Chapter 9


Jiang Cheng threw the cigarette, turned around and walked towards the Hutong entrance.

"Hey! Don't go out!" Wang Xu shouted, "Do you think I'm afraid of something! The monkey gang can't afford to be offended! Last semester, there were people who were sent to the hospital for several months at No. 7 High School!"

"Can't afford to offend?" Jiang Cheng turned his head to look at him, "You can offend someone like this by calling Gu Fei over here?"

"Da Fei is different," Wang Xu said. "He grew up in this area since he was a child, and... you can just listen to me anyway. You've helped me once, and I can't let you go out and send people's heads."

And... and what

And he killed his own father? Jiang Cheng suddenly remembered Li Baoguo's words, and he was inexplicably happy. The old town of such a small city has a legend in several streets, which is really interesting.

"You're laughing like a chicken 8!" Wang Xu made him laugh.

Jiang Cheng ignored him and was about to continue walking. As soon as he stepped forward, Wang Xu hugged him from behind, then hugged him and dragged him back.

"Hey, hey," Jiang Cheng made him startled, "Let go! What's wrong with you!"

"What's wrong?" Wang Xu was stunned for a moment, then let go of his hand suddenly, "I'm fine... I don't mean anything else! Don't get me wrong! Don't get me wrong!"

Jiang Cheng glanced at him: "Did I say you have other intentions?"

Wang Xu didn't speak, took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.

Jiang Cheng sighed, lit a cigarette again and drank it, crouched in a corner where the wind was less windy, took a twig and scratched aimlessly on the snow.

"Da Fei, Da Fei," Wang Xu held the phone and suppressed his voice, as if the monkeys were guarding the next yard, "We let the monkeys block... ran away, no, can't get out now Go… how can you get away with a bloody beating! Who else, me, and Jiang Cheng.”

As Wang Xu spoke, he glanced at Jiang Cheng's side.

Jiang Cheng didn't make eye contact with him. Although Wang Xu didn't have much ability, he wasn't too cowardly. He was so frightened now that it was estimated that these people were really not easy to mess with.

In fact, he used to mess around at school, and he was not very willing to provoke people outside and cause trouble.

Just thinking that it was Gu Fei on the other end of the phone, he felt that it would be better to go out and have a hard meal, but he still had reason, and this going out might not be a matter of two meals.

"Da Fei will be here in a while," Wang Xu hung up the phone and pulled his feet back and forth in the rubbish heap. "He brought his sister to eat noodles, and she hasn't finished eating yet."

Jiang Cheng was speechless.

Wang Xu found a wooden stick more than half a meter long from the rubbish heap and threw it at his feet. After turning around for a while with nothing to gain, he began to dismantle the broken three-legged chair.

"Why?" Jiang Cheng looked at him.

"Find some weapons," Wang Xu said. "Monkeys and the others are also familiar with this film, in case they come over before Da Fei arrives."

Jiang Cheng sighed, took his schoolbag and flipped through it, took out a knife, and threw it at his feet: "Use this."

"Fuck it!" Wang Xu was startled immediately when he saw the knife, and turned his head to stare at him, "Are you a fucking school tyrant? Which school tyrant would go out with a knife!"

"I haven't used it before," Jiang Cheng said, "the blade has not been opened, it is only used for scary people."

Wang Xu picked up the knife, looked at it seriously for a while, then walked up to him and squatted down: "Jiang Cheng, I can't provoke you."

Jiang Cheng glanced at him and said nothing.

"Our business is over," Wang Xu continued, "How about we keep the water from the well and the river?"

"You just need to memorize these words," Jiang Cheng said, "We Xueba are very busy with studies, and we don't have time to mess around with you."

After saying this, the two of them didn't make a sound and squatted face to face in silence.

After squatting for a while, Wang Xu spoke again: "I have a piece of advice for you."

"En." Jiang Cheng looked at the cigarette butt between his fingers, the rising smoke twirled wildly in the wind for a short time, and then quickly disappeared without a trace.

"If the monkey arrives first, you will be a coward," Wang Xu said. "No matter how stupid we are, we are still students, and we can't fight against those people outside the society."

Jiang Cheng looked at him with some surprise, there was still some remaining IQ in the heart of this second-rate teenager.

"Da Fei said it." Wang Xu added.

Jiang Cheng wanted to poke the cigarette butt into his face to extinguish it.

Gu Fei's arrival was actually not slow. It took about ten minutes before he appeared on a bicycle. What made Jiang Cheng difficult to understand was that he actually brought Gu Miao with him.

The little girl was riding a skateboard with a rope tied to the back of her bicycle.

Neuropathic family!

As soon as Gu Fei pushed his legs to the ground, Gu Miao jumped off the skateboard, his toes touched the board, and his hand caught the rolling skateboard.

