Chapter 71


Gu Fei's bowl of noodles was tasteless and tasteless. He originally wanted to go to Wang Xu's house to eat pie, but now he can't. Compared with the big meat pie, this instant noodles is really boring.

Especially when he looked up, he could see Jiang Cheng sitting across from him in a daze, this side became even more boring.

Gu Fei was a little worried, Jiang Cheng’s current state didn’t look like the calm after he had really recovered, but he was still in a trance and didn’t wake up at all.

He didn’t want to leave Jiang Cheng alone tonight, but now he didn’t dare to open his mouth to let Jiang Cheng stay or go to Jiang Cheng’s place to spend the night. He was always afraid of a single sentence or a point, and Jiang Cheng would explode.

After eating the noodles, he washed the dishes, and when he returned to the restaurant, Jiang Cheng was still sitting there without moving.

He went over and put the table aside and stood beside Jiang Cheng.

"That room in the steel mill," Jiang Cheng asked after a long time, "Is anyone here tonight?"

"No." Gu Fei replied.

"Accompany me to spend the night there," Jiang Cheng said, "I don't want to spend the night in a familiar place."

"Okay." Gu Fei nodded.

After standing for a while, Jiang Cheng didn't move, and Gu Fei didn't urge him, he walked behind the cashier and sat down, then turned on his phone.

The time in the circle of friends has already maxed out at this point, and it is said that someone jumped off the building here.

Gu Fei quit the circle of friends and was about to play a few games to relax his mind when Wang Xu sent a message.

- I heard that the person who jumped off the building was from the next street

Gu Fei did not reply.

Wang Xu sent another one.

-Some people said it was Jiang Cheng's father, does he live on the street next to your house

Gu Fei frowned. The word of mouth among the neighbors in this era has become astonishingly fast due to the use of various instant messaging tools, which is frightening.

- This is going to be rumored tomorrow, so I'll settle the account with you

- I didn't spread the word. Didn't I ask you for the first time? I didn't ask Jiang Cheng.

- anyway, if i want to hear someone say it, i'll find you

-Fuck! Okay, okay, let me warn you, okay

Gu Fei ignored him, turned off his phone, and now he doesn't want to play anymore.

"What time is it?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"It's eight o'clock, eight twenty-six," Gu Fei glanced at him, "You..."

"Sit down for a while," Jiang Cheng said, "I don't know why right now, I just don't want to move, so I just want to be stunned for a while."

"Yeah." Gu Fei responded, picked up the phone again, and clicked on Love Elimination.

He understood Jiang Cheng's state very well. He didn't want to move, not just his body, but his mind. He just stood there, stunned, blank, as if any movement would bring him back to reality, those who were afraid All kinds of disturbances and fears that you have to face will follow your tiny movements, like a tidal wave.

He didn't know how many nights he spent sitting and staring like this when he watched his father die in the river.

Even if Jiang Cheng sat on that small stool for a day and a night, he would not be surprised.

It's just that Jiang Cheng shouldn't have to face, experience and bear all of this, but he was sent back here inexplicably.

Jiang Cheng wanted to leave. Even if he was born here, his parents were specialties here, and he still didn’t belong here. Gu Fei would sometimes be afraid, afraid that Jiang Cheng would sink.

Fortunately, the "arrogance" in Jiang Cheng's bones has always been against him, no matter what environment he is in, he will stand.

There was a small clock on the wall of Gu Fei's shop. Every hour on the hour, the hour hand moved forward one step, and a soft click could be heard.

After the third sound, Jiang Cheng knew that it was 11 o'clock.

He was very sleepy, very sleepy. He felt that he could fall asleep as soon as he closed his eyes, but he really closed his eyes, until his eyes were sore, and he couldn't sleep.

This state is torturous.

He didn't see the scene of Li Baoguo's last leap, but the sound when he landed, across the shoe in front of him, was like a dream that couldn't be shaken, half-real and half-fuzzy, and kept shaking in front of him. Not sure if it was a dream or a real experience.

It was very hot, and he was still sweating when he got a tattoo in the afternoon, but now he felt cold in his hands, cold all over his body, and goosebumps.

