Chapter 95


Jiang Cheng didn't want to answer this call, since he came here, no, it should be said that after he knew that he was adopted, he felt that it was difficult to face Shen Yiqing again, and he was unwilling to face Shen Yiqing again.

There was no major conflict between him and that family, but the various disciplines that were almost harsh since he was a child, the atmosphere so cold that he couldn't really relax when he went home, plus the hidden secrets of Li Baoguo in his own body The imprint... Maybe because of these, he probably entered the so-called rebellious period since elementary school, and he has been "rebellious" until he finally left, never ending his rebelliousness.

He didn't know what the atmosphere of the family was like when he was not at home, but as soon as he entered the door, he could feel irritable, and subconsciously exploded with thorns all over his body.

His home gave him warmth and relaxation, far less than Pan Zhi's home where his parents played mahjong for most of the week.

Apart from his academic performance, he probably has nothing to satisfy his parents anymore. His relationship with his parents is like being forced to participate in a war directed by them, but he has never won a victory.

Therefore, he has always attached great importance to his grades. No matter how "dirty" he is usually, he will go all out when facing exams. In the more than ten years of "war", this is his only stronghold.

But the last explosive dispute broke the last trace of his relationship with the family.

Before, he always thought that Dad... Jiang Wei's pneumonia hospitalization had nothing to do with him, but it just happened to happen after the dispute they almost fought, and the content of the dispute was nothing more than an absence from school. It came down to his own head and he was full of anger.

Now that I think about it, maybe it's not entirely irrelevant.

Maybe it is because of the long-term depression, the adopted children have never been integrated into the family, and they will always resist like a time bomb under their education, and they will be very tired.

Jiang Cheng took the cell phone with the black screen by the bed, and remained silent.

If he didn't know that he was not biological, and if he hadn't come back here, he might have continued to struggle in that house fearlessly and resisted violently as before.

Now it seems that a story has finally escaped. When standing on the side and looking back at the past, whether it is his own behavior or the behavior of everyone in the family, it seems that there is an answer.

The phone rang again, still Shen Yiqing.

Jiang Cheng held the phone and looked at it for a while, swiped his finger on the screen, and picked up the phone: "Hello?"

"Xiao Cheng?" There was Shen Yiqing's voice.

"Yes." Jiang Cheng replied.

Gu Fei got up and walked out of the bedroom, gently closing the bedroom door.

Jiang Cheng leaned on the back of the chair. In fact, counting the time, the time without contact was not too long, and the voice of Shen Yiqing over there actually became a little unfamiliar.

He suddenly felt a little disappointed. He wanted to be intimate, but he had not succeeded after more than ten years. He wanted to become more unfamiliar, but it was so simple.

"How are you now?" Shen Yiqing asked.

"Very good." Jiang Cheng replied.

"Then... what about Li Baoguo?" Shen Yiqing asked again.

Jiang Cheng frowned, he didn't want Shen Yiqing to know about this, he was afraid to be asked again, what happened, why, and then...

Before waiting for Jiang Cheng's answer, Shen Yiqing said again, "Did he... commit suicide?"

"En." Jiang Cheng responded.

"What's going on?" Shen Yiqing's voice could imagine her frowning.

"I don't know," Jiang Cheng closed his eyes, "He has lung cancer and has no money to treat it."

Shen Yiqing was silent for a while before speaking again: "Does it have anything to do with you?"

"What?" Jiang Cheng was stunned.

"He committed suicide, does it have anything to do with you?" Shen Yiqing asked.

"Fuck me?" Jiang Cheng was very shocked.

Shen Yiqing sighed dissatisfied with his swear words from the receiver: "Tell me the truth, although you are not at this house now, but..."

"What am I telling the truth?" Jiang Cheng felt that he had probably memorized the book all night, and now his mind is a little sluggish, Shen Yiqing's question, he couldn't think of any logic, "What am I telling the truth? What kind of truth do you want to hear? ?"

"Xiao Cheng," Shen Yiqing said, "your brother called me."

