Chapter 89


This was the first time that Jiang Cheng saw Gu Fei cry.

Hearing his cry, he felt his body trembling slightly, his chest was warm, and it was Gu Fei's tears.

Jiang Cheng always felt that he was a fairly strong person. After coming here, every time he shed tears, he would sigh with emotion and cry again, motherfucker, why are you crying again.

He has always felt that Gu Fei is stronger than himself, or, in some respects, Gu Fei is lesser than him, "cold" than him, and he has never subconsciously associated Gu Fei with tears.

But now, this guy who he feels is a little indifferent, the steel mill bully, who no one dares to mess with in school, can take good-looking photos, can put candy in his pocket, can act coquettish and cute, and can talk about brother Cheng. The little rabbit I was wrong was obedient, just buried it on his chest.


The cry went from a low, suppressed voice at the beginning, to a venting roar with grievances.

Jiang Cheng had never seen such a Gu Fei, nor had he imagined such a Gu Fei. Right now, he only felt that his mind was in chaos, he didn’t know how to comfort him, and he didn’t want to comfort him.

Gu Fei like this should not need consolation, no matter how clever the consolation is, it is of no use to Gu Fei.

All he had to do was listen here.

Gu Miao, who had been drawing a rabbit beside him, stopped at some point, holding a pen and looking at Gu Fei quietly, frowning, but his face was calm.

This expression reminded Jiang Cheng of the time he had a fight with Gu Fei, and the time when Gu Fei threw someone up a tree, Gu Miao had a calm expression, as if she didn't know what happened.

Jiang Cheng didn't know what she was thinking, or whether she was thinking, nor did she know whether she could feel Gu Fei's pain.

Jiang Cheng lowered his head and kissed the top of Gu Fei's head, his lips pressed against the stubble of his newly grown hair.

Today's situation is something he didn't expect at all, and he regrets it a bit.

But a little fortunate.

If he had never heard Gu Fei's words today, would he never know Gu Fei's true thoughts? His helplessness and despair would always be a secret.

In case... In case they really separated one day, he would never know whether the person who once occupied an important position in his confused youth had such a secret buried deep in his heart.

He lowered his head and rubbed the top of Gu Fei's head with the tip of his nose.

"Isn't it pierced?" Gu Fei asked in a muffled voice while buried in his chest.

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng was stunned, Gu Fei's nasal voice sounded very distressing.

"My hair, I feel prickly when I touch it." Gu Fei said.

"A little bit," Jiang Cheng rubbed the hair on the top of his head again, "Aren't you planning to let it grow out, how many times have you shaved it..."

"I think I'm very handsome like this." Gu Fei rubbed against his clothes.

"...Are you wiping my face with my clothes?" Jiang Cheng looked down.

"Well," Gu Fei paused and slowly moved down, "If you don't allow clothes, just use pants."

"Fuck," Jiang Cheng was startled, and glanced at Gu Miao next to him, Gu Miao still held the pen and stared at them in a daze, he quickly pulled Gu Fei's clothes up, "Your sister is watching! "

Gu Fei stopped, his face still buried in his stomach, stretched out his hand and flicked his finger on the paper Gu Miao was drawing on. Gu Miao lowered his head and continued to draw a rabbit with a pen.

"I'll go..." Gu Fei propped himself up on the sofa and stood up, bending down to look at Jiang Cheng, "Wash your face."

"Okay." Jiang Cheng nodded.

There were still tear stains on Gu Fei's face, and his eyelashes were also wet, twisted into small locks by the tears. This kind of appearance made Jiang Cheng's heart suddenly soften, and his heart felt unbearably painful.

"You have long eyelashes," he said.

"Your eyelashes are also very long," Gu Fei smiled and leaned over to kiss him on the forehead, "Are you waiting for this sentence?"

"Fuck off." Jiang Cheng said.

Gu Fei went to wash his face, Jiang Cheng turned his head to look at Gu Miao who was about to fill the second sheet of paper with rabbits, and took another sheet of paper for her.

The living room was very quiet, Jiang Cheng raised his head and leaned on the sofa, his heart was a little heavy, but it was surprisingly clear, like the feeling that he was finally out of breath after a bad cold for a week. .

Gu Fei didn't avoid his sight, he just showed his face full of tears, he liked Gu Fei like this.

I may have a side that I don't want you to see, but if I want you to see it, I won't hide it anymore.

Jiang Cheng stood up and walked into the toilet. Gu Fei was wrapping a towel with ice cubes and pressing it on his eyes. He placed behind Gu Fei and hugged him, "Are your eyes swollen?"