The only place that was still hot was his eyes, which were as hot as fire, and he didn't have the urge to cry. Although his lacrimal glands developed a little after he came here, he knew very well that he would not want to cry because of Li Baoguo's death. Li Baoguo didn't have that kind of relationship, it was just that his eyes were hot. Maybe if it continued to be hot, he would have a headache. He had to keep pressing his eyes with his hands to make himself feel more comfortable.

In the end, he sighed and stood up. When he turned to look at Gu Fei, Gu Fei had already stood up, put his phone on his breath and put it in his pocket.

"Has this passed?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"It's over." Gu Fei said.

"Fuck the chicken and 8 eggs," Jiang Cheng said, "I haven't heard the sound of passing the level, it's all a failure, and this game is not over yet."

Gu Fei laughed: "The ears are really good, I have turned the volume to one level."

"Give it to me," Jiang Cheng stretched out his hand, "I'll play."

Gu Fei took out his mobile phone and handed it to him. The above level was really not over, but although there were only 7 steps left, there was great hope. He looked down at the screen: "Let's go, go to the small room."

When Gu Fei opened the shop door, he glanced outside. The street lights were on, the shops on the street were closed, and there was no one in the street. The previous hustle and bustle had been wiped out by the darkness.

At this moment, he had a strange feeling, such a terrible thing, such a shocking thing, something that made people in several streets scream wildly for it, just a few hours, everything has disappeared.

Everything has become a piece of delicious food that is chewed repeatedly under the bright lights of each household. In a few months, in a few years, it will become like Gu Fei killed his father. Anecdotes.

How wonderful and scary.

Jiang Cheng lowered his head and stared at the game screen on the phone screen and turned off his peripheral vision. In this state, he could look like a small egg yolk wrapped in an eggshell.

Gu Fei walked side by side with him towards the steel mill, gently pushing with one hand on his back. Gully canal.

It wasn't until Gu Fei opened the door of the small room in the steel mill that he sat on the sofa and breathed a sigh of relief. He raised his eyes and looked around, returning the game that had passed two levels to Gu Fei.

"It's awesome," Gu Fei said, "I should change my nickname and call me someone behind me."

"Change it." Jiang Cheng leaned on the sofa and smiled.

The cushions and cloth on the sofa were replaced by fine linen, which was cool and not sticky to the skin, and was very comfortable. He began to feel madly sleepy again.

"You...get up first," Gu Fei pulled the sofa out and flattened it. "If I drag you together like this, the sofa will fall apart."

Jiang Cheng stood up, took two slow steps forward, and sighed after thinking about it: "I should take a shower and come back, at least brush my teeth or something."

"Yes," Gu Fei dragged the sofa out and put down the back of the chair, "Look at the small box in the toilet, Li Yan should have put a disposable toothbrush and towel in it, wipe it, anyway, your legs You can't see water either."

Jiang Cheng went into the toilet and took a look. There was nothing in the toilet, but there was a plastic box in the corner that was quite complete, but the disposable toothbrushes and towels were printed with the names of various hotels.

"Where did he get so many things from the hotel?" Jiang Cheng asked while brushing his teeth as he walked out of the toilet.

"That's what he's doing. There are a lot of them in the family. They used to bring them, and it's been cold and no one has used them," Gu Fei said. "A bunch of people don't pay attention."

Jiang Cheng smiled.

Just chatting with Gu Fei without any content is the only way he can chat at the moment, it can ease his emotions, and it won't provoke any depression.

The two of them washed and tidied up casually, and lay down on the sofa. After turning off the lights, the only thing left in the house was the moon that came in from outside. a feeling of.

Jiang Cheng turned over and faced Gu Fei's profile.

"Do you want a hug?" Gu Fei turned his face and asked.

"Go away," Jiang Cheng said, "it's hot."

"That's it," Gu Fei grabbed his hand, "hurry up and fall asleep, we have class tomorrow."

"Good night." Jiang Cheng said.

"Good night." Gu Fei squeezed his palm.

