Chapter 87


In this year's school sports meeting, all the senior three classes except for class 8 seem to have participated, but no one in class 8 participated is not because everyone has to study hard to prepare for the college entrance examination, it is just because there is nothing in class 8 that can be won. down.

The last time the basketball was like that, it is estimated that he has been able to enter the history of the fourth high school, the counterattack of the rookie team.

Gu Fei is quite looking forward to the school sports meeting. From this afternoon, he can take advantage of the school sports meeting on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and three days. From this afternoon, he will be able to watch the games and skip classes. The afternoon self-study and the make-up classes on the weekends will still be available in the classroom. Ten people are considered miracles.

In the morning, I could hear the school's radio constantly broadcasting the progress of various competitions, as well as the broadcast drafts submitted by each class. They all sounded the same. Gu Fei felt that the radio drafts he listened to when he was in elementary school were like this. .

In this cool autumn season, our No. 4 Middle School has ushered in an unknown number of campus sports games. The playground is full of colorful flags, and the atmosphere is lively. Everyone is gearing up to show their talents and win honor for their class. You see, On the 100-meter track over there...

"Aren't you coming to school this afternoon?" Jiang Cheng asked from the side.

"Well," Gu Fei tilted his head, "I'm going to take a set of photos these days. For the street view, the weather has been pretty good these two days. I'll go out for a walk in the afternoon."

"A magazine?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Yes, it's a new magazine with some kind of rubbish. I know an editor who went out from here. I learned from him when I was taking pictures before," Gu Fei whispered, "If it can be used, this time it will be quite long. The bigger one, the more money."

"That's pretty good," Jiang Cheng looked happier than him, "What theme?"

"The other side of the small industrial city that you can't see is the closed factories and laid-off workers," Gu Fei said, "I feel like it's tailor-made for a steel mill."

"Are you still shooting tomorrow?" Jiang Cheng said, "I want to follow along."

"Look at me or watch me take pictures?" Gu Fei asked.

"It's up to you, take a photo and take a look at it," Jiang Cheng smiled, "Keep a low profile."

Gu Fei also smiled and nodded: "Okay."

Sunday afternoon was the awards party. In the past two days, Wang Xu would definitely take Jiang Cheng to the rehearsal when he had time. Wang Xu was particularly enthusiastic and persistent when it came to being in the limelight, especially this time it was a positive one. It is of great help to improve his score in Yi Jing's mind.

Gu Fei actually wanted to say that you don't have time to go and take pictures, but he didn't say it.

He had never mentioned this to Jiang Cheng, and he always felt that once he talked about it, it would involve topics such as "why didn't you want to participate?" that couldn't express his meaning correctly. His boyfriend said something that he didn't want to say. Just hold it back by himself, he can only hold back first.

On Saturday, Jiang Cheng did not miss the make-up class, but just looking at the empty seat next to Gu Fei, he felt a little empty in his heart.

There were actually quite a few empty seats in the class. They were all watching the game on the playground downstairs, or sneaking out of the school gate to play together, but even if the seats in the whole class were empty, Jiang Cheng didn’t feel anything, his eyes were on the podium. Swapping back and forth with the position beside him.

Sometimes I think it's pretty scary, just not seeing Gu Fei for a day or two, he doesn't feel comfortable with it, next year after he finishes the college entrance examination, he should be separated after that...

He wasn't afraid of going to another place, but he was really afraid that he wouldn't be able to see Gu Fei if he turned his face.

Probably this is the hypocrisy and panic of first love, especially the beginning of first love.


The first love is amazing, turning the old man into a sissy, thinking about her boyfriend all day long.

What about boyfriend

My boyfriend is taking pictures. This morning, I don't know if I have thought about things other than composition, light and shadow, framing, and framing.

The phone vibrated.

Jiang Cheng lowered his head and glanced, the little rabbit was obedient.

- see the photo

- crap, look

Little Rabbit obediently sent a few photos over, Jiang Cheng was stunned when he glanced at it.

The photos are of several dilapidated buildings. The broken glass in the sun reflects the dazzling light. The roof of the building is littered with sundries. It doesn't look dirty, it just feels lonely. , lifeless quiet.

Jiang Cheng was very impressed here. This was the place where the idiots from the steel mill jumped off the building last time.