"It's a little bit, not serious," Gu Fei said, "It's probably about 15 minutes."

"I was just afraid that you would scare Gu Miao." Jiang Cheng said.

"No," Gu Fei smiled, "she can't feel other people's emotions."

"Is that so," Jiang Cheng sighed softly, "I… can feel it."

"Does that scare you?" Gu Fei asked.

"No," Jiang Cheng said, "it just feels very distressed."

"Actually, it's nothing," Gu Fei said. "Some things just close the door for yourself, open the door and walk out. No one knows how many unhappy people are behind their backs, and they all look like a bird."

Jiang Cheng didn't speak, he lowered his head and took a bite on Gu Fei's shoulder.

"When did you record the score?" Gu Fei asked while his eyes were cold.

"What spectrum?" Jiang Cheng didn't react.

"The tune I played today." Gu Fei said.

"It was just the time I heard it before, and I remember it pretty much," Jiang Cheng said. Thinking of this, he felt uncomfortable again, because Gu Fei didn't hear him and felt a little regretful, and because if it hadn't happened, Chazi, he and Gu Fei didn't have the same communication as today, "I changed a few things, but I can't remember some places."

"It sounds good, it sounds better than before." Gu Fei said.

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng suddenly raised his head and looked at him in the mirror, "Did you hear that? Didn't you leave? I didn't see you when I came on stage!"

"I left after listening," Gu Fei pressed his eyes, "The auditorium is not soundproof, so I just finished listening under the window on the back wall."

"Damn it," Jiang Cheng said with his mouth open for a long time, not knowing what to say, so he repeated, "Damn it."

"But I can't hear it clearly," Gu Fei turned around and leaned against the sink, "The school sound is not good."

"Ah." Jiang Cheng still didn't know what to say.

"Help me press it, Brother Cheng." Gu Fei handed him the ice cube towel.

"Oh." Jiang Cheng took it and pressed the towel to his eyes.

"I didn't write that song very well, I was still young at that time," Gu Fei said, "I wrote it blindly."

"Are you bragging?" Jiang Cheng said, "It's very clever."

Gu Fei laughed: "I'm serious."

"In the eyes of people who don't have musical skills like me, you are quite a big guy with eight and a half pounds." Jiang Cheng looked at him.

"Be civilized." Gu Fei said.

"Eight-and-a-half jins big bull fork." Jiang Cheng said.

Gu Fei curled the corners of his mouth, leaned over and kissed him on the tip of his nose: "Are you really angry today?"

"It's not that you're angry, right?" Jiang Cheng took off the towel and twisted the water, "You know my temper, sometimes I just can't hold it back, I just thought at the time, if you get angry, you'll be unhappy, unhappy, At least tell me, come over and scold me a few words Jiang Cheng, you're a fucking idiot or something, or fight with me, I can also know what's going on, right... "

Gu Fei didn't say anything, he went forward and kissed him.

Jiang Cheng paused, the tip of Gu Fei's tongue swept across his teeth, and he finally regained his senses, and suddenly hugged Gu Fei tightly, entangled with him.

It's like there is hatred. When the enemy meets, he is extremely jealous, and the tip of the tongue is in a showdown. The teeth and tongues are shadowed, and they can't tell who wins or loses for a while.

Jiang Cheng felt that he was extremely thirsty, so he wanted to knead Gu Fei into a ball and hug him tightly, or bite him one by one, and every bite had to see the impression of his teeth.

Gu Fei probably also had this idea. After pushing him to the wall, he nibbled him from his earlobe to his shoulder. In the end, Jiang Cheng couldn't hold back, and before Gu Fei, he went over and took a bite on his arm.

"You're a dog!" Gu Fei squeezed his cheek, "Shut up!"

Jiang Cheng let go, leaned against the wall, raised his head, let out a long sigh of relief, and closed his eyes.

When the two returned to the living room, Gu Miao had finished drawing another rabbit and was looking at it carefully with a picture book.

Jiang Cheng really couldn't understand the behavior of a child like Gu Miao. There were so many pictures in the picture book, rabbits, dogs, chickens, birds, kittens, and little pigs. She obviously enjoyed it very much, but she only painted rabbits.

"Change your clothes." Gu Fei took a T-shirt of his own and handed it to Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng entered the bedroom and put on his clothes: "Are you going to take pictures? Did Yi Jing hold your camera?"

"Well, she will bring it to the store," Gu Fei said, "I won't be taking pictures today, the light is not good at the moment."

