Chapter 7


Gu Fei raised his eyebrows, took off his earphones, and turned his head to look at Jiang Cheng.

This kid is really a thorn, and his thorns are not restrained because he is in an unfamiliar new environment.

He looked at Zhou Jing in front of him with great interest. Zhou Jing still opened his mouth in shock. If he hadn't finished eating the eggs, he would have liked to stuff one into his mouth.

However, Jiang Cheng's kick could still be provocative, Zhou Jing was an annoying boy who had no temper and was easy to knead. If this kick was changed... Gu Fei glanced to the right, then it was time for a fight.

"What's the matter? What's going on?" Lao Xu patted the podium, "What are you doing in class, Gu Fei?"

Gu Fei was stunned for a while, then pointed at himself with his finger, and said, "Me?"

"Isn't it you!" Lao Xu said, "You're in a hurry when you finish eating early!"

The people around the tables all laughed, and Gu Fei couldn't help but laugh, turning his face to look at Jiang Cheng.

"Look at what he's doing," Lao Xu pointed at him, "their grades are 874 blocks away from you!"

"Yo-" Ban Li suddenly shouted.

"Learn - tyrant -"

"Lao Xu has found a key target to train—"

Gu Fei sighed, Lao Xu's IQ was like a pure-hearted intern teacher who had never taught a bad class. With just these words, he could set a three-foot-high barrier for Jiang Cheng to integrate into this class.

Jiang Cheng looked at Lao Xu and sincerely suspected that this man was an undercover agent sent by his mother to torture him.

Although he is not afraid of all kinds of provocations, and he has not suppressed his temper since entering the classroom, he does not want to be praised by the head teacher for his good grades in such a class where one can see a gibberish at a glance.

The word "Xueba" is a kind of irony.

"Okay," Lao Xu cleared his throat, "Continue to class... We just talked about..."

Jiang Cheng didn't listen to what Lao Xu said on the podium before, but now he doesn't even bother to listen, so he leaned on the table and took out his phone.

In school, I used to be like a thief every time I played with my phone in class. The ringtone was muted, the media was muted, and after I plugged in the earphones, I had to pass the cable through my sleeve and cover my ears to listen.

There are a lot of confiscated mobile phones in the class teacher's drawer, like a stall for second-hand mobile phones.

The Fourth Middle School was different. Jiang Cheng glanced at Gu Fei. He had already put the phone on the table and supported it with a stand. The earphones were obviously plugged into his ears, and he was leaning against the chair with his arms folded. Watch the video on the back.

Jiang Cheng lay down on the table, Lao Xu on the podium seemed to be chanting scriptures, and the people around chatting seemed to be chanting scriptures. He was dazed and confused for half the class, and was really bored, so he took his mobile phone and sent a message to Pan Zhi .


Pan Zhi quickly came back.

- Grandpa, what class are you taking, do you have time

- language, how about you

-English, old donkey pop quiz, damn it

-It's not a formal exam, what's the life

- I don't know a single question, the old donkey still said what to do, and it feels like he has pubic hair!

Pan Zhi sent this message along with a picture. Jiang Cheng glanced at it and sighed. It was a page of multiple-choice questions, and the shooting angle was very tricky. At first glance, he took the risk of saying goodbye to his mobile phone for summer vacation.

He looked at the time, zoomed in on the picture, took a pen and quickly began to write the answers in the notebook while reading the questions. He just wrote two questions, and Pan Zhi sent three pictures in a row. He glanced at it, a little bit. I'm speechless, this is all the multiple-choice questions on the paper.

- wait

After replying to Pan Zhi, he continued to read the question.

In fact, it's not too difficult, I can guess about the same, and I don't know why Pan Zhi can't write a single question.

The surroundings were still quite noisy, Jiang Cheng somewhat admired Lao Xu’s ability to bear, perhaps teachers who were used to teaching bad classes could bear it.

He still remembered the chemistry teacher in his class in the first year of high school. The lectures were not very attractive. Some people were chatting in the class, and the sound was not sound compared to what he heard in his ears now. She was so angry that she had to cry like a transparent glass flower to come here.

Look at how arrogant Lao Xu is.

Jiang Cheng raised his head and glanced at Lao Xu while writing the answer, letting you sleep and chat with you, as long as you didn't stand up and dance, he wouldn't even stop.

tsk tsk.