Jiang Cheng closed his eyes, and Gu Fei's fingers had been pinching down and down in his palm rhythmically. Although Jiang Cheng thought this way of coaxing a child was a bit funny, he still felt at ease.

It was just that Gu Fei was obviously going to fall asleep earlier than him, the speed of his fingers slowed down a little bit, and finally stopped, Jiang Cheng smiled and listened to Gu Fei’s slowed and steady breathing, he followed his rhythm, and it didn’t take long for him to breathe. also fell asleep.

When he woke up in the morning, Gu Fei had already woken up, and Jiang Cheng could smell the aroma of beef noodles.

"Awake?" Gu Fei asked from behind.

"En." Jiang Cheng turned his head and saw two bowls of packed beef noodles on the small broken table beside the sofa, he sat up and rubbed his face.

He fell asleep overnight, but he didn't wake up, but the dream didn't stop, so that when he woke up now, he didn't have a process of re-remembering, re-shocked and re-adapted to what happened yesterday.

Li Baoguo died. In front of his three children and many neighbors, he jumped down from the roof, ending a life that was meaningless or not.

In his dreams this night, such pictures flickered. Now that he woke up, the picture became clearer.

"No one has called me," Jiang Cheng took out his phone and looked at it, "The matter of Li Baoguo...doesn't I need to take part in it?"

"When you want to get money, Li Hui will come to you," Gu Fei said. "There's still time to divide the property."

"Is Li Bao state-owned property?" Jiang Cheng unconsciously tapped on his mobile phone.

"I don't know," Gu Fei handed the toothbrush filled with toothpaste to him, "It's a little bit, maybe a few thousand dollars."

"If he really had a few thousand dollars, he wouldn't be asking for money everywhere," Jiang Cheng took the toothbrush and stuffed it into his mouth, "But it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if he has one million, I have nothing to do with it. Neither will."

"Get some funeral expenses, don't worry about anything else." Gu Fei said.

"En." Jiang Cheng responded, slowly brushing his teeth.

Ordinarily, when his own father died, he had to ask for a few days of leave, but Jiang Cheng didn’t know why he needed to ask for leave, and what should he do after he had asked for leave.

When I walked into the school gate, I happened to bump into Lao Xu standing by the door. He was probably on duty this week.

"Mr. Xu is early." Jiang Cheng called out to him.

"Jiang Cheng... Early morning," Lao Xu seemed to want to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, "Go in and have a good class."

"Mr. Xu is early." Gu Fei called after him.

"Good boy! I'm not late today!" Lao Xu patted him on the shoulder happily, "It's even better if you can listen to the teacher in class in a while!"

"Ah." Gu Fei responded.

When Jiang Cheng walked upstairs to the classroom, he didn't know if he was a little sensitive. He could feel the gazes around him, but he didn't hear the discussion. Of course, in his usual state, no one would ask questions. At ease, but that's fine, it loosened his tense nerves a little.

"Jiang Cheng," As soon as he entered the classroom and sat down, Wang Xu pushed Zhou Jing aside and sat down, "Come to my house for pie at noon? I asked my mother to keep donkey meat."

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng was stunned.

"Are you going?" Wang Xu asked. "You haven't eaten in a long time. My mother asked me last week, thinking I offended my classmates again."

"Go," Jiang Cheng smiled, "Do you have mutton soup?"

"It must be there, pie and mutton soup are enough," Wang Xu said. "Well, let's go together at noon."

"En." Jiang Cheng nodded and glanced at Gu Fei again.

"Da Fei will definitely go too," Wang Xu stood up and walked back to his seat, "Can he still go after you go?"

"Fuck," Gu Fei said in a low voice, looking at Wang Xu's back, "I really want to say I'm not going."

Jiang Cheng laughed, bowed his head at the table for a long time and said, "Then don't go."

"How is that possible," Gu Fei sighed, "You've all gone, I'm the one who buys one get one bundle now."

"Then..." Jiang Cheng glanced at him, "I said to play ball with He Zhou, why don't you buy one get one free?"

"That's different." Gu Fei said.

It was different, what was the difference? Jiang Cheng didn’t quite understand it, but he wasn’t in the mood to ask in detail.

