Chapter 83


When I woke up in the morning, it was very quiet inside the house, but it was quite lively outside. The elementary school students who were on summer vacation were shouting like crazy, sometimes with the cursing of the old man and the old lady.

Jiang Cheng yawned, took out his phone and glanced at the time, it was alright, it was just right to take pictures after washing up and eating early.

"Grandson!" He shouted to the living room as he got out of bed, "Get up!"

There was no response from Pan Zhi in the living room, he put on his clothes and walked out of the bedroom: "Sun..."

There was no his grandson on the sofa in the living room, only the folded towel and pillow. He was stunned for a while, and called Pan Zhi with his mobile phone.

"Are you up?" Pan Zhi answered the phone over there, and as soon as he heard it, he was outside, and the background sound was messy.

"Where have you been?" Jiang Cheng was stunned when he heard this, "Don't tell me you have the habit of exercising early now."

"What to do earlier!" Pan Zhi said, "I was here early to buy something delicious for you and Gu Fei. After you've cleaned up, hurry down, or it will get cold."

"No, what's wrong with you?" Jiang Cheng hurriedly went to the toilet, squeezed his toothpaste with his phone in his hand, and said, "I need at least 20 minutes."

"Wash your face while peeing, and poop while brushing your teeth. I'll call you grandpa for more than ten minutes." Pan Zhi said.

"You call me grandpa every day," Jiang Cheng said, "I just wanted to ask why you are so amazing."

"Just Gu Fei, asked me in the morning if you were up, I said no, he asked me what I wanted to eat, he went to buy..." Pan Zhi said.

"Then let him buy it, what are you robbing?" Jiang Cheng said vaguely while brushing his teeth.

"Don't you think he's acting like he's taking care of his daughter-in-law and his daughter-in-law's best friend?" Pan Zhi said, "As a straight man in the new era, I can't stand being taken care of like this by my buddy's boyfriend. "

"I think his behavior is very similar to the new era scumbag who wants to hook up with my best friend." Jiang Cheng said.

"That's the difference between a gay guy like you and a straight guy like me... Okay, don't talk nonsense and quickly clean up, I saw him coming," Pan Zhi said, "It's not suitable for me to be alone with him. "

"Understood." Jiang Cheng hung up the phone with a smile.

After I hung up the phone, I remembered that there was something wrong with Pan Zhi's wife and girlfriend's statement.

When Gu Fei strolled to the breakfast stall downstairs of Jiang Cheng, Pan Zhi was putting food on a table, and the table was already full.

"Morning." He went over to greet Pan Zhi.

"Morning, if you're hungry, just eat two bites of Dian Dian," Pan Zhi said, "I also want a few drawers of steamed buns, which haven't been steamed yet."

"It's okay, I'll wait for Jiang Cheng to come down," Gu Fei looked upstairs, "Did he wake up?"

"Get up," Pan Zhi glanced at him, "Didn't you contact him?"

"Anyway, I'll be down in a while." Gu Fei smiled.

After Pan Zhi squeezed over to the boss to urge Baozi, he sat down, and Pan Zhi asked him a little embarrassed.

It was true that he did not contact Jiang Cheng. Ever since Jiang Cheng sent the news last night, he had never contacted Jiang Cheng, even though he had thought a lot about Jiang Cheng that night.

But when he thought of Jiang Cheng's message that he didn't know how to reply, he was a little afraid to contact Jiang Cheng, and he didn't sleep soundly all night.

He didn't know how he would answer if Jiang Cheng asked him face to face.

When Jiang Cheng came out of the corridor and walked over here, he raised his hand and waved over there.

Jiang Cheng smiled at him and waved his hand.

This smile made him have the urge to rush over and hug Jiang Cheng and kiss him fiercely.

"Feed the pigs." Jiang Cheng walked over to the table, took a bun from the cage that Pan Zhigang had brought over, and took a bite.

"When I was young, I always ate breakfast at home. My mother said it was not clean outside. I was so envious of my classmates who ate breakfast outside." Pan Zhi sat down and looked at a table to eat, "I just thought When I can have breakfast outside by myself, I will order everything from the breakfast stall and put it on a table."

"Didn't you always eat outside since high school?" Jiang Cheng said.

"Yeah, but it's still not enough. I haven't been able to recover after ten or eight years of holding back." Pan Zhi took a sip of soy milk.

It was a bit too rich in the morning, Gu Fei listened to Jiang Cheng chatting with Pan Zhi, and ate hard, and in the end there was still half a drawer of buns left.

"It's a waste." Jiang Cheng rubbed his stomach.