"Who the fuck is my brother!" Jiang Cheng roared, the chaos of understanding everything and not being able to figure out anything made him instantly feel like he wanted to blow up.

"Calm down!" Shen Yiqing also raised his voice, "I don't want to hear you yelling hysterically!"

It's not surprising that Li Hui called Shen Yiqing.

What Li Hui said to Shen Yiqing, I don't know, it's not surprising what they said.

No matter what Li Hui said, Shen Yiqing didn't believe it.

But the reason for Jiang Cheng's sudden explosion was that Shen Yiqing didn't believe him either.

Her call was just to verify.

Why did Li Baoguo commit suicide less than a year after returning home

Why did Li Hui call and say...

"Okay, I'll calm down." Jiang Cheng took a deep breath and touched his body. He didn't find any cigarettes. He got up and went over to open the bedroom door.

Gu Fei was standing by the living room window looking at the moon when he heard the door slam and turned his head.

Jiang Cheng walked over, took out a cigarette case from his pocket, took a cigarette and held it in his mouth. Gu Fei took out a lighter and helped him light it.

"Can you tell me what Li Hui said first?" Jiang Cheng turned around and went back to the bedroom, closing the door.

"You..." Shen Yiqing should have heard the sound of the lighter, and also heard what he said with a cigarette in his mouth.

"I'm smoking," Jiang Cheng said, "I'm sorry, I can't help it now."


This is probably what he said the most at home before. Every time he failed to "occupy the high ground", he would put this sentence out first.

It has been a long time and the number of times has been increased, and the word "sorry" sometimes even brought an angry aura in his heart. Just like that day at the riverside, he shouted a series of sorry at Gu Fei as if venting, just like now He would say sorry to Shen Yiqing full of irritability.

Sorry, on some occasions, it has become his way of expressing his emotions.

Somewhat ridiculous.

"Li Hui said you took Li Baoguo's 30,000 yuan," Shen Yiqing said without further detours, "Is Li Baoguo's life-saving money real?"

Although Jiang Cheng could almost guess what Li Hui said, it was nothing more than money, money, money, but when he heard Shen Yiqing say it suddenly, he still felt a block in his heart.

There was some buzzing in his head, and his chest was stuffy, which made him suddenly want to laugh.

Immediately, he felt nauseated, and the strong feeling of wanting to vomit made him quickly pick up the cup on the table and take a few sips of cold water.

"It's not like you have never had contact with Li Baoguo," Jiang Cheng took a breath and controlled his emotions, "You should know what kind of person he was when he adopted me, when he retired me."

Shen Yiqing did not speak.

"If he doesn't say 30,000 yuan, could he put the money where I can get it?" Jiang Cheng took two puffs of his cigarette, "Even if you don't know what kind of person he is, you can support him anyway. I have been with me for seventeen years, and a dog should know when it will bite and when it will wag its tail!"

"Xiao Cheng," Shen Yiqing sighed, "I know that I ask this, you feel uncomfortable, but some things must be asked clearly, so that I can judge where I should stand."

"I haven't touched his money. It doesn't matter to me if he committed suicide. I gave him the money when he was sick. When he died, Li Hui asked me for the money, and I gave it as well." Jiang Cheng said.

When he said this, he was suddenly very aggrieved, and his nose was a little sore.

Facing this woman he had called mother for seventeen years, he needed to explain to her the fact that he thought she should be very clear.

Although Shen Yiqing was such a person, at this moment, Jiang Cheng was once again deeply disappointed.

Or he is too naive, he naively and wishful thinking that the "mother-son" relationship of more than ten years will still exist more or less, and if the mother wants to "stand in a certain position", it does not need any truth and truth, choose Believing in your own child is like a conditioned reflex.

But there is no such conditioned reflex between Shen Yiqing and him, Shen Yiqing needs a "fact" to decide which side to stand on.

Jiang Cheng could understand it, but it was difficult to accept it.

It took him a long time to forcibly stop thinking about it, and those entanglements about the past ten years that he no longer entangled in, were turned over again.

