SAYE/Act Wildly

Chapter 22


Although Jiang Cheng scored a very cool and highly skilled goal.

Also roared very imposingly.

But after all, it's not a good bird and the level of Li Yan's long-term cooperation is much higher than that of him and Gu Fei, and his own skills are much better than the other three of their team. They only scored 15 points in the first half.

Jiang Cheng made two three-pointers, and the rest were basically Gu Fei's goals. Only Wang Xu scored 1 point for a free throw. For Wang Xu, he was so strange that he could make a free throw with both hands as a pupil, Jiang Cheng said. Very surprised.

During the intermission, he glanced at the scoreboard, 28:15. Such a score is really a bit sad. With this kind of technique and cooperation, it is absolutely impossible to catch the difference. In the official game, in the second half of the game, I can only fight with the noble feeling of "not letting the point difference be bigger".

"Get down with two people," Li Yan said while sitting on the court floor, "Luo Yu and Zhao Yihui take a rest, then go up and play with two of their substitutes and practice both."

"I think it's OK," Captain Wang Xu nodded, "I can't play without changing players. I don't think the second class is at this level. The sparring team is too strong, and the self-confidence is shattered."

Jiang Cheng sat on the side and didn't say a word. When he first shot the ball, he only felt the wound hurt. When he landed, he didn't feel much. But now after resting for two minutes, he feels that the wound hurts like a fire.

He looked at the enthusiastic teammates next to him, and didn't say that he would change players. If he changed, he would rely on Gu Fei alone. He couldn't even play a match, and there was no need to practice.

Besides, he didn't want to let Wang Xu know that he was injured. Wang Xu was obsessed with the scene of "you have a fight with the monkey again". He was a little bit overwhelmed.

"Should you take a break for you?" Gu Fei whispered in front of him.

"No," Jiang Cheng said, standing up and moving his arms. "Let's talk about it after the fight."

"Okay," Gu Fei glanced at him and called a few players over, "Adapted to the half-time, I can count a bit. In the second half, I went from the sideline to the basket. Old belt, they all steal the ball very well. Give the ball to Jiang Cheng and I will be responsible for scoring points."

"Okay, just follow Dafei's instructions." As the team leader, Wang Xu failed to assign tasks, so he forced a summary.

In the first half, Jiang Cheng always felt that Gu Fei was playing a bit close, as if he was testing Wang Xu's skills. From the beginning of the second half, he was different from before, just like Sa Huan.

Jiang Cheng realized that Gu Fei was moving at an amazing speed. Although Liu Fan and the others were familiar with him, they couldn't keep an eye on him at all.

His route is very simple, the sideline goes straight to the basket, receives the pass and lays up, someone stops him and distributes the ball to Jiang Cheng or other teammates, and finally Jiang Cheng passes the ball back to him.

This style of play is very good for him. Jiang Cheng played a little bit hard, he must always pay attention to the position of the people on the court, and also pay attention to Gu Fei's passing without even looking.

The score caught up to five or six points, but Jiang Cheng couldn't help it: "Will you see where I am when you pass the ball?"

"I watched it." Gu Fei said.

"I'm still ten paces away, you just passed it the fuck." Jiang Cheng suppressed his voice.

"Then you all ran there?" Gu Fei said, "It's not lost either."

"... Lost it?" Jiang Cheng was a little speechless.

"Count me." Gu Fei answered calmly.

"Fuck you," Jiang Cheng said, "If you lose the points, you won't lose it?"

"Brother Cheng," Gu Fei smiled and looked at him, "You turned out to be the captain of your school basketball team?"

"What to do with you," Jiang Cheng also looked at him, "I'll tell you that you watch a little."

"I see." Gu Fei said.

After Gu Fei finished speaking, he changed a little after he knew it. He would scan the corner of his eye about Jiang Cheng's approximate position, but even after scanning this one, he still taught the Fa like that. Anyway, you let me see where you are. Take a look, how to pass it or how to pass it after reading it.

Jiang Cheng is too lazy to talk anymore. Anyway, Gu Fei and the bad birds are playing street basketball. There are no rules. They force their teammates to have a tacit understanding of 100%, and they play like Sa Huan. It's the same with two substitutes. After taking drugs, he committed three violations in less than ten minutes.

"Be careful," Jiang Cheng was a little helpless, "We have only a few people in total, have all graduated and let Old Xu go."

"Cool!" Guo Xu waved his arm as he ran past him.

The game was still going on, Jiang Cheng didn't have time to care so much, so he followed.

Wang Xu broke the ball from his own substitute among the opposing players, and suddenly roared like a god descended: "Ah—"

Jiang Cheng saw that he was immersed in excitement holding the ball and seemed to have no intention of passing or attacking, so he had to clap his hands: "You fucking pass the ball!"

Wang Xu came back to his senses and swiped his arm to pass the ball.

Jiang Cheng had the illusion that he was about to have a myocardial infarction. He finally got rid of Chen Jie's entanglement. No one was staring at him at this moment. At this time, normal people should know that the pass was passed to him.

Unexpectedly, Wang Xu swiped his arm to pass the ball to Gu Fei, and Gu Fei was so entangled in Liu Fan that he almost danced face-to-face.

Jiang Cheng could only watch this scene silently.

Gu Fei didn't expect that Wang Xu would give him the ball in this situation. He reacted quite quickly during his busy schedule. He stretched out his hand and slapped the ball before Liu Fan touched it.

This slap like a volleyball spike, changed the trajectory of the ball, and flew towards Jiang Cheng's face.

"Fuck me!" Jiang Cheng was startled, feeling that his heart was about to jump out of the rib wound.

Fortunately, he raised his hand reflexively, and the ball just hit his hand.

"It's all fucking blind!" He cursed, and he didn't bother to worry about other things after he got the ball, and rushed to the basket like a tank with anger.

Anyway, the time is running out immediately, and there is no time to make adjustments.

After rushing to the basket, he found that he had no chance of shooting. Liu Fan's close-to-man marking skills were super proficient, and he followed him all the way and turned around to cover him tightly.

Jiang Cheng did not see Gu Fei in his spare time, only Wang Xu and Lu Xiaobin who had been stared to death. At this time, he couldn’t turn his head back. Liu Fan’s hand swayed in front of his eyes. As long as he was distracted, the ball would go. Robbed.

"There's no time—" someone shouted outside the court.

If you don't take a shot, these two points will be gone. Jiang Cheng has no other way. He can only guess that Gu Fei should come to take it at this time, not under the basket, just behind him.

So he hooked his hand back and passed the ball backwards, then turned his head back while holding against Liu Fan.

Gu Fei stepped over, received the ball steadily, seamlessly connected to a three-point jumper, and the ball drew a long arc in the air.

"Come in! Fuck me!" Wang Xu shouted, "Three points!" (End of this chapter)