She carried the skateboard and walked in front of Jiang Cheng, smiled at him, and then ran back to Gu Fei's side, standing by his legs.

"Who did it just now?" Gu Fei asked.

"Me." Jiang Cheng stood up, "What?"

"Have you run into a monkey?" Wang Xu immediately asked.

"It's at the entrance of the alley," Gu Fei glanced back, "I guess he'll be in right now."

"Fuck," Wang Xu frowned, "Can we go out?"

"It depends on how you want to get out," Gu Fei said, looking at Jiang Cheng again, "Two solutions."

Jiang Cheng knew that this time he probably really caused some trouble, he sighed, and leaned against the wall with his hands in his pockets: "Tell me."

"Let him find it, and it's over even if it's even," Gu Fei said. "If you don't want to, I'll take you out now. How they block you in the future depends on your luck."

Wang Xu quickly looked at Jiang Cheng.

"It's okay to be even, but let's talk about it first," Jiang Cheng said, "I'll fight back after a while."

When the monkey came over, there was still cotton stuffed in his nose, Jiang Cheng felt that his platelets were probably a little low, and the blood had not stopped for so long.

As Wang Xu said, this time the monkeys really brought a lot of people. At a glance, there must be seven or eight people, with a strong small-town rogue temperament.

"Er Miao wait for me at the Hutong entrance." Gu Fei said.

Gu Miao glanced at Jiang Cheng, put down the skateboard, stepped on it, kicked a few feet, and passed through the crowd like an arrow.

"You also go out." Jiang Cheng said.

Gu Fei propped up the handlebar and stared at him for a while: "Wang Xu go out with me."

"I..." Wang Xu hesitated, and looked at Jiang Cheng.

"Go out." Jiang Cheng said, he didn't want to have an audience for this kind of pure beating.

Gu Fei took the front of the car and turned it around, and Wang Xu followed.

The monkey walked towards Jiang Cheng with a gloomy expression on his face.

When Gu Fei passed him, he suddenly grabbed his right wrist and pulled his hand out of his pocket.

"What?" The monkey looked at him.

Gu Fei didn't speak, he swiped down his wrist fiercely, took something from his hand, and threw it at the wall next to him.

The sound of metal hitting the wall tiles was crisp.

Jiang Cheng followed the voice and glanced at it, it was a black fingering tiger.

dog day.

"The rules still have to be said." Gu Fei said in a low voice, kicked his feet, and rode his bike to the Hutong entrance.

"He won't be in trouble, right?" Wang Xu stood under a bald tree at the entrance of the hutong and shrank his neck, watching Gu Miao flexibly circle a snowdrift under the tree next to him on his skateboard.

"If you're afraid of something, don't make trouble." Gu Fei said.

"I didn't cause trouble, I ran away when I saw the monkey," Wang Xu said, "Fuck I didn't know I would run into him today, Jiang Cheng didn't know his details, so he just started."

"Have you two things resolved?" Gu Fei looked at his face, "Are you kneeling down and begging him not to slap his face?"

"...It's over," Wang Xu sighed and glanced back at the alley, "I've opened my eyes, there are still such models of Xueba, I can't afford it."

Gu Fei smiled.

After a few minutes, the monkey gang came out.

The monkey's face was not very good, but he looked normal, but the one who followed was not very good, and there was a big swelling on his forehead.

"He fought back?" Wang Xu was startled when he saw it.

After the monkey and Gu Fei looked at each other, they didn't say much and left with a few people.

"Fuck, Jiang Cheng is that stupid?" Wang Xu looked into the alley.

Gu Fei frowned, looking at it like this, Jiang Cheng must have fought back. It shouldn't be taking the initiative, it was someone who "made it a little more", but Monkey logically said that in this case, he wouldn't break the rules again.

What about Jiang Chengren

Even if he had to go around a few times, he wouldn't have been out for such a long time... His phone rang in his pocket, and when he took it out, he saw that it was actually Jiang Cheng calling.

"Where are you?" He answered the phone.

“I… got lost.” Jiang Cheng said.

"What?" Gu Fei was very surprised, "Get lost?"

"Yeah, I got lost! When I first came in, I went all the way around. I don't know where to go now. Your hutong was built like a maze!" Jiang Cheng said very angrily.

"You... wait a moment," Gu Fei looked at Gu Miao, "Er Miao, go in and lead brother Jiang Cheng out."

Gu Miao stepped on the skateboard and turned around, quickly swept into the alley.

When Jiang Cheng heard the sound of the skateboard wheels, he shouted, "Gu Miao?"

Gu Miao's figure flashed out from a corner in front and waved at him.

Jiang Cheng followed him. In fact, he came from here just now. He followed Gu Miao around another corner and saw the small street before.

Damn, if I knew it was so close, I wouldn't have called Gu Fei lost this person.