The location where Gu Fei took the picture should be the roof where he was hiding.

- where did you go

- well , look what i found

The little rabbit obediently sent another photo, which was Gu Fei's outstretched hand with a walnut in the palm.

Jiang Cheng was a little surprised, this should have been dropped on the roof of the building when he was digging out walnuts.


- your hands are so beautiful

-… What's your point, Xueba

Jiang Cheng himself laughed, and after looking at the photo for a while, he sent one.

- How many did you get

-Two, I got them all

- It's all broken, why take this

- It won't be broken if you deal with it, you can take it out and take a look when you think about it

Jiang Cheng stared at these words for a long time, and when Lao Lu yelled at Wang Xu, his thoughts were shaken back, and he quickly returned to the past.

- Look at me when you miss me, what kind of mental journey is looking at walnuts

-Then you take a picture and send it to me now, I'm thinking of you now

Jiang Cheng hesitated for a moment, then turned on the camera. Although he was a narcissistic scholar, he rarely took a selfie once, especially in class. He had never done such a thing in his life.

However, he and Gu Fei didn't do much about the two problems, and the extra one was nothing. The moment he turned the camera from the rear to the front, he saw the nostrils and trapezoidal face that suddenly appeared on the screen. Almost smashed my phone.


The front-facing camera is a perfect tool.

After making up his mind, he put his phone on the table. Although he didn't take selfies often, he still knew which angle he was more handsome. He was the only one in the last row now, and he didn't have to worry about being discovered by anyone.

After adjusting the angle of the lens, he pressed the shutter.


Because Old Lu had just yelled at people, the few people left in the classroom were quieter than usual. This click sounded like thunder in Jiang Cheng’s own ears.

rumbling rumbling!

buzzing buzzing!

Although it should not be too loud in the ears of other students, when the sound came, several people turned their heads.

Jiang Cheng quickly pressed the phone to the table, looking indifferently ahead.

Zhou Jing turned his head at this moment: "Jiang Cheng, hey, Jiang Cheng, you..."

Jiang Cheng felt that it was really inappropriate for him to ignore Zhou Jing. As a front desk, he was still a boring front desk. If Zhou Jing didn't turn his head to ask a question, it wasn't Zhou Jing anymore.

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Cheng picked up his English book and patted him: "Shut up."

"Me!" Zhou Jing was stunned, shocked.

"Zhou Jing!" Lao Lu roared, "What are you doing! Learn from Xueba, right? I applaud you! Come on! How about you get up and stand beside Jiang Cheng and go up and learn!"

Zhou Jing quickly turned around and lay down on the table, and began to write hard.

- Cherish this hard-earned photo

Jiang Cheng didn't feel embarrassed to take a closer look at what this selfie was taken, so he directly sent it to Gu Fei, then reached out to Gu Fei's table bucket, took out a piece of chocolate, and threw it forward on Zhou Jing's table.

-Brother Cheng, you can slap yourself at this level, you can't hold back when you slap anyone else's face

- flatterer

Gu Fei paused for a while before sending another photo.

Jiang Cheng glanced at it and quickly saved the photo to a folder called "Gu Feifei" on his phone.

This is a silhouette against the light, Gu Fei's profile face, although the expression is not clear, but in the back light, Gu Fei's straight nose bridge, slightly open lips, beautiful chin, and the spread between the lips A little halo...

Comparing his selfie with Gu Fei's selfie, he couldn't look directly like a seller's show.

Of course, Gu Fei was using a DSLR after all.

At noon, Gu Fei was still taking pictures, and sent a message to report on the itinerary. Jiang Cheng saw his plan, and it would be good if dinner was over.

But he couldn't eat with Gu Fei at noon. Wang Xu stepped on the bell and rushed to his side: "Let's go, I've been sitting here all morning just to practice with you for two hours at noon."

"Isn't it to look at Yi Jing?" Jiang Cheng put the books on the stack and stood up.

The books and materials on the desk were already piled up on Gu Fei's side, not to mention the whole class, even the entire senior year, there were no more than twenty people who had piled up the desk like this.

Pan Zhi had previously posted a set of photos in the Moments, lamenting his miserable life as a student in the third year of high school. The books and materials piled up on the desks in the classroom made Jiang Cheng nervous for a while.

