SAYE/Act Wildly

Chapter 125


Although there is still a period of time before the New Year, because the people in the school are almost gone, the feeling of panic in the New Year can already be felt.

There is no one in the dormitory. The tables are all clean and tidy. Zhang Qiqi also carefully covered everyone's clothes with an old bed sheet to prevent dust from falling.

After doing this, it looks even more lonely.

Snowflakes fluttered out of the window. Jiang Cheng stood by the window and looked out. Except for a couple on the road in front of the building, no one could see anyone passing by. The boy dragged the girl’s box and walked out while chatting. .

Jiang Cheng opened the window, touched the cigarette case from Pan Zhi's pocket standing next to him, took out a cigarette and lighted it.

"Will I not bring enough clothes?" Pan Zhi sneezed with his head tilted when the north wind poured in. "I was wearing the thickest down jacket when I went back to see you."

"Not this time?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"I didn't bring it at all when I went home on November. Whoever wants it will have to go over," Pan Zhi said, "Forget it, if it doesn't work, buy it later."

Yeah, who wants it.

"Are you really okay if you don't go home for the New Year?" Jiang Cheng asked again.

Although he didn't think it was necessary, Pan Zhi insisted on not going home this winter vacation. He was very touched and disturbed. For his own affairs, his friends would accompany him for the New Year.

"It's okay. I didn't want to spend the New Year at home. I was very annoyed." Pan Zhi frowned. "Have I told you yet. Go home on eleventh. Everyone must gather together. When I hear about our school, then A bunch of people almost despise me beyond the Five Elements. Every one of them didn’t go to school. They all had a damn expression on how to spend so much money to go to such a school. It made me want to smoke one by one. ."

Jiang Cheng smiled and said nothing.

"My cousin, it's the one you've seen," Pan Zhi continued angrily, "that his mother our school is about the same as theirs."

"The one from the technical school?" Jiang Cheng said.

"Yeah." Pan Zhi nodded.

"Pick him!" Jiang Cheng said viciously.

"It must be pumped!" Pan Zhi also gritted his teeth.

A car came downstairs. Jiang Cheng was trying to see if Xu Xingzhi was driving when his cell phone rang.

"Come down." Xu Xingzhi said.

"Go." Jiang Cheng hung up the phone and patted Pan Zhi on the shoulder.

The two people left the dormitory with their luggage.

Jiang Cheng had very little luggage, so he had only two sets of changes and washes. The plan when he came here before was to bring some winter clothes back for the New Year, and bring spring and summer clothes back when school started.

Now that he is doing this, he hasn't figured out what to do when he arrives.

For that small rental house in the steel factory, do I need to renew the lease? Do I need to take the things there... If I do, there are a lot of things, books, clothes, pillows and quilts, he doesn’t know. How to take it, and where to put it.

After all, I lived there for more than a year.

But when I think about it, I think it's nothing. The home where he has lived for more than ten years was nothing more than a suitcase and a few cardboard boxes afterwards.


When he saw Zhao Jin sitting in the co-pilot, Jiang Cheng felt that Pan Zhi would definitely feel that his trip was worthwhile.

Since seeing Zhao Jin's selfie in his circle of friends on the day of the fight, Pan Zhi has been muttering: "The perfect combination of beauty and temperament like this, and it is very rare to see a free and easy girl."

"People are celibate." Jiang Cheng reminded him.

"Don't think of me so hungry, I just appreciate it." Pan Zhi said.

Jiang Cheng believed this, and Pan Zhi had talked about many girls, and the girls who expressed appreciation were as many as the sea, bright as stars.

"Sister," Pan Zhi went over and said hello quickly, carrying the luggage, and then put the luggage in the trunk and sat in the back seat, "I thought you weren't going."

"There was nothing wrong before," Zhao Jin said, "Go and join in the fun. Have you two eaten earlier?"

"Eat." Jiang Cheng also got into the car and closed the door.

"Then go straight away," Zhao Jin handed a cat bag on his lap back, "Come on, you two will be responsible for this uncle."

"A cat?" Pan Zhi took it.

"Well," Xu Xingzhi turned the car away, "my cat."

"Can you take it out?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Take it, it's very good." Xu Xingzhi smiled.

"It's called Fat Sheep, Fat Sheep, come on," Jiang Cheng opened the cat bag, reached in and tried to lift the cat out. He was stunned when he touched the cat with his hand. This long-haired white cat is his friend in Xu Xingzhi. The circle can be seen almost every day, but now I know why it is called Fat Sheep, "Damn it, this is too..."

He held the fat sheep out with both hands, and Pan Zhi was delighted when he saw it: "It's too fat, my god."

"The nickname is Pig." Zhao Jin said.

"There is no such nickname." Xu Xingzhi said.

"I have it now," Zhao Jin turned his head back, "Pig—"

When she turned her head, she was facing Pan Zhi who was sitting diagonally behind her. After the pig croak, Pan Zhi sighed, "Should I respond?"

Several people in the car laughed, Jiang Cheng followed and laughed for a while, then put the fat sheep in his arms and leaned against the car window and looked out.

The fat sheep is very good, and he will step on his face when he is in a bad mood. Anyway, he is holding it now, and it doesn't even move too much.

Jiang Cheng feels that running a cat can indeed reduce stress. He has been a little anxious since yesterday, wandering around the dormitory without any loss in his heart, not knowing what he is going to do.

Now holding the fat sheep, he slowly calmed down.

Maybe it's because now the car is driving, the car has passed the highway, and the place he is going has already been determined. There will be no changes, so he is at ease.

After getting on the high-speed, the speed of the car suddenly increased, and the feeling of smooth and high-speed made people suddenly feel a little trance.

Outside the window is the scenery that he has not seen several times back and forth, and in the car is the mood that he has not been back and forth several times. It is not clear whether he is eager, or uneasy, anticipating, or resisting.

There were a lot of cars going out. Jiang Cheng looked at the cars passing by. Some could see the people inside, some could not see clearly, some cars had only one person, and some cars were full.

Where do these people come from, where are they going, and what are they thinking about

What about us.

Jiang Cheng closed his eyes and was a little sleepy. In this kind of warm car, listening to the people next to him chatting, holding a fat dumpling in his arms is really easy to cultivate doze.

Driving there takes about the same time as a train, but from time to time on the road I have to stop and take a break, drink some water, use a toilet or something.

When parking at the rest stop, Jiang Cheng glanced at the fuel gauge: "Is it necessary to refuel later?" (End of this chapter)