Today, this face is really enough to put together a four-piece suit.

"Are you all right?" Wang Xu asked as soon as he came out, staring at his face.

"It's okay." Jiang Cheng rubbed his stomach.

"No face?" Wang Xu looked at his hand.

"En," Jiang Cheng looked at him, "Why do you want to fight?"

"I'll just ask," Wang Xu said, "I'm beating my stomach? It hurts?"

"I'm hungry." Jiang Cheng said.

"Did you do it?" Wang Xu continued to ask, "I see who came out with such a big head, how did you get it?"

"I'll pay back what I said too much," Jiang Cheng replied impatiently, "Knock his head against the wall, why do you want to try?"

"I'm going home," Wang Xu said, "I'm leaving... What, Da Fei, I'll treat you to dinner tomorrow at noon."

After Wang Xu left, Jiang Cheng and Gu Fei stood there and watched Gu Miao play skateboarding. After watching for a while, he opened his mouth and said, "Thank you."

Although he was still beaten, the monkey punched him in the stomach with two punches, and he still felt a little nauseous, but if there was no Gu Fei, there would be no such option. , that day will not be over.

"Are you really okay?" Gu Fei glanced at him.

"Well," Jiang Cheng didn't want to discuss this matter at all, he thought for a while, "Have you eaten?"

"No." Gu Fei replied.

"... Just now Wang Xu said that you eat noodles, you can come over after you finish eating." Jiang Cheng said.

"Then the two of you were already broken," Gu Fei said, "I was eating noodles on the pedestrian street, and it took me half an hour to come here after I finished eating."

"Let's go, eat some more," Jiang Cheng looked at Gu Miao, "What do you want to eat?"

Gu Miao naturally wouldn't answer him, but just looked at Gu Fei.

"You lead the way." Gu Fei patted her on the head lightly.

Gu Miao immediately kicked off her skateboard and rushed out, seeing that she was heading towards the barbecue stall before.

"Come up." Gu Fei looked at Jiang Cheng.

"I'll go over." Jiang Cheng said.

Gu Fei didn't say much, he rode his car over there.

Jiang Cheng sighed and pressed his stomach. He felt a little nauseated, and he didn't know if he was hungry or if he was hit by the monkey's two punches.

Gu Miao chose the barbecue stall that was closest to the side, and when Jiang Cheng walked over, she had already picked out a bunch of food to eat.

When Jiang Cheng smelled the aroma of the barbecue, the discomfort in his stomach slowly disappeared, and there was only a strong hunger left. He pointed at the meat: "The same ten skewers, and another two pounds of hemp."

There was no Ma Xiao in this one, so he went to the one half a block away to buy two kilograms.

When several large plates of meat were piled up on the table, Gu Fei couldn't help but ask, "Have you always been able to eat like this?"

"Xiao Ming's grandfather lived to be 103 years old." Jiang Cheng took a bunch of mutton and took a bite.

Gu Fei smiled and asked the boss to take a bottle of Hongxing Xiaoer.

Jiang Cheng originally wanted to ask if you have to drink every time you eat, but Xiao Ming's 103-year-old grandfather stopped him.

Gu Miao didn't speak, and the two of them had nothing to say, so they finished the meal in silence just like the last time they ate the barbecue.

This is also very good. I have enough to eat. Every time he eats with Pan Zhi, he often does not have enough to eat because he talks too much, so he has to eat extra food.

It was in the lively barbecue stall. Their table was like a beautiful landscape. Every time the boss passed by, he would take a second look. Maybe he thought that they were negotiating with each other, and he might get up and draw his knife at any time.

It was not until Gu Miao was full, took off his hat and scratched his head, that Jiang Cheng broke the silence.

"Why did you buy her a green hat?" He asked Gu Fei. This question has been bothering him since he saw Gu Miao in the store that day.

"She likes green." Gu Fei said.

"Oh," Jiang Cheng looked at Gu Miao's green hat, Gu Fei's answer was always so logical that it was hard to follow, "It's a miracle to be able to buy a hat of this color."

Gu Miao shook his head.

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng looked at her.

"I didn't buy it." Gu Fei said.

"Weaving?" Jiang Cheng touched the hat, but he really didn't see it, the handwork was pretty good, "Who did it for you? Your mother?"

Gu Miao smiled and pointed at Gu Fei.

Jiang Cheng suddenly turned his head to look at Gu Fei: "Fuck me?"

"Be civilized." Gu Fei said calmly.

"Oh," Jiang Cheng smiled at Gu Miao a little embarrassedly, then turned to look at Gu Fei, "You knitted? You still do this?"

"En." Gu Fei responded.

Jiang Cheng suddenly felt that the image of Gu Fei in his mind had become blurred, one with candy in his pocket, one who knew how to knit woolen hats, a murderer, who killed his own father.