"Pack it up. I'll feed the stray dogs and cats in a while." Pan Zhi took a plastic bag and put the buns on it.

Today's photo is about clothes, a series that Ding Zhuxin collaborated with a self-owned brand, so it's relatively easy to shoot in her studio's shed.

Pan Zhi and Jiang Cheng have completely different personalities. Gu Fei sometimes thinks that their relationship is good because they complement each other. Jiang Cheng is not very good at talking to unfamiliar people, but Pan Zhi is different. A female model chatted.

When the two girls put on makeup, they still pulled him to talk.

"Do you admire it?" Jiang Cheng sat on the side and waited for his makeup. By the way, he took a look at the brand's promotional brochure to understand it first.

"En." Gu Fei nodded.

"How was your chat with your mother yesterday?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"There was a fight, but it's okay, it's impossible to chat with her without arguing." Gu Fei smiled.

"Did Gu Miao make trouble?" Jiang Cheng asked again.

"No, I painted it myself yesterday, I'll show it to you when I have time." Gu Fei said.

"Okay, is your profile picture like that?" Jiang Cheng smiled.

"Almost, I think the rabbit in the avatar is already the pinnacle of work." Gu Fei installed the camera lens, held it up and looked around.

"I sent you a message yesterday... why didn't you reply?" Jiang Cheng asked hesitantly.

"I fell asleep," Gu Fei still held up the camera, "I didn't hear it."

"Don't tell me you left me with a nerve." Jiang Cheng said.

"Yesterday was too sleepy," Gu Fei said softly, turning his head to face Jiang Cheng with the camera, looking at his profile from the camera, "I just fell back and slept until this morning... I'll change the sound a little louder, won't be heard."

"Forget it," Jiang Cheng glanced at him, "At night, I'd better sleep calmly, the dark circles under my eyes are all coming out."

Nini waved at Jiang Cheng and asked him to go over and put on makeup.

When Jiang Cheng stood up and walked over there, Gu Fei gently supported his hand on his waist.

His body blocked Gu Fei, and no one saw this hidden movement, but in the summer, the temperature in Gu Fei's palm was still obvious, and the warmth on his waist was swept away.

Jiang Cheng was used to putting on makeup now, sitting there, closing his eyes, and sometimes taking a nap.

Gu Fei said that he fell asleep and slept until this morning. This is not true.

He was very familiar with everything about Gu Fei. If he really slept so deadly, he couldn't have dark circles under his eyes. Not only this, but others might not notice it, but he could clearly see the insignificant tiredness on Gu Fei's face.

Gu Fei didn't sleep well that night.

And it wasn't because of his mother and Gu Miao, if it was because of them, Gu Fei wouldn't say no.

It was because of his own message, the message that time had passed when he wanted to withdraw it.

He didn't know if Gu Fei had thought about the future, and he didn't know if he would have the feeling of pestering his boyfriend for a result if he asked this.

Or Gu Fei thought about it, but there was no answer.

When taking pictures, Gu Fei was about the same as usual. He would patiently remind him of his movements and angles. Although he was not at ease and was a little unhappy, when he saw Gu Fei, he would still feel comfortable.

Every movement of Gu Fei made him comfortable. When holding the camera, when kneeling down on one knee, when bending over to find an angle, or even when looking down at the photo, he couldn't take his eyes off of him.

Occasionally, when he met Pan Zhi's eyes, Pan Zhi would give him a meaningful smile, and then continued to stare at the girl next to him. Of course, he would quickly return a meaningful smile.

When he was about to leave after taking today's photos, he saw that Pan Zhi had already added a WeChat account with a female model, and the two were still reluctant to part with each other when they left.

"How efficient are you..." Jiang Cheng said.

"Both of them are idle and have nothing to do," Pan Zhihuan pulled the phone, "but I really like her appearance, at least not the face of snake spirit net red."

"Really," Jiang Cheng thought for a while, "I didn't pay attention."

"That's right, let alone a woman, even if you're a handsome guy, you might not notice it in your state," Pan Zhi said, "I know what you're in a relationship with."

Jiang Cheng glanced at Gu Fei who was walking in front.

what state

Pan Zhi also misunderstood. Although he looked at Gu Fei today, he was still so handsome that he wanted to jump on him and rub it, but he was still depressed.

He discovered that there was another aspect of Gu Fei that he had never understood, that is, this person was very able to hold back, no matter what kind of thing, Gu Fei could hold back.

Maybe it has something to do with Gu Fei's living environment since he was a child. He has to deal with many things in this way, and he has developed a habit, but for himself, facing such a state, he will only feel like he is wrapped in heavy cotton quilt.