Pan Zhi only sent multiple-choice questions, and it didn't take him long to finish them. He typed the answers into the chat box and sent them to Pan Zhi while checking the time. There were still a few minutes before the end of get out of class, enough for him to copy.

As for other questions... Pan Zhi has always been too lazy to write, and sometimes he is too lazy to copy.

After sending the message, he boredly opened his Moments with his phone, swiped down slowly, and saw Jiang Yijun... His dear big brother posted a selfie yesterday, like a family eating out, seeing the old man in the background. Mom and Dad, a family of four enjoying themselves happily, he suddenly felt a block in his heart, and suddenly had a strange reaction of wanting to vomit.

After he blocked the whole family of four, he put the phone back in his pocket.

Just as he was about to look up, something fell on his head. Before he could react, it was like a handful of stones were thrown on his head.

Then he saw a patch of white ashes, and at the same time he smelled the ash on the walls.

"Fuck?" He raised his head in surprise.

A large piece of gray-white wall skin fell on the table, and large and small pieces shattered the table.

Jiang Cheng didn't care about anything else, his first reaction was to pat his head, then glanced at Gu Fei's head next to him.

Gu Fei's cell phone was still on the table, and he could no longer see what was being broadcast on the screen. There was a layer of ash on the wall, and his face was covered in white ash, but he still kept his previous posture and didn't move. holding arms.

It's just that his face is a little ugly.

Jiang Cheng raised his head and looked at the ceiling. The wall covering above their heads had already fallen off. It was estimated that they were all on their bodies and on the table, exposing wooden strips... It really was an old house.

When his eyes returned to the table, he saw a small black stone in the corner of the table that should not be part of the wall.

The bell for the end of get out of class rang just at this time, and Lao Xu put the textbook together: "Okay, get out of class is over... Has the wall skin fell again? Who is on duty today? Sweep it."

As soon as Lao Xu walked out, the classroom was violently coaxed, and everyone looked towards the last row.

Jiang Cheng made a judgment at this moment, the small stone, Gu Fei's gloomy face, and those people who stood up and looked this way as soon as the bell rang … The wall skin usually falls off by itself, but this time today, it definitely didn’t fall off by itself.

He sat still, took out a tissue from his pocket, and slowly swept the ashes from the table to the ground.

In this situation without a goal, it was quite easy for him to control his anger.

Gu Fei pushed the table and stood up, took off his coat and shook a few times, then looked up at Wang Xu.

"Da Fei, I'm sorry," Wang Xu had already stood up, put his arms around his shoulders, and patted him on his coat, "Go, go to the canteen, please have a drink."

Gu Fei threw off his arm, put on his coat, and went out from the back door of the classroom.

Wang Xu quickly followed, walking side by side with him when he descended the stairs: "Hey, Da Fei, what a mistake."

"Hmm." Gu Fei responded. He was too lazy to talk to Wang Xu, and his gray head made him very unhappy, and he just lost his eyes.

"I just want to give that kid a bit of shit," Wang Xu said, "A transfer student, he was so arrogant on the first day of class, and he didn't know what the rules were if he didn't get rid of him! "

Gu Fei didn't say a word, he just turned left after going down the first floor.

"Hey, the canteen," Wang Xu said, "where are you going?"

"Pee." Gu Fei said.

"You pee to the toilet over the teacher's side? It's that far." Wang Xu said.

"There are few people." Gu Fei said.

"There's so much attention to peeing... Then I'll bring you a bottle of milk tea later," Wang Xu said, "Is Assam okay?"

"You drink it yourself." Gu Fei turned his head and said.

"That's Assam!" Wang Xu said.

Gu Fei sighed.

The toilet on the playground is close to the teacher's office. Generally, students are reluctant to come. In fact, not many teachers come here. There are toilets in the office building, so it is very clean.

Gu Fei felt a cigarette from his pocket and lit it as he walked in. As soon as he took a puff, a door next to it opened, and Lao Xu walked out.

"President Xu." Gu Fei said vaguely with a cigarette in his mouth.

"What's wrong with you having to go to the toilet used by the teacher to smoke!" Lao Xu pointed at him while suppressing his voice, "You protest! Who is the demonstration for?"

"What kind of power can you show by smoking a cigarette?" Gu Fei smiled and stood in front of the urinal, "I'll show you a show of power, are you afraid of me?"

"I'll take you," Lao Xu walked over and pointed to his cigarette, "Pinch!"

Gu Fei sighed, put the pod into the squatting pit at the back, then looked at Lao Xu while holding the zipper of his pants: "I'm going to pee now."