"Xiao Cheng, in fact, although you... But I still don't think you can touch his money," Shen Yiqing said. "It's just that Li Hui said it so truthfully that he even cried, that's why I asked you to ask first."

"It's alright," Jiang Cheng smiled, "You don't know the people here too well. If you two face each other, he might even cut your watch to clear your innocence."

"Where do you live now? Have you moved out?" Shen Yiqing asked.

"I rented a house myself." Jiang Cheng replied.

Shen Yiqing sighed softly and remained silent for a long time. Jiang Cheng felt that he had already guessed what she wanted to say, and he was hesitating. After all, this was the only person in his mind who could associate the word "mother" together. He still understands.

"I'm fine now," he put out the cigarette butt in the ashtray, "I'm just… just here."

"You're alone..." Shen Yiqing said hesitantly.

Jiang Cheng interrupted her: "I'm not alone."

I am a dog.

He tried so hard to control himself that he didn't say the latter sentence.

But suddenly I wanted to laugh.

Then he laughed.

"What's so funny?" Shen Yiqing was inexplicably laughed at by him, and his tone was obviously unpleasant, "Why are you still so casual about your life?"

"Random?" Jiang Cheng smiled, "No, I don't treat my life casually at all. I now know very well what I need and what I don't need."

"Okay," Shen Yiqing probably didn't want to talk to him any more, "if you think so, I won't interfere."

"Thank you." Jiang Cheng said.

"I'll ask one last thing," Shen Yiqing regained his composure, "you just said you're not alone?"

"Well," Jiang Cheng glanced at the closed bedroom door, "I'm not alone now."

I am a dog.

Jiang Cheng didn't know what was wrong with him, his mind was like glue, and he couldn't get over this stalk no matter what.

Although he was very irritable and annoyed, he still wanted to laugh, he wanted to laugh so much that he had to bite his lip and control himself not to laugh like he had taken the wrong medicine again.

"Did you have a girlfriend?" Shen Yiqing asked.


Puppy love.

These Shen Yiqings have never explicitly mentioned the prohibition to him, but from Shen Yiqing's comments on Pan Zhi, who has always been in various "puppy love", she can see her attitude.

Jiang Cheng stood up and walked to the bedroom window, looking at the lonely and forgotten outside, and now he began to bring on a slightly autumnal night scene, and suddenly had the urge to shake off all the restraints on his body.

Although he didn't even know what the restraint was, he still wanted to yell, to rip off his clothes, to jump out, and to just walk away.

"No," he looked at the particularly round moon tonight, closed his eyes and took a breath, "I have a boyfriend."

He couldn't hear what kind of reaction Shen Yiqing was over there, and he didn't want to hear it. He only felt that in his mind, in his body, and in those interlaced shadows that had become strangely dark outside because of the bright moonlight, all were Howling wind.

It made him feel comfortable all over.

"Thank you for raising me for so many years and putting so much thought into it," Jiang Cheng closed his eyes, "but I didn't bring you any joy, I'm very sorry, but there's no way to remedy it, so many things have happened over the years. , I can't make it up, I'm sorry, don't worry about me in the future, I will be fine, no matter where I am, I have my own way to prove my meaning."

What Shen Yiqing said, he couldn't hear it because the wind was too strong.

"Change your phone number, I really don't want you to be harassed by that scoundrel because of me again, don't tell me the number," Jiang Cheng said, "Also, just this time, I hope you can trust me, I really can have a good time.”

When the bedroom door opened, Gu Fei was about to light a cigarette. He had already teleported back and forth between the bedroom door and the window at the speed of light seven or eight times.

Every time I thought that Jiang Cheng was about to come out, I hurried back to the window and pretended to light a cigarette with a calm expression on my face. Seeing that there was no movement, I went over to listen again, and then went back to the window and pretended to light a cigarette.

But this time he really wanted to light a cigarette, and Jiang Cheng finally came out.

He also carried the thermos pot with chicken wings.

"Have you finished calling?" Gu Fei put the cigarette and lighter on the table next to him.