"You usually ignore her, why do you feel like you're quite familiar with her?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"After all, she's the monitor," Gu Fei glanced at him, "Lao Xu arranged for her to make up lessons for me."

As soon as he mentioned Lao Xu, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but click his tongue: "I really should stare at Lao Xu again and ask him not to say anything."

"Actually, I can't blame Lao Xu," Gu Fei said. "He's just like that. Besides, I don't know who to put this on."

"Then... what to do," Jiang Cheng looked at him, "I know now."

"If you know it, you will know it," Gu Fei said. "The gear of destiny starts to turn, and it may click wherever it turns, and hit something, such as you."

"What am I?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Didn't you just turn the gears in?" Gu Fei smiled, "Let's go, I'll take you somewhere."

"Where to?" Jiang Cheng looked at him.

Gu Fei has returned to his usual state. No matter how he speaks or looks, he can no longer see what happened before. If he can't tell, he just cried so sadly on the sofa just now.

Jiang Cheng didn't know if he was really fine, or if his long-term experience had allowed him to recover quickly and maintain a balanced posture.

"Steel mill." Gu Fei opened the wardrobe.

"What are you going to do at the steel factory?" Jiang Cheng was a little surprised. The two of them hadn't been to the steel factory for a long time. Since he rented a room, that was the most private space. "If you want to..., why don't you just go to my place?"

"Brother Cheng," Gu Fei smiled while leaning on the wardrobe door, "Can you be serious, a scholar, what is in his head?"

Jiang Cheng didn't say a word. After watching him for a long time, he finally waved his hand. He turned around and went back to the living room. He sat on the sofa and read a picture book with Gu Miao.

Gu Fei also came out, Jiang Cheng was stunned after looking at him.

Gu Fei was actually carrying a guitar bag.

"That's... what?" Jiang Cheng asked subconsciously, he really didn't expect Gu Fei to suddenly come out with a guitar.

"Cello." Gu Fei said.

"Fart!" Jiang Cheng said.

"Then you ask, think you haven't seen a guitar," Gu Fei walked to the sofa, reached out to Gu Miao and snapped his fingers, Gu Miao raised his head and looked at him, he said softly, "Brother is going out for something, you Message my brother before going out to skate."

Gu Miao nodded.

"Brother Cheng," Gu Fei stood up, "Let's go."

Jiang Cheng had been following Gu Fei the whole time. After going downstairs, he suddenly realized that Gu Fei wanted to play the guitar

Going to a steel mill to play guitar

The distance wasn’t too far, Gu Fei didn’t ride a bicycle, he just walked towards the steel factory with his guitar on his back, Jiang Cheng followed him, and his eyes never left Gu Fei all the way.

He has seen Gu Fei driving a motorcycle with a helmet on, Gu Fei riding a bicycle with Gu Miao on a skateboard on the road, Gu Fei playing basketball, Gu Fei holding a camera, and more Gu Fei, dressed in black, jumped from the building in the firelight...

I have also seen Gu Fei crying.

But now Gu Fei once again gave him a surprise, although he knew that Gu Fei had played in a band and knew that Gu Fei could play the guitar, but Gu Fei walking in the sunshine with the guitar on his back still made him excited.

Excited about what

do not know.

Just excited.

Every time he took a step, he wanted to turn his head to look at Gu Fei.

The steel mill was very big, and Jiang Cheng had not been there many times, so he never finished turning the steel mill. Gu Fei walked on a road he had never traveled before, as if he was leading him on a new map.

"Aren't you going to the hut?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Don't go," Gu Fei said, "Who knows if there are any dogs, boys, boys and girls there."

Jiang Cheng didn't say a word, he should be referring to Li Yan, but when he thought of the fact that the two of them had also done some cowardly things there, he felt that Gu Fei was thick-skinned enough to actually say that someone else was a dog.

"I've never been here before." Jiang Cheng changed the subject.

"I don't come here often," Gu Fei said. "The houses here are almost demolished, and the ones that haven't been demolished are all dangerous buildings. It's not interesting to come here."

"Then where are we going now?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Dangerous building." Gu Fei replied.

"...Oh." Jiang Cheng nodded.

The demolition here is almost done. Many of the old buildings have been demolished to only the frame, a pile of broken bricks and stones, and a pile of scrap steel that has grown overgrown with grass.

It should have been very prosperous at the beginning. The people who live in such a large factory area are all former employees of the steel factory. Many nearby places still carry the records of the prosperity of the steel factory.

X Steel Kindergarten, X Steel Primary School, X Steel Commissary, X Steel Amusement Center, X Steel XX…

"It's ahead." Gu Fei pointed forward.