Lao Xu sighed, turned and walked outside the toilet.

Just as Gu Fei opened the zipper and started urinating, he suddenly stopped and said, "That Jiang Cheng..."

Because the distance is a little far, Lao Xu's voice is very loud, and it resonates very imposingly in the toilet.

"Fuck..." Gu Fei propped up against the wall, and he made Lao Xu's voice jump, and he almost didn't wet his shoes, "Mr. Xu, can you wait for a while!"

Lao Xu walked out.

Gu Fei closed the zipper, lit a cigarette again, and casually entered a squatting pit, closed the door, and stood inside to smoke.

Besides cleanliness, he was willing to come here for the most important reason. The toilets here are smelly.

In fact, Lao Xu is a very serious teacher in his bones, but unfortunately he is not good in class. No one wants to listen to his class. When he is a head teacher, his EQ can't make up half a tael of water, so no matter how hard he tries with his students, no one buys him. account.

Gu Fei sometimes gets tired for him.

When he walked out of the toilet, Lao Xu stood in the snow outside waiting for him.

"Why don't you find another seat for him." Gu Fei pulled his collar.

"I don't want to be at the same table with him? Or I don't want to be at the same table?" Lao Xu looked at him, "Gu Fei, you're always so out of touch."

"Don't analyze me," Gu Fei said, "I've been analyzing it once in two years and it's not right."

"Let's run it in again, it's just the first day," Lao Xu smiled, "This Jiang Cheng... his academic performance is really good, and you can be influenced a little by him at the same table."

Good grades? positive effect

Gu Fei recalled Jiang Cheng, who had just been lying on his stomach and played with his mobile phone for a whole class. He was not too accepting of Lao Xu's conclusion of "good grades".

"We're going to class." Gu Fei said.

"Let's go back to the classroom," Lao Xu said, "to run in again."

When Gu Fei returned to the classroom, he met Wang Xu at the entrance of the stairs on the third floor, and Wang Xu handed him a bottle of milk tea.

"Thank you." Gu Fei took the milk tea and entered the classroom.

Today's second session is English. The English teacher is short-tempered and loud. Although he has no prestige among students like Lao Xu, he can't bear it. He can scold people. He has fought battles, has the courage to fight against all thorns and never backs down, so everyone doesn't provoke him if there is nothing particularly exciting, and he entered the classroom after the preparation bell rang.

The table was already cleaned up, but Jiang Cheng probably didn’t clean it up alone. When Gu Fei came over, he happened to see Yi Jing take the rag and walk away.

"Thank you." Gu Fei said.

"It's nothing," Yi Jing pulled her hair together and smiled, "I'm on duty today."

Gu Fei sat back in his seat and glanced at Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng sat very calmly, leaning on his chair and looking at the blackboard.

He took out his mobile phone and prepared to find out the movie he hadn't finished watching before and continue watching it.

Just as he clicked on the video, Jiang Cheng suddenly stood up.

He also picked up the chair and took a long broom in the other hand.

Gu Fei was stunned for a while, and then quickly glanced at Wang Xu. Wang Xu had just sat down and was chatting and having fun with the same table.

He frowned, is he going to do it directly

This person's name is Wang Xu, besides Gu Fei, this is the second name Jiang Cheng has written down in this class.

There was a table between Wang Xu's seat and his seat. The tables and chairs in the classroom were very close together. To carry an iron chair to Wang Xu's side, you had to go around the podium, which was a little troublesome.

So he put down his chair and said to the two people at the table next to him, "Let me go."

The two looked at him inexplicably, but stood up and let him squeeze through from behind.

After passing by, he dragged one of the chairs out.

"Hey! What are you doing!" the man shouted.

Jiang Cheng turned his head to look at him, the man glared at him for two seconds, and did not speak any further.

The whole class looked over, Wang Xu also understood that this was for him, and stood up arrogantly: "Yo, do you want to give me a scoop? Come on, Xueba will open your eyes to everyone..."

Jiang Cheng didn't say a word, he put the chair next to his seat with a bang, then took a few steps back slowly, raised the hand holding the long broom, and the broom flew towards the ceiling like a javelin, accurately. He poked on the ceiling above Wang Xu's head.

Wang Xu had already reacted when Jiang Cheng raised his hand, but when he turned to leave his seat, he was blocked by the chair he placed beside his lap. smashed down.

The head and the table suddenly turned white and gray.