I can't breathe, I can't breathe, I can't struggle, I can't open my mouth when I struggle...

After the three of them had eaten together at noon, Gu Fei was ready to go back, and he had to take Gu Miao to class in the afternoon.

"Then we went shopping?" Pan Zhi said, "Jiang Cheng and I can wander around for a few hours."

"En." Gu Fei smiled and nodded.

Jiang Cheng didn't say anything, Pan Zhi walked aside and then glanced at Gu Fei: "Let's go."

"Have dinner together at night?" Gu Fei asked, "Wang Er pie?"

"Let's talk about it." Jiang Cheng was a little uninterested.

"Brother Cheng," Gu Fei looked at him, "I..."

"Let's go." Jiang Cheng interrupted him.

"Wait for Pan Zhi to leave," Gu Fei glanced at Pan Zhi, "I'll treat you to a big meal."

"Shameless, when Pan Zhi was here, he ate pies, and when Pan Zhi left for a big meal," Jiang Cheng squinted at him, "Shameless."

"Hey," Gu Fei laughed, "Is it okay to have a big dinner tonight? Or before he leaves tomorrow?"

"Let's talk about it." Jiang Cheng replied.

"Isn't this coming back," Gu Fei said, "an infinite loop."

"Yeah, are you uncomfortable?" Jiang Cheng looked at him.

Gu Fei didn't say anything, watched him silent for a while, and sighed softly: "I've thought about it, since you asked me if I've thought about making a boyfriend."

Jiang Cheng was stunned for a while, and looked at him without saying a word.

"I may think more than you, but this matter can't be answered with one sentence or two," Gu Fei whispered, "Isn't it?"

"Probably." Jiang Cheng was a little bit unable to turn around.

Until Gu Fei left, he and Pan Zhi had been wandering aimlessly along the road for a long time, then he slowly regained his senses and frowned.

Gu Fei said he thought more than him, maybe, at least he didn't start thinking about "Have you ever thought about making a boyfriend?" He didn't even think about it until after Pan Zhi asked that kind of thing this time. Think about it.

But what he wanted was an answer, and he didn't need to say it clearly, he just wanted that answer.

I thought about it in the future, I want to be with you in the future, no matter what.

That's all.

Maybe it was because he was still following his usual way of thinking, thinking about the problem from a completely different angle from Gu Fei. What he wanted was the result, and what Gu Fei wanted to talk about was the process.

But think about it again, set a result, all processes are directed at this result, and if we start with the process, there may be countless results.

Jiang Cheng lightly sighed.

Gu Fei, you have thought a lot, what did you think

He and Pan Zhi walked all the way to the shopping plaza in the city center, eating and drinking all the way, and finally sat on a chair in the mall and listened to songs for almost an hour.

A self-service jukebox was placed at the door of the shop opposite. Jiang Cheng never imagined that people in this small, broken city would be quite open, and almost no one was interrupted within an hour.

Some sang well, some sang so that no one could hear it, some basically recited the lyrics when they sang, and some ran out of tune to the point where people thought that they would pinch the power of this machine...

"Sheng'er, do you want to sing a song?" Pan Zhi said, "open their eyes and know what singing is."

"I prefer to keep it a secret." Jiang Cheng hadn't sang for a long time, and used to sing with Pan Zhi and the others, but on such occasions, he still preferred to sit here and listen to people who were out of tune.

"Then let me make a song," Pan Zhi stood up and straightened his clothes, "You record it for me and I will send it to my Moments."

"...Your fourth grandfather is passing away, can you stop posting such happy things." Jiang Cheng said.

"I won't send it to Lao Yuan," Pan Zhi thought for a while, "What am I singing?"

Before Jiang Cheng could answer, he had already walked over and said as he walked, "Red Sun, let me see if there is an accelerated version."

Jiang Cheng laughed. They would order this song almost every time they went to K-song. As the final conclusion, a group of people roared together.

Pan Zhi sings very well. Although his Cantonese pronunciation is not very good, he is like a professional singer under the background of the previous people. As soon as he opens his mouth, people passing by immediately stop.

Jiang Cheng held up his mobile phone and recorded it in front of him.

Pan Zhi was almost insane. When someone saw him, he sang very vigorously. When he was finally accelerating, he turned around abruptly and pointed at Jiang Cheng: "Destiny is tormented, fate is twists and turns, and fate threatens you to be uninteresting. , don't cry and feel sad, let alone give up, I wish to be able to accompany you forever..."

The people next to him all looked over at once, Jiang Cheng simply wanted to give him a middle finger.

