SAYE/Act Wildly

Chapter 10


"Fuck, what the hell are you filming!" Jiang Cheng cursed. Without Gu Miao's kid at this moment, it doesn't matter whether he is civilized or uncivilized.

Gu Fei didn't speak, but made several clicks at him.

Jiang Cheng felt that the unpleasant expressions on his face were probably frozen.

"I'm asking you!" He walked up to Gu Fei, reaching out to get the camera.

Gu Fei quickly took the camera back, "Two hundred and sixty-seven years old."

"What?" Jiang Cheng was stunned. "What two hundred and sixty... what?"

"Two hundred and sixty-seven." Gu Fei repeated.

"What is the age of two hundred and sixty-seven?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Xiao Ming's grandfather." Gu Fei said.

Jiang Cheng stared at him for 30 seconds, wondering if he was speechless or wanted to suppress that little urge to laugh.

Finally he pointed to Gu Fei's camera: "Give it to me, or delete it."

"Would you like to take a look first?" Gu Fei handed the camera over.

When Jiang Cheng took the camera, he was nervous and dead. He always felt that he had to fall to the ground accidentally, and then he looked at the bunch of buttons on the camera and was a little confused.

Let alone delete it, just look at the photo and don’t know where to click.

"Here." Gu Fei reached out and clicked on the camera, and a photo appeared on the screen.

A total of four, Jiang Cheng turned over one by one in silence.

He has never been interested in taking pictures. Whether it is taking pictures of himself or others, he would rather look at it with his eyes.

Although I usually think I'm handsome, I still get scared by the front camera a few times every time... I didn't expect Gu Fei's self in the camera to be quite that.

Quite reductive, huh.

He didn't have the ferocious expression that he was worried about, but looked a little impatient.

And the first one, he actually liked it very much.

Because the chaotic and bleak background was blurred, it gave a faint melancholy feeling, which made him drift through his mind—hometown elsewhere.

Needless to say, he who came to face the rays of the setting sun was so handsome.

After turning over a few photos of himself twice, he didn't know what to do.

"The button in the lower right corner is delete." Gu Fei said.

"I know." Jiang Cheng replied with some embarrassment.

It was me who said I wanted to delete it, but it was me who didn't want to delete it after seeing the photo. After all, I had never taken such a photo with feeling.

Last year, during the Chinese New Year, the whole family went to the photo studio to take a family portrait together. He thought it should be good, but when he saw the photo, he almost didn’t tear it up. After a quarrel, I didn't go home for two days...

It seemed that he was a little far away, and he took back his thoughts and looked at Gu Fei.

"You are very photogenic," Gu Fei said. "I want to keep it if you don't mind. I took a lot of pictures of my classmates and kept them all."

It's time for Gu Fei to take this step. Jiang Cheng hesitated for two seconds: "Why are you taking so many portraits?"

"It's fun," Gu Fei said.

"...Oh," Jiang Cheng nodded. Gu Fei admired Gu Fei's ability to make chat impossible every time. "Photography enthusiasts."

"I'll add you a friend later," Gu Fei took out his phone, "I have processed the photos and sent you a copy?"

Jiang Cheng wanted to refuse very much. I don't care about this stuff.

But when he opened his mouth, he nodded again: "Oh."

Oh, after holding the camera, I don't know what to do. Gu Fei didn't say anything, as if he was very comfortable with the embarrassment of being silent.

"Can I look at other photos?" Jiang Cheng asked. He really couldn't connect Gu Fei with this awesome professional camera.

"Look." Gu Fei said.

Many of the photos are of bridges and sunsets. From the light, you can see that Gu Fei has been here almost all afternoon, taking a lot of pictures. There are scenery and people walking on the bridge.

Jiang Cheng doesn't understand photography, but he can still tell if a picture looks good or not.

Gu Fei’s photos were taken very professionally, and the composition and color tone revealed a warm atmosphere. If it weren’t for others to stand at this place, the old north wind blowing, just looking at the photos would really be like sitting on the radiator. Comfortable like the sun.

Going forward, the photo should not be what it is today.

Many of the shots are street scenes.

Trees and old houses, snowdrifts and stray dogs, fallen leaves and the feet of pedestrians passing by... Things that are too ordinary to be seen every day but can be ignored.

Just when he felt that such a photo should be Gu Fei's style of taking pictures, a backlit photo of Gu Miao leaping across the air while bending over and holding a skateboard under bright sunlight made him utter an "ah".

"Huh?" Gu Fei was lying on the bridge railing and smoking, turning his head when he heard his movements.

"This picture really feels good, Gu Miao is so handsome," Jiang Cheng turned the photo to face Gu Fei, "Little Fei Xia."

Gu Fei smiled and said, "It was captured. She flew more than a dozen times to get this one."

Jiang Cheng stared at him two more eyes. Gu Fei is not easy to generalize. He usually looks like a terminator on the topic of flying immortals outside of my business, but when he is with Gu Miao, he may mention Gu. Miao will appear gentle again.

Especially kind.

Jiang Cheng thought of Gu Miao's woolen hat.

Brother Tzu's hand line...

This scene actually has a soundtrack.

But the soundtrack seems a bit inappropriate.

"Your phone rang," Gu Fei said.

"Oh." Jiang Cheng handed the camera back to him, and took out his cell phone with some embarrassment, wakeup...

"Cheng Cheng?" Li Baoguo's explosion sounded from there.

"What do you... call me?" Jiang Cheng had goose bumps one after another.

Gu Fei probably heard it, even though he turned his head away quickly, Jiang Cheng still saw a smile on his face facing him.


"Are you almost home?" Li Baoguo said, "Hurry back, your brothers and sisters are all back, waiting for you to eat!"

"Oh," Jiang Cheng was suddenly depressed. Not only did his plan to eat dumplings failed, but because he was once again pulled back into reality, he had to face the almost impossible intersection of his own life and now he has become a family member. Personally, he couldn't even move his legs immediately, "I see."

"Do you want to go back?" Gu Fei asked after putting the camera away.

"Yeah." Jiang Cheng replied. (End of this chapter)