After a brief silence in the class, there was a burst of screams and laughter at the same time, and some people stomped their feet and slapped the table, causing chaos.

"Fuck you!" Wang Xu roared, kicked the chair and rushed out.

Jiang Cheng didn't hide either, he stood there and waited for him to come over. He didn't need to aim at the stance with the door wide open, and he could smash your nosebleed out with one punch.

"What!" A roar suddenly came from the door of the classroom.

This roar was probably the most shocking roar Jiang Cheng had ever heard in his life. His anger pierced through the rainbow and went straight up into the sky, so frightened that he almost threw himself at Wang Xu.

"What are you doing!" A middle-aged male teacher rushed over with a whip, and the whip first pointed at Jiang Cheng, "Which class are you from! What are you doing here!"

Before Jiang Cheng could answer, his pointer poked at Wang Xu's face again: "You! Your ears are long and creaking below the socket! Can't you hear after the class bell rang! Are you deaf? I'm here now! Can you hear the sound clearly! Can you! Can you!"

Then he didn't wait for Wang Xu to speak, and the pointer pointed at the people around him: "We're all waiting to see the play, right! How about I show you a segment! Give it a round of applause! Clap clap! Come on!"

After this roar, the people in the class became quiet. Wang Xu stared at him and did not intend to rush over. Jiang Cheng raised his head and looked at the ceiling with some worry. He always felt that the whole ceiling would collapse if the teacher roared again. down.

"Go back to your seats!" The teacher roared again, "Wait for who will carry you! Who is going to remove the door, how about I carry you!"

The classroom was filled with low-pitched laughter and complaints, Jiang Cheng turned around and prepared to return to his seat.

"You!" the teacher stopped him, "Which class are you from?"

"The newly transferred scholar—" I don't know who said.

The teacher stared at him in surprise and looked up and down for a long time: "Go back and sit! Who will you be waiting for?"

Jiang Cheng was so angry that he couldn't gather up, he glanced at him, turned back to his seat, and sat down.

"Class!" The teacher slapped the pointer on the podium, "Good morning, everyone!"

Jiang Cheng was stunned for a while, and he almost couldn't hold back his music when he said this sentence in English with an accent.

After this teacher started the class, the one in front of the desk arched back again, but this time, instead of looking for Gu Fei, he turned his head and called Jiang Cheng, "Hey, Xueba, you are so cool, so just follow suit. Just messing with Wang Xu."

Jiang Cheng did not speak.

"Go away." Gu Fei said from the side.

"Fuck me?" the man whispered, "I didn't tell you, are you used to seeing me like this?"

"En." Gu Fei put his phone on the table.

"You're going to be in trouble," the man looked back at the teacher on the podium, then turned to Jiang Cheng and said with a serious face, "Wang Xu is definitely not finished with you, we have a back door in our school, you know..."

"What's your name?" Jiang Cheng interrupted him.

"Zhou Jing," he said.

"Thank you," Jiang Cheng said, and pointed at his chair again, "Stop hitting the table."

"...Oh." Zhou Jing nodded after a while.

Jiang Cheng opened the book and stared down.

Zhou Jing twisted his face for a while and then turned back.

Jiang Cheng felt that the beginning of this new semester was really exciting, and it was such a pity that he didn't have the habit of writing a diary.

He doesn't care if Wang Xu will be with him or not, he just feels very depressed now, that circle of friends, that selfie full of family warmth because of his disappearance, makes him suddenly feel completely weightless.

Of course, it's also logical that the people he doesn't care about don't care about him.

But still blocked.

He stared at the textbook. The smell of paper and ink smelled a touch of milk. He suddenly felt a little hungry, and then he remembered that he didn't eat breakfast in the morning.

He turned his head and saw Gu Fei who was watching the video while peeling toffee.

Gu Fei glanced at him, after a pause, he reached into his pocket and took it out. He took out a piece of candy and put it on his book, and then his eyes returned to the phone screen.

Jiang Cheng looked at the candy on the book and felt a little inexplicable, but the smell of toffee floating from Gu Fei's side made his stomach almost growl.

After hesitating for two minutes, he picked up the candy and peeled it off.

... It's not toffee!

It's a fruit candy!

He couldn't control himself, turned his head and glanced at Gu Fei again.

Gu Fei glanced at the fruit candy in his hand, lowered his head and grabbed it in his pocket, and put a handful of candies on the table. There were a dozen of them in various packages and flavors.

"Choose it yourself." Gu Fei said.