But after a few words, Jiang Cheng suddenly felt a little sore in his nose again. He didn't know whether it was because Pan Zhi looked at him with a serious face, or because he thought of those arrogant days in the past.

Or just because... Gu Fei came to mind.

He stared at the phone screen, and after Pan Zhi finished singing, he quickly stood up with his head down, turned around and squeezed out of the applauding crowd.

When Pan Zhi caught up, he had returned to normal.

"How!" Pan Zhi put his arm on his shoulder, "I'll watch the video."

"I recorded several paragraphs," Jiang Cheng nodded on his mobile phone, "I'll send it to you, see for yourself."

"I knew we shouldn't wander around today, we should find a place to sing," Pan Zhi said, "It's been a long time since I sang, or... Next year, after the exam, we'll find a group of people to go out to play and travel. Ah or something, enough to eat, drink, sing and play."

"Okay." Jiang Cheng smiled.

"I'm thinking, I'm sure I won't be able to get into the same school with you, but if my parents spend the money, I'll have to spend it in a city with you," Pan Zhi stretched, "I used to think that even if you I'm gone, I still have a bunch of friends, and now I realize that's not the case, I'm most comfortable with you, I'll miss you when you're not there..."

"Take control," Jiang Cheng said, "You are a straight man anyway, and if you don't know what you say, you think you have any thoughts about me."

"What I think of you is that it's better for us to be iron sons for the rest of our lives," Pan Zhi said.

Jiang Cheng laughed: "Ah, yes."

"Don't be happy," Pan Zhi clicked, "I just don't like men, or else Gu Fei would have nothing to do."

"Why don't you tell Gu Fei." Jiang Cheng said.

"Forget it, it's enough that you know," Pan Zhi said, "I might not be able to beat him."

After spending an afternoon with Pan Zhi, and waiting for Gu Fei and Gu Miao to come over in Wang Xu’s shop, Jiang Cheng’s mood had improved a lot. Hearing Wang Xu and Pan Zhi gossiping, he wanted to laugh all the time. Xu blew it so unrestrainedly that even Yi Jing took it out and showed it off for a long time.

"Don't think you grew up in a big city," Wang Xu patted the table and looked at Pan Zhi, "It's really good at everything, so I'll ask you, can you drink me?"

"...I can't drink it, I don't want to drink it at all," Pan Zhi looked at him, and sighed after a while, "Why the fuck did I lower my IQ and talk to you for so long?"

"Because your IQ is not high, it's the girl you just posted on your Moments," Wang Xu said while taking out his phone, "I think your IQ is not high, and your aesthetics are not that good."

"Alright, alright, alright, I'm low, I'm all low," Pan Zhi held Wang Xu's hand, "That girl can't compare to your squad leader, really."

"Che, it's not sincere at all. In fact, I'm still not convinced." Wang Xu glared at him.

"I'm convinced, I'm so convinced, I'm in full clothes," Pan Zhi said, glancing outside the door, "Hey, this is the real beauty."

Wang Xu looked back and said, "That's right!"

Gu Miao carried the skateboard into the box, walked directly to Jiang Cheng's side, put the skateboard against the chair, picked up the cup in front of him and drank all the water in one go.

"Did it slip back?" Jiang Cheng took out a tissue and wiped the sweat from Gu Miao's forehead.

Gu Miao nodded.

"Miaomiao, goddess?" Wang Xu pushed his cup over, "There is still water here."

Gu Miao looked at him and did not respond.

"I haven't drunk it, it's clean." Wang Xu said.

Gu Miao still looked at him indifferently.

Pan Zhi reached out and took the cup, and poured the water into Jiang Cheng's cup, Gu Miao took it over, raised his head and filled it up again.

"Hey." Pan Zhi couldn't help laughing.

"Er Miao, thank you brothers." Gu Fei walked in and said something.

Gu Miao stood up, bowed to them, raised his hand again, snapped his fingers at Jiang Cheng, and gave a thumbs up.

Jiang Cheng immediately raised his hand and returned one to her.

Gu Fei greeted them and went out to wash his hands again: "Wang Xu, get Er Miao a pack of wet wipes."

"Okay." Wang Xu immediately found a wet wipe and wiped Gu Miao's hands.

Jiang Cheng watched her wipe her hands, Gu Miao seemed to be in a good mood, she should have had a good time this afternoon.

Pan Zhi, who had been sitting next to him, stood up and sat beside Wang Xu. Wang Xu looked at him: "Why, do you want to fight with me?"

"...Eating pies also requires drinking?" Pan Zhi was speechless.

