Chapter 91


Put the money in Gu Fei's place and save it, and when Gu Fei needs the money in the future, it's more logical to say that you can use my stuff first, rather than saying that I have the money here, and it's easier for Gu Fei to accept it.

The money on his own card is almost enough. In the end, the tuition fees and living expenses for less than a year, plus the fees for the first year of university, are basically enough, and the extra money can be given to Gu Fei.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, Gu Fei saw through this small plan. Gu Fei didn’t explain it thoroughly, but he didn’t continue to talk about it, and Jiang Cheng couldn’t bring it up again.

In the evening, Gu Fei had to retouch pictures, so he couldn't go to the rental house to "review with him". Jiang Cheng stood at the intersection, looking at Gu Fei, and Gu Miao, who was riding a skateboard beside him, a little lost.

Everyone has their own stories, whether they are sad or happy or helpless. If you don't get in touch with them deeply, you will never know what is in the hearts of the people who pass by, and whether there are sighs in the windows with the lights on.

Gu Fei turned his head several times and waved at him, indicating that the spectacle could be over. He stood still the whole time.

Until Gu Fei called him and said, "Are you flashing your waist?"

"No," Jiang Cheng smiled, "Can't I just watch it for a while?"

"You can see that I won't be able to walk," Gu Fei said, "Go back, don't you still want to read a book?"

"You said that," Jiang Cheng sighed, "I suddenly feel very nervous."

"Then I won't talk about it," Gu Fei said, "Just watch for a while, I still have five meters to turn around."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Cheng smiled and continued to look at Gu Fei's figure, who had almost lost sight of him. When Gu Fei turned the corner, he waved his arm at him again, like a blowing kiss.

Jiang Cheng looked to see that there was no one left or right, then waved his arms and blew a kiss back.

Back in the room, Jiang Cheng felt like a robot that moved regularly. He took a shower, cleaned up, sat at the desk, finished his homework, and then started reading and reviewing according to the plan in his mind.

Questions to do, books to memorize, he didn't list the review plan like many people, he just kept it in his mind, what to do every day, what to do yesterday, where is the problem, what to do today, what to do Can stay until tomorrow...

In the opened book, the Daozi marked out in various colors are like a codebook. Only you know what each color means, as well as the notebook.

Jiang Cheng opened his notebook, his notes were very brief, and he only made a reminder for many of the contents, and he only needed to remind himself if he thought about it, and then added this word... His notes will probably be white after graduation. No one wants to send it, Heavenly Book.

This word.

While Jiang Cheng endorsed the letter, he casually wrote it on the paper, and wrote down some key words along the lines of his train of thought, as if he were practicing calligraphy.

To say this word, there is still some progress. At least now he can control himself not to scribble when the handwriting is so ugly.

One stroke at a time, although it is ugly, at least one can recognize what it is.

On the table was a notebook that Gu Fei forgot to take away. Jiang Cheng took it over and opened it. Gu Fei’s so-called notebook was basically a new blank notebook. Every subject put this notebook on the table and pretended to be To be regarded as a little face to the teacher.

If he remembered correctly, Gu Fei had been using this book since last semester, and now... it has only used seven or eight pages, with about ten lines of writing on each page.

Jiang Cheng had never flipped through Gu Fei's notebook before, and it was the first time today that he could see what Gu Fei had written in the notebook, and he was happy just after reading a sentence.

Lao Lu's voice was like a bell, more refreshing than the bell after class.


Very sleepy, sleepy, sleepy, sleepy.

Can't get past this.

Li Yan surpassed 12 levels and was a scumbag.

Forgot to bring power bank.

Eat pie.

Don't eat noodles, don't eat noodles, don't eat noodles.

Population reproduction, population replacement, births, deaths

Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows, and was a little surprised that he actually saw something related to the content of the class. He probably wrote it down when he was lying on the table doing nothing.

But just this sentence, and this sentence is followed by a mess of lines drawn with a pen. At first glance, it seems to be distracted and subconsciously scribbled.

After appreciating Gu Fei's "notes", Jiang Cheng stretched his back and continued to endorse.

I felt that Gu Fei should be encouraged to write more notes like this. After reading it, he felt in a good mood and refreshed. When he was resting, he glanced at it. I guess it would not be a problem to sit here until three o'clock in the evening.

Gu Fei pushed his head forward, and his entire face was firmly pressed onto the keyboard.

"Fuck!" he scolded, his nose was sore, he couldn't help it for a long time.

Usually, he wouldn't be so sleepy after editing pictures until the middle of the night. Today, he fell asleep with the mouse in his hand, and he slept so deeply that when his face hit the keyboard, he was completely devoted.

