SAYE/Act Wildly

Chapter 139


I love you.

These three words flashed in Jiang Cheng's mind countless times, appeared and ran away with desire and timidity.

Since childhood, he said that I love you is probably not even a rough figure, and even said to Pan Zhi an enhanced version, I fucking love you.

But these three words would only appear in jokes and ridicules for him. From the day he started to miss Gu Fei, he changed his mind and became serious and serious when he turned his head.

And it's heavy.

I love you.

He didn't know when and under what circumstances these three words could be spoken carefully.

He also thought that maybe these three words are not needed at all. What kind of feelings I have for you and how affectionate you are for me, just know what they are.


I love you.

Brilliant sunshine, vast grassland, between bright heaven and earth.

The handsome guy he used so much energy to like, riding on a black horse, dressed in gold, watched him say these three words.

There is no better time, no better place.

Nothing would make him more dizzy than this moment.

Jiang Cheng staggered backwards, another slippery foot did not clamp the horse's belly, and finally turned from the horse back to the sky, without looking away from Gu Fei's face.

He kept staring at Gu Fei.

It was this person, the person he wanted to be together forever, and he spoke just a second ago.

I love you.

I love you very much too.

Jiang Cheng was anxious when he watched Gu Fei throw the camera over and jumped off the horse. There are tens of thousands of cameras and tens of thousands of lenses!

For two poor students, stop living if you break it again!

Fortunately, in the next second he found that the camera was hanging around Gu Fei's neck.

He let out a sigh of relief, and lay flat on the grass, looking at the golden light, and the... handsome guy with long legs who ran over in a patch of gold.

Sweatpants with bars should be worn by him, that leg.


When Gu Fei jumped off his horse, his legs felt a little soft.

What made him breathe a sigh of relief was that Jiang Cheng's horse stopped after he fell and stood aside and didn't move any more.

Jiang Cheng's exercise function is also good. When he fell to the ground in this posture, he could make his body side a bit, and he did not directly hit the back of his head on the ground.


"Jiang Cheng!" He roared, and rushed forward two steps. After a few steps away from Jiang Cheng, he directly knelt down and slid to Jiang Cheng's side.

Jiang Cheng lay on the ground and didn't move. His heart lifted up, and he looked at Jiang Cheng nervously: "Brother Cheng? How are you?"

Don't have anything wrong. A confession scared his boyfriend into memory loss/paralysis/planting. He couldn't accept such things anyway.

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng replied, his eyes kept looking at him, but they were very clear.

"Where did you fall? Is there any pain? Is there any numbness? Do you feel any on your body?" Gu Fei asked in a series, "Can your fingers move?"

"Gu Fei, you..." Jiang Cheng looked at him, "Say it again?"

"What..." Gu Fei was stunned. Although he felt inexplicable, he quickly began to repeat, "Where did you fall? Does it hurt? Somewhere..."

"Fuck," Jiang Cheng said, "the previous sentence."

"Before?" Gu Fei only felt that his mind was completely messed up.

"I love you," Jiang Cheng hooked the corner of his mouth, his eyes narrowed to meet the sun, and he looked really like a cat, "Gu Fei, I love you too."

Gu Fei suddenly came back to his senses. Jiang Cheng's phrase "I love you" came too suddenly. Although he had already spoken first, Jiang Cheng responded, but at this moment he still felt that his blood was flowing a little bit too much. Unblocked.

"I love you, I love you, I love you..." He said a series of words for a long time, "Jiang Cheng, do you have any pain?"

"Why did you fall down!" The uncle at the front rode back back on his horse, jumped off his horse and yelled, "Don't move yet!"

"Jiang Cheng! Jiang Cheng!" The others shouted, because they didn't have the skills to turn the horse's head flexibly, they could only shout and dismount with all kinds of weird movements.

"Hey!" Jiang Cheng replied, and wanted to sit up, "I'm fine!"

"Don't move!" Gu Fei quickly held him down, "Don't move!"

"I'm really fine!" Jiang Cheng tilted his head and looked forward, then shouted again, "Er Miao, slow down!"

When Gu Fei looked up, he found that Gu Miao turned his horse's head and rode over. Without stepping on the stirrups, he jumped off. Zhao Ke also stretched out his hand to pick it up, but ended up taking it empty.

"Slow!" Gu Fei pointed to Gu Miao who was running over with a skateboard on his back. "Er Miao is slow!"

Gu Miao slowed down, and slowly followed everyone around Jiang Cheng, looking at him anxiously with his head down and frowning.

"I'm fine," Jiang Cheng explained to the circle of heads around him very sincerely, lying on the grass.

"You move your fingers and feet." The uncle squatted beside him professionally and commanded.

Jiang Cheng immediately made a few circles in the air with one hand round and the other hand squarely: "Do you see it, can you do it? I can change hands and pick the square triangle."

"Do you still have this skill?" Zhao Ke was a little surprised.

"Has he not shown it to you? There are also people who change his left hand, eight right hand, and four back and forth, showing off with people all day long." Pan Zhi squatted on his leg, pressing his hand lightly on his leg, "Do you feel it?"

"Fuck, when did I show up all day?" Jiang Cheng shook his feet and looked at his head again, "please, let me get up, the ground is wet, my back is all through!"

"Get up," said the uncle, "slow down."

Gu Fei stretched out his hand to help him, Jiang Cheng felt like a declining old man. At a slow speed that made everyone feel at ease, he first sat up slowly, and then slowly stood up with Gu Fei's arm.

"This soil is soft," he jumped on the spot, "I didn't have a pedal on my foot when I fell. It's fine everywhere."

"Hey!" Lu Shi let out a long sigh of relief, "I was scared to death!"

"I'm sorry," Jiang Cheng smiled, then bent over to look at Gu Miao, "Er Miao, I'm fine, so I fell, just like you usually fall off the skateboard."

"She hasn't fallen in a long time." Gu Fei said behind.

"Do you know how to chat?" Jiang Cheng turned to look at him. (End of this chapter)