Looking at the classroom of Class 8, his desk is particularly eye-catching, and it is estimated that the whole class's books are piled on his desk.

"This is my last chance," Wang Xu looked at him, "You probably can't understand how I feel like a scholar and handsome guy like you."

"Let's go," Jiang Cheng said, "Hurry up, I have to read in the afternoon."

"I didn't say that, Jiang Cheng," Wang Xu followed behind him out of the classroom, "Are you going to keep fighting like this until the college entrance examination? There's still more than half a year left, and it would definitely collapse for me."

"So you're not me." Jiang Cheng glanced at him.

There was no problem with the tune anymore. Wang Xu devoted his lifelong focus and wisdom to this show-stopping activity, and he was able to cooperate with Jiang Cheng accurately, and even added a play to himself. In addition to the chords Jiang Cheng gave him, he also added an interlude.

"Don't be nervous tomorrow," Wang Xu said. "If you are nervous, you will make mistakes. If you can't find a place to enter when I play this section tomorrow, I will give you a look."

"No," Jiang Cheng sighed, "I know when to enter without having to listen."

"Blow it." Wang Xu looked disdainful.

"Don't be stubborn with me," Jiang Cheng glanced at him, "Just be convinced."

"Fuck," Wang Xu didn't know what to say when he finished leaning, he tugged his hand on the strings a few times, then raised his eyes again, and said excitedly, "Hey, let Gu Fei bring his high-end camera to me tomorrow. Can you take some pictures?"

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng was stunned.

Wang Xu didn't say it, he didn't think about it at all, but... Gu Fei did not want to participate in the thing he participated in by himself, or did he cooperate with others and then let Gu Fei come to take pictures

Although he felt that this was because Gu Fei refused to come, but if he asked Gu Fei to take a picture, he really couldn't open it.

"Will someone take pictures at the school?" Jiang Cheng said, "Lao Xu is so excited, he probably has to take pictures too."

"How can the school's camera be compared with his camera," Wang Xu said. "His camera was just bought to pretend, and I haven't seen him shoot anything. It's such a good opportunity to move the camera. ."

"...Let's talk about it," Jiang Cheng thought for a while, "For this kind of performance, dynamic is more interesting than static. Music and performance can only be expressed when combined. Your main performance opportunity is not a photo, but a scene."

"Ah, is that so?" Wang Xu was at a loss.

"Yi Jing is sitting at the bottom of the stage," Jiang Cheng said. "Did you say you take a few photos for her to look at later? You can see and hear, isn't it more important that she is watching you at the scene?"

"Ah yes! She just sat down and watched!" Wang Xu patted his thigh, "Fuck! She's watching from below!"

"...You haven't thought about this all the time, have you?" Jiang Cheng felt that he reached out and tapped Wang Xu's head a few times, and he would probably hear an echo.

"I've always known that, but suddenly said this," Wang Xu rubbed his legs again, "a little nervous, no, a little excited."

"Practice again, it's time for me to read a book." Jiang Cheng sighed.

In the afternoon, there were no regular classes, and it was all self-study. The teacher sat on the podium, waiting for people to ask questions, but usually only Yi Jing and one or two people would go up to ask questions, and the teacher was as lonely as snow.

Jiang Cheng also went up to ask a few times, but today he didn't ask, he was lying on the table and endorsed it.

Half the brain endorses, and half the brain ponders.

It was quite romantic that Yi Jing would watch Wang Xu try his best to show off a performance that was actually just for her to see.

Gu Fei will also sit under the stage. Although he will not participate, he will still come to see.

It's just that Gu Fei would have no idea what kind of expression or mood he would be sitting there in.

He didn't do such a thing.

Gu Fei should have never experienced such a thing.

A memory, that year I played your tune, that year you were my audience.

"Your program is scheduled for the third one," Lao Xu took the program list and let Jiang Cheng look at it, "The programs for the third year of high school are all arranged in the front, don't be nervous, and perform well in a while!"

"En." Jiang Cheng glanced at the program list. One of the previous two programs was a chorus and the other was a solo.

There is still an hour left, and the school auditorium has been set up, and the students of each class have begun to enter in order.