But this kind of sleepiness is different from being drowsy during class and falling asleep immediately if you don't play your phone. It's not the same sleepiness that you have to accompany Gu Miao on a skateboard or quarrel with your mother after a tired day. Not the same.

Probably the kind of relaxation after venting.

After his nose came over, he touched the keyboard again. With such a straight and handsome nose, he might have smashed the keyboard.

Today is indeed... It's a vent, it's the first time in so many years that he has expressed his true thoughts to people, and it's the first time that he has cried so unreservedly and unreservedly in front of people, even though he was "forced" by Jiang Cheng. Yes, but still felt a sudden burst of relaxation.

It's like when you are hurling, you don't know if you can jump over, if you will fall on the opposite side, or downstairs, and you don't know if you will be safe when you land, or if you will break your leg.

Taking a step is the hardest, jumping out is suddenly easy, and all the guesswork about what's going to happen is gone.

Speaking is the hardest, once the first sentence is uttered, there is no burden.

There is still no solution about the future, and the idea that he may just add trouble to the other party is also cleared up.

Tomorrow... Gu Fei took out his mobile phone and clicked on the Post Bar of No. 4 Middle School. After hesitating for a while, he closed it again. There is no need to wait until tomorrow. Starting this afternoon, the Post Bar should have already exploded.

The people of No. 4 Middle School are very idle every day, and various discussions emerge endlessly every day. Even when the teacher is in a relationship, someone will post a bet on whether it will be divided and how long it will be divided.

News such as "Gu Fei can compose music" is estimated to be discussed for a week.

When he left the auditorium today, he thought about Jiang Cheng’s reaction. He didn’t want to disappoint Jiang Cheng, but he was sighed by people in the post bar. When he came over, he still couldn't sit still.

Gu Fei is so arrogant! Gu Fei is actually so good!

The feeling of being constantly reminded is really uncomfortable, and he has been accustomed to avoiding his eyes for so many years, and the moment the four words of composer Gu Fei jumped out, he had a kind of panic that was torn apart.

Without thinking about how Jiang Cheng would feel if he saw him leave, he escaped from the auditorium almost at the same time.

He knew how long Jiang Cheng had been preparing for this show and how hard he had been preparing, but he didn't dare to imagine how disappointed Jiang Cheng would be when he saw his empty seat at a glance.

When Jiang Cheng yelled at him by the river, he didn't have the slightest bit of anger, and he didn't have the slightest bit of unhappiness, just helpless and distressed.

I feel distressed that Jiang Cheng wanted to grab him as if he wanted to hold on to the last bit of support, but he couldn't always get the sense of security that would make his heart truly land.

He sighed lightly, took his phone and checked the time, it was 12 o'clock, Xueba must be immersed in the great project of reviewing and preparing for the exam.

He plans to send a message to Xueba at 1 o'clock.

The door of the living room rang. Mom came back. Gu Fei was a little surprised. Ordinarily, at this time, Mom should have spent the night at a certain boyfriend's house.

He frowned, put down his phone and walked out of the bedroom.

Mom was changing her shoes at the door, and when she heard him coming out, she didn't look up: "You haven't slept yet?"

"Well," Gu Fei looked at her, "I thought you weren't coming back?"

"Where can I go if I don't come back!" Mom said angrily, grabbed her bag and went to the bedroom.

Gu Fei glanced at her face and grabbed her arm: "What's wrong with your face?"

"It's nothing," Mom started, "you can do your own thing."

Gu Fei didn't say a word, he reached out and pulled her hair out: "Your boyfriend beat him?"

"Oops!" Mom threw her arm abruptly, broke free from his hand, turned and pushed open the bedroom door, "Why do you care so much!"

When Gu Fei followed him, his mother had already closed the door, and he twisted it twice but didn't open it.

"You," Gu Fei suppressed his voice, "haven't been beaten enough by men!"

There was no response in the room, it was quiet.

"Have you been beaten stupid!" Gu Fei couldn't describe his feelings, "Open the door!"

The door opened, and my mother stood inside, pointing at him: "You say it again!"

Mom put her hair behind her ears, and the wound on her face became clearer.

"I asked if you haven't been beaten enough by men!" Gu Fei said.

Mom didn't speak, and a slap slapped him in the face: "What did you say!"

Gu Fei could dodge this mother's slap, but he didn't, the slap slapped his face with a crisp sound.

"What did you say!" Tears began to form in the mother's eyes.

"I'm asking you if you haven't been beaten enough by men." Gu Fei repeated it again, his face was a little hot, but the scars on his mother's face appeared in his heart, and the fear brought by those pictures that would never be forgotten in a lifetime is far away. Far more than this subtle feeling on the face.

