roll around, lick, nibble, kiss, touch, touch, but because Jiang Cheng’s mood was even worse than Li Baoguo’s, he hugged him. Gu Fei rolled back and forth on the bed twice before he didn't want to move.

"How about I help you," Jiang Cheng put his hand into Gu Fei's pants, "I..."

"Hey," Gu Fei laughed and grabbed his hand, "You are so bitter and hated, if you give me a treat, I have to think that I didn't have enough money."

"Go away!" Jiang Cheng pulled out his hand and lay on his back on the bed, "Fuck! Come over and squeeze your legs for your uncle Cheng."

"Okay," Gu Fei sat up, put one of his legs on his own, and squeezed a few times, "Master Cheng, do you think this strength is okay?"

"Continue," Jiang Cheng closed his eyes and waved his hand, "If you squeeze it comfortably, you will be rewarded."

Gu Fei smiled and didn't say a word, pinching him up and down on his leg.

Jiang Cheng lay down with his eyes closed for a while before he said softly: "Li Baoguo has advanced lung cancer. I checked the information when I waited for him to come back today. He is probably not in a good condition. He coughed up blood, and his face and neck were swollen."

"Is he not going to treat it?" Gu Fei asked.

"Well, that's probably what it means, saying that there is no money to rule," Jiang Cheng frowned, "When I came back, I even made an appointment with the street corner for a card game."

"Then why did you talk to him?" Gu Fei asked again.

"What he means is that he still wants money," Jiang Cheng said, "but I guess it's not for medical treatment, I mean..."

Jiang Cheng opened his eyes and looked at Gu Fei with his arms on his back: "Don't call me a fool, and don't call me holy father."

"Don't say it." Gu Fei nodded.

"I think, if he wants to be cured, I can pay Li Hui and Li Qian together. He has medical insurance, so he can't do the surgery now. He can still do radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and it can be controlled a little bit," Jiang Cheng said. "The cost is not high. would be too high…”

"How much do you plan to take?" Gu Fei asked.

"Ten thousand," Jiang Cheng said, "I don't care how much Li Hui and the others pay."

"Well," Gu Fei nodded, "Then you have to please me, I can introduce you to some work that doesn't take up class time."

Jiang Cheng laughed: "It doesn't sound like a good word."

"What if Li Hui and the others don't take the money?" Gu Fei asked again.

Jiang Cheng looked at him blankly.

What if Li Hui and the others don't take the money? He really hadn't thought about this. He originally thought that it was impossible, after all, he was his own father... But after thinking about it, he felt that it was not impossible.

"What do you think... If they don't take the money, what should I do?" Jiang Cheng put his hand on his eyes and sighed softly. His mind was quite confused at the moment, and he couldn't think of it for a while.

"Tell me first why you gave the money." Gu Fei said.

"I don't want to be told by him that I have no conscience, and I don't want to hear him stare at me and tell me about you, my father..." Jiang Cheng said, "I said, I really... hate to be accused of this, and after all... I don't The way to do it exactly as you would a stranger..."

"Understood," Gu Fei held his hand and pressed it lightly in his palm, "If it were me, Brother Cheng, you would give this money to Li Baoguo, regardless of whether Li Hui or the others would give it to him."

"Why, let him gamble?" Jiang Cheng said.

"If he really wants to be cured," Gu Fei looked at him, "you give it to him, and he will treat it himself. If he doesn't want to be cured, and you force him to hand over the money, he won't read you a word. ."

Jiang Cheng did not speak.

"I said something bad," Gu Fei said, "He should have given up, and if he is waiting to die, you have to give it to him, just give it to him, whatever you want to eat, drink and gamble with, he can still do it. Be more comfortable, but don’t give it all at once, give it in one or two thousand at a time.”

Jiang Cheng lengthened his voice and sighed again.

"Also, this money must be given in front of Li Hui and Li Qian. Li Qian is fine, mainly Li Hui." Gu Fei said.

"En," Jiang Cheng responded and closed his eyes again, "I see."

Gu Fei didn't say anything else and continued pinching his legs.

After a while, Jiang Cheng opened his eyes again: "Gu Fei."

"Huh?" Gu Fei looked at him.

"Please hug," Jiang Cheng said, "Why am I a little scared."

"Come on," Gu Fei smiled, lay down beside him, stretched out his arms to hug him tightly, and patted his head, "Huluhulumao, I can't be scared."

Jiang Cheng closed his eyes.

Gu Fei picked up a bunch of his hair again and stroked it: "Llu l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l H H, I won't be scared."

"Damn it," Jiang Cheng said happily, "You're a shameless person."