"Well," Jiang Cheng nodded, "I just forgot to put the lid on, it seems a little cold, can you warm it up?"

"Give it to me," Gu Fei took the thermos pot, "Put it in the pot and it will heat up."

Jiang Cheng followed him into the kitchen, leaning against the wall and watching him busy.

He took a small pot and washed it in the sink, then poured the chicken wings into it and placed it on the stove to heat, Jiang Cheng just leaned against the wall without saying a word.

He didn't ask, the reason why Shen Yiqing made this call was very clear, because Li Hui called and no one would be in a good mood for this kind of conversation.

"Starting today." Jiang Cheng said suddenly, his voice very calm.

"Ah." Gu Fei turned his head.

Jiang Cheng's entire person's state was very serious, and it seemed that he had made a major decision from his expression.

"I have to go to bed an hour later every day." Jiang Cheng said.

"Ah?" Gu Fei didn't react, "Why do you sleep an hour late?"

"Review." Jiang Cheng said.

"...Oh!" Gu Fei never thought that what Jiang Cheng was going to say would be such a major decision, and he didn't know how to respond, "Oh!"

"You also go to bed later, help me pull my back, it's fine until 1 o'clock." Jiang Cheng said.

"Okay." Gu Fei nodded.

"It's hard work," Jiang Cheng patted his shoulder, "Xiao Gu."

Gu Fei quickly reached out and touched his forehead, but there was no fever.

"What's wrong, Xiao Gu?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"...Nothing, Xiao Jiang," Gu Fei said, "the chicken wings will be hot right away, can you drink a bottle of milk later?"

"Okay." Jiang Cheng nodded, turned around and went back to the bedroom.

Then Gu Fei heard Jiang Cheng's particularly happy laughter in the bedroom.

He hesitated, turned off the fire, and entered the bedroom.

Jiang Cheng was lying on the bed, unable to stop laughing.

"Are you okay, little Jiang?" Gu Fei knelt on the bed on one leg and touched his face.

"It's alright, I don't know what's wrong," Jiang Cheng smiled and looked at him, "I suddenly wanted to laugh, and I couldn't hold it back when I first called, I just wanted to laugh."

"Just laugh if you want," Gu Fei squeezed his chin, "It's time to review after laughing."

"En." Jiang Cheng nodded.

After laughing for another minute, Jiang Cheng suddenly stopped laughing and sat up with a frown. Before Gu Fei could speak, he jumped out of bed again and ran out without his shoes on.

"What's wrong?" Gu Fei shouted.

"Spit!" Jiang Cheng ran into the toilet.

When Gu Fei followed the toilet, Jiang Cheng had already bent over to support the wall, and vomited into the toilet.

He hurriedly went back to the bedroom to get Jiang Cheng's cup, twisted the towel and waited beside him.

"Fuck," Jiang Cheng vomited for several minutes before recovering, "What the hell am I doing?"

"I don't know," Gu Fei felt that it was okay after hearing what he said, and handed the towel over, "If you want to put it on the TV, your chest should be tight, your eyes will be black, and then a mouthful of old blood will come out, but you Now malnourished, I can only spit up what I just ate."

"Your uncle," Jiang Cheng rejoiced at the toilet, then stretched his voice and sighed, "Hey—"

"Brother Cheng," Gu Fei looked at him, "I'm a little worried."

"A little bit?" Jiang Cheng pressed the toilet to flush, then turned his head to look at him.

"I'm very worried." Gu Fei immediately changed his words.

"I'm really fine," Jiang Cheng leaned on the sink, turned on the faucet, and splashed water on his face, "I was just angry, I was really angry, but I didn't hold back. I later opened the seven meridians and eight meridians on my own. ."

"Did Li Hui call and say you took Li Baoguo's money?" Gu Fei asked.

"Well, because I took Li Baoguo's life-saving money, Li Baoguo committed suicide by jumping off the building," Jiang Cheng said while rinsing his mouth, "Gu Fei, do you know where Li Hui's family lives?"

"Going to find him?" Gu Fei was stunned.

"Well, look for him," Jiang Cheng said, "I want to remove all obstacles."