After eating the barbecue, Gu Fei stepped on the bicycle. Gu Miao untied a rope tangled behind his bicycle, grabbed it in his hand, and stepped on the skateboard.

"Attention... Be safe." Jiang Cheng really didn't know what to say.

"See you tomorrow." After Gu Fei finished speaking, he dragged Gu Miao on a bicycle and disappeared into the crowd of people passing through the street.

Jiang Cheng didn't react until he settled the bill, see you tomorrow

Is it over for today

Of course it wasn’t over today. There were still three classes in the afternoon, and there were actually two classes in politics. The moment Jiang Cheng saw the class schedule, he felt drowsy for a while.

Gu Fei didn't show up all afternoon, really see you tomorrow.

Jiang Cheng slept on the table for an afternoon. The advantage of Gu Fei's absence was that Zhou Jing wouldn't keep turning back to talk, and he was quite quiet.

The political teacher has a lower sense of presence than Lao Xu, and is the most transparent of all the teachers I have seen today.

Lectures from the lectern even need to keep raising the volume so that your voice can be heard in the unbridled hum of the classroom.

During the last class, Pan Zhi sent a message.

- The self-study class is unexpectedly not required by the teacher, cool

Jiang Cheng glanced at the teacher on the stage and replied to Pan Zhi.

- I've always been cool, this class is the same as the wet market

- You are sleeping anyway when you are quiet. This is arguing for you to sleep.

- you know the shit

Jiang Cheng sighed, Pan Zhi really didn't understand, he always slept in class, but not always.

In such an environment, he was really worried that the quality of this scholar would decline.

As soon as the school bell rang, the classroom was suddenly noisy, almost everyone packed up their things in an instant, walked, chatted, and chatted happily.

Jiang Cheng packed up his things and left the classroom with his schoolbag in his hand. As he walked through the corridor, he felt a lot of gazes. He glanced to the side. Many people were leaning on the railing and looking at him, and he couldn't tell whether it was a second grader or a second grader. The third grade, with curiosity and inquiry in his eyes.


He turned around to find Wang Xu, he must have said something, maybe he took it as a bullshit.

When he went downstairs, the phone rang. He guessed it was Pan Zhi, but when he took it out, he saw an unfamiliar number.

"Hello?" He answered the phone.

"Jiang Cheng, right? You have some goods, come and pick them up." The other side said.

Jiang Cheng was stunned for a while before he could react, and then asked, the other party was not a courier, but a logistics, and he had to pick it up himself. After asking for the address, he asked where the item came from, and then hung up the phone.

It was sent by my mother, and it should be all the messy things in his house.

Before coming, I prepared a bank card for him, and now I have sent all his things carefully, but I have not contacted him again.

He didn't know whether to thank his mother or hate her.

But the mood is not bad. It seems that he has started to feel a little numb in the past few days. When he thinks about it, his heart will twitch for a while, but it will soon pass.

He walked back slowly. Li Baoguo was definitely not at home at this time. He might still be eating alone at night. He pondered while walking, and finally decided to eat some dumplings.

Just near Li Baoguo, there was a small square with many restaurants. Jiang Cheng passed by while walking, and it was quite lively. There was a dumpling restaurant that looked very clean.

He was going to the square to cross a small dry bridge. When Jiang Cheng was about to reach the bridge, he glanced over there, and his footsteps paused.

The snow stopped at noon, and the sun was good all afternoon. Although the sun had already set, half of the sky still had a golden light that spreads like a vein.

A small bridge is also dyed with warm colors.

At this moment, Jiang Cheng felt quite calm in his heart, all the stuffiness brought about by this chaotic day had all dissipated.

He quickened his pace and walked over to the bridge. If he had come half an hour earlier, it would have been more beautiful here.

This is probably the most beautiful place I have seen in this small broken city for so many days.

There were not many people on the bridge. When he walked close to the middle of the bridge, he saw someone holding a camera in front of him, probably taking pictures of the bridge and the sky.

Look at the side... No, just look at the legs.

It was Gu Fei.

It was no surprise to recognize Gu Feilai, but what was unexpected was that Gu Fei, who had been absent from school all afternoon, would be here with a camera and camera bag that looked professional.

No wonder he refused to lend the camera to Zhou Jing.

Jiang Cheng hesitated whether to go over or go to the other side and pretend he didn't see Gu Fei, anyway, the two of them didn't have much to say.

Just when he was about to take a step, Gu Fei had probably finished filming and turned around and walked towards him.

At this time, it was impossible to pretend that he couldn't see, Jiang Cheng sighed and walked over to meet him.

Just when he was about to say hello and have nothing to say, Gu Fei saw him, and after a pause he raised the camera in his hand towards him.

Jiang Cheng was shocked before he could raise his hand to cover his face when he heard the sound of the shutter.


Your uncle's three-flowered cat!