Jiang Cheng sat in the classroom and glanced at Wang Xu who was sitting across from him. Those who were on the show did not have to follow the audience to enter the venue, they all stood outside the auditorium, and it was almost their turn to go to the backstage to wait.

"Let's go after they enter the arena, right?" Wang Xu asked.

"En." Jiang Cheng nodded.

"How are my clothes?" Wang Xu tugged at the T-shirt on his body, a silver-hot dragon could blind Jiang Cheng's eyes.

"Yeah." Jiang Cheng nodded. He didn't agree to wear the same style as Wang Xu. He only wore his usual clothes, a white T-shirt and jeans. Wang Xu also disliked it for a long time, and felt that he was wearing too unattractive.

"Would you like to put on some makeup?" Wang Xu suddenly asked, "Will the lights on the table turn on for a while, will it make me look bad?"

"Go away." Jiang Cheng replied simply.

The phone rang and he looked down.

- I'm in the auditorium, who are you

-The third

After returning the news to Gu Fei, Jiang Cheng stood up and jumped briskly: "Let's go, Captain."

The auditorium was already full of students, the speakers were playing music, the No. 4 middle school was not doing well in its grades, and all these things were quite impressive. Jiang Cheng also saw someone on the stage trying to chase the spotlight.

"I'm nervous." Wang Xu said.

"You don't need to be nervous when you are on stage." Jiang Cheng walked to the entrance of the auditorium and looked inside. Without a second glance, he saw Gu Fei who was sitting in the third row of the auditorium and closest to the door.

Gu Fei also saw him, and twitched the corners of his mouth towards him.

Jiang Cheng retreated outside the auditorium, and as soon as he turned around, he was shot in the face by someone from the school news agency.

Then there were a few girls next to him who were also waiting to come on stage, and they took a video of him with their mobile phones, and he had to go around behind Wang Xu.

When the first show started, Jiang Cheng and Wang Xu entered the auditorium.

"Hey, fuck, there are so many people." Wang Xu whispered.

Jiang Cheng glanced at the auditorium, it was a huge area of darkness, and when he was looking at Gu Fei at the door, he didn't notice so many people inside, but now that it was over, he felt a little pressure.

He hurriedly looked over to Gu Fei's place again. Gu Fei was holding his mobile phone and facing him. He was probably recording a video. Originally, Jiang Cheng was a little disappointed that this guy didn't bring a DSLR to take pictures, but he found out right away. , Gu Fei's DSLR was in Yi Jing's hand sitting next to him.

Yi Jing patted them very seriously.

Jiang Cheng smiled.

Gu Fei gave him a thumbs up.

There were a lot of people in the backstage, and Lao Xu was there. He was talking to the teacher in charge of the audio system. Jiang Cheng felt that this time Lao Xu was fully committed. The big characters on the stage were written by Lao Xu. , and at the moment is busy in the background.

"President Xu!" As soon as Wang Xu saw Lao Xu, he rushed over as if he had seen his relatives, "I'm nervous."

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous," Lao Xu patted him, "I've listened to your rehearsal many times, and there's no problem at all, it's perfect, just follow the usual rehearsal!"

Jiang Cheng was not very nervous at first, but Wang Xu kept stressing back and forth here, which made him even a little nervous. He subconsciously touched his pocket to get a cigarette, but luckily there was nothing in his pocket.

"How is it?" Lao Lu appeared out of nowhere, with a staff sign hanging around his neck, "Are you the third one?"

"Yes." Jiang Cheng nodded. A school's crappy performance actually had a job card? Lao Lu was still hanging like this... He suddenly wanted to laugh a little, but he was no longer nervous.

"No one in our school has ever played the piano before," Lao Lu said, "Jiang Cheng is the first one."

"Then there's no guitar." Wang Xu was a little unconvinced next to him.

"Yes, there are quite a few," Lao Lu said, after thinking about it, he patted Wang Xu on the shoulder again, "but the piano and guitar, this is the first time."

Wang Xu smiled with satisfaction.

"I just saw that Yi Jing had a DSLR. How could she only shoot in the audience with such a good camera?" Lao Lu was a little dissatisfied. "I'll ask her to come on stage to take pictures for you later."

"Good! Good!" Wang Xu suddenly laughed like a flower.