"What obstacle?" Gu Fei asked.

"The obstacle that affects my mood for reviewing." Jiang Cheng glanced at him.

"...Oh!" Gu Fei was speechless again and nodded vigorously.

Gu Fei always felt that Jiang Cheng was very calm, but his mood was still a little unstable.

Even if he used his amazing memory to get all the answers right, he was still not normal. For example, at 1:30 in the middle of the night, he had to ask Gu Fei to take him to Li Hui's house to identify him.

"Didn't you say it's not too far away? It's all on the site of your steel mill." Jiang Cheng said.

"En," Gu Fei responded, and took Jiang Cheng's coat from the cabinet and handed it to him, "Put it on, it's getting cold now."

"You also take one and put it on." Jiang Cheng said.

"Okay." Gu Fei took out another one, and the two put on their coats and went out.

At this moment, the wind at night can penetrate through the two clothes and blow on people. As soon as they go out, they both pull their jackets subconsciously.

There are no pedestrians or cars on the street. Walking along the road in the street lights that are on and off, there is a feeling of loneliness walking in a parallel space.

Li Hui's house is just ahead, in the low-rise buildings on the edge of the steel mill.

"It's in front," Gu Fei stopped and pointed, "The one with 7 written on it."

"En." Jiang Cheng also stopped and looked over there.

The wind blew a little hurriedly, Gu Fei leaned against him, and pressed his arm tightly.

"Actually, I just want to come and see," Jiang Cheng said softly, "I don't want to trouble Li Hui, I don't want to warn him, I don't want to scold him, I don't want to beat him, he doesn't deserve it, but I just want to come and have a look, it's to give myself peace of mind. Clear obstacles."

"En." Gu Fei responded.

"Just such a person," Jiang Cheng said, "That's it, I won't let myself be affected by these people anymore. From now on, I can't be disturbed anymore."

"En." Gu Fei rubbed his lower back.

"After all, I'm the one who wants to invite you to eat 800 pieces of noodles and add 200 pieces of meat," Jiang Cheng said, "I want to focus on nothing else."

"You can definitely do it." Gu Fei smiled.

Just when he was about to ask Jiang Cheng if he wanted to go for a walk elsewhere to relax his mind, there was a burst of shouting from Building 7. There were men yelling and women screaming. All shouted.

Jiang Cheng was stunned for a while, and wanted to take two steps over there to take a look. Gu Fei used his keen "steel mill radar" to pull Jiang Cheng into the shadow beside him.

As soon as I stood up, I saw a person rushing out of the 7th building over there.

A mass of white.

A naked man.

So wrapped in the wind and screaming and screaming, he rushed out.

"Li Hui." Gu Fei said.

Jiang Cheng frowned and did not speak.

A few people followed behind Li Hui, all wearing clothes.

A few people were still holding guys in their hands. In addition to the sticks, Jiang Cheng also saw a flashing metal light, maybe it was an iron stick, maybe it was a knife.

Except for the parts brought out of his mother's womb, Li Hui's whole body has nothing else. He just ran a few steps, and was thrown to the ground by the fully dressed person behind him.

Then it was submerged.

"I called the police! I called the police!" A woman screamed and ran out of the corridor, wearing only a pair of underwear and a vest.

The group of people surrounding Li Hui didn't seem to hear her words, and one person raised his hand and slammed it down.

"Let's go," Jiang Cheng turned his head, this way of playing, is to rush to kill people, "Go for a while."

"En." Gu Fei responded.

He walked a long way along the other road, and the chaotic voices behind him disappeared. Jiang Cheng raised his head and took a breath, and hummed softly, "I want to smash the confusion and walk through time..."

"Don't you say you only know one sentence?" Gu Fei asked with a smile.

"I lied to you," Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows, "I think, with you on the left shoulder..."

Gu Fei quickly moved from the right to his left, Jiang Cheng glanced at him, and continued with a smile: "The right shoulder..."

"Smile on the right shoulder." Gu Fei immediately moved back to the right, and followed him.