Gu Fei stretched out his hand in front of him and put a toffee on his table.

"Just one?" Jiang Cheng looked at him.

"This is the only one left, I saved it from my mouth," Gu Fei turned over his pockets, "In winter, the jacket pockets are much larger, and now I can put a dozen or so in total, and I forgot to add it yesterday. "

"Then what if Er Miao came to ask you for candy today?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Just go to the canteen in a while and buy her a lollipop, the one for fifty cents." Gu Fei said.

"It's so good." Jiang Cheng smiled, took the toffee and peeled it off and put it in his mouth.

"She just likes a sweet and hard candy in her mouth, it doesn't matter if it tastes good or not," Gu Fei took out his phone and clicked on the mentally retarded love elimination, "Fuck, did Li Yan ask for a power trainer?"

"For a mentally handicapped mobile game, hire a shitty power trainer." Jiang Cheng said.

"Why did he get ahead of me again? Didn't he just catch up with him yesterday?" Gu Fei was very unconvinced, "Carry me back at noon?"

"My name is brother." Jiang Cheng said.

"Brother Chengcheng," Gu Fei whispered, "help me chase it back."

"Okay." Jiang Cheng smiled and nodded.

Although he always felt that he should not be affected, Li Baoguo didn't have much feelings for him, no matter from which aspect, he shouldn't feel too uncomfortable about his death.

But it turns out that Jiang Cheng was lying on the table with his eyes closed. Facts have proved that this is not entirely the case. Li Baoguo ended his life in a way that will leave a permanent shadow on everyone. This kind of stimulation is really not a sentence between me and me. You don't have much to do with me, so I can get by if it doesn't matter.

Jiang Cheng was not sad, nor was it in pain, but he was in a low mood all morning. When Lao Lu shouted in class, the dust on the ceiling shook off the whole class, and he didn't even bother to open his eyes. open.

This state is terrifying, a state where you can't get your spirits up for everything.

What he is most afraid of is that this emotion falls into a low state. Once it gets out of control, it will be out of control, and it will be difficult to bring it up again after a long time.

The last class was still Lao Lu's class. He spent a whole class in Lao Lu's roar to clean up his mood and constantly cheer himself up.

When the get out of class bell rang, he stopped lying on the table, straightened up and leaned on the back of the chair, took a few deep breaths, and let it out slowly.

It's no big deal. Since the day he got here, there are so many people and things that he feels irritable. Isn't it solved one by one now? It's no big deal. Human potential is unpredictable, just start to deal with it and solve it. , it's no big deal.

He continued to take a deep breath, and just as he was about to spit it out, Wang Xu came over and slapped him on the table: "Let's go!"

Jiang Cheng almost choked out his eyes in one breath, and coughed for a long time: "Fuck me."

When he walked out of the school gate, Jiang Cheng felt that his mood was at least a lot better on the surface. When the phone rang, although his heart tightened for a while, he was still able to calmly take it out and answer the call from this unfamiliar number.

He didn't save the phone number, but he could think of it with his teeth marks. This call was from Li Hui. When he answered the phone, he wanted to say thank you for not calling me during class time.

"Jiang Cheng," Li Hui's voice was a little hoarse, but he was still very aggressive, as if Jiang Cheng owed him money, and this tone must be at least ten thousand, "You are quite leisurely, Dad is dead, you even come here. Don't come? Don't even take a look?"

"Speaking of the point." Jiang Cheng also said coldly.

"Yo! That's right! Go straight to the point! Anyway, you have nothing to do with this family, you don't need to know anything else, right!" Li Hui said in a series.

"Don't say I'm hanging up." Jiang Cheng didn't answer him.

"Don't play tricks with me!" Li Hui became angry, "Did you think that I didn't fight back because I was afraid of you last time? Believe it or not, I'll find someone to clean you up today?"

"I'll just ask you what's wrong with me. If you don't tell me, I'll hang up. If you want to tell me later, I won't listen," Jiang Cheng said in a cold voice, "I'll wait for you to find someone to take care of me. , if you can't take care of me, just wait for me to take care of you."