After the first chorus was sung, the two showy hosts went up to tell a joke that was not funny at all, and then reported that the next program was a solo.

There was a round of applause and screams from below, and only then did Jiang Cheng realize that the one who went up to sing was actually the head of a wild boar.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the applause and screams from below rose again, Jiang Cheng sighed, even at this level, he could have such an effect, and after a while he and Wang Xu went up... tsk tsk.

"Jiang Cheng in your class is a piano?" A teacher chatted with Lao Xu beside him.

"Yes," Lao Xu responded happily, "Wang Xu plays the guitar."

"Not bad, Jiang Cheng still arranges music?" The teacher looked at the program list.

"Yes," Lao Xu said with a smile no smaller than Wang Xu's, and said to the teacher in a low voice, "The song was written by Gu Fei in our class."

"Oh?" The teacher was a little surprised, "It's not easy for children today."

Jiang Cheng frowned and glanced at Lao Xu, but he and that teacher had already talked about other things, so Jiang Cheng didn't say anything else.

"Hey, Jiang Cheng," the hostess who was standing beside the small mirror to touch up makeup called him, and said with a smile, "I thought you would be on the show with Gu Fei this time."

"When did Gu Fei participate in these things?" Wang Xu answered, "No one can move."

"Hey, I really want to hear him sing a song or something." The hostess looked regretful, she was probably Gu Fei's fangirl from another class, and Jiang Cheng couldn't recognize who it was with too much makeup.

In fact, he can't recognize the makeup without heavy makeup, and he still hasn't recognized all the people in Class 8.

There was applause from the audience again, and the singing of the wild boar head was over.

"You're ready," the hostess reminded them as she walked towards the stage with her skirt, "Come on, Jiang Cheng!"

"What about me?" Wang Xu asked.

The hostess ignored him and walked directly onto the stage.

"Come on?" Wang Xu was a little unhappy.

"Come on," Jiang Cheng patted Wang Xu's arm and raised his chin, "Yi Jing is here."

As soon as Wang Xu turned his head, he saw Yi Jing who was holding a camera coming in from the backstage door, and immediately jumped in place: "Jiang Cheng, don't hold me back for a while."

"Okay." Jiang Cheng smiled.

The hostess on the stage said a few words of nonsense and began to report on the program: "The next one is a very special program, our school has never had such a form of performance before, the combination of piano and guitar, do you want to hear what it is? How do you feel?"

Jiang Cheng sighed, wanting to tell her for a while that piano and guitar belong to the normal combination of bad street.

The applause and cheers from the audience were obviously much more enthusiastic than when Wild Boar Head came to the stage before, which still made Jiang Cheng quite comfortable.

"Then let's enjoy it together, the program from Class 8 "Saying Wild", piano performance, arrangement, Jiang Cheng, guitar performance, Wang Xu..."

Jiang Cheng closed his eyes and calmed down.

Amidst the continuous applause and whistles, the hostess added another sentence: "Composer, Gu Fei."

The auditorium was quiet at first, and then there was a burst of frantic applause and screams that almost knocked the top off.

Jiang Cheng abruptly opened his eyes, and after being stunned for a second, he grabbed the program list on the table next to him.

Arranger, piano performance: Jiang Cheng

Guitar: Wang Xu

There is no third line.

"What's the matter!" Jiang Cheng turned to stare at Lao Xu, and asked in a suppressed voice.

Lao Xu was also stunned: "I don't know."

"Jiang Cheng," Wang Xu gave him a hand, "I'm on stage."

Jiang Cheng didn't know what kind of mood he was in now. When he passed the hostess, he saw the smile on her face. For the first time, Jiang Cheng had the urge to hit a girl.

He didn't know the reason why Gu Fei refused to participate in this show, but Gu Fei shouldn't have any objection when he played his song, but now he suddenly added the composer Gu Fei...

The uncertainty and anxiety in his heart made his hands feel a little cold, and he didn't know how Gu Fei would react to such a thing.

When he followed Wang Xu to the stage, he could no longer appreciate how enthusiastic the reaction was from the audience. He just quickly glanced at the seat where Gu Fei was sitting.

Then his whole body sank suddenly.

The seat was vacant, and Gu Fei left.