"How did I know he would hit me!" Mom burst out crying, "He treated me so well before! How did I know he would do it!"

"Don't you have eyes? Can't you see people? Do you have no judgment? Do you need him to beat you to know that he is not a good person?" Gu Fei asked a series of questions, his voice trembling, "How old are you? You're not a teenager anymore, you can't always be such a girl, can you? Girls also have judgment!"

"What happened to my girl!" Mom gave him a shove, "What happened to my girl! I've been with your dad since I was a girl! I've never been a girl! He's dead! Can't I be a girl! I want a girl! I want a girl for a lifetime! If he dies, it's over! Who will pay for the time of my girls! Who will pay!"

Gu Fei looked at her without speaking.

"I asked you before, right?" Mom also looked at him, "You said I'll pay myself, right? Then I'll pay myself! Isn't it? I'll pay myself!"

Gu Fei stared at her for a long time, and finally turned around and walked away, preparing to go back to his room.

"Da Fei," his mother called to him from behind, "Da Fei."

He turned around.

"Are you fed up with me?" Mom asked.

"Yes." Gu Fei replied.

"You would have left me and left, if there were no Ermiao," my mother wiped her tears, "you left me long ago, if I didn't have a boyfriend, I would be alone sooner or later, and I would be alone when I die. old lady."

Gu Fei did not make a sound, but remained silent.

How important is security to people? How much will the need for security that you hide in your heart or that you don't feel at all have an impact on a person

He sighed and opened his arms.

The mother came and threw herself into his arms, crying softly.

He patted his mother on the back: "Don't cry, go wash in a while, and stop dealing with that person."

Mom didn't speak.

"If you don't want to break up with him," Gu Fei said, "don't say that every one of your boyfriends was beaten away by me."

Mom pushed him away, stared at him for a while, then turned around and went into the toilet.

Gu Fei hadn't washed up yet, and when he returned to the bedroom and sat in front of the table, he almost didn't want to stand up again, let alone wash up. After finishing the picture in a while, he walked from here to the bed and he didn't want to move anymore.

Sitting in front of the computer and looking at a picture for at least five minutes, he remembered what he wanted to do, and when he took the mouse, he suddenly admired Jiang Cheng.

No matter what kind of situation Jiang Cheng is in, he can enter the review state in a very short period of time. Even if it is an afternoon like today, he can be sure that Jiang Cheng is definitely thinking about nothing at the moment, only the book in front of him. and information.

Such a person is simply too cool.

He smiled, clicked the mouse, and the computer desktop was exposed. Jiang Cheng's face that dragged heaven appeared in front of him.

Change it about once a week. The photos of Jiang Cheng that he kept privately, at this rate, they can be exchanged for the college entrance examination next year.

He stared at the photos for a while, then picked up the mouse again and started to work. These photos had to be handed in tomorrow. Since he always went to Jiang Cheng's place to review with him, the work of retouching pictures had to be pushed to a dead end.

These photos must be completed and handed in tonight. In exchange, he would usually miss half a day of class and finish it at home slowly, but tomorrow he will go to school.

If he wants to skip class, it’s not tomorrow. If he doesn’t go tomorrow, Jiang Cheng will definitely think it’s because of “Gu Fei’s composition”.

At one o'clock, he picked up his mobile phone and wanted to send a message to Jiang Cheng, but as soon as he picked it up, the phone vibrated, and a message came in and it belonged to Jiang Cheng.

- try to see if there is a nerve left for me

Gu Fei replied with a smile.

- haven't slept yet, all the nerves are left to you

- haven't slept so late

- Make a picture and then fall asleep after a while. Have you finished reading the book

-Well, do you have time for the video

Gu Fei sent a video request to go there, and Jiang Cheng quickly accepted it.

When Jiang Cheng's face appeared on the screen, Gu Fei suddenly felt that the mood that had been completely disturbed by his mother just now calmed down.

Jiang Cheng is truly a panacea.

Sleeping, aphrodisiac, calming, refreshing…

All emotional demands can be resolved by Jiang Cheng.

"Are you ready to sleep?" Gu Fei leaned back on the chair and smiled.

"Well, I will sleep listening to English for a while." Jiang Cheng said.

"Can I still fall asleep then?" Gu Fei asked.

"Yes, it's almost like hypnosis, you fell asleep listening to it," Jiang Cheng yawned, "How long will it take you to finish the picture?"

"Half an hour." Gu Fei looked at Jiang Cheng's neck.

Jiang Cheng leaned his head up against the back of the chair, and the line drawn by his neck was very… refreshing.

"Then you can do it, tomorrow..." Jiang Cheng hesitated, "Are you going to school?"

