SAYE/Act Wildly

Chapter 29


After all, Class 5 was last year's strong team. Although they were caught off guard by Jiang Cheng and Gu Fei who suddenly came on the court because they were not mentally prepared, they ran after a few rounds and slowly adapted to them, and they had a targeted defense against them. .

Unlike Class 8, which only relies on the two main players to cooperate, Class 5 has no special players, but the skills are very average, and even the substitutes are better than those of Wang Xu.

Sometimes Jiang Cheng thinks it's amazing. Any school and any grade will have this situation. Those who can play are concentrated in one or two classes.

He and Gu Fei quickly caught up to the score within a few minutes when the other party hadn't recovered. During this period, Class 5 only scored 2 points once. After Jiang Cheng scored a three-pointer, Gu Fei made consecutive layups. Scoring, the audience on the side of the court almost reached the peak of excitement.

It is estimated that the 5th and 2nd classes are not so excited. After all, this kind of weak chicken of the 8th class turned out, and the 5th class only scored a goal in a few minutes. The scene is too rare.

The most important thing is that this is a knockout, and those who lose will end up joining the audience.

In the first knockout match, the weak chicken team didn't feel much after losing. The team that can make the finals loses is wonderful, the dark horse style that the crowd loves to hear.

"We can win!" Wang Xu said with a red face while drinking water when the 5th class called a timeout, "Damn, we can win! We can definitely..."

"Don't waste your time by talking nonsense," Jiang Cheng didn't save any face for the captain, and interrupted him directly, "Guo Xu rests, and whoever goes for it."

"Who?" Wang Xu asked.

"He," Jiang Cheng pointed to one of their substitutes. This kid has no skills, but he runs very fast. "Don't do anything else, stare at that... Who, the smaller one in their class."

"His name is Zhang Yuan," Wang Xu said. "The little one is called Tang Xiwei."

"Well, Zhang Yuan, just stare at the sugar syrup," Jiang Cheng said, "You are fast, you follow him, you can foul, you can push him if you can't stop, don't push too obviously, don't let him have a chance to touch the ball , But he has the ball in his hand, don't touch him."

"Okay," Zhang Yuan nodded, "His name is Tang Xiwei, not syrup."

"I know," Jiang Cheng replied, "It would be a lot better for us if the sugar jelly can't get the ball. He passed half of the ball that Tower shot."

"What about us?" Wang Xu asked.

"That Li Yata has fouled twice," Jiang Cheng ignored him directly, looking at Gu Fei, "Let him do it once or twice."

"Well," Gu Fei took a sip of water, "Li Ya... Dong."

"What about me?" Wang Xu asked again, asking more clearly this time.

"Captain," Jiang Yan tugged at the cuff on his wrist, "Someone interfered with me when I was dribbling the ball. Come and clean him up..."

"Okay! No problem!" Wang Xu patted his chest.

"Also, we are too slow to return to defense," Jiang Cheng said. "Did we not practice when we were training? When the opponent is attacking, we must immediately return to the basket, two in the three-second zone, and the other tops are not at the three-point line. Let them in."

"Understood, keep up your mind, those who trained are now needed," Wang Xu said, patted everyone on the shoulder, and when Jiang Cheng was photographed, he passed it carefully, and finally patted on Gu Fei's shoulder. Patted, "Da Fei, cheer up!"

"Yeah." Gu Fei glanced at him.

"Drink water?" someone next to Jiang Cheng asked.

He turned his head and saw Yi Jing holding a bottle of water in his hand. He first glanced at Gu Fei. Gu Fei was drinking water. She turned to look at Jiang Cheng.

"Thank you." Jiang Cheng took the bottle in her hand, unscrewed it and took a sip.

"You guys played really well," Yi Jing whispered. "No one in the class has ever been so excited."

Jiang Cheng smiled and said nothing.

It's true that he played pretty well. The cooperation between him and Gu Fei forcing him to be handsome is very inspiring, but... it is also easy to pull hatred.

He turned his head and took a look at the side of Class 5. Several people were staring at them, with fire in their eyes.

After Li Yata met his gaze, suddenly both of her hands were raised, her middle finger was raised, and he pointed towards him.

After pointing, he still stared at him without taking his gaze back.

Jiang Cheng didn't react much. He seldom gets irritated on the court. It is a taboo to play games with emotions.

But it's okay to agitate the opponent. After looking at the tower for a while, he blows a kiss to the tower, or kisses his hand before blowing it over.

"Fuck you." Ta was angry and cursed.

Jiang Cheng smiled and ignored him.

"I found you really owe it." Gu Fei whispered behind him when he played again.

"Remember to make him foul," Jiang Cheng said, "He was too open for us to play in the second half."

"Yes." Gu Fei said.

There were only less than 7 minutes left at the end of the first half. The ball was in the hands of Squad 5. It was necessary to open the score at this point. In the second half, they adjusted it and they were not so easy to chase.

Jiang Cheng stared at the man who was about to serve, paying attention to where the people on the court were.

Zhang Yuan is good, Li Yan No.2, no, sugar syrup... The sugar syrup moves very fast. When others stare at him, he can quickly get out of the ball, but now Zhang Yuan follows him like a jujube. He shook it back and forth a few times but couldn't get rid of it.

There is also a routine in the 5th class. The serve is given to candy. He organizes the offense. Now he can't get the ball. The rest of the players are all followed by the 8th class. The serving person does not know what to do with the ball.

At the last 5 seconds of pressing, the man behind Jiang Cheng finally bypassed him and rushed to ask for the ball. The serving player hurriedly threw the ball out, but because the distance was a little far away, the ball hadn't reached half the distance, Jiang Cheng Already rushed over and broke in the middle and got the ball.

"Fuck me!" Tangxi shouted, "Blind!"

As soon as Jiang Cheng got the ball, Gu Fei had already ran to the basket. He swiped the ball hard without taking too much, and threw the ball to Lu Xiaobin outside the three-point line.

After training with them, Lu Xiaobin had a height advantage. After catching the ball in the sky, he gave the ball to Gu Fei in a jumper posture.

Gu Fei received the ball, but Class 5's return defense was still fast, and the tower had already stopped in front of Gu Fei within a few steps of Gu Fei's dribbling.

Jiang Cheng was ready to go over to take it, but Wang Xu had already rushed to the three-second zone, and there was no one to defend, so he could receive a pass from Gu Fei at any time.

Jiang Cheng felt very pleased with this series of reactions and this series of cooperation, and suddenly felt that Wang Xu would not feel disgusted if Wang Xu came over and patted him on the shoulder.

But then Wang Xu shouted: "Dafei passes the ball! Dafei passes the ball!"

Jiang Cheng suddenly felt a little urge to slap him in the past. After he shouted these words, the passing route was blocked.

Gu Fei's shots under the basket are quite accurate, but now it is difficult for him to make a layup in this posture of sticking to the tower, and it is not bad if the ball is not grabbed by the tower. (End of this chapter)