"Fuck! You fucking..." Li Hui guessed that he didn't know what to say for a while, and there was no content for the next sentence. It was all cursing, and he could get an 800-character essay together.

Jiang Cheng listened and was about to hang up after studying for a while, but Li Hui's voice over there was low, and a female voice came: "Jiang Cheng? I'm your sister-in-law, don't listen to your brother's nonsense, he's in a bad mood. "

sister in law? Jiang Cheng had no impression of this sister-in-law at all, so he just responded.

"It's like this. Everyone is very sad when your father is gone. What about you... We can understand it, but now there are a lot of things and where money is spent. You don't care about anything... Is this unreasonable?" said the sister-in-law.

"Sister-in-law," Jiang Cheng glanced at Gu Fei, who was dragging Wang Xu in front of him, and slowed his pace, "Let me say a little first, I'm a student, I don't have a job, and I don't have a source of income. Normally, whose family has to pay for it, You wouldn't even ask someone who's still in high school, that's just as unreasonable."

"Hey, you can't say that..." When the sister-in-law heard this, she was a little embarrassed but also a little anxious.

"That's what I said," Jiang Cheng interrupted her, "I can take the money, three thousand. I wanted to give it to Li Baoguo before, but I couldn't give it in time. Now it can be used for his funeral, but you have to write me a receipt. The amount of money received is clearly written, and I don’t ask where it will be used, but I will give it this time, if there is more.”

"Three thousand..." The sister-in-law hesitated, probably feeling that it was less.

"Whether Li Baoguo has any property, or how much he has, has nothing to do with me, and I also won't ask," Jiang Cheng said, "But if I put my words here, don't bother me again, you may not be sure if I get confused. If you can bear it, the receipt is ready to come to my school and call me."

After Jiang Cheng finished speaking, he hung up the phone without waiting for an answer.

The moment he put the phone back in his pocket, he let out a long sigh of relief.

Gu Fei was also talking on the phone in front of him. When he turned around and saw that Jiang Cheng’s call was over, he pointed at Wang Xu, turned around and walked over to Jiang Cheng.

"No," Wang Xu stood on the spot in annoyance, "If you two have anything to do, let's talk about whether you can finish eating. I'm a goddamn treat, and I'm always left to the side by you guys. What the hell is this world!"

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng looked at Gu Fei.

"I have to ask him first, I can't guarantee that he will agree to this, isn't it... Aren't you looking for girls like lip molds? You ask a big guy to put on a blush to take pictures... I know the contrast, the key is that he doesn't follow Li Yan looks like a girl, he just... let me ask if you can." Gu Fei hung up the phone and looked at him.

"What's the lip mold?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"That's right, show me some lip care products and lipsticks," Gu Fei whispered, "Ding Zhuxin's friend, after seeing your photo, I think your mouth is... beautiful."

"Fuck me?" Jiang Cheng was stunned, staring at Gu Fei's lips.

He didn't pay much attention to what his own lips looked like. Usually, when he looked in the mirror and admired his handsome face, he looked at the whole... But Gu Fei's lips always felt very sexy, and every time he saw them, he wanted to kiss or lick them. A lick or a bite...

I don't know if it's because I just finished speaking harshly with Li Hui. He's feeling a little erratic at the moment. When he stared at Gu Fei's lips, he couldn't hear what he was talking about. He could dial 110 in his mind. content.

Uncle Police! It's this guy! it is me!

"I'm going to play a big game on my birthday." Jiang Cheng said.

"The meaning over there is to have visual impact, but if you don't want to..." Gu Fei was stunned before he finished speaking, "What?"

"It's nothing," Jiang Cheng said, "A lip model? You can make a fart if you want."

"What?" Gu Fei was stunned again.

"Oh, it's not a fart model, it's a butt model." Jiang Cheng said.

The author has something to say:

Bless your family for the last year o(≧kou≦)o, and a good New Year o(≧kou≦)o. The black hair essence shouted loudly.

w(゜Д゜)w 嘤嘤嘤. Said the black-haired fairy.

Jiji ! . The black-haired little essence said.

… . Silent Black Hair Fourth and Black Black Fifth.