"Go," Gu Fei nodded, "but you have to call me when you get up, I'm afraid I won't get up."

"Okay," Jiang Cheng smiled immediately, "I'll be waiting for you early."

"Are you entertaining?" Gu Fei asked.

"I ask." Jiang Cheng nodded.

"Okay," Gu Fei glanced at the time, "then go to sleep first."

"Wait a minute," Jiang Cheng sat up straight, "Then what... I want to see you."

"...You haven't seen me for so long?" Gu Fei was a little surprised, and glanced at the phone again, his face was very clear on the small screen.

"Look at the collarbone." Jiang Cheng said.

"Oh," Gu Fei suddenly became happy. He didn't stop laughing for a long time. He raised his hand and took off his clothes, "Is the collarbone enough? There are other things that you can buy one for free."

Jiang Cheng smiled and said nothing.

Gu Fei turned the camera towards himself, from the face to the neck to the collarbone all the way down, and when he reached his stomach, he asked, "Do you still need it?"

"...No need," Jiang Cheng said, "If it affects sleep further, I have to recite English in my sleep..."

Before Jiang Cheng could finish speaking, Gu Fei quickly opened his pants and used the camera to face him: "Xiao Xiaofei, say hello to Brother Cheng."

"I'm fucking your uncle, Gu Fei!" Jiang Cheng shouted from there, "You fucking shameless bastard!"

Gu Fei took the phone and laughed hard: "I'm relying on you to scold me and you still scold my boyfriend? Will your conscience not hurt?"

"... It hurts your uncle!" Jiang Cheng fell on the pillow and pointed at the camera, "You influence my review, do you understand?"

"Really?" Gu Fei said, "Then I will interview you tomorrow morning. Did you dream of English or me?"

Although I'm in a good mood, I'm very efficient at work, but because I didn't do serious work with my boyfriend every day before, so there was a lot of pressure, and it was three o'clock when I was done.

Gu Fei usually takes about half an hour to fall asleep. Today, when he fell on the pillow, it was as if he had been punched. He felt that he lost consciousness as soon as he closed his eyes.

He never dreamed of English in his dreams, but Jiang Cheng didn't even dream about it that night, he only heard the ringing of his mobile phone.

"Fuck." Gu Fei rolled over, if he didn't dream at night, he would feel as if he had slept all night in vain. When he closed his eyes, it was time to open them.

The call was from Jiang Cheng, and before Gu Fei answered the phone, Jiang Cheng’s voice came over, “Gu Fei, are you awake?”

"Wake up," Gu Fei sat up, and although he was still a little dazed and not fully awake, he could still hear that Jiang Cheng's voice was not in the cheerful tone he usually had when calling early, "What's wrong?"

"Li Hui was downstairs and brought a few people with him," Jiang Cheng said, "I don't know how he got here. I guess he doesn't know which floor I live on, so he didn't come up, but it's downstairs."

"I'll go over immediately," Gu Fei jumped out of bed, "How did you find him downstairs?"

"He called me," Jiang Cheng sounded very irritated, "I already said that I don't want anything from Li Baoguo, everything has nothing to do with me, why is he not finished yet?"

"He didn't say why he was looking for you?" Gu Fei ran into the toilet, and before he had time to brush his teeth, he used a certain boyfriend he met on his mother's journey to find a girl to fool her into buying a box of mouthwash and rinsed it. .

"Ask me for Li Baoguo's passbook," Jiang Cheng said, "Don't come here, I'll go straight down, I'm the most fucking annoying of this kind of entangled fool."

"Wait for me." Gu Fei didn't even bother to wash his face, and ran out the door with his shirtless.

Li Baoguo didn't have any bankbooks, not to mention, even if he did, he couldn't give it to Jiang Cheng.

The reason why Li Baoguo didn't deal with Li Hui all his life was that he cared about Li Hui in a way unique to steel mills, and Li Hui also responded to him in a way unique to steel mills.

Li Hui himself knew this very well. He didn't really find the bankbook when he looked to Jiang Cheng, probably just to ask for money.

Jiang Cheng was a child who grew up in a big city, and his family conditions were okay. He had a card given by his adoptive parents. As long as Li Baoguo knew about this, Li Hui would know.

A person like Li Hui is like a piece of chewing gum that has softened.

Jiang Cheng couldn't deal with him. If he wanted to deal with him, he would have to be the steel mill bully...

Gu Fei didn't ride a bicycle, he just pushed his motorcycle out and drove towards the rental house.

The author has something to say:

The keyboard will light up o(≧口≦)o. The black hair essence shouted loudly.

w(゜Д゜)w 嘤. Said the black-haired fairy.

Kneeling ! . The black-haired little essence said.