Passing through this dismantled old factory area, in the open space in front there is a... dangerous building, only one floor, but very high, like an auditorium, bigger than the auditorium of No. 4 Middle School.

It's really dangerous, it's half torn down.

However, after approaching, Jiang Cheng discovered that this half was not demolished, but collapsed.

Stepping on a piece of rotten bricks, Gu Fei led him in through the "door" of the building.

The light inside is quite good, because the roof has also collapsed in half, it really is an auditorium, and the rows of chairs are still there, but a lot of them are buried by the collapsed roof.

The top half of the stage did not collapse, but the large windows on both sides were gone, and the sunlight poured in from outside the windows, covering the entire stage in brilliance.

"You sit there," Gu Fei pointed to the chairs in the first row, "sit in the middle."

"Ah." Jiang Cheng glanced at it and walked over to the chair in the middle of the first row.

There was a thick layer of ash on the chair. He scratched it with his fingers. After the floating ash on the top was scratched, the bottom was still gray, and it had been perfectly integrated with the seat surface under the rain.

He wanted to find something to wipe, but after hesitating for two seconds, he sat down and leaned back.

Gu Fei stood in the middle of the stage.

"Are you going to report it yourself?" Jiang Cheng asked, he was already sure that Gu Fei wanted to play the guitar, so he could play it.

"For a while," Gu Fei smiled, squatted down and put the guitar on the ground, "I still have preparations to do, I'm in a hurry today..."

Sure enough, it was in a hurry, and it must have been a temporary decision, because his preparations actually started from stringing the guitar.

Jiang Cheng didn't speak, and looked at Gu Fei quietly.

After the strings were installed and tightened, Gu Fei took out his mobile phone and used the tuning software to slowly tune the strings.

Judging from the picture, the first time Gu Fei swiped the strings with his fingers, he had already killed Wang Xu, who had a silver dragon in his heart, and there was no slag left.

Gu Fei’s fingers were long, and whether it was the right hand for plucking the strings or the left hand for pressing the strings, he was full of enjoyment when he saw it. He didn’t need to listen to the sound at all, it already made Jiang Cheng feel as comfortable as lying on a bean bag.

"Okay." Gu Fei stood up after tuning his voice, picked up a stick from the stage that he didn't know whether it was a broom or a mop, and poked it into the crack in the middle wooden floor.

Jiang Cheng sat up straight and began to applaud.

Gu Fei walked over to the "microphone" and cleared his throat. Jiang Cheng quickly took out his mobile phone, opened the video and started recording it towards him.

"I haven't touched the guitar for a long time, and I haven't sang for a long time," Gu Fei said, "Standing here today is also an accident."

Jiang Cheng smiled.

"When a person is alive, there will always be many accidents," Gu Fei adjusted the length of the guitar strap. "Some accidents are expected, and some accidents are unexpected."

Jiang Cheng didn't understand what he meant for a while, but he had to watch this video at least 800 times.

"Jiang Cheng," Gu Fei looked at him, "You are my unexpected surprise."

"You too." Jiang Cheng looked at Gu Fei on the screen, then raised his eyes to look at the stage.

"This song is for you, play it temporarily, think about it on the way here, listen to it first, and then change it later," Gu Fei lowered his head and swiped his fingers on the strings of the piano, "Saye."

Jiang Cheng's hand trembled slightly, and he had to take a deep breath and use his other hand to help, so that the video did not shake too much.

Gu Fei clapped his hand on the piano case a few times, and then the prelude sounded.

Jiang Cheng's breathing paused slightly, and suddenly felt that the subtle wind sound in his ears was carrying notes.

The previous piece had left a deep impression on him, making him feel that Gu Fei's style would probably be like that, confused, flustered, and empty.

But this prelude is a completely different feeling.

"I think, with one look, you will grow old..." Gu Fei opened his mouth, his voice slightly hoarse, gentle and gentle.

With just this sentence, Jiang Cheng suddenly felt like he was sinking into Gu Fei's aura.

"I think, look up to warm the sun and spring grass, you give me a simple hug, I want to trample the confusion and walk through time, open your eyes and you will hear, I think, with you on the left shoulder, smiling on the right shoulder," Gu Fei looked up. Looking at him, "I think, in your eyes, running wild, I think, with one look, you will grow old..."

In the sunshine, the boy in the white T-shirt standing on the stage, the smile on his lips, the fingers plucking the strings...

Jiang Cheng looked at Gu Fei in a trance, feeling that he was suddenly in a trance, as if he couldn't tell whether the voice was in his ears or in his heart.