"Do you underestimate my pie? Let me tell you! Just in our city, you can ask, Wang Er pie..." Wang Xu got excited when he talked about his pie, stared at Pan Zhi and started talking, like a promotion ambassador.

When Gu Fei came in, he was stunned when he saw the vacant seat beside Jiang Cheng, and then looked at Pan Zhi who was dragged by Wang Xu with a helpless expression, sighed and then interrupted: "Captain, I'm all hungry, eat first. Bar."

"I won't wait for you to eat early! Wait!" Wang Xu stood up and went to the kitchen.

Gu Fei sat down, and Pan Zhi breathed a sigh of relief: "I really want to hit him."

Jiang Cheng laughed, although he was still a little unhappy with Gu Fei, and when he thought about it, he felt all kinds of confusion and suffocation, but when Gu Fei sat down beside him and smelled the familiar aura on Gu Fei, he again You will feel better in an instant.

When people are in conflict, it is simply incomprehensible.

Gu Fei lowered his arms, stretched his hand under the table, and touched his leg lightly, he glanced at Gu Fei, Gu Fei smiled at him, then grabbed his hand and squeezed it.

Pan Zhi cleared his throat.

"What?" Gu Fei smiled and looked at him.

"I didn't see it," Pan Zhi said, "Gu Miao, shall we go to the kitchen to get the pie?"

Gu Miao looked at him holding the cup.

"Let's go get the pie?" Pan Zhi asked again, lying on the table.

Gu Miao reacted this time, probably because she was hungry, she stood up, followed Pan Zhi to the kitchen, and closed the door when she walked out of the box.

While the door was closing, Gu Fei turned around and kissed Jiang Cheng on the face.

Jiang Cheng also very quickly leaned over and took a bite on his neck.

"It's salty?" Gu Fei asked.

"En." Jiang Cheng took a sip of tea.

"Er Miao was very excited to play games today. I played with me for a long time, and I was sweating." Gu Fei smiled.

With Gu Fei's smile like this, when Gu Fei was talking to him in such a low voice, Jiang Cheng would feel that he was a person with no standpoint. At such a time, he just wanted to stare at Gu Fei like that, and he would not do anything anymore. Think, don't worry about anything anymore.

What's unhappy, what's uneasy, what's what's all thrown aside.

Until Pan Zhi's virtual fourth grandfather's funeral was over and he left after the two-day vacation, he didn't think about the problems that bothered him.

After sending Pan Zhi away, he and Gu Fei went back to the rental house and rolled on the bed for a long time, and then the uneasy feeling in his heart slowly recovered.

Just like those weeds that can't be killed, they will re-emerge if you are not careful.

After all, the roots are still there.

Gu Fei was lying on his side on the pillow playing with his phone, he hugged Gu Fei from behind: "Hey."

"Huh?" Gu Fei touched his arm.

"I'll read the book for a while, you can accompany me," Jiang Cheng said, "Aren't you going back tonight?"

"Okay." Gu Fei rolled over and lay on his back, pulling his arms towards him.

"Would you like to… read the book?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"I'll copy the homework first." Gu Fei smiled.

"Gu Fei," Jiang Cheng asked softly after being silent for a long time, "Did you not want to go to university?"

"If you want to take the test, it will be local," Gu Fei said. "Those few rubbish colleges."

"Is it because of Gu Miao?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"A lot of questions," Gu Fei put the phone aside, "It's impossible for Ermiao to change her environment. I can't just go to another place to go to school regardless of her. If she and my mother were not here, it would be a mess."

"Yeah." Jiang Cheng nodded. In fact, he was very clear about this. Gu Miao couldn't even accept changing the wheels of a skateboard. Even if Gu Fei didn't talk about these problems, he could think of and understand them, but he still felt that something was wrong. , but where exactly, he couldn't think of it anyway.

The two of them just lay there in a daze, not speaking for a long time.

"If I go to school after the exam," Jiang Cheng said, "you still stay here, right?"

"En." Gu Fei responded.

"Then what?" Jiang Cheng looked at him.

Gu Fei frowned slightly and turned to look at him: "I don't know what will happen, some things can't be done right now..."

"What do you mean?" Jiang Cheng sat up, "Do you have little confidence in other places?"

"No," Gu Fei also sat up, "I didn't mean that, I just wanted to say..."

"Gu Fei," Jiang Cheng interrupted him, "You asked me, do you want to fall in love with you, or do you want to fall in love with you, right?"

"En." Gu Fei grabbed his hand.

"I was thinking before, why did you ask me that, now I know it, the one who wants to fall in love is me, the one who wants to fall in love," Jiang Cheng pointed his finger at him, "It's you."